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class BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate : public BrModule

Bool_t CheckHit(BrGeantHit* hit) BrTpcHit* GeantToTpcHit(BrGeantHit* hit) public:
BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate() BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate(const Char_t* Name, const Char_t* Title) BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate(BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate&) virtual void ~BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate() static TClass* Class() void Clear() virtual void DefineHistograms() virtual void Event(BrEventNode* InputNode, BrEventNode* OutputNode) Int_t GetAllowedToMiss() Int_t GetCutTime() Float_t GetEdgeCut() Float_t GetMaxChisq() Float_t GetMaxSlopeX() Float_t GetMaxSlopeY() Float_t GetMinDedx() virtual void Init() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "B") const void SetAllowedToMiss(Int_t maxMiss) void SetCutTime(Int_t CutTime) void SetEdgeCut(Float_t edgecut) void SetMaxChisq(Float_t chisq) void SetMaxSlopeX(Float_t maxslopex) void SetMaxSlopeY(Float_t maxslopey) void SetMinDedx(Float_t mindedx) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

UInt_t fDetectorBit Float_t fMinDedx minimum energy deposit for good Geant hit Float_t fEdgeCut minimum distance from edge for good Geant hit Float_t fMaxSlopeX Float_t fMaxSlopeY maximum slopes for good Geant track Float_t fMaxChisq maximum chisq for good Geant track Int_t fAllowedMiss maximum hitless padrows / DC planes for good track Int_t fRequiredNHits Int_t fCutTime TObjArray* fGeantHits TObjArray* fTpcTrackCandidates BrGeantInput* fInputModule BrDetectorParamsTPC* fParams_tpc TH1F* hNtracks TH1F* hNhits TH1F* hChi2 TH1F* hX TH1F* hY TH2F* hPadTime TH2F* hPadRow

Class Description


 Module constructing a set of BrTpcTrackCandidates from
 BrGeantTracks and BrGeantHits in a TPC

 December 2001
 Mads Mikelsen

 Gave this class a new name; BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate, this class
 was formerly known as BrGeantToDetectorTracks. This was done to
 mach the new track and tracking classes.

 Using module:

  t1_g2tpc_trackmaker = new BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate("T1","T1 g2track");
  t1_g2tpc_trackmaker->SetMinDedx(0.001); ... other settable parameters

BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate() : BrModule()

BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate(const Char_t* Name, const Char_t* Title) : BrModule(Name,Title)


void Init()
This funktion must be called by user before event

void DefineHistograms()
 Define histograms.

void Clear()

void Print(Option_t* option) const

Bool_t CheckHit(BrGeantHit* hit)
 Check that geanmthit is inside dimensions found in
 Also check on energy?

BrTpcHit* GeantToTpcHit(BrGeantHit* hit)
Defines a BrTpcHit containing information held by a BrGeantHit

void Event(BrEventNode* InputNode, BrEventNode* OutputNode)
 Runs through all geant traks and findis the hits associated with
 each geant track. Then makes a Fit using these hits.
 Defines a new TpcTrackCandidate, with the geant track's UniqueID
 and the slopes obtained from tpctrackcandidate->Fit()

Inline Functions

                              void SetMinDedx(Float_t mindedx)
                           Float_t GetMinDedx()
                              void SetEdgeCut(Float_t edgecut)
                           Float_t GetEdgeCut()
                              void SetMaxSlopeX(Float_t maxslopex)
                           Float_t GetMaxSlopeX()
                              void SetMaxSlopeY(Float_t maxslopey)
                           Float_t GetMaxSlopeY()
                              void SetMaxChisq(Float_t chisq)
                           Float_t GetMaxChisq()
                              void SetAllowedToMiss(Int_t maxMiss)
                             Int_t GetAllowedToMiss()
                              void SetCutTime(Int_t CutTime)
                             Int_t GetCutTime()
                           TClass* Class()
                           TClass* IsA() const
                              void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                              void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                              void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
        BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate(BrGeantToTpcTrackCandidate&)

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Last Update on Wed Sep 11 04:51:54 2002 by

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