Bibliography of Ad Bax

3 entries found for " Miclet ":

E. Miclet, J. Boisbouvier and A. Bax: Measurement of eight scalar and dipolar couplings for methine-methylene pairs in proteins and nucleic acids. J. Biomol. NMR 31 201-216 (2005). (332.pdf, 701790 Bytes) (332-supportinfo.pdf, 417118 Bytes)
E. Miclet, D.C. Williams Jr., G. M. Clore, D.L. Bryce, J. Boisbouvier and A. Bax: Relaxation-Optimized NMR Spectroscopy of Methylene Groups in Proteins and Nucleic Acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 10560-10570 (2004). (326.pdf, 233025 Bytes) (326-supportinfo.pdf, 253029 Bytes)
E. Miclet, E. O'Neil-Cabello, E.P. Nikonowicz and A. Bax: 1H-1H dipolar couplings provide a unique probe of RNA backbone structure J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 15740-15741 (2003). (318.pdf, 62907 Bytes) (318-supportinfo.pdf, 234731 Bytes)

created by Marcel Ottiger
last update: Jan 2009/ Yang Shen