Sto ries 1~r om Ex.$laves Ge. Bri~gs) th ~ heap of ed‘icated folks can‘t give lt. Here it i$: ‘What‘s de big~gest fi~ger ir~ de £i~ger ten?‘Yi~ With. his old black, rough and ~nar1ed fore±~inger he drew on the ta~b1e the i~i~ure 1 ‘tNOw you see dat? Dat‘s de £i~ger 1. A naught ain‘t nothing by itseLf or multiplied by other naughts; but set it down in front of de fi~ger 1, and it takes on de value 9. Dar you is got ten ~ one and nine Is ten. Dat tiaught becomes some. thing. I Is old, and I ain‘t had narry bit o±~ schoo1in~, but I likes to be close to de orchard, arid I knows it‘8 dar by de smell o~ it. flat‘s de way I is when~I gits aIon~ side ed‘icated Loiks ~ I knows dat dey is. “It‘s like dat sum dem $cholar$ couldn‘t git; standing alone dat naught ain‘t worth riothin~, but set it up a~ain$t dat which is of value arid it takes on value. Set a naught a~‘inst dat which is otie arid you has ten; set u~ another naught dar and you has a hundred. Now ii somebody was to cive me a note worth ~1O, and I found room to add another naught a1on~ sidé of de first; den dem two naughts what ain‘t worth nothing by deirselves gives de note de value o~ ~ if dey is sot along ~vid de one. ~d‘icated Loiks caUs dat raising de note. I is i~g‘nant and I calls dat robbery.•~nd dat‘s like MOU and me. ~e is na~hts and Christ is de One, and we ain‘t nothiti~ till we carries de Spirit of de Lawd along ~wid us. ‘tOri de patb~ay of life, may you aUu8 keep Christ in front of you anayou will never ~o wrong. i~e Lawd will den see fit to ~jve TOLL a soul dat ~i11 reach £roni F118 £Oot..8t001 here on earth to His d~e11iù~ plùe øn high.“ He e~ide&with a d~eep sob arid ~oo~-bye. so~u~e : ~ ‚ ~ Sø~~~S ~ai5~p ~‚ ~ ~ : ~ in~er~ ~ : ~a~weU Si~ ‚ U~fl~,n ‚ S ~ O . Page g