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Constitution and Background from ICL

Supreme Court (in Danish)

Ministry of Justice / Justitsministeriet (in English and Danish)

Forlaget Magnus - Contains legislation, cases and other legal information (in Danish)

Parliament / Folketing (in English and Danish)

Danish Law in English

Competition Agency / Konkurrence Styrelsen (in English and Danish)

Patent Directorate / Patentdirektoratet (in English and Danish)

Online Legal Information in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden from LLRX

Guide to Legal Research in Denmark from NYU

Google Danmark

Guide to Law Online: Denmark

Top of Page


Constitution de Djibouti (in French)

Google Djibouti

Guide to Law Online: Djibouti

Top of Page


Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court

Political Database of the Americas

Guide to Law Online: Dominica

Top of Page

Dominican Republic

Constitutional Background from ICL

Suprema Corte de Justicia (in Spanish)

Political Database of the Americas

Google Rep. Dominicana

Guide to Law Online: Dominican Republic

Top of Page


East Timor

Jurist: East Timor

Guide to Law Online: East Timor


Constitutional Background from ICL

Legislation (mostly in Spanish)

Treaties and International Agreements (mostly in Spanish)

Political Database of the Americas

Google Ecuador

Jurist: Ecuador

Guide to Law Online: Ecuador

Top of Page



Constitution (in Arabic)

People's Assembly / Majlis al-Sha`b (in English, Arabic, and French)

State Information Service

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Includes Treaties and Historical Documents

Jurist: Egypt

Guide to Law Online: Egypt

Top of Page

El Salvador

Tribunal Supremo Electoral (in Spanish)

Asamblea Legislativa - Includes Laws (in Spanish)

Registro de Comercio y Propiedad Intelectual (in Spanish)

Political Database of the Americas

Guide to Law Online: El Salvador

Top of Page

England - see United Kingdom

Equatorial Guinea

Constitution de la Republique Guinée-Équatoriale (in French)

Jurist: Equatorial Guinea

Guide to Law Online: Equatorial Guinea

Top of Page



Guide to Law Online: Eritrea

Top of Page


Constitution, Background, and Legal Documents from ICL

Supreme Court / Riigikohus - Includes decisions, translations and acts (in English, Estonian, and Russian)

Parliament / Riigikogu (in English and Estonian)

Estonian Legislation (in English and Estonian)

Ministry of Justice / Justiitsministeerium (in English, Estonian, and Russian)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Includes Treaties and International Agreements (in English, Estonian, etc.)

Estonian Patent Office / Patendiamet (in English and Estonian)

Competition Board / Konkurentsiamet (in English and Estonian)

Estonian State Web Center (in English, Estonian, and Russian)

Guide to Law Online: Estonia

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitution (can be downloaded in PDF and Word formats)

Parliament (in English and Amharic)

Jurist: Ethiopia

Guide to Law Online: Ethiopia

Top of Page



Constitution and Background from ICL

Fiji Government Online

Case Law


Law of the Pacific Islands: A Guide to Web Based Resources from LLRX

Google Fiji

Guide to Law Online: Fiji

Top of Page


Constitution, Background, and Legal Documents from ICL

Supreme Court / Korkein Oikeus (in English and Finnish)

Supreme Administrative Court / Suomen Hallinto-Oikeus (in English, Finnish, and French)

Parliament / Suomen Eduskunta (in English, Finnish, and French)

Ministry of Justice / Oikeusministeriö (in English and Finnish)

FINLEX: Finnish Legislation and Laws / Statens Författningsdata (in English, Finnish, Swedish, and German)

National Board of Patents and Registration / Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus (in English and Finnish)

Competition Authority / Kilpailuvirasto (in English and Finnish)

Finnish Law on the Internet from NYU

Google Suomi

Guide to Law Online: Finland

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL (in English and French)

Constitutional Court - Includes access to decisions (in French, English, German, and Italian)

Conseil d' État (in French)

Cour de Cassation (in French)

Legifrance - Includes Laws, Treaties, etc. (in French)

Assemblée Nationale (in French, English, German, Spanish, and Italian)

Sénat (in French, English, German, and Spanish)

Ministère de la Justice (in French, English, and Spanish)

Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (in French)

Conseil de la concurrence / Competition Council (in English and French)

French Law on the Internet from NYU

Researching French Law from NYU

Google France

Jurist: France

Guide to Law Online: France

Top of Page



La Constitution (in French)

Guide to Law Online: Gabon

Top of Page


Government of Gambia

Google Gambia

Guide to Law Online: Gambia

Top of Page


Constitutional Background from ICL

Constitution (in Georgian, English, and Russian)

Constitutional Court (in Georgian and English)

Parliament - Includes Legislation (in Georgian and English)

Georgian Industrial Property Organization

Guide to Georgian Legal Research from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Georgia

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Bundesverfassungsgericht [Federal Constitutional Court] (in German)

Bundesgerichtshof [Federal Court of Justice] (in German)

Bundesverwaltungsgericht [Federal Administrative Court] (in German)

Bundesministerium der Justiz / Federal Ministry of Justice (in German, English, and French)

Pressemitteilungen (Juristisches Internetprojekt Saarbrücken) [Judiciary News Bulletins] (in German)

Bundestag (in German, English, and French)

Bundesrat (in German and English)

Gesetze (Juristisches Internetprojekt Saarbrücken) - German Constitution, Codes, and Laws (in German)

Bundeskartellamt / Federal Cartel Office (in German and English)

German Antitrust Law

Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) [Patent and Trademark Office] (in German)

German Law Archive - Cases, Statutes, Literature and Bibliographies on German law

German Law: Resources in English

Legal Research in Germany at the Crossroads of Traditional and Electronic Media: An Overview

German Business and Commercial Laws: Guide to Translations into English and Select Auxiliary Sources from NYU

Die Ziet Archive

Focus Magazine Archive

Google Deutschland

Jurist: Germany

Guide to Law Online: Germany

Top of Page




Researching Ghanaian Law from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Ghana

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Parliament (in Greek and English)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Greek and English)

Industrial Property Organization (in Greek and English)

LawNet (in Greek)

Google Greece

A Description of the Structure of the Hellenic Republic, the Greek Legal System, and Legal Research from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Greece

Top of Page


Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court

Political Database of the Americas

Guide to Law Online: Grenada

Top of Page


Constitutional Background from ICL

Judicial Organization / Organismo Judicial (in Spanish and English)

Congreso de la República (in Spanish)

Political Database of the Americas

Google Guatemala

Guide to Legal Research in Guatemala from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Guatemala

Top of Page


Constitution - Loi Fondamentale (in French)

Cour Suprême (in French)

Assemblée Nationale (in French)

Official Government Site (in French)

Guide to Law Online: Guinea

Top of Page


Constitution (in French)

Guide to Law Online: Guinea-Bissau

Top of Page



Political Database of the Americas

Guide to Law Online: Guyana

Top of Page



Constitution and Official Documents (in English and French)

Judiciary (in English and French)

Political Database of the Americas

Jurist: Haiti

Guide to Law Online: Haiti

Top of Page


Constitutional Background from ICL

Congreso Nacional (in Spanish)

Political Database of the Americas

Google Honduras

Guide to Law Online: Honduras

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitutional Court (in Hungarian and English)

Legfelsõbb Bíróság [Supreme Court] (in Hungarian)

Igazságügyi Minisztérium [Ministry of Justice] (in Hungarian)

Parliament / Magyar Országgyülés (in Hungarian and English)

Competition Office / Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (in Hungarian and English)

Hungarian Patent Office / Magyar Szabadalmi Hivatal (in Hungarian and English)

Introduction to Hungarian Law Research from NYU

Google Hungary

Guide to Law Online: Hungary

Top of Page



Constitution and Background from ICL

Supreme Court / Haestirettur (in Icelandic and English)

Parliament / Alþingi (in Icelandic, Danish, and English)

Competition Agency / Samkeppnisstofnun (in Icelandic and English)

Icelandic Patent Office / Einkaleyfastofan (in Icelandic and English)

Selected Laws and Regulations from the Icelandic Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs

Guide to Law Online: Iceland

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL


Supreme Court of India - Includes Case Information, Rules, and Calendar

Courts and Case Law

Indian Parliament

Ministry of Law, Justice, and Company Affairs

Indian Code Information System

Indian Intellectual Property Law Resources

Government Directory

Guide to Indian Laws from NYU

Jurist: India

Google India

Guide to Law Online: India

Top of Page


Constitutional Background from ICL


Constitutional Court

Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat / People's Consultative Assembly (in Indonesian and English)

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat [House of Representatives] (in Indonesian)

Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual [Directorate General of Intellectual Property] (in Indonesian)

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database

Treaties and International Agreements (mostly in English)

The Indonesian Legal System: An Overview from LLRX

Jurist: Indonesia

Google Indonesia

Guide to Law Online: Indonesia

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitution from the Embassy of Iran in Ottawa

Majlis Shura Islami [Islamic Consultative Assembly] (in Arabic)

Jurist: Iran

A Guide to the Legal System of the Islamic Republic of Iran from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Iran

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Jurist: Iraq

Guide to Law Online: Iraq

Top of Page

for Northern Ireland, see United Kingdom

Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitution from the Irish Government

Irish Courts Service

Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform

Irish Courts and Case Law

Parliament - Tithe an Oireachtais / Houses of the Oireachtas

Irish Legislation

Ireland Companies Registration Office

Irish Patents Office

Irish Competition Authority

British and Irish Legal Information Institution - Includes Case Law and Legislation

Irish Legal Information Initiative

Guide to Irish Law from NYU

Irish Law Site

Google Ireland

Guide to Law Online: Ireland

Top of Page


Basic Laws and Background from ICL

Judicial Authority (in Hebrew, English, and Arabic)

Ministry of Justice (in Hebrew, English, and Arabic)

Knesset / Parliament (in Hebrew and English)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Basic Laws, Judiciary, Legislation, Legal Issues and Rulings

Israel Government Portal - Includes Law and Government Index (in Hebrew and English)

Takdinet - "Israel's ultimate legal database"

Antitrust Authority (in Hebrew and English)

Guide to Legal Research in Israel from NYU

Guide to the Israeli Legal System from LLRX

Google Israel

Jurist: Israel

Jurist: Palestinian Authority

Guide to Law Online: Israel

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

La Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana (in Italian)

Corte Costituzionale della Repubblica Italiana (in Italian)

Consulta Online - Constitutional Court Information and Decisions (some information in English)

Ministero della Giustizia / Ministry of Justice - Includes Decisions (some information in English)

Parlamento Italiano / Parliament (some information in English)

Gazzetta Ufficiale [Official Gazette] (in Italian)

Competition Authority (in Italian and English)

Patent and Trademark Office (in Italian and English)

Guide to Italian Legal Research from NYU

Italian National and Regional Legislative Resources Online from LLRX

Google Italia

Jurist: Italy

Guide to Law Online: Italy

Top of Page



Supreme Court of Jamaica - Includes Judgments, Rules, Judges' Information

Laws of Jamaica

Ministry of Justice

Jamaica Information Service

Political Database of the Americas

Google Jamaica

Guide to Law Online: Jamaica

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitution (in Japanese)

Supreme Court - Includes Judgments, Court Procedure, and Judges' Information (in Japanese and English)

Ministry of Justice (in Japanese and English)

Japanese Courts and Case Law (in Japanese and English)

Consolidated Code Online (in Japanese)

Shûgi-in / House of Representatives (in Japanese and English)

Sangi-in / House of Councillors (in Japanese and English)

Japanese Legislation (in Japanese and English)

Japanese Fair Trade Commission (in Japanese and English)

Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (in Japanese and English)

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database

Japan Patent Office

Japan Intellectual Property Resources

Japanese Law via the Internet from NYU

Japan Law Site

Google Japan

Jurist: Japan

Guide to Law Online: Japan

Top of Page



National Assembly / Majlis al-'Ummah al-'Urdunni (in Arabic and English)

Jordan National Information System (in Arabic and English)

Ministry of Industry and Trade - Includes Intellectual Property Information (in Arabic and English)

Legal Documents

Jurist: Jordan

Guide to Law Online: Jordan

Top of Page



Constitution (in English)

Constitution (in Russian)

Kazakhstan Treaties and International Agreements

Legal Research Guide to Kazakhstan From LLRX

Google Kazakhstan

Guide to Law Online: Kazakhstan

Top of Page


Constitutional Background from ICL


Law Society of Kenya - Kenya's Bar Association

Jurist: Kenya

Google Kenya

Guide to Law Online: Kenya

Top of Page



Sources of Law: Case Law and Legislation

Treaty between the United States and Kiribati

Law of the Pacific Islands: A Guide to Web Based Resources from LLRX

Guide to Law Online: Kiribati

Top of Page


North Korea (Democratic People's Republic)

Constitution and Laws

Korean Legal Research Resources on the Internet

Jurist: North Korea

Guide to Law Online: North Korea

South Korea (Republic of Korea)

Constitution and Background from ICL

Constitutional Court (in Korean and English)

Supreme Court (in Korean and English)

Ministry of Justice (in Korean and English)

Kukhoe / National Assembly (in Korean and English)

Ministry of Legislation (in Korean and English)

Korean Intellectual Property Office (in Korean and English)

Fair Trade Commission (in Korean and English)

APEC Competition Policy and Law Database - Doing Business in Korea

Google Korea

Jurist: South Korea

Guide to Law Online: South Korea

Top of Page


Constitution and Background from ICL

Ministry of Justice (in Arabic)

Kuwait Information Office

Kuwait Investment Authority

Doing Business in Kuwait

Jurist: Kuwait

Guide to Law Online: Kuwait

Top of Page



Constitution (in Russian)

People's Assembly (in Russian and English)

President of Kyrgyzstan (in Russian, Kyrgyz, and English)

Google Kyrgyzstan

Jurist: Kyrgystan

A Guide to the Legal System and Legal Research in the Kyrgyz Republic from NYU

Guide to Law Online: Kyrgyzstan

Top of Page

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