From: Pat Pallas [] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 5:41 PM To: EXECSEC Subject: Misuse of Antibiotics in farm animals Attention: Jane E Henny M.D. Dear Dr. Henny, I am writing to urge you to support the reporting of anitbiotic use on healthly animals as proposed by the Union of Concerned Scientists. When I was 26 years old I developed a severe case of pneumonia and was in danger of having to leave my two small children to the care of an irresponsible husband; thanks to the effectiveness of pennicillin I survived that illness. I shudder to think what is going to happen as drugs like sulfa, pennicillin, and the other modern 'miracle' drugs lose their effectiveness through careless misuse. And I am particulaly appalled that agriculture would squander these drugs which have been such a boon to modern medicine. Surely you, as an M.D. feel the danger as well. I hope you will examine the proposal of the UCS to document this misuse of our precious antibiotic medicines so we can begin to do something to prevent the loss of these lifesaving medicines. Sincerely, Patricia M Pallas 2067 33rd Avenue San Francisco, CA 94116 P.S. If you are unfamiliar with the report of the Union of Concerned Scientists, this link will take you to their webpage.