CPSC Staff Powered Scooter Study Shows Just 4 in 10 Victims Wore Helmets


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

June 14, 2005
Release #05-192
CPSC Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908

CPSC Staff Powered Scooter Study Shows Just 4 in 10 Victims Wore Helmets

Few Used Any Other Safety Gear

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new year-long study (pdf) released today by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) finds there were an estimated 10,000 emergency room injuries involving powered scooters from July 2003 through June 2004, the first year for which there is reliable data.

According to the CPSC staff report, less than half of all victims were wearing helmets at the time of the incident, and few were wearing other safety gear such as knee and elbow pads. Approximately two-thirds of all injuries occurred in children under 15 years old.

The study was undertaken to get a more accurate picture of injuries as powered scooters have risen in popularity.

CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton said that because 7 out of 10 incidents were behavior or environment-related, following local laws and CPSC safety guidelines can play a strong role in protecting children.

"The good news," Chairman Stratton said, "is that parents can help significantly reduce deaths and injuries to children by taking simple safety precautions such as making sure their kids wear helmets, ride only on smooth surfaces and avoid riding at night."

Other findings by CPSC staff study include:

CPSC has reports of 49 deaths attributed to powered scooters from October 1998 through November 2004. Twenty nine of the deaths were the result of an accident with a motor vehicle.

These scooters can be powered by either electric or gasoline engines. Both types of scooters usually have two wheels, a platform to stand on and handlebars. The scooters sometimes have detachable seats.

CPSC recommends the following safety guidelines to help prevent scooter deaths and injuries:

Owners of motorized scooters should check with local authorities for riding guidelines and restrictions. Many local jurisdictions prohibit the use of powered scooters on roadways and sidewalks.

CPSC today also announced three powered scooter-related recalls. Hazards with these scooters include tire ruptures, detaching handlebars and overheating battery chargers.

Picture of Scooter Picture of Scooter