GroundWork Monitor version 4.0 Installation Instructions Current Release - Build 7b Known Bugs in this release: --------------------------- Prerequisites ------------- - MySQL version 4.1.8 or higher - Java SDK version 1.4.2 - Linux Kernel version 2.6 - C lib version 2.1.3 - RedHat Linux Enterprise Version 3 Update 4 is not supported. See platform notes for more details. Platform notes -------------------- SuSE Enterprise 9.0 -------------------------- -- requires minimum with Graphic Server RedHat Linux Enterprise Version 4 ---------------------------------------------- -- default install but you might remove Office and Graphics tools -- RH 4 comes with MySQL 4.1.10a but it doesn't install MySQL Client. If you decide to use the default MySQL that comes with the distribution make sure that the MySQL client gets installed. Installation on RedHat Linux Enterprise Version 3 Update 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This platform is not supported since there are major incompatibilities between the C lib versions. We recommend to install RedHat 4 since it has improved performance and fixed many security issues found with RedHat 3. For backwards compatibility GroundWork provides you an install for RedHat 3 update 4. For any questions please send an inquiry to Java installation ----------------- The typical Java SDK distribution comes as a bin file (download from Sun Website). Copy the file into a temporary folder on your hard disk. Execute the binary file (e.g ./j2sdk-1_4_2_04-linux-i586-rpm.bin) which will extract the installable rpm file. You will be prompted to accept the license. Make sure you are root before installing the Java SDK by running the following command: rpm -Uhv j2sdk-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.rpm The installer puts all files into: /usr/java Tomcat and the Jetspeed portal require the environment variable JAVA_HOME to be set. Please add the environment variable to the /etc/profile and add Java to the path: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin In addition, the link /usr/bin/java needs to be changed so that it points to /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java (command: ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java /usr/bin/java) SELinux configuration ----------------------- edit the /etc/selinux/config file such that it disables selinux (interferes with MySQL installation) # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced. # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - SELinux is fully disabled. SELINUX=disabled # SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are: # targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected. # strict - Full SELinux protection. #SELINUXTYPE=targeted MySQL configuration --------------------------- The installer needs root access for creating new databases and setting the permissions. If your root password for MySQL is empty (not recommended but the default after installing MySQL) no further MySQL configuration is needed and you can proceed with the installation step. If a root password had been specified you can either pass it to the installer by setting an environment variable (see Option 1) or get prompted for it during the rpm installation (Option 2). OPTION 1 ------------- If you have specified a password for MySQL root user it has to be passed to the installer as following: 1) Create an environment variable MYSQL_ROOT (all uppercase) with the password value (e.g. export MYSQL_ROOT={password} ) 2) Perform the installation as described below 3) Exit the shell so that the variable is no longer visible. OPTION 2 ------------- To get prompted for the MySQL root password during the install: 1) Create an environment variable MYSQL_ROOT (all uppercase) with the value FALSE (e.g. export MYSQL_ROOT=FALSE) 2) Perform the installation as described below. You'll get prompted for the MySQL password 4 times IMPORTANT NOTE: The root password is only needed for installation. None of the GroundWork monitor application require root access to MySQL. The database credentials are stored in /usr/local/groundwork/config/ Profile update ------------------- Add the groundwork installation path to the PATH variable in /etc/profile export GW_HOME=/usr/local/groundwork export PATH=$GW_HOME/bin:$PATH Network configuration ---------------------- MySQL uses the local hosts file on /etc/hosts Make sure that the localhost entry looks as following: localhost localhost.localdomain Make sure that localhost is first after the IP address. Installation --------------- For performing the installation you have to be root on the system. This installation places all files in the directory /usr/local/groundwork. GroundWork's version of Apache is installed with this package. If you are running apache on your system, it will be stopped during the installation process, but not removed. Any content served will be served by the GroundWork vresion of apache, but you should be aware that patchs applied using the usual patch distribution systems will not be applied to the running version of apache. Ideally, the GroundWork Monitor package should be installed on a standalone system to avoid this scenario. To install the package, copy the file groundwork-monitor-4.0-xx.i386.rpm to your system. Enter the command: rpm -Uvh groundwork-monitor-4.0-xx.i386.rpm If you need to uninstall the package, enter the command: rpm -e groundwork-monitor-4.0 Check the output for error messages. To access Nagios directly, go to URL "http:///nagios/". Nagios files are installed in the following directories" Binaries: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/bin Configuration: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/etc Eventhandlers: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/eventhandlers Plugins: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/libexec Share: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/share Logs: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/var Command: /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/var/spool CGIs: /usr/local/groundwork/apache2/cgi-bin The standard default access id and password used is: "nagiosadmin" and "nagiosadmin". To access Collage, go to the URL: "http:///collage/ There are 3 types of logins: Standard operator login id/password: joe/joe Developer toolkit login id/password: jack/jack Portal administrator login id/password: admin/admin To access the standard montoring functions, log on as joe. The tabs shown are: Home: GroundWork introduction Monitor: Monitoring system status interface. (This can be used as an alternative to Nagios). Reports: Insight reports for alarm, notification and outage information. Configuration: Monarch access. Look in Profiles for predefined service profiles. Bookshelf: Look here for documentation on any component. To access the developer's toolkit, log on as jack. The tabs shown are: Home: GroundWork introduction Monitor: Monitoring system status interface. (This can be used as an alternative to Nagios). For a description of the admin functions, log in and look in the Bookshelf->Groundwork Reference->Portal Users Guide.