#include #include #include #include #include "afni_history.h" static char g_history[] = { "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "history (of afni_history):\n" "\n" "1.0 27 Feb, 2008 [rickr] : initial release\n" "\n" "1.1 28 Feb, 2008 [rickr] : added -list_authors option\n" "1.2 29 Feb, 2008 [rwcox] : separated dates in html output\n" "1.3 29 Feb, 2008 [rickr]\n" " - added -type option, to restrict output to a specific type\n" " - added a string to explain the output level\n" " - added TYPE field, and a new SUPERDUPER level\n" "1.4 19 May, 2008 [rickr]\n" " - added MY_INT_COMPARE macro for comparison speed-up\n" " - in compare: if strings are not set, ignore rather than claim equal\n" "1.5 25 Jun, 2008 [rickr]\n" " - added -past_entries option\n" "1.6 14 Jul, 2008 [rickr]\n" " - a single integer option is used as -past_entries\n" }; static char g_version[] = "afni_history version 1.6, 14 July 2008"; static char * g_author_list[] = { "rwcox", "RWC", RWC, "ziad", "ZSS", ZSS, "dglen", "DRG", DRG, "rickr", "RCR", RCR, "gangc", "GC", GC, "christip", "PPC", PPC, "bpittman", "BGP", BGP }; histpair g_histpairs[NUM_HIST_USERS]; /* will initialize internally */ /* use this for top-level access */ global_data GD; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { global_data * gd = &GD; int rv; rv = process_options(argc, argv, gd); if( rv < 0 ) return 1; else if( rv > 0 ) return 0; /* gentle exit */ /* fill hist people's history_structs */ if( init_histlist(gd) ) return 1; /* are they valid? */ if( ! histlists_are_valid(gd->histpairs, gd->plen) ) return 1; return show_results(gd); return 0; } /* return -1 on error, +1 for gentle exit, and 0 to continue */ int process_options(int argc, char * argv[], global_data * gd) { int ac; if( argc < 0 || !argv || !gd ) return -1; memset(gd, 0, sizeof(global_data)); gd->sort_dir = 1; /* can reverse this */ gd->verb = 1; /* if( argc <= 1 ) { show_help(); return 1; } maybe just run */ for( ac = 1; ac < argc; ac++ ) { /* early quitters, then the rest alphabetically */ if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-help") ) { show_help(); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-hist") ) { puts(g_history); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-list_authors") ) { show_author_list(); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-list_types") ) { show_valid_types(); return 1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-ver") ) { puts(g_version); return 1; /* alphabetical continuation */ } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-author" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-author", "AUTHOR"); gd->author = convert_author(argv[ac]); } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-html" ) ) { gd->html = 1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-level" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-level", "LEVEL"); gd->level = atol(argv[ac]); } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-min_level" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-min_level", "LEVEL"); gd->min_level = atol(argv[ac]); } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-past_days" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-past_days", "DAYS"); gd->past_days = atol(argv[ac]); if( gd->past_days < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** DAYS should be at least zero\n"); return 1; } } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-past_entries" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-past_entries", "ENTRIES"); gd->past_entries = atol(argv[ac]); if( gd->past_entries < 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ENTRIES should be at least one\n"); return 1; } } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-past_months" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-past_months", "MONTHS"); gd->past_months = atol(argv[ac]); if( gd->past_months < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** MONTHS should be at least zero\n"); return 1; } } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-past_years" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-past_years", "YEARS"); gd->past_years = atol(argv[ac]); if( gd->past_years < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** YEARS should be at least zero\n"); return 1; } } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-program" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-program", "PROGRAM"); gd->program = argv[ac]; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-reverse" ) ) { gd->sort_dir = -1; } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-type" ) ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-type", "TYPE"); if( isdigit(*argv[ac]) ) gd->type = atol(argv[ac]); /* integer */ else gd->type = type_string2type(argv[ac]); /* string */ if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(gd->type, 0, MAX_TYPE_VAL) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid type (number or string): %s\n", argv[ac]); return -1; } } else if( !strcmp(argv[ac], "-verb") ) { ac++; CHECK_NEXT_OPT2(ac, argc, "-verb", "LEVEL"); gd->verb = atoi(argv[ac]); /* last possibility, check for shortcut like "afni_history 3" */ } else if( (ac == argc-1) && isdigit(argv[ac][0]) ) { gd->past_entries = atol(argv[ac]); if( gd->past_entries < 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid last option: '%s'\n", argv[ac]); return 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid option: '%s'\n", argv[ac]); return -1; } } if( gd->verb > 3 ) disp_global_data("-- options read: ", gd); /* save options for later, in case we want to print them out */ gd->argc = argc; gd->argv = argv; return 0; } char * convert_author(char * name) { if( !name ) return NULL; if( !strcmp(name, "RWC") ) return RWC; if( !strcmp(name, "rwcox") ) return RWC; if( !strcmp(name, "bob") ) return RWC; if( !strcmp(name, "Bob") ) return RWC; if( !strcmp(name, "ZSS") ) return ZSS; if( !strcmp(name, "Ziad") ) return ZSS; if( !strcmp(name, "ziad") ) return ZSS; if( !strcmp(name, "DRG") ) return DRG; if( !strcmp(name, "dglen") ) return DRG; if( !strcmp(name, "Daniel") ) return DRG; if( !strcmp(name, "daniel") ) return DRG; if( !strcmp(name, "RCR") ) return RCR; if( !strcmp(name, "rickr") ) return RCR; if( !strcmp(name, "Rick") ) return RCR; if( !strcmp(name, "rick") ) return RCR; if( !strcmp(name, "GC") ) return GC; if( !strcmp(name, "gangc") ) return GC; if( !strcmp(name, "Gang") ) return GC; if( !strcmp(name, "gang") ) return GC; if( !strcmp(name, "PPC") ) return PPC; if( !strcmp(name, "christip") ) return PPC; if( !strcmp(name, "Peggy") ) return PPC; if( !strcmp(name, "peggy") ) return PPC; if( !strcmp(name, "BGP") ) return BGP; if( !strcmp(name, "bpittman") ) return BGP; if( !strcmp(name, "pittmanb") ) return BGP; if( !strcmp(name, "Brian") ) return BGP; if( !strcmp(name, "brian") ) return BGP; return name; /* give up and stick with what we have */ } /* if author is set, show results for only that author * otherwise, create a combined list, and show them from there */ int show_results(global_data * gd) { hist_type ** hlist = NULL, * h1 = NULL; int c, rv = 0, hlen = 0; if( gd->author ) { if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- searching for history of '%s'\n", gd->author); for( c = 0; c < gd->plen; c++ ) if( ! strcmp(gd->histpairs[c].author, gd->author) ) break; if( c >= gd->plen ) { fprintf(stderr,"** could not find history for author '%s'\n", gd->author); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ found history for author '%s'\n", gd->author); /* allocate hlist, and set pointers */ h1 = gd->histpairs[c].hlist; if( add_to_hlist(&hlist, h1, hlist_len(h1), &hlen) ) return 1; } else { if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- compiling composite history\n"); /* no author, so create hlist as a composite list */ for( c = 0; c < gd->plen; c++ ) { h1 = gd->histpairs[c].hlist; if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n++ adding history for author '%s'\n", gd->histpairs[c].author); if( add_to_hlist(&hlist, h1, hlist_len(h1), &hlen) ) { if( hlist ) free(hlist); return 1; } } } /* maybe restrict the list to a specific program */ if( !rv && gd->program ) rv = restrict_by_program(gd, &hlist, &hlen); /* maybe restrict the list to a level or a set of levels */ if( !rv && (gd->level || gd->min_level) ) rv = restrict_by_level(gd, &hlist, &hlen); /* maybe restrict the list to a level or a set of levels */ if( !rv && gd->type ) rv = restrict_by_type(gd, &hlist, &hlen); /* sort by date, author, level and program */ if( !rv && hlen > 0 ) qsort(hlist, hlen, sizeof(hist_type *), compare_hlist); /* maybe restrict by the date */ if( !rv && hlen>0 && (gd->past_days || gd->past_months || gd->past_years) ) rv = restrict_by_date(gd, &hlist, &hlen); rv = show_history(gd, hlist, hlen); if( hlist ) free(hlist); return rv; } /* hlist is an array of structure pointers */ int show_history(global_data * gd, hist_type ** hlist, int len) { int c, first = 0; /* use first for truncating on past_entries */ if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n-- showing history, length %d...\n\n",len); if( gd->html ) show_html_header(gd, stdout, gd->min_level); if( !hlist || !*hlist || len <= 0 ) { if( gd->verb > 0 ) printf("no history to show, given the restrictions\n"); if( gd->html ) show_html_footer(stdout); return 1; } /* to show the past_entries, restrict the indices based on sort_dir */ /* 25 Jun 2008 [rickr] */ if( gd->past_entries > 0 && gd->past_entries < len ) { if( gd->sort_dir == 1 ) first = len - gd->past_entries; else len = gd->past_entries; if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ restricting to entires from %d to %d\n", first, len-1); } if( gd->sort_dir == 1 ) printf(" ---- log of AFNI updates (most recent last) ----\n\n"); else printf(" ---- log of AFNI updates (most recent first) ----\n\n"); for( c = first; c < len; c++ ) { if( gd->html && c > 0 && compare_hist_dates(hlist[c],hlist[c-1]) ) show_html_separator(stdout) ; /* RWC */ show_hist_type(hlist[c], stdout); } if( gd->html ) show_html_footer(stdout); return 0; } int show_hist_type(hist_type * hp, FILE * fp) { fprintf(fp, "%02d %s %04d, %s, %s, level %d (%s), type %d (%s)\n", hp->dd, mm2month(hp->mm), hp->yyyy, hp->author, hp->program, hp->level, level_string(hp->level), hp->type, type_string(hp->type)); fprintf(fp, " %s\n", hp->desc); if( hp->desc[strlen(hp->desc)-1] != '\n' ) fputc('\n', fp); if( hp->verbtext ) show_wrapping_line(hp->verbtext, " ", 4, fp); return 0; } /* apply line indent per line, if we exceed MAX_LINE_CHARS, wrap */ int show_wrapping_line(char * str, char * prefix, int indent, FILE * fp) { int c, cline, len; if( !str ) return 0; if( prefix ) fputs(prefix, fp); len = strlen(str); if( len < 2 ) return 1; if( str[len-1] == '\n' ) len--; /* ignore trailing newline */ cline = 0; for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) { if( str[c] == '\n' ) { /* print newline and indent */ fputc('\n', fp); fprintf(fp, "%*s", indent, ""); cline = 0; continue; } else if ( cline > MAX_LINE_CHARS ) { /* fix, and continue */ fputc('\n', fp); fprintf(fp, "%*s", indent, ""); cline = 0; } fputc(str[c], fp); cline++; } fprintf(fp,"\n\n"); return 0; } int show_html_header(global_data * gd, FILE * fp, int min_level) { fprintf(fp, "\n" "AFNI HISTORY\n" "


\n"); if( min_level > 0 ) fprintf(fp, "

level %d and higher

\n", min_level); else fprintf(fp, "

all levels

\n"); fprintf(fp,"

        "The levels of importance go from 1 to 5, with meanings:\n"
        "       1 - users would not care\n"
        "       2 - of little importance, though some users might care\n"
        "       3 - fairly important\n"
        "       4 - a big change or new program\n"
        "       5 - IMPORTANT: we expect users to know\n"

\n"); fprintf(fp, "
    fprintf(fp, "generated via the command : ");
    show_command(fp, gd->argc, gd->argv);
    fprintf(fp, "
\n"); return 0; } int show_command(FILE * fp, int argc, char ** argv) { int c; for( c = 0; c < argc; c++ ) fprintf(fp, "%s ", argv[c]); fputc('\n', fp); return 0; } int show_html_footer(FILE * fp) { fprintf(fp, "
\n" "
auto-generated by afni_history on %s\n", __DATE__); fprintf(fp, "\n"); return 0; } int show_html_separator(FILE * fp) /* RWC */ { fprintf(fp, "
\n") ; return 0 ; } /* convert a numerical month to a readable word */ char * mm2month(int mm) { if( mm <= 0 ) return "ILLEGAL"; if( mm == 1 ) return "Jan"; if( mm == 2 ) return "Feb"; if( mm == 3 ) return "Mar"; if( mm == 4 ) return "Apr"; if( mm == 5 ) return "May"; if( mm == 6 ) return "Jun"; if( mm == 7 ) return "Jul"; if( mm == 8 ) return "Aug"; if( mm == 9 ) return "Sep"; if( mm == 10 ) return "Oct"; if( mm == 11 ) return "Nov"; if( mm == 12 ) return "Dec"; return "ILLEGAL"; } /* perhaps we want to remove everything that is not so recent */ int restrict_by_date(global_data * gd, hist_type *** hlist, int * len) { hist_type ** hptr, hstr, *hsptr; struct tm * loctime; /* to get todays date */ time_t tsec; long long offset; int c, gap, nfound, dcount; if( !hlist || !*hlist || !len || *len <= 0 ) { if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad, evil restriction\n"); return 1; } /* be sure we have exactly 1 operation here */ dcount = 0; if( gd->past_days > 0 ) dcount++; if( gd->past_months > 0 ) dcount++; if( gd->past_years > 0 ) dcount++; if( dcount < 1 ) { if(gd->verb > 1) fprintf(stderr,"-- no date restriction to enforce\n"); return 0; } else if ( dcount > 1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** will not apply multiple date restrictions\n"); return 1; } /* get time in seconds, and subtract the offset to get a comparison date */ offset = 24 * 3600; /* seconds in a day */ if( gd->past_days > 0 ) offset *= gd->past_days; if( gd->past_months > 0 ) offset *= (30.5 * gd->past_months); if( gd->past_years > 0 ) offset *= (365.25 * gd->past_years); tsec = time(NULL); if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ converting current date: %s\n",ctime(&tsec)); tsec -= offset; loctime = localtime(&tsec); if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr," to cutoff date: %s\n",ctime(&tsec)); memset(&hstr, 0, sizeof(hstr)); /* clear and init */ hstr.dd = loctime->tm_mday; /* 1..31 */ hstr.mm = loctime->tm_mon + 1; /* from 0..11 */ hstr.yyyy = loctime->tm_year + 1900; /* was offset from 1900 */ hsptr = &hstr; /* needed for compar() */ if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ applying cutoff date of dd/mm/yyyy %02d/%02d/%04d\n", hstr.dd, hstr.mm, hstr.yyyy); /* find a cutoff, and move everything to the top */ nfound = 0; hptr = *hlist; for( c = 0; c < *len; c++ ) { /* equality is good in the reverse direction */ if( gd->sort_dir < 0 && compare_hlist(&hsptr, hptr+c) == 0 ) continue; if( compare_hlist(&hsptr, hptr+c) <= 0 ) break; } /* results will be backward, depending on sort */ if( gd->sort_dir == 1 ) { nfound = *len - c; gap = c; if( nfound > 0 && nfound < *len ) { if(gd->verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"-- shifting histlist up by %d\n",gap); for( c = 0; c < nfound; c++ ) /* shift lower entries to the top */ hptr[c] = hptr[c+gap]; } } else nfound = c; /* no shift requred */ if( nfound == 0 ) { /* death by 'levels' */ if(gd->verb>0) fprintf(stderr,"-- no history for date restriction\n"); free(*hlist); *hlist = NULL; return 1; } /* restrict the list */ if( nfound < *len ) { *hlist = (hist_type **)realloc(*hlist, nfound*sizeof(hist_type *)); if( !*hlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed realloc of list ptrs to len %d\n",nfound); return 1; } } if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ date restriction drops list length from %d to %d\n", *len, nfound); *len = nfound; return 0; } /* perhaps we want to remove everything that is not our 'type' */ int restrict_by_type(global_data * gd, hist_type *** hlist, int * len) { hist_type ** hptr; /* just for typing */ int c, nfound; if( !hlist || !*hlist || !len || *len <= 0 ) { if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** RBT: bad restriction\n"); return 1; } if( !gd->type ) { if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr, "-- no type to restrict to\n"); return 0; } /* move good pointers to beginning of list, and count num found */ nfound = 0; hptr = *hlist; for( c = 0; c < *len; c++) { if( gd->type == hptr[c]->type ) { if( c > nfound ) hptr[nfound] = hptr[c]; /* move it up */ nfound++; } } if( nfound == 0 ) { /* death by 'type' */ if(gd->verb>0) fprintf(stderr,"-- no history for type restriction\n"); free(*hlist); *hlist = NULL; return 1; } /* restrict the list */ *hlist = (hist_type **)realloc(*hlist, nfound*sizeof(hist_type *)); if( !*hlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to realloc hlist ptrs to len %d\n", nfound); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ type %d drops list length from %d to %d\n", gd->type, *len, nfound); *len = nfound; return 0; } /* perhaps we want to remove everything that is not up to our 'level' */ int restrict_by_level(global_data * gd, hist_type *** hlist, int * len) { hist_type ** hptr; /* just for typing */ int c, nfound; if( !hlist || !*hlist || !len || *len <= 0 ) { if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad, naughty restriction\n"); return 1; } if( !gd->level && !gd->min_level ) { if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr, "-- no levels to restrict to\n"); return 0; } /* move good pointers to beginning of list, and count num found */ nfound = 0; hptr = *hlist; for( c = 0; c < *len; c++) { if( (gd->level && gd->level != hptr[c]->level) || (hptr[c]->level < gd->min_level) ) continue; /* skip it */ /* we have a winner! */ if( c > nfound ) hptr[nfound] = hptr[c]; /* move it up */ nfound++; } if( nfound == 0 ) { /* death by 'levels' */ if(gd->verb>0) fprintf(stderr,"-- no history for level restriction\n"); free(*hlist); *hlist = NULL; return 1; } /* restrict the list */ *hlist = (hist_type **)realloc(*hlist, nfound*sizeof(hist_type *)); if( !*hlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to realloc hlist ptrs to len %d\n", nfound); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 1 ) { if( gd->level ) fprintf(stderr,"++ level %d drops list length from %d to %d\n", gd->level, *len, nfound); else fprintf(stderr,"++ min_level %d drops list length from %d to %d\n", gd->min_level, *len, nfound); } *len = nfound; return 0; } /* perhaps we want to remove everything that is not our program of interest */ int restrict_by_program(global_data * gd, hist_type *** hlist, int * len) { hist_type ** hptr; /* just for typing */ int c, nfound; if( !hlist || !*hlist || !len || *len <= 0 ) { if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** evil restriction\n"); return 1; } if( !gd->program ) { if( gd->verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr, "-- no program to restrict to\n"); return 0; } /* move good pointers to beginning of list, and count num found */ nfound = 0; hptr = *hlist; for( c = 0; c < *len; c++) { if( ! strcmp(gd->program, hptr[c]->program) ) { /* we have a winner! */ if( c > nfound ) hptr[nfound] = hptr[c]; /* move it up */ nfound++; } } if( nfound == 0 ) { /* death by 'program' */ if( gd->verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no history for program '%s'\n", gd->program); free(*hlist); *hlist = NULL; return 1; } /* restrict the list */ *hlist = (hist_type **)realloc(*hlist, nfound*sizeof(hist_type *)); if( !*hlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to realloc hlist ptrs to len %d\n", nfound); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ program '%s' drops list length from %d to %d\n", gd->program, *len, nfound); *len = nfound; return 0; } /* meant to use as a return value, this macro assumes the ints are different */ /* (history lists are now long, so this is a speed-up) 19 May 2008 [rickr] */ #define MY_INT_COMPARE(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? -GD.sort_dir : GD.sort_dir ) /* sort by date, then by author, level and program */ int compare_hlist(const void *v0, const void *v1) { hist_type * h0 = *(hist_type **)v0; hist_type * h1 = *(hist_type **)v1; int rv = 0; if( h0->yyyy != h1->yyyy ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->yyyy, h1->yyyy); if( h0->mm != h1->mm ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->mm , h1->mm ); if( h0->dd != h1->dd ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->dd , h1->dd ); /* ignore any string that is not set (rather than return as equal) */ /* 19 May 2008 [rickr] */ if( h0->author && h1->author ) rv = strcmp(h0->author, h1->author); if( rv ) return (rv < 0 ? -GD.sort_dir : GD.sort_dir); if( h0->level != h1->level ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->level, h1->level); if( h0->program && h1->program ) rv = strcmp(h0->program, h1->program); if( rv ) return (rv < 0 ? -GD.sort_dir : GD.sort_dir); return 0; } /* compare only the dates -- RWC */ int compare_hist_dates(hist_type *h0 , hist_type *h1) { if( h0->yyyy != h1->yyyy ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->yyyy, h1->yyyy); if( h0->mm != h1->mm ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->mm , h1->mm ); if( h0->dd != h1->dd ) return MY_INT_COMPARE(h0->dd , h1->dd ); return 0 ; } /* reallocate space, and fill the array of longer struct pointers * (note that 'hadd' is a an array of structures) */ int add_to_hlist(hist_type *** hlist, hist_type * hadd, int addlen, int * newlen) { int c, prevlen; if( GD.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ appending len %d hist to len %d total\n", addlen, *newlen); if( addlen <= 0 ) return 0; /* nothing to add */ prevlen = *newlen; /* store for starting index to adjust */ *newlen += addlen; *hlist = (hist_type **)realloc(*hlist, *newlen*sizeof(hist_type *)); if( !*hlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to realloc hlist ptrs of len %d\n", *newlen); return 1; } for(c = 0; c < addlen; c++) (*hlist)[c+prevlen] = hadd + c; /* applies struct offsets */ if( GD.verb > 5 && addlen > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"++ first 3 new addresses are: %p, %p, %p\n", (*hlist)[prevlen], (*hlist)[prevlen+1], (*hlist)[prevlen+2]); fprintf(stderr," programs are %s, %s, %s\n", CHECK_NULL_STR((*hlist)[prevlen]->program), CHECK_NULL_STR((*hlist)[prevlen+1]->program), CHECK_NULL_STR((*hlist)[prevlen+2]->program)); } return 0; } int disp_global_data(char * mesg, global_data * gd) { if( mesg ) fputs(mesg, stderr); if( !gd ) return 1; fprintf(stderr,"global_data struct: \n" " author = %s\n" " program = %s\n" " html, type = %d, %d\n" " level, min_level = %d, %d\n" " past_days, months, years = %d, %d, %d\n" " past_entries = %d\n" " sort_dir, verb, plen = %d, %d, %d\n", gd->author, gd->program, gd->html, gd->type, gd->level, gd->min_level, gd->past_days, gd->past_months, gd->past_years, gd->past_entries, gd->sort_dir, gd->verb, gd->plen); return 0; } int show_help(void) { printf( "afni_history: show AFNI updates per user, dates or levels\n" "\n" "This program is meant to display a log of updates to AFNI code, the\n" "website, educational material, etc. Users can specify a level of\n" "importance, the author, program or how recent the changes are.\n" "\n" "The levels of importance go from 1 to 4, with meanings:\n" " 1 - users would not care\n" " 2 - of little importance, though some users might care\n" " 3 - fairly important\n" " 4 - a big change or new program\n" " 5 - IMPORTANT: we expect users to know\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "common examples:\n" "\n" " 0. get help\n" "\n" " a. afni_history -help\n" "\n" " 1. display all of the history, possibly subject to recent days/entries\n" "\n" " a. afni_history\n" " b. afni_history -past_days 5\n" " c. afni_history -past_months 6\n" " d. afni_history -past_entries 1\n" "\n" " 2. select a specific type, level or minimum level\n" "\n" " a. afni_history -level 2\n" " b. afni_history -min_level 3 -type BUG_FIX\n" " c. afni_history -type 1 -min_level 3 -past_years 1\n" "\n" " 3. select a specific author or program\n" "\n" " a. afni_history -author rickr\n" " b. afni_history -program afni_proc.py\n" "\n" " 4. select level 3+ suma updates from ziad over the past year\n" "\n" " a. afni_history -author ziad -min_level 3 -program suma\n" "\n" " 5. generate a web-page, maybe from the past year at at a minimum level\n" "\n" " a. afni_history -html -reverse > afni_hist_all.html\n" " b. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 2 > afni_hist_level2.html\n" " c. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 3 > afni_hist_level3.html\n" " d. afni_history -html -reverse -min_level 4 > afni_hist_level4.html\n" "\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n" "informational options: \n" "\n" " -help : show this help\n" " -hist : show this program's history\n" " -list_authors : show the list of valid authors\n" " -list_types : show the list of valid change types\n" " -ver : show this program's version\n" "\n" "\n" "output restriction options: \n" "\n" " -author AUTHOR : restrict output to the given AUTHOR\n" " -level LEVEL : restrict output to the given LEVEL\n" " -min_level LEVEL : restrict output to at least level LEVEL\n" " -program PROGRAM : restrict output to the given PROGRAM\n" "\n" " -past_entries ENTRIES : restrict output to final ENTRIES entries\n" " -past_days DAYS : restrict output to the past DAYS days\n" " -past_months MONTHS : restrict output to the past MONTHS months\n" " -past_years YEARS : restrict output to the past YEARS years\n" "\n" " -type TYPE : restrict output to the given TYPE\n" " (TYPE = 0..5, or strings 'NEW_PROG', etc.)\n" " e.g. -type NEW_ENV\n" " e.g. -type BUG_FIX\n" "\n" "general options: \n" "\n" " -html : add html formatting\n" " -reverse : reverse the sorting order\n" " (sort is by date, author, level, program)\n" " -verb LEVEL : request verbose output\n" " (LEVEL is from 0-6)\n" "\n" "\n" " Author: Rick Reynolds\n" " Thanks to: Ziad, Bob\n" "\n" ); return 0; } int histlists_are_valid(histpair * hpairs, int plen) { int errs = 0, c; if( GD.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- checking for %d valid hlists...\n", plen); for( c = 0; c < plen; c++ ) if( ! valid_histlist(hpairs[c].hlist, hpairs[c].author) ) errs++; if( GD.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ number of bad hlists: %d\n", errs); if( errs ) return 0; else return 1; } /* print any error messages here */ int valid_histlist(hist_type * hlist, char * author) { int c, len, errs; if( !hlist || !author || !*author ) { fprintf(stderr,"** valid_histlist: invalid params\n"); return 0; } if( GD.verb > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"-- testing hlist for author "); fprintf(stderr,"%s ...\n", author); } len = hlist_len(hlist); if( hlist_len <= 0 ) return 1; errs = 0; for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) if( ! valid_histstruct(&hlist[c], author) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** bad hstruct[%d]\n", c); errs++; } if( ! hlist_is_sorted(hlist) ) errs++; if( errs ) fprintf(stderr,"** author %s, found %d bad structs\n", author, errs); else if ( GD.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ author %s, %d structs, OK\n\n", author, len); if( errs ) return 0; else return 1; } /* rcr - finish this, check that the dates are sorted (one way or the other) */ int hlist_is_sorted(hist_type * hlist) { return 1; } int valid_histstruct(hist_type * hstr, char * author) { int errs = 0; if( !hstr || !author ) { if( GD.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** VHS: bad params\n"); return 0; } if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(hstr->dd, 1, 31) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid day of month: %d\n", hstr->dd); errs++; } if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(hstr->mm, 1, 12) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid day of month: %d\n", hstr->mm); errs++; } if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(hstr->yyyy, FIRST_YEAR, 2050) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid year: %d\n", hstr->yyyy); errs++; } if( ! hstr->author || strcmp(author, hstr->author) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** author mis-match: %s != %s\n", author, CHECK_NULL_STR(hstr->author)); errs++; } if( ! valid_program(hstr->program) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid program: %s\n", CHECK_NULL_STR(hstr->program)); errs++; } if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(hstr->level, MIN_PROG_LEVEL, MAX_PROG_LEVEL) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid level: %d\n", hstr->level); errs++; } if( ! INT_IN_RANGE(hstr->type, 0, MAX_TYPE_VAL) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid type: %d\n", hstr->type); errs++; } if( ! valid_dstring(hstr->desc, MAX_LINE_CHARS) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid desc: %s\n", CHECK_NULL_STR(hstr->desc)); errs++; } if( ! valid_dstring(hstr->verbtext, MAX_LINE_CHARS) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid verbtext: %s\n", CHECK_NULL_STR(hstr->verbtext)); errs++; } if( errs ) return 0; else return 1; } /* max_line_chars is the most that can pass w/out a \n, * except for one more at the end */ int valid_dstring(char * str, int max_line_len) { int c, past, len; if( !str || !*str ) return 1; /* okay to be empty */ len = strlen(str); for( c = 1, past = 1; c < len; c++ ) { if( str[c] == '\n' ) { past = 0; continue; } if( past >= max_line_len) { if( past == max_line_len && !str[c+1] ) break; /* this is okay */ /* otherwise, whine and fail */ fprintf(stderr,"** string has long lines (max should be %d)\n", max_line_len); if( max_line_len > 40 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- okay up until '%40s'\n", str+c-40); return 0; } } return 1; } /* consider checking a valid list */ int valid_program(char * prog) { if( ! prog ) return 0; else return 1; } int hlist_len(hist_type * hlist) { int len = 0; if( !hlist ) return 0; for( len = 0; hlist[len].dd != 99; len++ ) ; if( GD.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- hlist has %d entries\n", len); return len; } char * level_string(int level) { switch( level ) { default: return "INVALID"; case MICRO: return "MICRO"; case MINOR: return "MINOR"; case MAJOR: return "MAJOR"; case SUPER: return "SUPER"; case SUPERDUPER: return "SUPERDUPER"; } } char * type_string(int type) { switch( type ) { default: return "INVALID"; case TYPE_GENERAL: return "GENERAL"; case TYPE_NEW_PROG: return "NEW_PROG"; case TYPE_NEW_OPT: return "NEW_OPT"; case TYPE_NEW_ENV: return "NEW_ENV"; case TYPE_BUG_FIX: return "BUG_FIX"; case TYPE_MODIFY: return "MODIFY"; } } int type_string2type(char * tstring) { if( !tstring || !*tstring ) { fprintf(stderr,"** missing type string\n"); return TYPE_INVALID; } if( ! strcmp("GENERAL", tstring) ) return TYPE_GENERAL; if( ! strcmp("NEW_PROG", tstring) ) return TYPE_NEW_PROG; if( ! strcmp("NEW_OPT", tstring) ) return TYPE_NEW_OPT; if( ! strcmp("NEW_ENV", tstring) ) return TYPE_NEW_ENV; if( ! strcmp("BUG_FIX", tstring) ) return TYPE_BUG_FIX; if( ! strcmp("MODIFY", tstring) ) return TYPE_MODIFY; return TYPE_INVALID; } int show_author_list(void) { char ** alist = g_author_list; int len = sizeof(g_author_list)/sizeof(char *); int c; printf("\nafni_history author list:\n\n"); for( c = 0; c < len-2; c+= 3 ) printf(" %-12s %-3s %s\n", alist[c], alist[c+1], alist[c+2]); putchar('\n'); return 0; } int show_valid_types(void) { int c; printf("\nvalid history types:\n\n"); for( c = 0; c <= MAX_TYPE_VAL; c++ ) printf(" %2d : %s\n", c, type_string(c)); putchar('\n'); return 0; } /* return 1 on some problem, else fill histpairs and set len */ int init_histlist( global_data * gd ) { histpair * plist; int c; if( !gd ) { fprintf(stderr,"** init_histlist: bad param\n"); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ init histlist...\n"); gd->histpairs = g_histpairs; /* point to global list */ plist = gd->histpairs; /* for convenience */ c = 0; plist[c].hlist = bpittman_history; plist[c++].author = BGP; plist[c].hlist = christip_history; plist[c++].author = PPC; plist[c].hlist = dglen_history; plist[c++].author = DRG; plist[c].hlist = gangc_history; plist[c++].author = GC; plist[c].hlist = rickr_history; plist[c++].author = RCR; plist[c].hlist = rwcox_history; plist[c++].author = RWC; plist[c].hlist = ziad_history; plist[c++].author = ZSS; gd->plen = c; if( gd->plen > NUM_HIST_USERS ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NUM_HIST_USERS too small for %d users\n",gd->plen); return 1; } if( gd->verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- histlist initialized with %d lists\n", gd->plen); if( gd->verb > 4 ) { fprintf(stderr, "-- most recent programs are:\n"); for( c = 0; c < gd->plen; c++ ) fprintf(stderr," author %s, program %s\n", CHECK_NULL_STR(plist[c].hlist->author), CHECK_NULL_STR(plist[c].hlist->program)); } return 0; }