B&B ImPoRmikriom & ImAnE Mkm.4ommENT moo @eftoe M=it=L"n ROULJL-VARD Upbomen MAStLAORM9 IAAIR 040 ZC'77Z 11 USA 41 tMC 1) 24@l 1 0 RT,IP Texa s RII 000 07 JULY/,@UI-IUST 1974 REVIEV! CYCLE Application: This contract application requests $1,4,01,391 for support of 34 nevi contracts. The June COL(Ilcil recor,,:rietided $2,3')3,551 for the f,iay application. Contracts fall within the Pi-ograni's area of emphasis: Health Education, Health Ecoiion,.ics and S@,ste,--.,--is Dep,.Io!tc-@L-ration, Health Manpower. @"'caith Care Q.Liality, and Reqional "Iisease t.'.aiiac-'@,-ient. All cci@iti--,cts were referred to CHP by the proposer atid comgiei-i@L-s %.,ere addressed by RAG at-i,ci' staff. MCO 7/15/74 7 7 31 9,1 11 @'D t, i c , 21 0,000 C 0 r,B @-,TAF-F Cl--VELOIME,\'T 30,000 Cg I A C-!',S S-- A Y @-'LTH. 45, C l-E 50 coc@ 60,006 h)SP PT EI)U'@- C 0 T Y F.YPT CNT.-'L 7 0, 0 O'k- 4 @i 1 41 , O"n L L P P T 2 @v,@ 0 @iL7H EF,UC H',-" @i AND SYS D@-l@O 0 0 undet, revi c,,., I I tiLTtl OUAL t) I S f-I P, T $48,000 above request bc -MID-COI,,ITINENT OPERATIONS Staff Analysis - Mary E. Murphy Texas RI@,P: Rf,.l 00007 May 1 Application Request: $2,333,551 NAC Funding Recommendation: 2,333,551 DRMP Funding Level: 2,217,t@-70 ($1,400,000 restricted pending review of contracts) July I Request: I-,401,391 The Regional Medical Program of Texas has submitted 34 contracts which ha@,e undergone the full review process. Each proposal sent to the R,','IPT by tile proposer was simultaneously sent to the appropriate CHP'health planner for review. Verbal and written comments on most activities were available for Regional Advisory Group review. Late-arriving comments on approved activities will be considered during contract negotiation. The contract funding request totals $1,401,391. The contract projects approved by the RAG are as follows: Texas Health Education Project.(Access Prognam) 108A - Pilot Program of Health Education for the Severely Handicapped $30,000 108B - The Development and Demonstration of a Coordinated Community Health Education Program 44,010 108C - Health Education Resource Office (HERO) 30,000 108D - Health Consumer Awareness in the Brazos Valley Reg. 21,857 108E - General Evaluation I-,-Iodel for Audiovisual Health Education Systems 16,000 103F - Estudiantes Para Mejor Salud 30,000 108G - Projecto Coniprender 63,568 103H - Assessing Rural Health Education Needs 25,000 .108I- Design and Test a Method of Assessing the Health Status of Small Rural Communities 50,000 108J - Expanded Oral Disease Prevention Project 64,000 108K - Health/Career Education Program- 20,000 108L - A Model for Improving Access to and Utilization of Regional Health Facilities Through Health Education- Communication Programs 28,300 Sub-Total- new projects 422,735 Texas Health Economics and Systems Demonstration Project (Utilization and Availability Programs) 109A - Health Personnel Utilization Project 45,000 109B - Dallas County Chronic and Long-Term Care Study 6,035 109C - Permian Basin Regional Planning Council 15,000 109D - The Promotion of Efficiency and Effectivenss in Non-Pi-ofit, Acu@tp-, Short-Tei-m I-lospitals in Texas Through the Development of a Total Management Info. System 50,000 Texas t,.,@P - page 1097- -C-i-a-'s-Roots Organi7a'ion for Utilization of Purchasing and Sl,,)i-inc. 20,000 109F -A Coi-orai-@, Care and Critical Eff:,-i,gercy Training Project for Rural Hospitals 12,000 109G -Genetics Services Program j9,833 105H -Rural Rehabilitation Patient Referral Network 45,000 109I -Regionalization of Primary Health Care @4,000 Sub-total - new projects 266,868 Health t.anpower Project (Health Manpower Programs) IIOA -A Cost-Beiiefit Study of Selected Clinical Education Programs for Professional and Alli.ed Health Personnel 46,000 110B -Education and Service Effectiveness (EASE) 20,,OOO.l sub-total - new projects 66,ooo- Texas lllr--alth Care Quality Program (Continuing Education Proqrams.) 111A-- A Problem Oriented Health Record for Infants, Children and Adolescents 15,000 111B -DAHTS.Videocassette Subscriber Service 27,087 111C -A Model Program for the Design and Implementation of I a Continuing Medical Education Service for Improving I Quality of I,,',edical Ca're $1,751 ll.lD -Continuing Education of the Physician, Nurse and Technologist in the Most Effective Use of Blood and Blood Components 25,000 111E -Developing Nursing Skills to Improve the Management of Patients with Disability Problems 55,000 111F -Satellite Centers for Continuing Education 25,000 111G -Development of Self-Instructional Materials in Cancer Education for Health Professionals 25,000 111H -Educational and Informative Communication Systems 30,000 1,111 -A Plan to Develop an Area-Wide Service to Health Personnel and Health Agencies in the Rural Areas of the Three Texas State Planning Regions of Upper Rio Grande, South Plains and Permian Basin 30,000 111J-- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Selected Continuing Education Programs 30,000 Sub-total - new projects 293,838 @egional Disease Management Program_(Extension and Local Cooperation Programs 112A Statewide Neonatal Care Program 351,950 Sub-total new projects 351,950 Total request L,401,391 -7 Texas Rj,',P - page 3 project TJY"s 108D, 1 OBF, 108G, 103]i, 108I, 108L ($'41-38,725) and continuation projectl#'s 104A and 102B ($95,000) are minority oriented activities. The I!ational Advisory Council extended to the July Review Committee permission to revie,,,i and fund the contracts approved without making it necessary for a full Council review in August. The higher request figure is based on the target figure of $2,398,599 versus $2,333,551 (1400/10). Texe c. c)oo 07 -3 9 7 4 11\1 @V f I:lq ]Zcquc!.,it: Coiiii,,ii.t-LL,e P,(-,coinin(,ii(i@ition: $i Ion. oc)n Ovcr@il.] i@;scssmc!iit I)y iiidividuil rc,.vic@k,,cr.,-,: @ge CriL!(Iiie: Committee recommended that the RMPT submit the RAG-C'HP reviewed contract proposals in July for a detailed review by the Review Committee. Permission would be extended to the next scheduled Review Committee by the June National Advisd@y Council allowing the Committee to review and extend final approval of the contracts with their accompanying funding requests. The.procedure would allow the contracts to initiate in July, rather than September, and would preclude the necessity of a Council review in August. This expediency measure has been considered important from a management standpoint. The RMPT has been most effectively managed by an able Director, Mr. David Ferguson, and a talented staff of very limited size. Reviewers did express concern regarding the capability of the staff to effectively manage and monitor the very ambitious program set forth in the application. Mr. Ferguson,.through the select contract mechanism, is expected to follow through most competently by DRMP staff. Concern was expressed regarding the Requests for Proposals, the contract language employed and the sameness- in the language used to describe the activities. The submission on July 1 of the form 15 s (narrative) and 16 s (budget) should further alleviate the concerns raised. The relation- ship between the new activities, the expected outcomes and the prospect of future funding for the new activities should be clearly discernible from the.JL!ly submission. Estimated request as of May 1974: $1,298,599 for contracts not approved for funding in May application. MCO 6/4/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL June 13-14, 1974 Cou6cil recommended that the Texas RMP application be funded at the requested level of $2,333,551, pending satisfactor review of the y spe.cific contrast proposals by the July Review Committee.. DRMP Funding Decision $2,217,270 MCO 7/2/74