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Definitions for Room Air Conditioner product listing column headers

Brand and Model

The brand and model number are how a particular dishwasher is usually identified by. Retailers can identify products they stock using the brand and model number. Some products may also be identified with a trade name or SKU that is different from the brand or model number, but you should be able to find the model number on any unit.

Model numbers often contain wildcard characters, such as *, #, and X, that are placeholders for non-energy attributes, such as color.

Reverse Cycle

Refers to the heating function found in certain room air conditioner models.

Louvered Sides

This refers to the side louvers that extend from a room air conditioner model in order to position the unit in a window. The ENERGY STAR room air conditioner criteria covers models with and without louvered sides. A model without louvered sides is placed in a built-in wall sleeve. Such products are commonly referred to as "through-the-wall" or "built-in" models.


The ENERGY STAR room air conditioner criteria covers both the casement-only and casement-slider product classes. Casement-only refers to a room air conditioner designed for mounting in a casement window. Casement-slider refers to a room air conditioner with an encased assembly designed for mounting in a sliding or casement window.


This is the cooling capacity of this air conditioning unit, measured in BTU (British Thermal Units) per hour. A higher number means the product offers a greater cooling capability.


The EER, or Energy Efficiency Rating, is a number computed for each room air conditioner, which enables you to compare the relative efficiency of units. The higher the EER, the more efficient the product is.

NAECA Standard

The National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) dictates minimum standards for energy consumption in room air conditioners. The standard varies depending on the size and configuration of the air conditioner. This column shows the minimum standard energy consumption required for that particular air conditioner.

% Above NAECA

ENERGY STAR qualified room air conditioners must exceed the NAECA standard by at least 10%. This column tells you by how much each model exceeds the standard.

Active Column

Models that appear in parenthesis and in red are discontinued, but may still be available in stores. Discontinued models will appear on this list for a year after their last production date to allow retailers to clear inventory. These models are still ENERGY STAR qualified, but they are no longer manufactured. Sponsors, such as utilities, may honor incentives for discontinued models at their discretion.