#ifndef e #error "SIunits/elements.dat unnecessarily included" #endif // e // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // elements.dat -- define standard information about the elements // //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ // \\ // NOTICE: \\ // This file is part of "The SI Library of Unit-Based Computation." \\ // See "doc/README" for copyright, license, and other information. \\ // \\ //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ // // Notes: // The atomic weight of an element is the ratio of the mass of a mole // of the element to 1/12 of a mole of Carbon 12. The Standard Atomic // Weights apply to the elements as they occur naturally on earth. // Elements which do not occur naturally or which occur with wide // isotopic variability do not have Standard Atomic Weights. For these // elements, the atomic weight is based on the longest-lived isotope. // // History: // 17-Aug-1998 WEB Initial draft; data for each element consists of // its name, abbreviation, atomic number, and atomic weight // 21-Oct-1998 WEB Updated per 1998 Review of Particle Physics // 27-Oct-1998 WEB Prepared for alternate spellings // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ====================================================================== // Important: // This file's data must be in order by atomic number. // DO NOT REARRANGE! // ====================================================================== // #, sym, element name , at. weight // e( 1, H , hydrogen , 1.00794 ) e( 2, He, helium , 4.002602 ) e( 3, Li, lithium , 6.941 ) e( 4, Be, beryllium , 9.012182 ) e( 5, B , boron , 10.811 ) e( 6, C , carbon , 12.0107 ) e( 7, N , nitrogen , 14.00674 ) e( 8, O , oxygen , 15.9994 ) e( 9, F , fluorine , 18.9984032 ) // e( 10, Ne, neon , 20.1797 ) e( 11, Na, sodium , 22.989770 ) e( 12, Mg, magnesium , 24.3050 ) e( 13, Al, aluminum , 26.981538 ) e( 14, Si, silicon , 28.0855 ) e( 15, P , phosphorus , 30.973761 ) e( 16, S , sulphur , 32.066 ) e( 17, Cl, chlorine , 35.4527 ) e( 18, Ar, argon , 39.948 ) e( 19, K , potassium , 39.0983 ) // e( 20, Ca, calcium , 40.078 ) e( 21, Sc, scandium , 44.955910 ) e( 22, Ti, titanium , 47.867 ) e( 23, V , vanadium , 50.9415 ) e( 24, Cr, chromium , 51.9961 ) e( 25, Mn, mangenese , 54.938049 ) e( 26, Fe, iron , 55.845 ) e( 27, Co, cobalt , 58.933200 ) e( 28, Ni, nickel , 58.6934 ) e( 29, Cu, copper , 63.546 ) // e( 30, Zn, zinc , 65.39 ) e( 31, Ga, gallium , 69.723 ) e( 32, Ge, germanium , 72.61 ) e( 33, As, arsenic , 74.92160 ) e( 34, Se, selenium , 78.96 ) e( 35, Br, bromine , 79.904 ) e( 36, Kr, krypton , 83.80 ) e( 37, Rb, rubidium , 85.4678 ) e( 38, Sr, strontium , 87.62 ) e( 39, Y , yttrium , 88.90585 ) // e( 40, Zr, zirconium , 91.224 ) e( 41, Nb, niobium , 92.90638 ) e( 42, Mo, molybdedum , 95.94 ) e( 43, Tc, technetium , 97.907215 ) e( 44, Ru, ruthenium , 101.07 ) e( 45, Rh, rhodium , 102.90550 ) e( 46, Pd, palladium , 106.42 ) e( 47, Ag, silver , 107.8682 ) e( 48, Cd, cadmium , 112.411 ) e( 49, In, indium , 114.818 ) // e( 50, Sn, tin , 118.710 ) e( 51, Sb, antimony , 121.760 ) e( 52, Te, tellurium , 127.60 ) e( 53, I , iodine , 126.90447 ) e( 54, Xe, xenon , 131.29 ) e( 55, Cs, cesium , 132.90545 ) e( 56, Ba, barium , 137.327 ) e( 57, La, lanthanum , 138.9055 ) e( 58, Ce, cerium , 140.116 ) e( 59, Pr, praseodymium , 140.90765 ) // e( 60, Nd, neodymium , 144.24 ) e( 61, Pm, promethium , 144.912745 ) e( 62, Sm, samarium , 150.36 ) e( 63, Eu, europium , 151.964 ) e( 64, Gd, gadolinium , 157.25 ) e( 65, Tb, terbium , 158.92534 ) e( 66, Dy, dysprosium , 162.50 ) e( 67, Ho, holmium , 164.93032 ) e( 68, Er, erbium , 167.26 ) e( 69, Tm, thulium , 168.93421 ) // e( 70, Yb, ytterbium , 173.04 ) e( 71, Lu, lutetium , 174.967 ) e( 72, Hf, hafnium , 178.49 ) e( 73, Ta, tantalum , 180.9479 ) e( 74, W , tungsten , 183.84 ) e( 75, Re, rhenium , 186.207 ) e( 76, Os, osmium , 190.23 ) e( 77, Ir, iridium , 192.217 ) e( 78, Pt, platinium , 195.078 ) e( 79, Au, gold , 196.96655 ) // e( 80, Hg, mercury , 200.59 ) e( 81, Tl, thallium , 204.3833 ) e( 82, Pb, lead , 207.2 ) e( 83, Bi, bismuth , 208.98038 ) e( 84, Po, polonium , 208.982415 ) e( 85, At, astatine , 209.987131 ) e( 86, Rn, radon , 222.017570 ) e( 87, Fr, francinium , 223.019731 ) e( 88, Ra, radium , 226.025402 ) e( 89, Ac, actinium , 227.027747 ) // e( 90, Th, thorium , 232.0381 ) e( 91, Pa, protactinium , 231.03588 ) e( 92, U , uranium , 238.0289 ) e( 93, Np, neptunium , 237.048166 ) e( 94, Pu, plutonium , 244.064197 ) e( 95, Am, americium , 243.061372 ) e( 96, Cm, curium , 247.070346 ) e( 97, Bk, berkelium , 247.070298 ) e( 98, Cf, californium , 251.079579 ) e( 99, Es, einsteinium , 252.08297 ) // e( 100, Fm, fermium , 257.095096 ) e( 101, Md, mendelevium , 258.098427 ) e( 102, No, nobelium , 259.1011 ) e( 103, Lr, lawrencium , 262.1098 ) e( 104, Rf, rutherfordium , 261.1089 ) e( 105, Db, dubnium , 262.1144 ) e( 106, Sg, seaborgium , 263.1186 ) e( 107, Bh, bohrium , 262.1231 ) e( 108, Hs, hassium , 265.1306 ) e( 109, Mt, meitnerium , 266.1378 ) // // ----- Alternate spellings: // //a( aluminium, aluminum ) //a( sulfur , sulphur ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------