pro inicon,atom=atom,aname=aname,amu=amu,fip=fip,fundae=fundae,roman=roman,$ help=help ;+ ;procedure inicon ; return atomic symbols, names, ionization potentials, fundamental ; and other fun constants, atomic weights, roman numerals ; ;syntax ; inicon,atom=atom,aname=aname,amu=amu,fip=fip,fundae=fundae,$ ; roman=roman,/help ; ;parameters NONE ; ;keywords ; atom [OUTPUT] atomic symbols ; aname [OUTPUT] names of elements ; amu [OUTPUT] structure containing atomic weights in AMU (1H=1) ; * AMU.(Z) is an array, with first element the atomic weight ; for terrestrial composition, then the AMUs of the isotopes ; in order of abundance (i.e., most abundant is 2nd element, ; second most abundant is 3rd element, etc. -- but not ; completely implemented) ; fip [OUTPUT] first ionization potentials [eV] ; * set to -1 if not known ; fundae [OUTPUT] structure containing some useful physical and ; astronomical constants ; * just do help,fundae,/str -- should be obvious ; roman [OUTPUT] roman numerals, upto max(ATOM)+1 ; * beware that CHIANTI has a function named ROMAN() ; which returns numerals that are offset by 1 compared ; to this variable. ; ; NOTE: in IDL versions prior to 5, the keywords must be ; pre-defined if output is desired ; ;requires ; CREATE_STRUCT ; ;history ; modified from INITSTUFF (VK; 99May) ; bug correction -- ROMAN wasn't working (VK; 99Jul) ; added Jupiter (VK; MIM.XI) ; added keV-to-Ang (VK; MMII.I) ; added planetary data (VK; MMII.IX) ; changed AMU tag names from symbol to full names (VK; MMII.X) ; corrected AMU value (JD; IMVIM.I) ; added JouleV, ergeV, and arcsr (VK; IMVIM.V) ;- ; usage idlvers=float(!version.release) if idlvers ge 5 then begin if arg_present(atom) then get_atm=1 else get_atm=0 if arg_present(aname) then get_anm=1 else get_anm=0 if arg_present(amu) then get_amu=1 else get_amu=0 if arg_present(fip) then get_fip=1 else get_fip=0 if arg_present(fundae) then get_fun=1 else get_fun=0 if arg_present(roman) then get_rom=1 else get_rom=0 endif else begin if keyword_set(atom) then get_atm=1 else get_atm=0 if keyword_set(aname) then get_anm=1 else get_anm=0 if keyword_set(amu) then get_amu=1 else get_amu=0 if keyword_set(fip) then get_fip=1 else get_fip=0 if keyword_set(fundae) then get_fun=1 else get_fun=0 if keyword_set(roman) then get_rom=1 else get_rom=0 endelse if get_atm+get_anm+get_amu+get_fip+get_fun+get_rom eq 0 then help=1 if keyword_set(help) then begin print,'Usage: inicon,atom=atom,aname=aname,amu=amu,fip=fip,fundae=fundae,$' print,' roman=roman,/help' print,' strictly utility routine returns atomic symbols, names, weights,' print,' ionization potentials, some useful constants, roman numerals' endif ; elements from 1-109 if get_atm gt 0 then begin ;(ATOM Z00=[ 'H', 'He','Li','Be','B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F' ] ;001-009 Z01=[ 'Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P', 'S', 'Cl','Ar','K' ] ;010-019 Z02=[ 'Ca','Sc','Ti','V', 'Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu'] ;020-029 Z03=[ 'Zn','Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr','Rb','Sr','Y' ] ;030-039 Z04=[ 'Zr','Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','In'] ;040-049 Z05=[ 'Sn','Sb','Te','I', 'Xe','Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr'] ;050-059 Z06=[ 'Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm'] ;060-069 Z07=[ 'Yb','Lu','Hf','Ta','W', 'Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au'] ;070-079 Z08=[ 'Hg','Tl','Pb','Bi','Po','At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac'] ;080-089 Z09=[ 'Th','Pa','U', 'Np','Pu','Am','Cm','Bk','Cf','Es'] ;090-099 Z10=[ 'Fm','Md','No','Lr','Rf','Db','Sg','Bh','Hs','Mt'] ;100-109 atom=[ Z00, Z01, Z02, Z03, Z04, Z05, Z06, Z07, Z08, Z09, Z10] nZ=n_elements(atom) endif ;ATOM) ; elements from 1-109 if get_anm gt 0 then begin ;(ANAME Z00=[ 'Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Lithium', 'Beryllium', 'Boron',$ 'Carbon', 'Nitrogen', 'Oxygen', 'Fluorine'] Z01=[ 'Neon', 'Sodium', 'Magnesium', 'Aluminum', 'Silicon',$ 'Phosphorus', 'Sulfur', 'Chlorine', 'Argon', 'Potassium'] Z02=[ 'Calcium', 'Scandium', 'Titanium', 'Vanadium', 'Chromium',$ 'Manganese', 'Iron', 'Cobalt', 'Nickel', 'Copper'] Z03=[ 'Zinc', 'Gallium', 'Germanium', 'Arsenic', 'Selenium',$ 'Bromine', 'Krypton', 'Rubidium', 'Strontium', 'Yttrium'] Z04=[ 'Zirconium', 'Niobium', 'Molybdenum', 'Technetium', 'Ruthenium',$ 'Rhodium', 'Palladium', 'Silver', 'Cadmium', 'Indium'] Z05=[ 'Tin', 'Antimony', 'Tellurium', 'Iodine', 'Xenon',$ 'Cesium', 'Barium', 'Lanthanum', 'Cerium', 'Praseodymium'] Z06=[ 'Neodymium', 'Promethium', 'Samarium', 'Europium', 'Gadolinium',$ 'Terbium', 'Dysprosium', 'Holmium', 'Erbium', 'Thulium'] Z07=[ 'Ytterbium', 'Lutetium', 'Hafnium', 'Tantalum', 'Tungsten',$ 'Rhenium', 'Osmium', 'Iridium', 'Platinum', 'Gold'] Z08=[ 'Mercury', 'Thallium', 'Lead', 'Bismuth', 'Polonium',$ 'Astatine', 'Radon', 'Francium', 'Radium', 'Actinium'] Z09=[ 'Thorium', 'Protactinium', 'Uranium', 'Neptunium', 'Plutonium',$ 'Americium', 'Curium', 'Berkelium', 'Californium', 'Einsteinium'] Z10=[ 'Fermium', 'Mendelevium', 'Nobelium', 'Lawrencium', 'Rutherfordium',$ 'Dubnium', 'Seaborgium', 'Bohrium', 'Hassium', 'Meitnerium'] aname=[Z00, Z01, Z02, Z03, Z04, Z05, Z06, Z07, Z08, Z09, Z10] endif ;ANAME) ; roman numerals from 1-100 if get_rom gt 0 then begin ;(ROMAN rom0=['I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X'] rom1=[rom0,'X'+rom0,'XX'+rom0,'XXX'+rom0,'XXXXI','XXXXII','XXXXIII',$ 'XXXXIV','XXXXV','XXXXVI','XXXXVII','XXXXVIII'] roman=[rom1,'IL','L','L'+rom1,'IC','C','C'+rom0] nrom=n_elements(roman) endif ;ROMAN) ; atomic weights if get_amu gt 0 then begin ;(AMU ; from if n_elements(aname) eq 0 then begin if idlvers lt 5 then aname=1 & inicon,aname=aname endif k=1 & m=[1.0079, 1,2] & amu=create_struct(aname(k-1L),m) k=2 & m=[4.0026, 4,3] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=3 & m=[6.941, 7,6] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=4 & m=[9.01218, 9] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=5 & m=[10.81, 11,10] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=6 & m=[12.011, 12,13] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=7 & m=[14.0067, 14,15] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=8 & m=[15.9994, 16,18,17] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=9 & m=[18.998403, 19] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=10 & m=[20.1797, 20,22,21] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=11 & m=[22.98977, 23] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=12 & m=[24.305, 24,26,25] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=13 & m=[26.98154, 27] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=14 & m=[28.0855, 28,29,30] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=15 & m=[30.97376, 31] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=16 & m=[32.066, 32,34,33,36] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=17 & m=[35.453, 35,37] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=18 & m=[39.948, 40,36,38] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=19 & m=[39.0983, 39,41,40] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=20 & m=[40.078, 40,44,42,48,43,46] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=21 & m=[44.95591, 45] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=22 & m=[47.867, 48,46,47,49,50] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=23 & m=[50.9415, 51,50] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=24 & m=[51.9961, 52,53,50,54] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=25 & m=[54.93805, 55] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=26 & m=[55.845, 56,54,57,58] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=27 & m=[58.9332, 59] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=28 & m=[58.6934, 58,60,62,61,64] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=29 & m=[63.546, 63,65] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=30 & m=[65.39, 64,66,68,67,70] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=31 & m=[69.723, 69,71] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=32 & m=[72.61, 74,72,70,73,76] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=33 & m=[74.9216, 75] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=34 & m=[78.96, 80,78,76,82,77,74] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=35 & m=[79.904, 79,81] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=36 & m=[83.80, 84,86,82,83,80,78] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=37 & m=[85.4678, 85,87] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=38 & m=[87.62, 88,86,87,84] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=39 & m=[88.9058, 89] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=40 & m=[91.22, 90,94,92,91,96] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=41 & m=[92.9064, 93] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=42 & m=[95.94, 98,96,95,92,100,97,94] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=43 & m=[98., 98] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=44 & m=[101.07, 102,104,101,99,100,96,98] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=45 & m=[102.9055, 103] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=46 & m=[106.42, 106,108,105,110,104,102] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=47 & m=[107.868, 107,109] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=48 & m=[112.41, 114,112,111,110,113,116,106,108] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=49 & m=[114.818, 115,113] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=50 & m=[118.71, 120,118,116,119,117,124,122,112,114,115] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=51 & m=[121.76, 121,123] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=52 & m=[127.60, 130,128,126,125,124,122,123,120] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=53 & m=[126.9045, 127] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=54 & m=[131.29, 132,129,131,134,146,130,128,124,126] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=55 & m=[132.90545, 133] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=56 & m=[137.33, 138,137,136,135,134,130,132] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=57 & m=[138.9055, 139,138] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=58 & m=[140.116, 140,142,138,136] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=59 & m=[140.90765, 141] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=60 & m=[144.24, 142,144,146,143,145,148,150] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=61 & m=[145., 145] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=62 & m=[150.36, 152,154,147,149,148,150,144] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=63 & m=[151.964, 153,151] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=64 & m=[157.25, 158,160,156,157,155,154,152] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=65 & m=[158.92534, 159] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=66 & m=[162.50, 164,162,163,161,160,158,156] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=67 & m=[164.9303, 165] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=68 & m=[167.26, 166,168,167,170,164,162] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=69 & m=[168.9342, 169] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=70 & m=[173.04, 174,172,173,171,176,170,168] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=71 & m=[174.967, 175,176] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=72 & m=[178.49, 180,178,177,179,176,174] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=73 & m=[180.9479, 181,180] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=74 & m=[183.84, 184,186,182,183,180] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=75 & m=[186.207, 187,185] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=76 & m=[190.23, 192,190,189,188,187,186,184] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=77 & m=[192.217, 193,191] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=78 & m=[195.078, 195,194,196,198,192,190] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=79 & m=[196.9665, 197] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=80 & m=[200.59, 202,200,199,201,198,204,196] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=81 & m=[204.3833, 205,203] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=82 & m=[207.2, 208,206,207,204] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=83 & m=[208.98038, 209] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=84 & m=[210., 210] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=85 & m=[210., 210] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=86 & m=[222., 222] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=87 & m=[223., 223] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=88 & m=[226., 226] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=89 & m=[227., 227] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=90 & m=[232.038, 232] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=91 & m=[231.03588, 231] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=92 & m=[238.0289, 238,235,234] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=93 & m=[237., 237] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=94 & m=[244., 244] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=95 & m=[243., 243] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=96 & m=[247., 247] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=97 & m=[247., 247] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=98 & m=[251., 251] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=99 & m=[252., 252] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=100 & m=[257., 257] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=101 & m=[258., 258] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=102 & m=[259., 259] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=103 & m=[262., 262] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=104 & m=[261., 261] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=105 & m=[262., 262] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=106 & m=[266., 266] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=107 & m=[264., 264] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=108 & m=[269., 269] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) k=109 & m=[268., 268] & amu=create_struct(amu,aname(k-1L),m) for i=k+1,n_elements(aname)-1 do amu=create_struct(amu,$ aname(i-1),[2.7*i,fix(2.4*i+0.5)]) endif ;AMU) ; first ionization potentials [eV] if get_fip gt 0 then begin ;(FIP f00=[ 13.5984, 24.5874, 5.3917, 9.3227, 8.2980, 11.2603,$ 14.5341, 13.6181, 17.4228] ;001-009 f01=[ 21.5646, 5.1391, 7.6462, 5.9858, 8.1517, 10.4867,$ 10.3600, 12.9676, 15.7596, 4.3407] ;010-019 f02=[ 6.1132, 6.5615, 6.8281, 6.7462, 6.7665, 7.4340,$ 7.9024, 7.8810, 7.6398, 7.7264] ;020-029 f03=[ 9.3942, 5.9993, 7.8994, 9.7886, 9.7524, 11.8138,$ 13.9996, 4.1771, 5.6949, 6.2171] ;030-039 f04=[ 6.6339, 6.7589, 7.0924, 7.28, 7.3605, 7.4589,$ 8.3369, 7.5762, 8.9938, 5.7864] ;040-049 f05=[ 7.3439, 8.6084, 9.0096, 10.4513, 12.1298, 3.8939,$ 5.2117, 5.5769, 5.5387, 5.473] ;050-059 f06=[ 5.5250, 5.582, 5.6436, 5.6704, 6.1501, 5.8638,$ 5.9389, 6.0215, 6.1077, 6.1843] ;060-069 f07=[ 6.2542, 5.4259, 6.8251, 7.5496, 7.8640, 7.8335,$ 8.4382, 8.9670, 8.9587, 9.2255] ;070-079 f08=[ 10.4375, 6.1082, 7.4167, 7.2856, 8.417, 9.5,$ ;FIP for At from Sobel'man 10.7485, 4.0727, 5.2784, 5.17] ;080-089 f09=[ 6.3067, 5.89, 6.1941, 6.2657, 6.0262, 5.9738,$ 5.9915, 6.1979, 6.2817, 6.42] ;090-099 f10=[ 6.50, 6.58, 6.65, 4.9, 6.0, -1,$ -1, -1, -1, -1] ;100-109 fip=[f00, f01, f02, f03, f04, f05, f06, f07, f08, f09, f10] endif ;FIP) ; physical and astronomical constants if get_fun gt 0 then begin ;(FUNDAE c=2.99792458d10 & c_h='Speed of light [cm/s]' s=create_struct('c',c) & SH=create_struct('c',c_h) h=6.626176d-27 & h_h="Planck's constant [erg/s]" s=create_struct(s,'h',h) & SH=create_struct(SH,'h',h_h) G=6.672e-8 & G_h='Gravitational constant [cm^3/gm/s^2]' s=create_struct(s,'G',G) & SH=create_struct(SH,'G',G_h) Me=9.109558d-28 & Me_h='Electron mass [gm]' Mp=1.67248d-24 & Mp_h='Proton mass [gm]' Mn=1.674929d-24 & Mn_h='Neutron mass [gm]' h_1=1.66054d-24 & h_1_h='Atomic Mass Unit [gm]' s=create_struct(s,'Me',Me,'Mp',Mp,'Mn',Mn,'AMU',h_1) SH=create_struct(SH,'Me',Me_h,'Mp',Mp_h,'Mn',Mn_h,'AMU',h_1_h) e=1.6021892d-19 & e_h='electron charge [C]' esu=4.803d-10 & esu_h='electron charge [ESU]' s=create_struct(s,'e',e,'esu',esu) & SH=create_struct(SH,'e',e_h,'esu',esu_h) kB=1.380662d-16 & kB_h="Boltzmann's constant [erg/K]" s=create_struct(s,'kB',kB,'k',kB) & SH=create_struct(SH,'kB',kB_h,'k',kB_h) loga=alog10(8./15.)+5.*alog10(!DPI)+4.*alog10(kB)-3.*alog10(c)-3.*alog10(h) a=10.^(loga) & a_h='Radiation Pressure constant [erg/cm^3/deg^4]' sigma=a*c/4. & sigma_h='Stefan-Boltzmann constant [erg/cm^2/deg^4/s]' wein=0.289780D & wein_h='Wein Displacement Law constant [cm K]' s=create_struct(s,'a',a,'sigma',sigma,'wein',wein) SH=create_struct(SH,'a',a_h,'sigma',sigma_h,'wein',wein_h) NA=6.0249d23 & NA_h='Avogadro number [/mole]' s=create_struct(s,'NA',NA) & SH=create_struct(SH,'NA',NA_h) atm=1013250.D & atm_h='1 Atmosphere [dynes/cm^2]' s=create_struct(s,'atm',atm) & SH=create_struct(SH,'atm',atm_h) ;kevAng=12.39852066 & kevAng_h='keV*Ang (1e8*h*c/(e*1e10))' kevAng=1d8*h*c/(e*1d10) & kevAng_h='keV*Ang (1e8*h*c/(e*1e10))' eVwav=12379.7d-8 & eVwav_h='1 eV in wave numbers [/cm]' degeV=8.6173468d-05 & degeV_h='1 deg K in eV [eV]' JouleV=e & JouleV_h='1 Joule = Coulomb*meter in eV [eV]' ergeV=JouleV*1e7 & ergeV_h='1 erg in eV [eV]' s=create_struct(s,'kevAng',kevAng,'eVwav',eVwav,'degeV',degeV,'JouleV',JouleV,'ergeV',ergeV) SH=create_struct(SH,'kevAng',kevAng_h,'eVwav',eVwav_h,'degeV',degeV_h,'JouleV',JouleV_h,'ergeV',ergeV_h) radian=3600.*180./!DPI & radian_h='1 radian [arcsec]' arcsr=(1./radian)^2 & arcsr_h='1 arcsec^2 in steradians [sr]' s=create_struct(s,'radian',radian,'arcsr',arcsr) SH=create_struct(SH,'radian',radian_h,'arcsr',arcsr_h) Ryd=109677.58*eVWav & Ryd_h='Rydberg Constant for H [eV]' s=create_struct(s,'Ryd',Ryd) & SH=create_struct(SH,'Ryd',Ryd_h) RBohr=2.*alog10(h)-alog10(4.*!DPI^2)-alog10(Me)-2.*alog10(esu) RBohr=10.^(RBohr) & RBohr_h='Bohr Radius [cm]' s=create_struct(s,'RBohr',RBohr) & SH=create_struct(SH,'RBohr',RBohr_h) day=24.*3600.+3.*60.+56.555 & day_h='mean solar day [sec]' year=365.24219878D*day & year_h='Equinoctial Year [sec]' yr=365.25636556D*day & yr_h='Sidereal Year [sec]' s=create_struct(s,'day',day,'year',year,'yr',yr) SH=create_struct(SH,'day',day_h,'year',year_h,'yr',yr_h) pc=3.26*c*yr & pc_h='1 parsec [cm]' ly=c*yr & ly_h='1 Light Year [cm]' AU=1.495985e13 & AU_h='Astronomical Unit [cm]' s=create_struct(s,'pc',pc,'ly',ly,'AU',AU) SH=create_struct(SH,'pc',pc_h,'ly',ly_h,'AU',AU_h) Msun=1.989d33 & Msun_h='Mass of Sun [gm]' Lsun=3.826d33 & Lsun_h='Luminosity of Sun [erg/s]' Rsun=6.969e10 & Rsun_h='Radius of Sun [cm]' Tsun=5770.0 & Tsun_h='Effective Temperature of Sun [K]' s=create_struct(s,'Msun',Msun,'Lsun',Lsun,'Rsun',Rsun,'Tsun',Tsun) SH=create_struct(SH,'Msun',Msun_h,'Lsun',Lsun_h,'Rsun',Rsun_h,'Tsun',Tsun_h) Mjup=1.8986d30 & Mjup_h='Mass of Jupiter [gm]' Rjup=6.9911e9 & Rjup_h='volumetric radius of Jupiter at 1 bar [cm]' s=create_struct(s,'Mjup',Mjup,'Rjup',Rjup) SH=create_struct(SH,'Mjup',Mjup_h,'Rjup',Rjup_h) Mgeo=5.977d27 & Mgeo_h='Mass of Earth [gm]' Mgeo=5.972d27 ; Rgeo=6371.23 & Rgeo_h='mean radius of Earth [km]' s=create_struct(s,'Mgeo',Mgeo,'Rgeo',Rgeo) SH=create_struct(SH,'Mgeo',Mgeo_h,'Rgeo',Rgeo_h) RgeoEQ=6378.17 & RgeoEQ_h='Equatorial radius of Earth [km]' RgeoPO=6356.90 & RgeoPO_h='Polar radius of Earth [km]' s=create_struct(s,'RgeoEQ',RgeoEQ,'RgeoPO',RgeoPO) SH=create_struct(SH,'RgeoEQ',RgeoEQ_h,'RgeoPO',RgeoPO_h) Mmoon=Mgeo/81.33 & Mmoon_h='Mass of Moon [gm]' Rmoon=1737.9 & Rmoon_h='Radius of Moon [km]' Dmoon=384404.0 & Dmoon_h='mean distance of Moon from Earth [km]' s=create_struct(s,'Mmoon',Mmoon,'Rmoon',Rmoon,'Dmoon',Dmoon) SH=create_struct(SH,'Mmoon',Mmoon_h,'Rmoon',Rmoon_h,'Dmoon',Dmoon_h) DBode=0.4+[1.,0.3*2.^(findgen(9))] & DBode_h="Bode's Law distances [AU]' ;Dplanet=[0.39,0.72,1,1.52,2.9,5.2,9.55,19.2,30.1,39.5] ;Dplanet_h='distance of planets from Sun [AU]' s=create_struct(s,'DBode',DBode) SH=create_struct(SH,'DBode',DBode_h) ; Planets=['Mercury','Venus','Earth','Mars','Jupiter','Saturn','Uranus','Neptune','Pluto'] Planets_h='The Planets' MPlanet=1d27*[0.3302,4.8685,5.9736,0.64185,1898.6,568.46,86.832,102.43,0.0125] MPlanet_h='Masses of the planets [gm]' RPlanet=[2439.7,6051.8,6371.0,3390.,69911.,58232.,25362.,24624.,1195.]*1d5 RPlanet_h='Volumetric mean radius [cm]' DPlanet=[57.91,108.21,149.60,227.92,778.57,1433.53,2872.46,4495.06,5869.66]*1d11 DPlanet_h='semi-major axis of orbit [cm]' PPlanet=[87.969,224.701,365.256,686.980,4332.589,10759.22,30685.4,60189.,90465.] PPlanet_h='sidereal orbit period [days]' RotPlanet=[1407.6,-5832.5,23.9345,24.6229,9.9250,10.656,-17.24,16.11,-153.2928] RotPlanet_h='sidereal rotation period [hr]' DayPlanet=[4222.6,2802.0,24.,24.6597,9.9259,10.656,17.24,16.11,153.2820] DayPlanet_h='length of day [hrs]' OPlanet=[0.01,177.36,23.45,25.19,3.13,26.73,97.77,28.32,122.53] OPlanet_h='obliquity to orbit [deg]' s=create_struct(s,'Planets',Planets,'MPlanet',MPlanet,'RPlanet',RPlanet,$ 'DPlanet',DPlanet,'PPlanet',PPlanet,'RotPlanet',RotPlanet,'DayPlanet',$ DayPlanet,'OPlanet',OPlanet) SH=create_struct(SH,'Planets',Planets_h,'MPlanet',MPlanet_h,'RPlanet',RPlanet_h,$ 'DPlanet',DPlanet_h,'PPlanet',PPlanet_h,'RotPlanet',RotPlanet_h,$ 'DayPlanet',DayPlanet_h,'OPlanet',OPlanet_h) fundae=create_struct('HELP',SH,s) endif ;FUNDAE) return end