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Books & reading material

Recommended Reading:


1. New International Version [I like this version a lot -Fr. Seal]

2. Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed. James Charlesworth, Doubleday, 1992 [do you want to know what the Essenes were REALLY like? Find out here. You'll also get to know Jesus a lot better, too]

3. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, ed. Thomas Oden, Intervarsity Press, 1998 [- the best commentary -volumes on different books of the New Testament can be bought separately]

4. The Jews In The Time of Jesus, Stephen Wylen, Paulist Press, 1996 [puts Bible times in great perspective]



Christian History

1. In The Fullness of Time, Paul Maier, Harper, 1991 [the BEST book on Jesus' life and the earliest times in the Christian Church -easy to read; excellent enlightening details]

2. The Study of Anglicanism, ed. By Stephen Sykes, et al, Fortress Press, 1998 [history, theology, worship, practices from differing perspectives]

3. Ecclesiastical History, Bede, Penguin Classics, 1991 [wonderfully written history of Celtic and Saxon Britain in AD 731 in an accurate and readable translation]

4. Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths, Karen Armstrong, Ballantine Books, 1997 [history of the Holy City and the three faiths that share it]



1. Introduction to the Episcopal Church, Jospeh Bernardin, Morehouse, 1992 [very readable, small book written by a well-educated person who loves Christ and his Church]

2. A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, ed. David Bercot, Hendrickson Pub., 1998 [great reference book of what the ancient Christians thought on almost every topic]

3. The Cruelty of Heresy, Bp. C. Fitzsimmons Allison & Archbishop George Carey, Morehouse Publications, 1993 [study of deviations from healthy believing and the need for a shared understanding of the faith]

4. The Medieval Manichee, Stephen Runciman, Cambridge U. Press, 1991 [authoritative study of the dualist heresy in Christianity -tells the truth about the Cathars -much to say about modern "spiritual" fantasies]

5. The Deification of Man, Georgios Mantzaridis, SVS Press, 1984 [great explanation of the way in which God changes a Christian's life -not easy reading, but worth it]

6. The First-Created Man, St. Symeon the New Theologian, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1994 [Helps us to understand the purpose of our existence, and what lies beyond it]



1. All Shall Be Well: Daily Readings From Julian of Norwich, Julian of Norwich, Morehouse Publishing, 1994 [accessible readings, arranged for daily use, from one of the very greatest medieval English mystics, whose popularity is at its height today]

2. Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill, Oneworld Publications, 1999 [among most important Anglican spiritual writers of all time, d 1941, explores being "in love with the Absolute."]

3. Unseen Warfare, Lorenzo Scupoli, Theophan the Recluse, SVS Press, 1997 [true classic on building Christian character and growing in faith]

4. Teresa of Avila, Ecstasy and Common Sense, Tessa Bielecki, Shambhala, 1996 [pithy sayings by an eminently practical mystic]



1. The Book of Common Prayer (various editions), Episcopal Church [a must for everyone]

2. Commentary on the Prayer Book, Marion Hatchett, Seabury Press, 1979

3. Worship is a Verb, Robert Webber, Hendrickson Publishers, 1992 [book on worship by one of America's great teachers on the subject]

4. The Identity of Anglican Worship, ed. Bryan Spinks, Morehouse Publishing, 1991



1. The Chafetz Chaim, Moses Yoshor, Artscroll/Mesorah Pub., 1997 [inspiring biography of one of the most remarkably ethical and noble individuals of the 19th and 20th centuries]

2. The Path of the Just, Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, Aronson, Inc., 1996 [classic 16th century work on how to practice one's faith -very readable]

3. Chesbon Ha Nefesh, Rabbi Mendel of Satanov, Feldheim Pub., 1995 [easy to understand practical guide to improving your character -and your religious observance]

4. Living the Kabbalah, Simcha Benyosef, Continuum Pub., 1999 [the relationship and application of the highest mystical understanding to daily living]

5. Secrets of Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Leen Ritmeyer, Biblical Archaeology, Soc., 1999 [fascinating little book on biblical archaeology]