[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
June 16, 2006
Contact:  Alex Haurek 
(202) 225-4735

Stupak Statement on Floor Debate on Iraq

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Washington, DC – Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) gave the following remarks during debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on House Resolution 861.  Stupak voted against the Republican resolution on the Iraqi war. 

“I come before you tonight after listening to the presentations that have been taking place all day, not only as a member of this body but as a parent who has lost a child.  My son, B.J. who passed away a little over 6 years ago, would have turned 24 tomorrow.  Every time I learn about another loss of life in Iraq, another son or daughter, mother or father, brother or sister, I can’t help but think of my son, B.J. and the profound pain and loss that will remain with us for the rest of our lives.

“And that intense pain that we feel over the loss of B.J. is being felt every day by those families here in America who have suffered a loss in Iraq. And that is one of the reasons why I opposed this war and one of the reasons why I plan to oppose this resolution.  But one of the other reasons why I oppose this resolution deals with honesty and truth.
“Boake Carter is credited with saying that ‘In time of War, the first casualty is truth.’  Mr. Carter’s statement is applicable to the Resolution before us today!  Like the one-sided resolution presented to the House last December, the Republican Majority has refused to allow a true debate on the War in Iraq.

“The truth today is that 2,500 American service men and women have died in Iraq.

“The truth is that the so-called coalition countries, including Great Britain, are drawing down their troops in Iraq.

“The truth is the Republican Majority, in its Resolution today, wants to blur the truth, that the ‘cause and purpose’ of the War in Iraq is the same as the War in Afghanistan.

“The truth is the Republican majority, in its Resolution today, wants to blur the truth that the ‘cause and purpose’ of the War in Iraq is justified by the terrorists’ attack on September 11th.

“The truth is the Republican Majority, in its Resolution today, wants to blur the truth saying that we who oppose this War in Iraq are not as patriotic as those who support the War. 

“The truth is the Republican Majority, in its Resolution today, wants to blur the truth saying that those who do not support Resolution 861 do not support our troops in Iraq.

“Resolution 861 continues the open-ended commitment of US troops in Iraq and embodies President Bush’s latest attempt to justify the U.S. involvement in Iraq. 

“Last December, the President and his Congressional allies claimed that the Iraqi parliamentary elections were a “crucial victory” in establishing a democracy in Iraq.  Thus, through this election, “victory” was inevitable in Iraq?  Even Vice President Cheney declared that the insurgency was ‘in their final throws.’

“America has heard this type of reasoning before from President Johnson during the Vietnam War.  In 1967, as the South Vietnamese freely elected their government, President Johnson then declared the Vietnamese election had established a democracy supported by the Vietnamese people.  Even our Vietnam military leaders declared the war would be over soon as there was “light at the end of the tunnel.”  After this Vietnamese election, the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ revealed 38,000 more Americans would die in Southeast Asia.
“Since May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared ‘Mission Accomplished’ in Iraq, over 2,300 more US troops have died in Iraq.

“What is the victory that the President and his Congressional supporters envision for the US in Iraq?  What is the strategy for the Iraq War ‘mission’ to be accomplished?

“This is not a war like our grandparents fought.  This is an insurgency! There is no country to hoist the white flag of surrender.  There is no recognized political entity that America can sign a peace agreement with.  There is only an insurgency of fanatics who have no desire to reach peace with the United States. Our brave military men and women are trying to build a democracy in a country that views our US troops as occupiers. Almost one half of the Iraqi people believe it is justifiable to kill our US troops.  The US military has been used to prop up a government being threatened by a guerrilla insurgency.  With this Iraqi insurgency, I cannot envision an event, a goal, or a date when ‘victory’ in Iraq can indisputably be achieved. 

“What has President Bush said about achieving ‘victory’ in Iraq?  The President said the United States will ‘stay the course’ and the next President will have to withdraw our troops from Iraq!  It will be 2 ½ years or 30 months before this President leaves office. Does this mean America will spend another 300 billion dollars for the War in Iraq?  Does it mean America will sacrifice 18,000 more young people to war wounds and another 2,500 killed?

“In October of 2002, I warned that this Administration would ‘open a Pandora’s box’ if the United States unliterary went to war in Iraq.   Mr. President, you opened Pandora’s Box with all of its death and destruction of American and Iraqi lives, you cannot simply wash your hands of this war and leave it to the next President to withdrawal our troops from Iraq!

“It is time for America to demand accountability from the President and the Iraqi government.  It is time for an Iraqi Accountability Plan to bring this war to an end! 

“Because of America’s sacrifice, the people of Iraq have been able to participate in a democracy by electing the leaders who will shape their young government and institute laws to protect them.  This is a giant step toward full accountability.

“The formation of a new government in Iraq is more than just filling out a cabinet.  It is an opportunity for the people of Iraq to accept responsibility for governing their country.  This responsibility extends beyond voting or forming a new government or killing Abu Musab al Zarqawi.  Now, is the time for Iraqis to be accountable for themselves and their developing country. 

“I believe that in order for the principles of democracy to take hold in Iraq, the target of the insurgency, our US troops, must be removed as soon as possible!

“The President must develop a strategy to bring our troops home.  I believe America should demand from the Bush Administration an Iraq Accountability Plan that will set clear and measurable goals. The United States has provided the Iraqis with an opportunity for freedom, democracy and self-governance. But it is the responsibility of the Iraqi people to seize the opportunity and set forth these principles in their land. 

“In this war, the truth lies in today’s The Washington Post headline which states ‘Iraq Amnesty Plan May Cover Attacks on U.S. Military.’  The war in Iraq has boiled down to amnesty for insurgents who attack and kill US soldiers but no amnesty for the insurgents who kill Iraqi citizens. This amnesty proposal appears to have the tacit agreement of the Bush Administration for Iraqi government officials stated, ‘There’s some sort of understanding between us and the UNF-I [The US-led Multi-National Force-Iraq] that there is a patriotic feeling among the Iraqi youth and the belief that those attacks [on U.S. military personnel] are legitimate acts of resistance and defending their homeland. These people will be pardoned definitely, I believe.’ 

“If you vote ‘yes’ on this Resolution, you are supporting the Iraqi government’s belief that it is “ok” to give Iraqi’s amnesty for attacking and killing U.S. troops!

“I cannot, and I will not support Resolution 861 which supports a government that pardons and justifies killing of 2,500 American personnel as Iraqi patriotism!

“I will not support a Resolution that leaves our commitment in Iraqi ‘open-ended’; or which allows this President to hand over the Iraq War to the next President, 30 months from now; nor a Resolution that does not have a strategy to end the War in Iraq.
I urge my colleagues to reject this Resolution!”

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