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Peter J. Wilcoxen

Peter J. Wilcoxen is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Economics and Public Administration at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School, and he is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He received his BA in physics from the University of Colorado and his AM and PhD in economics from Harvard University.

Dr. Wilcoxen’s principal area of research is the effect of environmental and energy policies on economic growth, international trade, and the performance of individual industries. His work often involves the design, construction and use of large-scale intertemporal general equilibrium models. He is coauthor of the Jorgenson-Wilcoxen Model, a thirty-five-sector econometric general equilibrium model of the US economy that has been used to study a wide range of environmental, energy and tax policies. He is also coauthor of G-Cubed, an eight-region, twelve-sector general equilibrium model of the world economy, that has been used to study international trade and environmental policies. In addition, he is a coauthor of a graduate-level textbook on general equilibrium modeling. Many of his recent publications have focused on national and international policies to control climate change.

Dr. Wilcoxen’s past positions include: Associate Professor of Economics, the University of Texas at Austin; Assistant Professor of Economics, the University of Texas at Austin; Visiting Fellow, the Brookings Institution; Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, and Senior Research Fellow, the University of Melbourne in Australia.

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