Table of contents for Unnatural phenomena : a guide to the bizarre wonders of North America / Jerome Clark.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

	1870: Rain Mystery, 
	1882: Falling Perch, 
	1888-1889: Ghost Breaks Up Marriage, 
	1889: Scaring the Horse, 
	1897: Snake from Toe, 
	1900: Flying Cross, 
	1900: Shot by a Light, 
	1910: Rain without Explanation, 
	1889 and After: City in the Mist, 
	1890: The Last Mammoth, 
	1900: The Ghost Fires Back, 
	1890: Merry Spirit, 
	1894: The Bells Toll, 
	1851: Raining the Unimaginable, 
	1859: Apparition at the Forecastle Door, 
	1860: "The Shape of a Huge Man," 
	1868: Giant Snake on the Road, 
	1879: A Rain of Water Lizards, 
	1882: Attacked by an Enormous Snake, 
	1882: Flying Train, Flying Reptile, 
	1882: Ghost in a Circle, 
	1883: "A Large Mass of Glowing Matter," 
	1885: Drumming in the Night, 
	1885: Crickets from Clouds, 
	1886: Big Shower of Little Frogs, 
	1886: Ashes and Cinders, 
	1886: Fireboy, 
	1888: Ball of Fire Too Closely Encountered, 
	1888 and Beyond: Phantom Giant, 
	1890: Raining Crabs, 
	1890: Serpent of Land and Water, 
	1891: "What Is It?," 
	1891: "This Unknown Creature," 
	1891: Enigmas, 
	1891: "A Gigantic Lizard," 
	1891: Boiling Water Falling, 
	1892: Mounted Phantoms, 
	1893: Astronomical Oddity, 
	1896: Airships Sailing and Stolen, 
	1897: Airship Again, 
	1897: Fast-Moving Light, 
	1897: Vampire Attacks, 
	1898: The Night before Last I Had the Strangest Dream, 
	1905: Screaming Sky, 
	1909: Mystery Ship over the Imperial Valley, 
	1912: Mysterious Ocean Thing, 
	1892: Massive Space Rock, 
	1895: Luminous Snow, 
	1897: Light in the Spring Night, 
	1897: "Genuine Flying Machine," 
	1855: "A Brilliant Red Ball of Fire," 
	1867: South Canaan Serpent, 
	1882: Anomalous Ocean Disturbance, 
	1882: Comet Or ... ?, 
	1886: Gnome, 
	1886: Phantom Passenger, 
	1886: "Huge Sea Serpent," 
	1888: "As Though by a Gigantic Plow," 
	1892: Musical Thunder, 
	1906: Strange Flying Machine, 
	1908: Groton Poltergeist, 
	1911: Worms in a Snowstorm, 
	1904: Anomalous Cloud, 
	1840s and After: Phantom Volcano, 
	1878: "Dumfounded at Seeing Such a Monster," 
	1881: "A Monster Unlike Anything Ever Seen or Heard of Before," 
	1887: "As High as a Good Sized Man," 
	1890: Mermaid on the Line, 
	1894: Gulf Lights, 
	1895: "A Wicked Looking Head," 
	1899: Snake in the Air, 
	1875: Lightning Figures, 
	1880: "Wonders of a Meteor," 
	1881: Ghost Machine, Phantom Engineer, 
	1881: Fiery Whirlwind, 
	1882: "Supernatural Monster," 
	1882: "A Very Large Dog with a Lamp Perched upon Its Head," 
	1883: A Snake Where No Snake Should Have Been, 
	1883: Invisible Rappers, 
	1883: "Aerial Cyclone on the Wing," 
	1884: "Mysterious Luminary," 
	1886: A Spook in the Air, 
	1888: Angels, Cross in the Sky, and a Day of Terror, 
	1888: Subterranean Mystery Heat, 
	1889: "Like a Terrible Cyclone," 
	1889: Hellhound on Their Trail, 
	1889: "A Woman Dressed in White and of Giant Size," 
	1890: Perpetual Rain, 
	1891: Snake-Headed Fish, 
	1892: Fireballs All Around, 
	1892: The Train Passed Over Her, 
	1892: The Moon Vanishes, 
	1893: Mysterious Dog-Killer, 
	1893: Invisible Rock-Thrower, 
	1894: Barking Monster, 
	1895: "The Most Loathsome-Looking Animal That Ever Inhabited This Earth," 
	1895: Balls of Lightning Fire, 
	1897: A Gentle Shower from Nowhere, 
	1902: Goat Ghost, 
	1910: Elusive Illumination, 
	1894: Shower of Salt, 
	1859: Apparition's Cold Glare, 
	1867: "A Vast Monster, Part Fish and Part Serpent," 
	1869: Millions of Somethings, 
	1870: Artifact from a Lost Civilization?, 
	1870: "Immensely Awful Sky Battle," 
	1882: Fire-Breathing Phantom, 
	1883: Lake Monster in Distress, 
	1883: Lights, Sounds, Grisly Scene, 
	1883: Green Frogs in the Falling Rain, 
	1883-1884: Lake Michigan Monster, 
	1886: Mirage Train, 
	1888: Phantom Train Wreck, Ghostly Trainmen, 
	1890: Neither Venus Nor Meteor, 
	1890: "The Bridge Is Burned!," 
	1891: Balls of Fire in the Street, 
	1892: Collision?, 
	1893: Suicide Reenacted, 
	1893: "Mounted on a Magnificent Horse," 
	1894: Ball-Lightning Destruction, 
	1896: Colored Snow, 
	1896: Giant Reptile, 
	1897: Airship over Chicago, 
	1897: Airship Wrench, 
	1897: Verses concerning "That Airship," 
	1900-1935: The Universe according to Zion, 
	1902: Ghostly Woman in Black, 
	1902: Well-Dressed Phantom Female, 
	1907: Watseka Wonder, 
	1909: Ghost with Fiery Eyes, 
	1910: Airship or Balloon?, 
	1839: Wild Child, 
	1870: Rock Attacks, 
	1870: "The Spirit of a Beautiful Little Girl," 
	1871: Through the Looking Glass, 
	1879: Chased by a Dragon, 
	1881: Phantom Boat, 
	1883: Ghost in the Railroad Yard, 
	1883: Hairy Female Biped, 
	1884: "A Sudden Burst of Ruddy Light," 
	1886: Figures in the Night, 
	1887: Ghostly Giant, 
	1888: Flying Fish, 
	1890: Fainting the Dead Away, 
	Circa 1890: Cry from the Sky, 
	1891: Immense Rattler, 
	1891: A Shroud with Fins, 
	1892: Phantom Prankster, 
	1892: Strange Snow, 
	1892: "White Robed Visions Walking," 
	1892: Serpent of Horse-Shoe Pond, 
	1892: Serpent of Big Swan Pond, 
	1893 and Before: On the Banks of the Wabash, and Elsewhere, 
	1893: Snake of Fire, Ropes of Ice, 
	1894: Omen in the Oats, 
	1894: Disappearing in Mid Air, 
	1894: Shower of Frogs, 
	1894: Mud Mermaids, 
	1894: Fifer's Music from Beyond, 
	1895 and Before: A Huge Reptile, 
	1895: Ghost Spurns Cop, 
	1895: "A Legion of Impalpable Forms," 
	1896: Masonic Temple in the Sky, 
	1897: Airship over Indiana, 
	1897: The Medium and the Airship, 
	1897: Airship over Vincennes, 
	1897: "A Strange Animal Which Resembles a Man," 
	1897-1898: Ghost in a Fedora, 
	1903: The Not-So-Real Airship Passes, 
	1903: A Team of Ghost Horses, 
	1904-1905: Swaying Lights on the Line, 
	1906: Airship Landing, 
	1913: Light in the River, 
	1927 and Before: Legend into Life, 
	1864: "In the Habiliments of the Tomb," 
	1864: Odd Luminous Phenomena in the Heavens, 
	1867: "Chivalric Ghost," 
	1874: Poltergeist at the Paint Station, 
	1875: Trotting Ghost, 
	1880: Captured Serpent Alleged, 
	1883: "A Literal Shower of Birds," 
	1884: Wild and Hairy Woman, 
	1885: Bizarre Haunting, 
	1895: "Spectral Lantern," 
	1897: Airships over Western Iowa, 
	1897: Airships over Eastern Iowa, 
	1897: Scaring the Horses, 
	1899: "Lady in Black," 
	1901: Coal House Ghost, 
	1907: Ghost in a Mine Shaft, 
	1875: Flying Serpent Preserved, 
	1882: Shower of Pebbles, 
	1882: Rainbow Cloud, 
	1882: "An Etching on the Darkness," 
	1886: Ghost of an Injured Child, 
	1887: Ghost of the Narrows, 
	1891: Personal Precipitation, 
	1892: Mud Fall, 
	1894: War in the Heavens, 
	1896: Unknown Aerial Object, 
	1897: Monstrous Reptilian Creature:, 
	1897: Railroad-Bridge Specter, 
	1899: Picture in a Horse's Eye, 
	1919: Multiple Balls of Light, 
	1857: "Dreadful Reptile," 
	1866: "Some Demoniacal Personage," 
	1868: Centaur on the Road, 
	1876: The Kentucky Phenomenon, 
	1879: Child Flying, 
	1880: Leaper and Flyer, 
	1886: Scenes from a Haunted House, 
	1893: Light in Winter, 
	1893: Colored Discs, 
	1896: Pink Creature, 
	1897: "A Huge Oblong Shape," 
	1890: Dancing Star, 
	1891: "Strange Feathered Monster," 
	1892: Shrieks, Laughter, and Screams in the Night, 
	1897: "A Machine of Unique Invention," 
	1854: "The Appearance of a Miniature Human Being," 
	1870: "By Some Unknown Power," 
	1882: Path of an Immense Serpent, 
	1885: Captured Sea Creature, 
	1891: "Emanating from Some Heavenly Body," 
	1896: Haunted Town, 
	1860: Light upon the Rail, 
	1874: Spewing Ball Lightning, 
	1879: "A Substance ... That Looked Like Snow," 
	1879: Anomalous Illumination, 
	1881: His Soul Goes Marching through the Clouds, 
	1882 and Before: A Monster Crossing the Road, 
	1883: Yellow Rain, 
	1883: Red, White, and Blue Lights, 
	1883: The Red, White, and Blue, 
	1884: Suddenly, Hordes of Crickets, 
	1885: Ball Lightning on the Track, 
	1889: Luminous Cylinder, 
	1889: Silent Spook, 
	1894: Creature with No Head, 
	1894: Strange Stars, 
	1895: Market House Spook, 
	1898: Phantom Woman Minus Head, 
	1901: 500 Frogs, 
	1915: "Luminous Ball of Large Proportions," 
	1837: "Monster ... from Nowhere," 
	1841: Sky Squid, 
	1849: Sea Serpent More Than 100 Feet Long, 
	1850: Black Rainbow, 
	1855: This Train Is Bound for Plymouth, 
	1864: The Blob, 
	Circa 1869: Specter Crew, 
	1870: Red Light, Invisible Train, 
	1875: Carrying the Serpent, 
	1883: "Hydra-Headed Monster," 
	1885: "Bright Line of Light," 
	1886: Bug-Eyed, 
	1887: Frogs from Rain, 
	1892: Oceanquake and Luminosity, 
	1893: Floating Hand, 
	1894: Ghost in a Boat, 
	1900: Like a Horse Shoe with Arms, 
	1909: Zigzagging Light, 
	1868: Light as Bright as Day, 
	1870: "Monster Resembling a Snake," 
	1878: Ghost in the Woodpile, 
	1884: Walled Lake Reptile, 
	1884: Fall of Chalk, 
	1884: "Rainstorm of Stones," 
	1885: Cemetery Light, 
	1892: "Singular Whirring Noise," 
	1894: Superior Serpent, 
	1895: Swamp Fire, 
	1897: Lights on the Water, 
	1897: Space Giant, 
	1872: "My Body Lies Buried," 
	1872: "Awful Apparition of the Dead Man," 
	1875: "Some Monster as Yet New to Naturalists," 
	1881: Strange Flying Phenomenon, 
	1883 and Before: Shooting at the Serpent, 
	1887: "Countless Millions of Bugs," 
	1889: Dirty Snow, 
	1892: Miracles at St. Michael's, 
	1897: Martians over Minnesota, 
	1897: Insect Shower, 
	1898 and After: Rune Stone, 
	Late 1800s and After: Old Oscar, 
	1876: Mystery Platform, 
	1877: Mississippi Monster, 
	1878: Rumors of a Monster, 
	1889: Giant Snake, Gold Coin, 
	1896 and Before: Otherworldly Goat, 
	1873: Rocks and Gravel, 
	1874: Talking Specter on a White Horse, 
	1877: The Dragon and the Bull, 
	1878: Shower of Fish, Lizards, and Leeches, 
	1883: Exploding Ball of Fire, 
	1887: "A White and Airy Object," 
	1887: "Ghostly Cable Train," 
	1890: "Pink Eyes and Yellow Wings," 
	1890: Paralyzed by Electrical Terror, 
	1890: Fatal Electrical Anomaly, 
	1891: Eaten by a Giant Snake?, 
	1897: Airship Landing, 
	1911: Spotted Snake with Wings, 
	1867: Unknown Animal, 
	1886: A Fatal Case of Venomous Snake, 
	1901: "Huge Star Fish" Overhead, 
	1915: "A Huge Black Mass" Overhead, 
	1889: "Ghost like Object," 
	1897: Raining Airships, 
	1920s: Alkali Lake Monster, 
	1868: "Beautiful Celestial Phenomenon," 
	1877: Turbaned Ghost, 
	1879: Mystery of the Wahhoo, 
	1879: Nature of the Beast, 
	1882: Green Storm, 
	1882-1883: Footprints in Stone, 
	1886: After the Rain, 
	1888: Fish and Frogs from the Sky, 
	1892: Ghost of the Red Barn, 
	1894: "Mysterious Visitor with a Fanlike Tail," 
	1896: Airship Inventor, 
	1907: Sky Ship, 
New Hampshire, 
	1882: Vanishing Star, 
	1894: Merbeings, 
	1909: Nocturnal Lights, 
New Jersey, 
	1873: No-Show Ghost, 
	1879: Attacked by Ball Lightning, 
	1885: Red Suspenders, No Head, 
	1885: Whizzing, Fast Giant Ghost, 
	1886: "Strange-Looking Object, Clad in Black," 
	1886: "The Spirit ... Was Wide Awake," 
	1886: "Instantaneous Photography by Lightning," 
	1887: Apparition with a Gashed Throat, 
	1889: Ball and Stars, 
	1891: Hoop-Snake, 
	1892: Mysterious Balloon, 
	1894: The Apparition on Eagle Rock, 
	1896: Shrieking Ghost, 
	1897: "Strange Meteor," 
	1897: "In the Clouds," 
	1899: "A Bloody, Mangled Wraith," 
	1901: Spirit or Joker, 
	1905: A Lantern from the Sky, 
	1909: Club-Haunting Ghost, 
	1911: Canal Serpent, 
New Mexico, 
	1880: On the China-New Mexico-New York Line, 
New York, 
	1822: Mystery Light, 
	1828: Grasshopper on Her Back, 
	1840: Between the Earth and the Moon, 
	1842: Extraordinary Aerolite with Bizarre Effects, 
	1843: "Nearly as Large as the Moon Itself," 
	1843: Fantastic Mirage, 
	1852: Mysterious Sound, 
	1855: Big Serpent in a Small Pond, 
	1858: Unmeteorlike "Meteor," 
	1860: Snake from on High, 
	1866: "Minotaur, Man, Beast, or Demon," 
	1868 and After: Giant, 
	1874: Blood from Nowhere, 
	1875: Balls of Fire in Church, 
	1878: Snow Worms, 
	1878: Spirit Fire, 
	1880: Sailing on Bat's Wings, 
	1882: Visions of Mary, 
	1883: Interplanetary Sword, 
	1883: Lights along the Track, 
	1885: Mountain Light, 
	1886: A Soap-Bubble Sky, 
	1886: "A Marine Monster 100 Feet Long," 
	1886: Ghostly Boatman, 
	1891: Fallen with the Snow?, 
	1891: Enigmatic Fog, 
	1891: Unparalleled Storm, 
	1891: "A Ball of Liquid Fire," 
	1892: Lightning in a Ball, 
	1894: A Living Cloud, 
	1895: Toads from Clouds, 
	1896: "A Wild Unearthly Shriek of Laughter," 
	1896: Asylum Phantom, 
	1896: Floating across the Road, 
	1896: Angel Overhead, 
	1897: Lawless Airship, 
	1897: "Marvel of the Skies," 
	1897: Leaping Ghost, 
	1898: "A Perfect Cross," 
	1907: Missing Body, 
North Carolina, 
	1806: Ghost Riders, 
	1850: A Shower of Flesh and Blood, 
	1860: Illuminated Mystery Objects, 
	1874: Giants in the Earth, 
	1876: Flesh Fall, 
	1880: "The Shape of a Huge Spotted Serpent," 
	1882: "Comet"-Spooked Horses, 
	1882: Woman or Creature?, 
	1884: A Rectangle of Fallen Flesh, 
	1888: Underground Turbulence, 
	1890 and Before: Specter in the Spring, 
	1897: "Great Sheet of Flame," 
	1897: "A Brilliant Floating Mass," 
	1897: Fall of Unknown Material, 
	1900: Black Cloud, Black Rain, 
	1900: Howling and Prowling, 
	1904: Sailing Snakes, 
	1908: Ghosts in Jail, 
	1913 and Beyond: Brown Mountain Lights, 
North Dakota, 
	1885: "Hurled from Some Planetary Wreck," 
	1899: Ships in an Atmospheric Ocean, 
	1826: Worlds within the World, 
	1832: Fall of Slimy Material, 
	1837: Graveyard of Little People, 
	1859: Spirits, 
	1859: Image of a Rattlesnake, 
	1873: Headless Ghost, Phantom Fires, 
	1877: Rural Poltergeist, 
	1880: Supernatural Flames, 
	1881: "One of the Most Disagreeable Spooks on Record," 
	1881: Fear of a Serpent, 
	1883: Misogynist Phantom, 
	1884: Assaulting a Ghost, 
	1884: Lights, Moans, Figures, 
	1884: Square White Light, 
	1884: "Not a Pleasant Looking Customer," 
	1884: Light amid the Snow, 
	1885: Haunted by Fireball, 
	1887: Woman in White on the Track, 
	1887: "A Tall, White Object," 
	1887: "Monster Reptile," 
	1887: Hazards of Drinking from a Spring, 
	1888: Warning by a Headless Ghost, 
	1888: Rain of Stones and Broken Pottery, 
	1888: Circle of Fire, 
	1888: "Men of Gigantic Stature," 
	1889: Unexplained Illumination, 
	1889: Snails Falling, 
	1889: Giant Snake Ate Giant Man, 
	1889-1890: The Conductor Returns, 
	Late 1800s: Flying Entity, Black Dog, 
	1890 and Before: Big Snake of Upper Sandusky, 
	1890: Swallowed a Frog, 
	1891: Figures in the Glass, 
	1891: Headless Horse Horror, 
	1892: Mystery Mist, 
	1893: "A Frightful Object in White," 
	1894: Pale Rider, 
	1894: Late-Night Visitant, 
	1894: "Spirits of the Air," 
	1894: Lights in the Snow, 
	1895: Sign of the Cross, 
	1895: Finger-Pointing Cloud, 
	1895: "Rather Peculiar Ghost Actions," 
	1895: Lights and Heavy Bodies Falling, 
	1897: Dangerous Visitor, 
	1897: Crazy about the Airship, 
	1897: Log-Throwing Snake, 
	1898: Over Lake Erie, 
	1898: Bullet Strikes Ghost, 
	1899: Skeleton of "Dazzling Brightness," 
	1902: Prowling Ghost, 
	1902: "Dressed Entirely in Black," 
	1905: Haunting Lights, 
	1905: "Blue Bells," 
	1906: Bolt out of the Blue, 
	1908: Nerve-Wracking Ghost, 
	1908: "Awful Thing" in a Long Black Cape, 
	1908: A Sign from Above, 
	1909: Luminous Enigma, 
	1909: "The Coils of a Huge Snake," 
	1909: Church Phantom, 
	1909: Flying Bucket, 
	1910: Light on the Lake, 
	1911: Unexplained Red Light, 
	1911: Out of the Sky, 
	1912: Raining Toads, 
	1870: In the Mines, 
	1896: Airship Madness, 
	1896: "Immense Ball of Fire Flying through Space," 
	1849: Caterpillars in the Snow, 
	1857: "A Sulphurous Mass," 
	1864: "A Beautiful White Rose," 
	1867: Poltergeist Speaks, 
	1869: "It Seemed to Inspire Terror," 
	1872: Phantom in the Coal, 
	1873 and After: Haunted Railway, 
	1879: Brimstone Snow, 
	1880s: Giant in a Vault, 
	1881: Vision or Hallucination?, 
	1883: A Ghost, Madness, and Death, 
	1884: Headless Man with Lantern, 
	1885: "The Head in One of Its Hands," 
	1885: "A Woman, Spectral in Appearance," 
	1885: Phantom Freight, 
	1885: Ghost on the Heights, 
	1886: Frog in Coal, 
	1886: Slimed, 
	1887: "Monster Air Snake," 
	1889: Spectral Driver, Horses Breathing Fire, 
	1889: Apparitional Black Dog, 
	Late 1800s: Otherworldly Reptile, 
	1890: Ball of Fire, 
	1890: Ghostly Procession, 
	1892: "Black Ghost," 
	1892: A Monster with Heart-Shaped Scales, 
	1895: Insect-Black Snow, 
	1897: Flying Cigar, 
	1897: "Swung by an Unseen Hand," 
	1902: Cross on the Moon, 
	1903: Raining Frogs, 
	1906: Winged Water Serpent, 
	1907: Unidentified Flying Object, 
	1907: "Volumes of Flames from Its Mouth," 
	1908: Apparitional Ball of Fire, 
	1908: "The Ghost Answers the Telephone," 
	1911: "A Black Snake between 12 and 15 Feet Long," 
Rhode Island, 
	1887-1888: Entity and Anomalous Light, 
	1888: "As Big Around as a Barrel," 
	1896: Ghost "as Big as an Elephant," 
South Carolina, 
	1886: Falling Stones, 
	1892: Alligator Man, 
	1897: Sky Serpent, 
	1901: "Swimming between the Rows," 
South Dakota, 
	1897: "Queer Lights Floating in the Air," 
	1903: "Some Gaseous Matter in the Air," 
	1841: Blood and Flesh from a Red Cloud, 
	1853: Strange Lights in the Night, 
	1869: Pillar of Fire, 
	1876: Pygmy Skeletons, 
	1877: A Rain of Somethings, 
	1880: Into Thin Air, 
	1891: Fishes with the Snow, 
	1891: Yellow Substance, 
	1907: "More Like Angels Than Mortals," 
	1908: Headless-Ghost Omen, 
	1873: A Dragon in the Clouds, 
	1877: "Aerial Fireworks," 
	1878: Falling Leaves, 
	1880s: Misty Ghost across the Track, 
	1885: A Plague of Frogs, 
	1887: Strange Storm, 
	1888: "This Weird Visitor from the Great Unknown," 
	1897: The Landing at Beaumont, 
	1897: The Beaumont Airship, 
	1899: Dellschau and the Aeros, 
	1908: Man in a Mirror, 
	1908: "Not Less Than 200 Feet Long," 
	1909: Paluxy Tracks, 
	1913: Death of a Little Green Man, 
	1868 and Beyond: Monster Mammals, 
	1873: Monster in Pursuit, 
	1894: A "Uniform Hat" Cloud, 
	1894: Serpent Comes to Eden, 
	1907: Fiery Torpedo, 
	1853: Cod Fall, 
	1856: Black Bugs on White Snow, 
	1856: Invisible Train, 
	1862: Sounds of Silence, 
	1863: Cloud Rolls and Mystery Soldiers, 
	1863: "Beautiful Effects of Light and Electricity," 
	1868: The Minotaur of Prince William County, 
	1869: Poltergeist Goes on Trial, 
	1870: Vision of a "Horrid Beast," 
	1871: Buchanan Poltergeist, 
	1882: Virginia Midland Phantom, 
	1882: Strange Meteors, 
	1887: Civil War Phantom, 
	1889: Rocks Fall, 
	1895: Falling, Sparkling Stones, 
	1904: Fall of Leaves, 
	1905: "An Ordinary Snake Attached to a Strange Looking Bird," 
	1909: "An Automobile without Wheels," 
	1871: Rain from the Clear Heavens, 
	1892: Ghostly Headlight, 
	1893: "Marine Monster," 
	1893: "Hateful Object," 
	1893: It Came from Beneath the Sea, 
	1897: "Countries of Spiritual Beings," 
	1911: Face at the Window, 
West Virginia, 
	1878: "White Horse Swimming," 
	1884: A Murdered Man Tells His Story, 
	1893: Monster on the Ohio, 
	1895: Peculiar Light, 
	1896: Mystery Monster Bird, 
	Early 1900s: Birdman, 
	1908: Unexplained Brilliant Light, 
	1853: Unknown Water Animal, 
	1860: "Wonderful Freak of Nature," 
	1867: Man Beast, 
	1881: "A Cloud of Smoke and Flame," 
	1882: "A Big Thing Out There," 
	1883 and After: Lake Serpents, 
	1886: Dark Day, 
	1888: The Supernatural on Trial, 
	1889: Lake's Sea Lion, 
	1890 and Before: "Ten Feet High and Six or Seven Inches in Diameter," 
	1895: Nocturnal Enigma, 
	1896: Kite or Airship?, 
	1897: "Terrific Aerial Monster," 
	1897: Airship over Milwaukee, 
	1890 and After: Whispers, 
	1896: Raining Clay, 

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Ghosts -- United States.
Curiosities and wonders -- United States.