{author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 21-May-2005 {description} KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. Inside the Astrotech Payload Processing Facility on Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, the cover of the shipping container is lifted away from the newly arrived Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO). CALIPSO will fly in combination with the CloudSat satellite to provide never-before-seen 3-D perspectives of how clouds and aerosols form, evolve, and affect weather and climate. CALIPSO and CloudSat will join three other satellites in orbit to enhance understanding of climate systems. The launch date for CALIPSO/CloudSat is no earlier than Aug. 22. {highres} 3000 x 1968 {highsize} 559615 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} NASA,KSC,Kennedy Space Center {lowres} 320 x 209 {lowsize} 76639 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 1024 x 671 {mediumsize} 103561 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-05PD-1379 {slideres} 120 x 108 {slidesize} 15500 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 65 {tinysize} 8174 {tinytype} GIF {title} KSC-05PD-1379 {type} Image {end}