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A furlough action is the placement of an employee in a temporary nonduty and nonpay status on a continuous or noncontinuous basis and is caused by the same reasons that create the need for a
reduction-in-force (RIF), such as lack of work or shortage of funds.

RIF procedures, with some flexibility, must be followed to furlough an employee when the furlough will be for more than 30 consecutive days. In short, this means retention standing determinations are made, assignment rights are identified, position offers are made and effected (on a temporary basis), and employees with no offers are furloughed.

A furlough for 30 days or less is not a RIF action but is covered by non-disciplinary action procedures.

n 5 CFR Ch 351
n 370 DM 351
RELATED TOPICS: Disciplinary and Adverse Actions, Nondisciplinary Adverse Actions

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior