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JULY 13, 1993



Segment 2 - July 13, 1993, ADM Headquarters, Decatur, Illinois
Telephone Call To Tokyo, Japan - Audio Tape

WHITACRE:           And regarding our, and regarding our next meeting,...

MIMOTO:             Yeah.

WHITACRE:           I think that, now our next meeting, since you guys hosted the
                    Vancouver meeting, I think ADM should host the next meeting. 
                    Don't ya think?

MIMOTO:             Yeah.  That's fine.

WHITACRE:           And maybe we host it in, uh, Maui.

MIMOTO:             Maui?

WHITACRE:           The lysine, you know, have the lysine meeting, the group meeting
                    like we had last time in Vancouver.

MIMOTO:             Yeah.

WHITACRE:           The group lysine meeting, to have it in Maui, Hawaii.

MIMOTO:             Maui, Hawaii is, uh, still the United States.

WHITACRE:           Yeah, but what's that mean?  Still the United States?

MIMOTO:             Well, still the United States means, uh, United States is, ah, very
                    severe for the control of antitrust activity, no?

WHITACRE:           Yeah, but you think in a, in a hotel in...

MIMOTO:             (ui-talking at same time).

WHITACRE:           Hawaii next to an eighteen hole golf course?

MIMOTO:             (Laughs).  No, uh, if your company judges no problem, maybe I
                    will consult with, ah, our legal department.

WHITACRE:           Well, you know we met Kyowa, we met Kyowa in Hawaii, Maui,
                    about a year ago,  I think.

MIMOTO:             I know, one-to-one is alright, but this kind of, well maybe we can
                    call it, ah, association for the establishment of our association.

WHITACRE:           Yeah, that's right.  It could be a formal association meeting.

MIMOTO:             Maui, Maui is very convenient for us, but, uh, I don't know.

WHITACRE:           It, it, for one, it'd be a formal association meeting to, to starting of
                    our association...

MIMOTO:             Hum.

WHITACRE:           and also would be a good distance for you and us both together.

MIMOTO:             (ui).  That's right.

WHITACRE:           Only about half way for each of us.  

MIMOTO:             Yeah, yeah, that's right.  And be on the golf course, I think.

WHITACRE:           Yeah

MIMOTO:             Uh, no big problem.

WHITACRE:           And I think you country owns...

MIMOTO:             (ui).

WHITACRE:           Hawaii anyway.  So.

MIMOTO:             Yeah, that's right.  So, uh, well, anyway, I will get that advice from
                    our legal department.

WHITACRE:           Yeah, okay, and we got, we got...

MIMOTO:             But, uh...

WHITACRE:           time on that.  That meeting wasn't gonna happen till one, we
                    figured out the mechanics of the association...

MIMOTO:             Hmm.

WHITACRE:           first, and two, to make sure these prices really go up.