APPENDIX $S7> No, % ¦ ' : typographical Dwijion of the Ruffian Empire into Governments^ Provinces, and Dijiricts. AS the new divilion of Raffia into governments, pro- vinces, and diftrkrts, by Catherine the Second, has totally altered the geography of that vaft empire; and as no-accurate account of the general divifion yet given to the public has fallen under my obfervation, I fliall here fubjoin a lift-communicated to me in February 1785, from undoubted authority. In comparing this lift of governments with that given m Book 6. ch. i. of this work, the reader will find a difference in the number and names of the governments ; for in- ftance, this lift enumerates 41, the other 40 governments. This lift mentions the governments of Archangel, Cathe- rinenflaf, Olonetz, and Cattcafus; and the other thofe of Aftracati, Azof, and New Rtrffia. But this difference may eafily be reconciled, by confidering that the former lift was made in 1782, the latter in 1784> wh«n feveral alterations had taken-place in the names of the govern- ments, particularly that Olonetz was formerly included in tbe government of Novogorod, and Archangel in tha* rf Vologda, from which they have been fiuce ieparat^d; that the names of New Kuffia and 6i Azof have beem changed for that of Ecatherinenflaf; and that the go- vernment of Caucafus has been lately added, and coxn- prifes the government of Aftracan* vol. ii, ' .a, - Prifent