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Retired NASA Langley Engineer Awarded Silver Medal by the Acoustical Society of America
Allan Zuckerwar, a retired Langley employee and an acoustician at a private company has a contract to develop instruments for aerospace research, has been awarded a Silver Medal in Engineering Acoustics from the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). The medal will be presented on Nov. 29 at the an ASA in New Orleans, La.

Dr. Allan Zuckerwar. Image Right: Allan Zuckerwar, retired from Langley's Advanced Measurement and Diagnostics Branch. Credit: Acoustical Society of America.

The Silver Medal is awarded periodically by the ASA for contributions to the advancement of science, engineering or human welfare through the application of acoustic principles or through research accomplishments in acoustics. Zuckerwar was cited for contributions to the theory and practical development of transducers and their use in fundamental measurements.

This is a surprising and truly unexpected honor,” Dr Zuckerwar said. The medal is not Zuckerwar's first honor from ASA – in 1985 he was named a fellow of the Society.

The focus of Dr. Zuckerwar’s research is exploring the way sound travels through gases. He worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center for 25 years in the Advanced Measurement and Diagnostics Branch developing acoustical instruments for aerospace applications. While at Langley he received the Paul F. Holloway Award for non-Aerospace Technology Transfer for developing non-invasive way to listen to fetal heart sounds.

The Acoustical Society of America is the premier international scientific society in acoustics devoted to the science and technology of sound. Its 7000 members worldwide represent a broad spectrum of the study of acoustics. ASA publications include the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America—world’s leading journal on acoustics, Acoustics Today magazine, books, and standards on acoustics. The Society also holds two major scientific meetings each year.

For more information about the Society, please visit:

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