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USGS Water Resources Data - California, Water Year 1994

                               11441001  UNION VALLEY RESERVOIR NEAR RIVERTON, CA

LOCATION (REVISED).--Lat 38`51'33", long 120`26'13", in NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.29, T.12 N., R.14 E., El Dorado County,
   Hydrologic Unit 18020129, Eldorado National Forest, in valve control house near left bank at Union Valley Dam
   on Silver Creek, 0.7 mi upstream from Little Silver Creek, and 6.6 mi north of Riverton.
DRAINAGE AREA.--83.7 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1962 to current year.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder.  Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Sacramento Municipal Utility District).
REMARKS.--Reservoir is formed by earthfill dam completed in December 1962; storage began May 1962.  Usable
   capacity, 269,514 acre-ft between elevations 4,645.0 ft, minimum operating level, and 4,870.0 ft, top of
   radial spillway gates.  Dead storage, 7,921 acre-ft.  Reservoir receives water from the South Fork Rubicon
   River via Robbs Peak Powerplant (station 11429300) and from South Fork Silver Creek, since April 1985, via
   Jones Fork Powerplant (station 11440900).  Water is used for power development in the South Fork American
   River basin.  Discharge to Union Valley Powerplant (station 11441002) is shown as a line item below this
   table.  Records, including extremes, represent total contents.  See schematic diagrams of Middle Fork American
   and Rubicon River basins and South Fork American River basin.
COOPERATION.--Records were collected by Sacramento Municipal Utility District, under general supervision of the
   U.S. Geological Survey, in connection with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project.  Contents not
   rounded to U.S. Geological Survey standards.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum contents, 279,100 acre-ft, July 9, 1974, elevation, 4,870.6 ft; minimum
   since reservoir first filled, 18,300 acre-ft, Jan. 13, 1977, elevation, 4,683.3 ft.
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 185,827 acre-ft, Oct. 16, elevation, 4,835.12 ft; minimum,
   117,167 acre-ft, Feb. 26, elevation, 4,799.22 ft.

                         Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
           (Based on table provided by Sacramento Municipal Utility District, recomputed October 1991)

                                   4,680      17,675           4,780      89,926
                                   4,700      25,160           4,800     118,894
                                   4,720      35,266           4,820     154,489
                                   4,740      48,883           4,840     197,460
                                   4,760      66,841           4,870     277,435

                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS

DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP

  1    182683   177639   154508   130129   126399   118428   148964   166178   179382   162002   150879   138720
  2    182993   177010   153434   129579   125861   119183   149231   166633   178879   161394   150533   138557
  3    183104   176534   151979   129031   125341   120104   150456   167152   178552   160607   150379   138071
  4    183326   175693   150360   128774   125057   121096   151361   167463   178313   159762   149805   137567
  5    183460   175005   148451   128535   124523   122685   151689   167817   177986   159221   149250   136904

  6    183571   174490   147389   128092   124074   123825   152211   168860   177487   158442   148888   136315
  7    183793   173891   146333   127566   123676   124241   152075   170223   177530   157904   149098   135639
  8    183949   173400   145508   127007   122998   124723   152404   170961   176729   157625   148603   135071
  9    184261   172910   145227   126467   122833   125057   152928   171891   176081   157109   148413   134258
 10    184641   172188   144797   126029   122603   126046   153006   173144   175650   156476   148204   133537

 11    184819   171658   143867   125542   121913   127566   152715   174169   174984   156219   147881   132749
 12    184864   170982   142738   125107   121716   128416   153142   174769   174726   156061   147484   131894
 13    184842   170371   142332   124723   121340   128842   153356   175715   174084   155667   146785   131391
 14    185043   169404   141817   124523   120802   130353   153902   175995   173507   155293   146220   130474
 15    185580   168547   140956   124707   120510   131842   154959   176361   173123   154999   145695   129905

 16    185827   167526   140207   124307   120137   133239   156002   176189   172825   154763   145171   129596
 17    185625   166488   139245   123859   120039   133765   157248   176275   172082   154606   144816   129219
 18    185199   165621   138594   123263   119716   134753   158162   176902   171595   154274   144294   128433
 19    185020   164654   138017   122225   119183   136672   159642   177053   170813   153746   144071   127854
 20    184328   163732   136583   121815   118797   138395   160607   177205   170181   153863   143885   127294

 21    183860   162916   136725   121684   118621   140189   161536   177509   169425   153668   143403   126686
 22    183238   162164   136511   122373   118380   141799   161961   177812   168547   153434   143126   126517
 23    182750   161273   135727   123527   117980   143015   162815   177878   168150   153123   143015   125811
 24    182262   160224   134682   124324   117549   144406   163181   178030   167671   152579   142738   125141
 25    181489   159301   133976   125392   117342   145096   163528   178095   166882   152327   142314   124290

 26    180895   158481   133449   125794   117167   144965   163794   178639   166075   151862   141688   123660
 27    180389   157804   133099   125912   117310   144928   163876   179229   165250   151631   141267   123329
 28    179994   157070   132277   126248   117469   145657   164736   179141   164306   151014   140499   122652
 29    179403   156397   131720   126517      ---   146766   165209   179032   163344   150841   140062   122718
 30    178879   155313   131183   126787      ---   147768   165394   178923   162754   151033   139589   122258
 31    178400      ---   130681   126855      ---   148223      ---   178923      ---   151361   139281      ---

MAX    185827   177639   154508   130129   126399   148223   165394   179229   179382   162002   150879   138720
MIN    178400   155313   130681   121684   117167   118428   148964   166178   162754   150841   139281   122258
 a    4831.60  4820.72  4807.37  4805.13  4799.41  4817.05  4825.72  4832.08  4824.36  4818.59  4812.13  4802.27
 b      -4283   -23087   -24632    -3826    -9386   +30754   +17171   +13529   -16169   -11393   -12080   -17023
 c      18310    25590    32780    18340    17830     8150    11540    11400    20930    22600    24150    23230

CAL YR 1993   MAX 273285  MIN  73535  b +54257  c 439700
WTR YR 1994   MAX 185827  MIN 117167  b -60425  c 234800

  a Elevation, in feet, at end of month.
  b Change in contents, in acre-feet.
  c Diversion, in acre-feet, to Union Valley Powerplant, provided by Sacramento Municipal Utility District.

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If you have any questions or comments about this document contact:
Dale Alan Cox <dacox@usgs.gov>