As of: February 13, 2009
Tracking No. 8037b924
Comments Due: January 07, 2008

Docket: APHIS-2006-0168
Commercial Transportation of Equines to Slaughter

Comment On: APHIS-2006-0168-0001
Commercial Transportation of Equines to Slaughter

Document: APHIS-2006-0168-0046
Comment from Jen Ropp

Submitter Information

Name: Jen  Ropp

Spokane,  WA, 

General Comment

Equines should have their specific needs met in transport to slaughter as they are
extremely sensitive to overcrowding, changes in water and food, and will often
panic in over-stimulating and stressful environments. In addition, they have often
served as companion animals to humans and deserve the most humane and
responsible treatment possible. Unfortunately, equine slaughter is a way to get
rid of unwanted equines, but that does not mean the last few days of their lives
have to be miserable. One way this can be less miserable to these animals is
ensuring they are transported in trucks designed for safe equine transport rather
than double deck cattle trucks.