898 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 Climatological Data for November, 1909. DISTRICT No. 6, MISSOURI VALLEY. J. WARREN Smm, District Editor. GENERAL SUMMARY. The month of November was unusually warm and wet in nearly all parts of the Missouri watershed. It opened un- usually warm and the highest temperatures of the month were recorded during the first, decade. The temperature reached 90' in Kan.sas and was above SO" in all of the States, except Wyoming and Montana. Baronietric depressions that came from the southwest caused heavy rain in parts of Iowa on the lst, and in Missouri on the 7th. An area of high pressure nioved into the northern part of the district on the 7th, causing freezing weather in Montana on that date and in all but the southeastern part of the watershed on the 8th. A storm that was over North Dakota on the 10th caused unseasonably high temperatures in most sections, and, combined with another storm from the southwest, heavy rain resulted in parts of Missouri on the night of the 11 th. Another northwestern high-pressure area produced freezing weather in the northwest on the 11th and gradually overspread the district between that date and the 15th. In the mean time southwestern depressions moved across the lower part of the district and caused heavy rain or snow in Kansas and parts of Nebraska and Iowa on the 12th ancl 13th, and in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri on the night of the 15th. On the 17th another well-defined high-pressure area over- spread the district from the northwest, causing zero tempera- tures in Montana and North Dakota ancl freezing temperature over the remaining States. The temperature was below zero a t some time during the month in all the States except Kansas and Missouri. The precipitation was much in escess of the normal, except in North Dakota, and in most of the lower part of the watershecl it was the heaviest ever recorded in November. Very little snow fell in Missouri and only a moderate amount in Kansas. In the mountain States more of the precipitation was in the form of rain than is usual in t-his month, although in Colorado the snowfall was heavy, averaging 17.7 inches, with froni 3 to 5 feet in the higher elevations. In South Dakota most of the precipitation was in the form of snow, while in parts of Iowa the snowfall was the heaviest ever recorded in this month. The prevailing wind was from the northwest, in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska; from the west in Wyoming, Mon- tana, and Colorado; and from the south in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri. The wind movement was very close to the normal. There was more fog than usual and much more than the nor- mal cloudiness. The percentage of possible sunshine was from 10 to 20 per cent less than the normal for the month. The following is extracted from the reports of the section director in each State: Wgoming.-The average temperature for the month was above the normal throughout that part of the State that is in District No. 6. The daily mean averaged from 1" to 4" above the normal. The precipitation was not very heavy, but it was above the November nornial at nearly all stations. It was heavier in the mountain districts than in the plains, and although an unusual amount of precipitation was in the form of rain even at the higher elevations, the snowfall was heavy enough so that a good supply of snow accumulated in the mount.ains. This snow will probably be conserved until late next summer as it has fallen so early in the season. There was more than the average cloudiness during the month, and more than the usual amount of fog was reported. The sunshine averaged only about 47 per cent of the poesible amount. Thunderstorms were reported at 3 stations on the 9th and at 1 station on the 24th. An aurora was observed at Echeta on the 29th. The highest temperature was 79" and the lowest -22". The heaviest precipitation for tlie month was 5.39 inch-, And the greatest. amount in any 24 hours was 2.50 inches. Tlie greatest monthly snowfall wag 52.0 inches at the Thumb, in the Yellowstone National Park. Afontana.-The mean tem erature m.v considerably above the normal, except over a narrow scope ofcountry along the Canadian border and at a few high mountain stations. The warmest section was immediately east of the Continent.al Divide. There have been but two Novembers in the past 15 years with a materially greater precipitation. It was generally greatwt in the inountain sections of the western part of the State, and the amount decreased eastward over the plains section. The precipitation all occurred in the 2 periods from the 10th to 13th and !Nth to 26th. The average precipitation for the various subdrainage basins was as follows: Milk River, 0.90 inch; Marias, 0.64 inch; Sun River, 0.74 inch; Beaverhead, 1.59 inches; Madison, 1.9? inches; Gallatin, 3.49 inches; MusseLshell, 1.06 inches; Yellowstone, 0.90 inch; Big Horn, 1.SG inches; Tongue, 0.90 inch; Little Missouri, 0.50 inch. There was an unusual amount of cloudineae, and the average sunshine was about 33 per cent below the normal, or about 41 per cent of tlie possible. Tlie average wind velocity was 7.7 miles pez hour, which is slightly less than the normal. Auroras were noticd on the lst, 13th, and 29th. There were many reports of fog. Thunderstorm occurred on the 31st, 23d, and 34th. The highest temperature reported WM 7s" and the lowest -26". The greatest monthly rainfall was 4.SOinchq and the greatest fall in 24 hours, 1.61 inches. The heaviest monthly snow- fall was 41.0 inches at Jones Canyon. North Drtkotn.-Generally pIeasant weather prevailed throughout the district during the month, although there was a slight deficiency in the sunshine. The temperature averaged nearly 3" a d a above the normal, due principally to the high day tcmperatum during t i e first decade. The second decade was the CcJklest. and during this period the minimum for the month was generally recorded. The precipitation was unevenly dis tributed, geographically, hut. with the esception of the first decade, fell quite uniformly throughout. the month. The average precipitation for the district was considerably below the normal and less than onehalf that d tlie corresponding month of 1908. The wind movement during the month was nearly the average. The highest temperature was SS" and the lowest -20'. The greatest monthly precipitation was 1.04 inches. The greatat amount in any 24 hours was 1.04 inches. Tlie greateat monthly snowfall was 10.0 inchm. South Dakotu.-Thc mean teniperature was nearly 2" below the mean for November, 19OS, and 2.5" above the normal for the month. The local monthly means ranged from 40.1' in the Black Hills district t o 29.0" in the upper James River Valley. The precipitation was above the normal over a11 parts of the State aud, escept in some of the southeastern counties, WM nearly all in the form of snow. The precipitation was more than an inch above the normal in a number of counties in the lower James, Missouri, and Big Sioux river valleys. The averages for the principal valleys were: hlisouri, 1.76 inches; James, 1.24 inches: Big Sious, 1.45 inches; Cheyenne, 0.91 inch. There waq an average of 12.5 inches of snow during the month, but it wm not as n rule accompanied by high winds and, therefore, was not niuch drifted. The snowfall averaged greatest over the middle and lower portions of the James and h h o u r i river valleys, the largest amount, 25.8 inchm, occurring in Tenkton County. In the more elevated portions d the Black Hills clistrict tlie snowfall was not so great as on the lower levels. Thawing temperature.q at times reduced the depth of snow and at the elm of the nionth there was practicnliy none on the ground, escept in some northeastern counties, and but little in the niountainous districts. Thunder was heard on the 10th in a number of southeastern counties, and near the close of the month there was an unusual amount of foggy weather. The average hourly wind velocity was S.4 miles, and the average total move nient for the month was 6,OS miles. The malrimum temperature was 86" and the mininiuni -12'. The greatest monthly precipitation was 4.53 inches and the greatest in 24 hours 1.70 inches. C'dorada-The month waq unusually cloudy, yith mild t e m p a t m and unusually heavy snowfall. The mean precipitation was considerably in escesq of any previously recorded in November, but t.his was probably due in part to the increased number of hi h-level stations. There have been several warmer Novembers but few in wkch there was so littlesevdy cold weather. The mean temperature for that part of the State that ia in District No. G was 37.9', which iA 2.3" above the normal. The average precipitation over this part of the State was 1.25 inchw, or 0.64 inch above the normal. The sunshine wag the least for November since instnunend records have been kept. At Denver the percentage of the pmible sunshine was only 45 and wm 25 per cent below the normal. The highest tempera- ture was 55' and the lowest -6". Tlie greatest total precipitation was 2.41 inches, and greatest fall in 34 hours 1.00 inch. The greatest monthly mow- fall wag 31.0 inches. .Vebmskn.-rl'he mean temperature was decidedly above the normd throughout the State, the daily escess at most placea being between 3" and 7". The average precipitation for the State as a whole was 2.73 inches, which is the greatest amount for November on record since the year 184N. The other years with an average November precipitation exceeding 2 NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 899 inches were 1852, 1855, and 1871. The precipitation in the soutlieastern part of the State ranged from 7 to nearly 10 inches, while the normal is about 1 inch. The precipitation and escess both materially diminished in the northern and western counties. I n the valley of the Blue and the lower Missouri rivers the excess varied from 4 t o 6 inches. I n the Republican Valley the ex- was nearly 2 inches. In the upper Missouri it was about 2.50 inches, while in the Niobrara, Loup, and upper Platte valleys the ewes4 was about 1 inch. The cloudinw was in excess, while the number of rainy days, 6, waq twice the normal number. The percentage of posqihle sunshine at North Platte waa 60 and at Omaha 46, which is 11 per cent below tlie normal. The average wind velocity was 9.0 miles an hour, which is about 0.2 mile below the average for November for the past 15 years. Fog was reported on a large number of dates. An aurora was observed on the 30th. The highest temperature was SS" and tlie lowest -10". The greatest monthly preripitation was 9.95 inches. The greatest amount in any 24 hours was 5.55 inches. The greatest monthly snowfall was 25.4 inches. Zowa.-The average temperature for the State was 6.5" above the normal and was tlie highest for November during the past 19 years, except in 1S99. The temperature was above the normal on all but 4 or 5 days of the month. The precipitation was escessive in all districts, and was well distributed throughout tlie month. It was the wettest November on record. The heaviest precipitation occurred between the 11th and 16th, but the amounts were heavy also on the lst, 7th, 32d, 23d, and 2Sth. The amounts of snow- fall over the northern counties exceeded all November records. Heavy mow fell on the 15th, 16th, 32d, and 23d and the monthly amounts ranged from S inches to 24.0 inches in tlie northern part of the State. The highest temperature was SB" and the lowest -4". The greatest monthly pre ripitation was 10.33 inches and the greatest fall in 24 hours 4.05 inches. The greatest snowfall was 24.0 inches. Kansas.-The weather for November was unusually mild, cloudy, and wet, the month having tlie highest mean temperature and the greatest precipitation of any November on record. The mean temperature was above the normal at all stations. The departure was the greatest in the Val- ley of the Kansas River, where the daily ex- averaged 9". The greatest ex- in precipitation occurred in the Blue River Valley, where it ranged from 5 t o 8 inches. The excw in the Kansas River Valley rangcd from S inches in Pottawatoniie County to 1 inch at its mouth. The excess in the other river valleys ranged from 2 to 6 inches. The greatest 24-hour prrcipi- tation in the Blue and Kansas river valleys was unprecedented for Noveni- ber. In the upper portion of the Blue River it was more than 4 inches, and in the upper portions of the Iiansits River it, ranged from 3 to 6 inches and occurred on the 13th. The sunshine averaged 49 per cent of the powible amount, and was 10 per cent below the normal for the month. The highest temperature was 90" and the lowest was 6". The great& monthly p r c cipitation was 9.55 inches and the greatest amount in 24 hours was 6.10 inrhes. The heaviest snowfall was 12.5 inches. Missoztri.-The month of November was the mildest and wettest during the past two decades or more. The mean temperature WM continuously above the normal during the entire month, except 3 or 4 days during thc second decade and 1 or 2 during the third decade. The mean temperature in the Missouri Valley to the no& of the river was 6" to So a day above the normal, while to the south of tlie river, including tlie northern slope of the Ozark Plateau, the excew averaged Sa t o 10" a day. The mean temperature for the State was 53.6", 9.3" above the normal and 3.5" higher than the previous high mean of November, 1902. The prevailing day temperatures were remarkably high for the season of the year. One of the most. notire- able features of the month was the unusually small number of days with the temperature 32" or lower, which averaged about 5 for the State. The pre- cipitation for the month was frequent, heavy, and general, the average for the State being the greatest in 27 years. The total precipitation in the Missouri, Charitan, and Grand river valleys was from 2.50 to 7 inrhcrc, which, on an average, is about S6 per cent above the normal. Over the Osage watershed the amounts were from 3 to over 7 inrhes and escedcd the normal from 1.50 to 5 inches. The snowfall was light and unimportant. Thunderstorms were quite frequent, and there was more wind than usual. The sunshine was somewhat below the normal, and the relative humidity was 6 per cent higher than the normal for November. The highest. tempera- ture waa 87" and the lowest 11". The greatest monthly rainfall was SA9 inches, and the greatest %hour fall was 5.50 inches. The greatest snowfall waa 2 inches. TEMPERATURE. The average temperature was much above the nornial in most of the district. The first and third decades were gen- erally warm, while the second decade was only moderately cool. The highest temperature recorded was 90" at Enterprise, Iians., on the 3d. The lowest temperature was -26" at Augusta, Mont., on the 14th. The lowest temperature in Missouri mas 11" above zero and in Kansas 6" above. It was below zero in each of the other States. PRECIPITATION. The precipitation was below the normal in North Dakota and part of Montana, but was above in all other portions of the dis- trict. In much of the central and southern parts of the water- shed i t was the greatest ever recorded in November. The great- est monthly precipitation was 10.33 inches at Thurman, Iowa. The greatest amount in any 24 consecutive hours was 6.10 inches at Wamego, Iians., on the 13th. The heaviest snowfdl for the month was 53.0 inches at the Thumb in the Yellow- stone National Park. RIVERS. In the most of the lower part of the watershed the rivers were higher than usually recorded in November. In central and western Iowa the rivers and streams were at flood stage and overflowed the bottom lands, which mas unprecedented for this month. Consiclerable damage was done by washouts and flood- ing in northeastern Kansas. Road bridges were washed away in the Valley of the Vermillion River, and clamage done to rail- road tracks. Transportation interests were hampered to some estent in the Blue River Valley and in Pottawatomie County, in the Kansas River Valley. At Kansas City, Mo., the Mis- souri River was within 3.5 feet of flood stage on the 17th, and at St. Louis the h4ississippi River rose to 20.5 feet on the 20th. High water causecl a suspension of work on the east. land pier of the bridge at St. Louis. In Montana there was no material in- crease in the flow of most streams, mainly on account of the gen- erally clry and unfrozen condition of the grouncl. MISCELLANEOUS. There was considerable interference with railroad traffic in Montana from the 24th to 27th on account of landslides caused by heavy rains ancl nieltiiig snow in the mountains. Some de- lay was caused to railroad traffic in North Dakota and South Dakota by heavy snow, and heavy rains and washouts did some clamage in Kansas. Wagon roads were very mudtly and fields were rendered every unfavorable for work in parts of South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Iiansas, am1 Missouri. The rains have zusured an abundant water supply for the winter, however, and have put the soil in goocl condition for early spring work, if the weather is favorable at that time. Fall plowing could be carried on through most of the month. The mild and wet weather was generally favorable for winter grains, ancl the winter wheat and rye prospect is reported better than the average for the past 10 years in all parts of the district where these crops are raised. It is possible, however, that the top growth of the winter grains has been too rank, and that the plants are liable to be greatly clamagecl if unfavorable winter weather should be experienced. It is known also that a pro- longed warm autumn, especially if it is extended into early winter, enables the young of the Hessian fly to become so de- veloped as to live through even a severe winter. A warm, wet fall tends to continue the growth of fruit trees too late and the tender shoots and partly developed buds are easily winter killed. Peach buds especially were noticeably de- veloped at the close of the month and it is feared that severe win- ter weather, or any early cold spell, will be damaging. In Montana the moderately cold spell from the 11th to 17th had the effect of retarding the grain movement from the farms to the elevators, but caused little inconvenience to railroads or stock interests. The rains have greatly interfered with corn husking and in inany places much of the corn is lying on the ground and the grain has been seriously damaged. Corn that has been put into the cribs has dried slowly in the damp weather and there is much complaint of its heating and molding. The weather was favorable for stock interests and in the south- ern part of the district the pastures were green at the close of the mon th . The danger of forest fires ended generally with the coming of the heavy snow. In the National Forest District No. 1, cover- ing northern Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and 900 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 Michigan, it is reported that the total cost of extinguishing fires for the past season has been a little over $15,000, as against ap- proximately $30,000 in 1908. The forest supervisor of the Kansas National Forest report,s that on November 27 and 28 a heavy rain fell, turning into sleet the evening of November 28. It lasted 12 hours and caused a great deal of damage in the way of breaking down tele- phone wires and poles. Large branches of trees and in many cases trees were broken off, as a heavy wind from the north ac- companied the storm. Snow and cold weather interfered with the United States Reclaination Servicework to some extent on the Milk River Pro- ject in Montana, the Belle Fourche Project in South Dakota, and the Shoshone Project in Wyoming. The irrigation season was closed on the Shoshone Project on Kovember 13. At the Garden City Project, Kansas, the river water was available for irrigation throughout the month, but was used for that purpose on only 9 days. The wet weather of the past summer and fall has emphasized the importance of draining farm lands, and i t is estimated by the county surveyors in Union, Page, Lyon, and Clay counties, Iowa, that a total of over 800 miles of tile were laid, or preparations macle for laying the same, in those counties during the month. I n Pottawattamie County, Iowa, mutual ditch drainage work just completed or under contract contemplates over 30 miles of clitches, draining 24,800 acres. Plans for other ditches 34 miles in length will be ready for contract in 1910. Plans are being laid for the construction of a large ditch in Shelby County, Iowa, that will straighten the branch of the river running from Defiance to Harlan, a distance of 15 miles. A river-straightening petition in Page County, Iowa, contem- plates the construction of a new river channel about 40 miles in length that. shall take the place of S3 miles of channel now b e ing used by the river. The cost will be approximately $300,000, and 25,000 acres of overflowed land will be reclaimed. NOVEMBER, 1909. Valley .................... Verona ................... Way. ................... Wyncote .................. Yellomtone Park.. ...... (1 Fountaln.. .............. (21 Grand Canon.. (3) Lake Hotel.. ............ 4) N o m Geyaer.. 5) RLvenlde.. .............. 6) Soda Butte. .............. )S I v a n P m .............. 0) Tower Falls. ............. 8) Txumh. .................. l1O)U' B F ............ onbna Adam .................. Add ...................... Agrlculturd College.. .... Ba b ..................... Bald Butte ............... Big Creek.. .............. B Tlmber Creek ........ B o u l g N-y.. ....... Bowen .................... Brldger ................... Bmadvlew Exp. Sta.. .... Browning.. .............. Bwby .................... Bwteed .................. Butte ..................... Canyon Fe rry... ......... Cucsde .................. Cataraat Creek.. ......... Cbemman Res ............ Chater..% ................ Chlnook.. ..................... Chouteau. ............... Cleu Creek.. ............ Chnonr .................. Columbus ................ Copper.. ................. Crow Agenoy.. ........... Culbmtenn ............... i A u p .................. B k n .................. 90 1 Blg Horn.. .............. 6.500 Sherld an... ................... Blg Horn.. ............. 5,375 Laramle ................. 4.207 Natlonal Park.. ......... 6. 200 .do.. ...................... .......... .do.. ...................... .do.. ................ 7,733 .......... .do.. ................ 7.525 .do.. ................ 6,500 do. ................. 7.000 do .................. 7,000 do ......................... .do.. ..................... .do.. ................ 7,305 D a m n ....................... Cascade ................. 5.200 Gallatln.. ............... 4.700 h i s & Clark ........... 4.071 Teton.. ................. 4,461 Lewb & Clark.. ......... 6.500 Park.. .................. 5,800 Sweetgram .............. 4,070 Yellowstone ............. 3,115 Je5eerson.. ...................... Beaverhead .............. 6,060 Carbon .................. 3,664 Yellowstone.. .................. Teton.. ................. 4.440 Rosebud ........................ Sweet ..................... Lewb & Clark. .......... 3,644 Ceacade ................. 7.336 Je5e1aon.. .............. 7. OOO Lenis & Clark ........... 5.275 Chouteau ............... 3 140 .do ................. 2.205 Teton.. ................. 5,810 Chouteau.. .................... h l e & Clark ........... 4.672 Yellowotone. ............ 3,180 ................. 8.041 Valley ................... 1.927 Sllve.r%w.. ............ 5,716 &&e;. ...................... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. - TABLE l.-Cli~natdogieal data for November, 1909. Dislrid No. 6, Mdissoiin' Valley. -____--____ ~- i Temperature, In degrees Fahrenheit. i Preclpltatlon, in Inches. ' $ I Sky. ................. 34.0 I ........ 1".75 I - d 0 a4 6 a- m d - - ii PI -_ SW. W. 8W. W. W. nw. .... n. nw1 n. n. .... W. .... 8W. .... .... W. ... W. W. W. BW. 8W. W. SW. SW. W. W. 8. BW. W. W. .... .... ... ... nw.. ... nw. W. .... .... ne. nw. nw. W. nw. RW. sw. sw. W. se. W. BW. 8. nw. ne. n. W. W. W. BW. sw. su-. n. nw. W. ee. W. BW. W. W. .... .... .... .... 8. SW. W. BW. nw. UW. BW. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... W. W. .... nw. .... 31 15 17 14 3.27 2.11 4.83 1.73 5 3 9 4.28 ........ 0.80 ........ 1.06 ........ ?.50 ........ 0.50 ........ 1.05 ........ o.sn a a: B? si a ( c I.> - 21 5 15 3 15 I 13 3' 10 2 11 10 * 10 6 8 9 7 9 7 10 13 14 11 6 II 10 5 7 5 7 13 7 7 2 10 2 I2 7 10 18 15 1.5 18 21 13 11 9 11 17 13 16 3 8 15 10 3 I4 12 6 13 14 13 5 9 9 18 i b 12 6 14 LI A 5 s - .. 4 10 33 3 8 4 3 4 4 3 32 3 4 3 10 8 5 1 17 18 8 6 4 19 6 8 2 3 6 9 2 2 12 14 11 3 17 7 .. .. .. .. 2 22 5 5 3 4 2 5 1 11 10 10 4 .. .. .. .. 15 16 3 1 3 6 2 16 11 6 1 6 13 4 4 ... .. .. -16 15 i - 1 2s -13 15 1 14 27.2 .........I 50 I 31 35.2 + 2.8 38.6 + 3.7 70 4 38.0 + 2.2 73 6i 38.61 ........ 34.01 ........ 41.4 ....... .............. ......I... 6 7 1 5 ........................ ......I ........ ......I ... 38. 41.8 918 1:. ...... ......I :. .. ....... ...... : ........ ........ Wyominp. Arapahoe ............... Fremont.. ...................... Bunum .................. Johnson ................. 5.500 Buln .................... .I Blr Horn.. .............. I 3,856 David Yslloy. Thos. Freegurrd. 0. J. Robertaon. Cbas. C. Youn U. 8. Weather Bureau. Irrigation Invea. Office. George Mllne. Chaa. A. C. Snow. L. E. Jenson. Henr C Mlller. Dr. H: Welty. F. A. Eaton. M. R. Hunter. Wm. Riohardaon. U. 8. Forest Servlce. Frank Ja-n. Jan. Doughty. John Hunton. 8. D. Perry. Wm.Bo m. Auguat gettlnger. Wm. Booth. Henry D. Echoonmaker. h%?&m Bruanca. C. L. Tewknbury. G. A. Knowlea. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Unlvedty of Wyoming. C. A. Cowdln. Mary E. Palntm. R. Fred Harrlaon. D. E. Goddard. Henry D. Colburn. C. A. Sherman. Jas. I(. Somem. Edwin Moore. Dr. 8. W. Johnaon. U. 8. Reclamation Service Mn. Arthur Rugg. C. W. Johnson. U.S. Reclamation Service Robert P. Quest. Supt., 8. & E. R. R. U. 8. Weather Bureau. Geo. Brundage. U. 8. Reclamation Service Gao. L. Courtney. John Sheilock. A. L. Duhlg. G. E. McPherren. Jaa. L. YcLaughUn. 0. A. Roode. C. D. Marshall. U. S.Reclamatlon Service U. U. 9. S. Army. Weather Bureau. LO. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ........ .... ~.~ ~ Bennett ................... Carbon ......................... Cheyenne Esp. Farm .... 1. .. .do.. .................. 0. e I - Chsyenne.. .............. Laramb.. ............... 6.089 ............ 0.25 5.0 0.64 3.0 0.23b 3.71 0.171 1.5 0.36 0.0 0.32 I 13 0 I 31 20 5 0170 1 3.2 n. 15 ...... .... 18 I'ii 3 4 14 5 14 , 6 ....I... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .... 0.03 ........ ... 1.93 ........ 56 186 + 1 3 0 0 60 .....( 5 ; 19 (' 9 ........ ... ................... I .....I .... I .... I... .... ...... ........I .... I1:50 1 _...:...I @:40 1 15.0, 6 ....... ............... 36 10.701 ........I .... .... 10 .... ... ... 17 16 ... ... .... 0 .... 7 -3 -1 -7 ... 15 15 15 10 ...... ! ........ 1 ......I ... 2i.01 ........ I 51 5 36.6! ........ 71 , 4 .... 4 -8 ... 16 15 ...... ........ 44 ._.I 0 74 I ........ I .... 0.99 I ........ 43 11.09 I ........ 43 ............ .I 57 11.30 I ........ 52 I 5110 I ........ 40 I 1.12 + 0.33 33 I 0.29 I+ 0.04 46 ' 0.53 '+ 0.19 43 . 0.39 ........ ... 0.89 ........ 45" 0.87' + 0.38 36 11.08 1 ....... 1 42c I / 0.50* ........ I 3 16 12 6 6 5 6 0 14 7 4 15 10 11 13 12 24 I 1 10 R I? 15 5 18 e 1 5 6 9 8 1 11 5 1 11 5 11 11 20 13 I7 11 8 12 4 6 R 9 13 n ......I ..... I ...... 33.4 + 4;j.l 67 36.1 + 4.4 67 35.6 I + 3.1 1 :l 30.6 ........ 62 35.5 ........ BY 38.9 + 4.1 40.9~ , ........ i 74, " 3 3 51 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 i 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 5 31 4 4 3 41 3 3 31 2 ;i ;I 11 3 3 3 3 3 .... -4 2 -3 -9 -3 3 12 ... 15 I6 28 I4 15 1.5 28 s 11 10 14 IS 22 5 18 19 10 13 6 IO 11 4 9 18 12 11 S 19 6 14 10 9 3 13 18 10 14 12 7 7 3 i n a 1: Q 3 16 8 6 ?o ... .................. 33.71 ..... 1 ' 70 39.7.1 + i2' 71' 35.01 ........ 1 70 ........ 1! 4 16 ..... o 1.i; 5 3 fi 9 4 7 4 10 10 4 3 5 14 9 6 12 6 10 13 8 4 3 6 I 1 4 10 12 5 2 3 11 5 5 : 1; ... ......I ........ I ..... 39.2 ....... 70 34.8 ........ 71 35.6 1 + 4.1 I 66 34.8 f 2.5 74 35.4 + 2.1 77 39.4 ........ 1" 28.7 ........ 58 ..... .I:. .... ..I.. ... ......I ........ I ...... ........ .............. I .... ......I ........ I ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ 40 10.32 I ........ I O.?O I 3.2 .... -1 - 10 2 -2 -2 -1 0 -4 -10 .... .... .... -5 1 -1 -13 1 -4 0 -4 -15 0 -3 -6 -5 -7 -7 0 - 26 -7 .... .... .... -in -8 -13 -3 -11 -6 -4 -1 -17 -10 -17 -18' .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... -4 .... ... 15 15 2s 15 IS 1.5 15 15 28 ... ... 35 54 29 ...... .......I ..... 38.7 ....... i7 37.01: ........ e!) ........ ........ 28.2 ........ 52 28.0 ........ 56 ....... 55 21.6 1 ........ 54 3o.o ........ 62 %::I ........ 28.2) ........ j 53 ..... ...... 44.5 17.0 9.0 34.0 52.0 7.7 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.5 14. s 11.0 4.0 8. 2 14.3 2.5 7.0 8.5 11.5 1.5 4.7 14.0 4.0 1.6 13.5 12. 5 ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... 33.4 ........ 68 ........ ........ ........ 0.07 ........ 1.111 ........ 0.20 1.17 ........ 0.63 2.14 I ........ 0.78 I ........ 0.30 0.24 ...... 0.10 .................. ...... \ ........ 1 .. I"".' Peter Vlnk. W. H. Patterson. U. 8. Weather Bureau. R. H. Spencer. B. B. Lawrence. L. E. Gard. Thos. 8. Hunt. Thoe. B. Mages. .............. 33.6 I - 0.7 I"'7?' 32.8, + 1.6 64 28.8 ........ 59 38.8 ........ 74 33.2 .......... 72 ............. 0.93 I ........ l'b:3? ....... ...... .......I ...... ........ .... Fred Gerdes. Chas. D.&hmldt. B. B. Weldy. Thos. 0. Hanlon Co. H. Van De Reit. C. Sedgwlck. Frank Eberl. 0. F. WIlklnson. Orvllle Harrb. G. F. E. H. Server. Coulter. ,32;0.~:.. .... .:... .. .I... . .......I 5 7 ) 3 ..... ........ I ..... 1.84 I ........ 10.55 ... I. .... ...I ........ .....I ........ 0.40 j ........ 10.20 0.ie ;_. ...... Iiiii ....................... 30.2l ........ 1 ' 551 31 34.2', ........ I t0"l 5 .................... ......I. ....... I. ... ..I:::: .............. 1 . I...77.l:.4, ....................... 34.6 + 1 4 ................. 0.52 I. ...... .1'0.18 .................. 1.59 i ........ 10.45 1.86 + 1.14 0.70 ..... I ........ I ..... ............... I ...... I .... 902 Mebtone.. ............... ?&Idred.. ................. MUw Clty ................ MU Creek ................ Moore.. .................. Mudd Creek .............. Norris. ................... n Creak. ............. Pipestone Paca.. ......... Poplar.. .................. Ra mond ................ Red Lodge.. ............. Reea, cre%k. ............. Ranova. .................. Rimlnl.. ................. Ryegate.. ................ Sedan.. .................. Sprlngbrook .............. stearnr. ................. Toknai.. ................. Toston ................... Townsend.. .............. Trrll Creek ............... Utlca.. .................. i& ...................... d e rs Ranch.. .......... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 i I statlonr. Cuter.. ....................... ..... .do.. ................ Park .................... Fergus.. ....................... ... ... - - ......... ... 2.371 5,500 Modontandont'd. Cut Bank.. .............. Deaker.. ................. Deep Creek ............... Delphlne.. ............... Denton ................... Dillon.. .................. Dirty Creek .............. Dry Creek ............... Dry Wolf Cam East Gallatln &a: : Ekalaka.. ................ Elkhorn .................. Evans. ................... Fallon .................... Fish Creek#. ........... ..I Flathead Creak ........... Fish Tall Creek. Forayth.. ................ Fort Benton .............. Fort Shaw ............... .I Fort W. H. Harrison.. ... Forter .................... GarneU.. ................. Glendlve.. ............... Goldhutte.. .............. Graham.. ................ Grayling.. ............... Great Falls. ..............I Half Yoon Paas .......... Half Way House.. ....... Harlowton.. ............. Hasael.. .................. Havre. .................... Helena.. Highwood.. Home Park .............. Hunlle .................. Jonea 6anyon.. .......... Jordan.. ................. Ismistown.. ............. Uvln#ston.. ............. Lodge Pole Creek.. ...... LomTree ................ I Lost Horae Creek Lubeo.. .................. .................. FamllyO I ... ................. .............. i Klelnsmlth creek.. ...... ......... I sweetgrasa.. ................... Jefferson.. .............. JeBerson.. .............. valley.. ................. Teton.. .................. Carbon. ................. ...... do .................. Gallatln ................. Jefferson.. .............. h l a & Clark ........... Yellowstone ............. G d a t l n . ................ Dawson.. ..................... Lewis & Clark.. ......... Damn.. ............... Broadwater.. ........... ...... do .................. Park.. ................... Fergus.. ................. ..... .do.. ...................... Madlson. ................ Broadwater. ............. Ysdlson ................. Carbon.. ...................... Park .................... Lenls & Clark.. ......... Valley. .................. Jefienon.. .............. 6.34s 7. 000 2,020 4.260 5.548 5, OOO 4.3S3 7.900 3.640 3.155 4.500 2.050 3,850 3,780 6. OOO 5.000 5.880 5,800 7,500 9,OOO 4. 000 1.995 6.376 i 6.000 ......I ........ ...... ' ....I ...... .... .... ...I ................ ........... ...... .... .... ...... ............... .......................... ..................... ........ 0.45 17.0 - 0.62 0.11 7.5 ........ 0.13 ..... Oliver ........................ LaMoure ................ 1 470 Billlnga. ................ .I 2,759 IxOLem ............... I i0.2 I+ 2.60 I ........ ....... ........ ............................................................... 37.3: ........ !"71 3 ' -3 15 40 0.93 ........ ...... I ........ ~ ................................................. .............. ........................ ........ ' 1.78 30.6 ........ ~ 78 30 -14 15 46 0.18 ........ 0.55 21.2 0.63 10.5 0.40 13.7 0.05 0.8 0.25 6.1 0.67 13.3 0.10 2.5 15 .. 3 1 25 2 9 10 1 1 2 5 4 8 16 3 21 1 6 .. .. .. .. 2 16 12 14 1 3 12 16 1 16 1 a BurIe.gb ................. Mercer.. ....................... Wllims. .............. YcLean ................ Shark. ................... Lamoum.. .............. ...................... .... .~... ............................ 35.0 I + 4 .7 76 I 3 5 I 16 143 11.19 I+ 0.59 I O .0 1 ...... ........................ 0.77 ........ 0.26 .............. ........................ ......... ' 1.28 0.53 1.6i4 1. Q44 1.W)i 2.453 1.468 3.5 4.0' 4 :i ..a .i ... 15 6 2.7 9 16.8 I 5 ' 6 18 ..... l;:; I'ij 6.1 I 12 12.4 I i 160' 5 5:OI 3 12.5 j 18 1.5 '"3 5.1 7 32.5 7 9.1 4 27.1 10 2.5 3 7.0 2 7.5 5 ..... ..... I ... ........ .... 5.0 6.0 9.2 11.5 15.0 1.8 9.5 2.9 8.0 7.0 41.0 2.0 4.8 8.0 16.0 16.0 6.0 13.5 6.2 .... .... 9" 9 --. d n. n .... .... .... .... 5.8 7.5 9.0 ........ ........ 0.34 15.2 ......I.... ........ I o.eg i 13.0 ............................. ........ 1.07 I U.35 .,. "I I I I 0.64 I 0.34 .i~ii.l.+ 3.3 I 69 s , -11 15 43 0.60 + 0.07 0.20 ........ ..... ............................... su. 5 6.0 ..... ...............I ................. I .... I .... I ...... I ........ I ...... I ..... 34.0 +0.9j i o , 3 ' -7 /1 5 36 0.76 ........ 0.21 6.6 1 1 4.80 0.90 29.0 ........ ........................................ 36.6 i ......... 70 I 3 I - 5 115 , 40 I 0.72 I ........ 10.4; I -!.5 ........ ................................... 1.54 U 40 17.3 32.2 i 61 3 -9l15137~2.11. 0.45 21.3 31.4 I .......I 55 I 18 I I 13 /$ 0.74 ! ........ 10:37 I 4.6 ........ ........ .................................... ' I ........I ........... 33.1*,. ...... _, 72s' 1 . -13 , 15 , 55=, 0.50 , ......... 0.40 , 5.0 ......I ........ j ...... I .... 1: .....I .... 1: ...I. i:ii.l ........ 10.75 I 3.0 ...... i ........ I ...... I ........... I .... I .... I...:.. 2.09 ........ ...... ........ .... I.. ..... .... ... .. ........ ...... ........ .... 3 14 9 8 11 6 6 11 7 4 5 4 13 1 9 6 10 5 5 0 11 9 5 5 13 11 10 8 4 4 9 9 2 i f 14 13 5 6 I 1 12 11 4 6 10 4 3 3 7 3 1 1 4 2 3 .. 11 13 7 12 11 13 3 17 2 16 14 6 5 20 23 17 15 S 10 3 20 A 3 4 7 13 15 I 14 12 9 1R 10 14 11 8 11 I3 13 S 10 21 6 12 10 14 8 21 7 15 19 11 25 16 5 I1 5 12 7 11 13 8 9 7 0 18 10 8 7 .. .. ... 6 6 10 6 6 7 16 ... 6 22 3 9 9 17 10 3 9 ... ... 7 ... ... 0 15 23 5 8 25 11 12 8 2 8 ... ... 24 8 3 10 6 14 7 13 1; 4 6 11 13 1 17 6 7 4 8 1 9 0 5 13 5 5 15 10 7 8 8 5 10 12 .. 9 w. 13 W. 6 W. 13 sw. I 1 w. 13 nw. 12 sw. 13 w. 10 w. 11 sw. 7 6 w. 11 w. 7 w. 15 nw. 7' nw. 0 sw. ........ ........ ........ I w. ... , ..... 12'. sw. 5 4 5 15 5 16 14 15 15 7 2 8 15 11 8 6 9 6 10 12 13 11 14 7 8 7 13 13 12 14 8 14 15 6 6 0 9 10 9 18 10 15 11 8 10 .. ' i ii 11 12 ...... 9 ' 11 6 17 3 I 19 ... I... BW. W. BW. W BW. SW. R. W. W. W. SW. W. w. W. nw. sw. e. ..... sw. ..... ..... ..... ..... Be. sw. W. s. SW. W. ..... nw. n. W. Be. sw. sw. W. W. I. ..... .... ..... nw. ..... ..... W. W. W. W. SW. ..... ..... .... se. nw. W. ..... nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. n. .... 8. ..... Chas. N. Thomas. Lewis Cameron. J. C. Stuart. Mra. R. J. Eveleth. John Eberbart. W. Freese. J. W. Skelton. R. Thrasher. Mrs. A. C. Gifford. U. S.Reclamatlon Service 0. B. Tllton. 0. E. Hamkin. L. G. Brown. Thos. M. Patterson, jr. River Observer. U. S. Reclamation .Service Post Hospltal. E. K. Bowman. J. E. Scally. W. B. Walker. J. T. Berthelote. J. S. Rue. P. Kerzenmncher. 8. H. Bauman. Thos. Stlgen. Gordon Deans. Jos. Mulr. E. C. Alhrecht. U. S. Weather Bureau. U. 8. Weather Bureau. W. 8. YcCord. H. L. Miller. U.S.Reclamatlon Servicr Jas. McCune. W. 8. Henderson. Mrs. E. W. Mills. W. W. Watson. Lewls Terwllllger. F. 0. Whlte. E. Wilson. C. M. Mason. U. 5. Reclamatlon Service F. E. Parent. E. J. Parklnson. Leon B. Clark. U. 8. Weather Bureau. W. H. Edlck. Clyde Grove. Emery Mudd. Madison Rlver Power Go F L B ant. Rbbt. OLn. Mrs. Theola Klermeyer. H. M. Cosler. W. H. Campbell. E. A. Reber. Jan Wooale Mi. H. L. h l e r . Jas. W. Harpove. U. 8. Reclsmation Bervla W. H. Llttle. Rlver Ob-. Andrew Weldenbauer. P. W. K d . J. B. Haselbarper. D. J. Steiner. N. 8. French. C.L Hall. U. 8. Weathor Burern. E. M Walker. G. 0. Sanford. F. n. Chllds. L. R. Wddron. 0. A. Tbompwn. U. 8. Weathex Bureau. J. 0. Wllron. NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Clinaaldopieal data jor Nooentber, 1909. LXstrid No. 6-Continued. 903 Natih DakaLdont'd. Fullerton.. .............. Haley .................... Hetunger ................ Howard.. ................ I Jamestown.. Kdm ..................... Lsmolne.. Iamoure. ................ Manfred.. ................ Msrmarth.. .............. Marstonmoor.. ........... I Medlna.. ................. Mdora.. ................. I Melville.. .I I u t .. Napoleon. ................ i New England.. New Sslem.. ............. orange ................... I I Palermo.. 8teele ..................... Swartwood.. I Washburn.. ............. .; Wlllkton I WRlSheli ................... I ............. ................ i ................ ................... .......... ................ ............. ................. Dickey .................. Bowman.. Adama ............... Wllliama.. ............ Lamou re... ............. Stutsman Kldder.. Lamoure ................ Wells Bowman ...... do .................. Bllllnga. ................ Foster ................... Hettlnger.. .................... h g a n ................... l'i.955 I 17 Hettlnger ................ 2,400 13 Adam .................. .....I 2 Ward .................... !'i,W 5 Kidder ................. .: 1,857 i 13 Bowman.. ..................... Me Lean .................I 1,731 I McIntosh ................ , 2,010 I 4 ................ Morton ................. .) 2.163 I 2 Williams ................. 1.875 I 29 SouLh Dakola. Aberdeen.. .............. .I Brown.. ................ .I 1.300 ! 20 Academy.. ............... ' Charles Mix.. ................. .' 21 Alexandria ............ ...I Haneon.. ............... 1,353 1 21 Andover... ............... , piy. .................... 1.476 .... Armour .................. Douglas ................. 11521 Ardmore .................. a River ............... I 3 557 I 1 16 hhcroft ................. .I Herding ................. 3.102 1: Belle Fourche.. .......... i Butte.. ................. .I 3.000 I - Bowdle ................... Edmunds ................ 1.905 15 Broolrlnga ................ Broolrlnga ............... 1.636 23 Burke .................... Gregory ................ .I .i .. .. .) 2 Canton ................... Uncoln .................. ,248 14 h a d e Sprin ga... ....... Fall River ............... 3,423 I 2 hterville.. ............ .! Turner.. ................. 1.229 . 5 C .s h o o d ............... Hamlln .................. 1.685 I 4 Chambalaln ............. Brule .................... 1;363 12 ckrk ................. ....I Clark .................... 1.7i9 I I6 Clear Lake ............... Dew1 .................... 1.500 I 7 CUlton.. ................. Sully.. ............................. Cottonwood.. ............ Stanley.. ....................... 1 Davlaton ................. Perklna ......................... I 1 1 Deadwood.. ............. Luwrcnce.. ............... DeSmet .................. Iiinpshury .............. Donllng .................. Stanley .................. Dumont .................. Lawrenoe ............... Elk Polnt.. .............. I Unlon Ehgnon ................. Pcrklna &nJsnood ............... Eureka. .................. 1 McPherson .............. F a a x .. ................. Fannlngdale ............. Faulkton. ................ I Fhdreau.. .............. Formtburg.. ............. Fort Meade.. ............. I Fmderlck.. Gannvdby (Iraenmount .............. Greenwood.. ............. Enrdy Ranger Station.. . Hermosa.. ............... ............... ............... i g%?:.-: :: : : : : : : : : : : : ' .................. H o d .. ................. Huron.. ................. adoka.. ................ . Kmlwbec ................ mder. .................. glmbd .................. I.Delle .................. bad.. ................... Lmmon.. ............... Idls.. ................... Ydon. .................. u l e t b .. ................ yenno.. .................. Hlbhell.. ................ Yurdo.. .................. OrmFm.. ................. Wumwa ................. plsrre .................... finkinton.. ............. Pdlwk.. ................. Rm Id Clty ............... d 6 d d .................. Rmbud.. ................ Rodyll.. ................. ~n l ~ water ........... p.. ................. h w .. ................... .................. ................. i Hand.. I Beadle.. Edmunds.. .............. Stanley.. ................ 2 m a n . ................. I srshsll ............ .....I I Brule.. Splnk.. Lawrence.. .............. Perklna .................. I ! Stanley.. Turner.. ................ s Ink ................... EPutcMnson.. .......... .I Davison.. Lyman.. I Butte.. Stanley.. ................ Hughea.. ................ Aurora ................... I .................. ................. ................ ............... ................ .................. i ~ Temperature, In degrees Fahrenheit. Preclpltatlon, In i n c h . 40.9 ...... .... I ...... i .... 28.9' ........ I 031 31-10 15 .....I ........ j .................... ............. ......I .... .......... ............... 31.0 + 2.0 33.3~1.. .. .'. .. 29.7 , + 3.4 ?o.l.l + j 2s. 2 !. +.i;g ' I 3.02 31.0 + 3 5 30.4 I ........ 3?.0 I ........ I ...... I ........ ...... .... ..... ........ ........ ...... ... ...... ...... 43 10.20 ........ ...I 0.40 ........ ...I 0.19 ........ ....... ....... 41 I0.15 I- 0.2s ...... ..... 29.0 + 0 5 38.3 I - 0:G 1 M \ 0 1 37.1 I + 5.3 , i 5 ' 6 - 5 15 44 11.1s I+ 0.:: 7 I l5tl 51 1.62 + I.-- 77 ' 0 6 115 I35 / 1.92 I+ 1.32 ...... I ........ 38.8 I ........ 35.s i ......... 35.6 .........I . 30.8 I ........ 34.5 + 1.1 I ..... i s 11 ...... .... 3 ' 14 42 6 -3 j 1 I lit1 16 46 39 1 ; .... l t l .. . .~.l.i7.1.~o ...... 1. ........I.. ....... .i . ..... (... .!.. . .I .... ..I.. ...... .I:::::::: I. ....... I+'i.'30' ,. ........ - 0.09 ........ ..... 0.41 0.50 0. SO 0.00 1.93 0.82 3.20 I , ...................... ......I :... I .... I..:... ..... I ........ I : ..... i ................... 034 I:::::::: 33.11 I ........ I 78 I 6 I - 2 I15 141 10.45 I ........ Gregory.. ............... Pennington ............ Faulk ................... Moody Senborn Meado .................. Brown Buffalo .................. Lawrence ............... Charles Mix ............. ............ .................... ....... Camp bell... .............. ................... ....... ........ ................ 31.6 i ........ ... ......... ................ 36.4 ........ 36.0 + 1:s 33.6 I + 0.5 I 35.2 ....... 36.4 1: .......I 35.0 1 + 3.4 I 32.2 I + 1 s I 33.3 ........I ................. 3 d p - 0.70 0.37 0.20 0.50 T. 0.10 0.06 0.30 1.04 0.30 0.21 0.35 0.40 0. 20 0.50 0.10 0.15 0.14 0.06 0.13 0.15 0. so 0.65 1.07 0.40 0.40 0.30 I). 40 1.49 0.58 0.58 0.63 0.73 0.50 0.12 0.25 0.50 0.20 0.60 0.25 1.10 0.13 0.20 .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 1.30 0.40 0.80 0.30 0.60 0. 22 0.80 0.28 0.50 0.32 0.26 0.20 0.76 0.30 0.24 0.40 0.87 0.28 0.52 0.41 0.27 0.45 0.95 0.50 0.25 0.26 0.30 0.54 0.20 0.40 0.70 .... i:oi ..... ..... ..... iii' 3 sa 0s sz -a d e 3 - IO. 0 4.8 5.5 6.0 T. 2. 10 5.0 4.0 3.8 3.0 10.0 4.0 9.0 5.0 8.0 1.5 T. ?. 3 2.0 2.0 12.0 17.0 15.5 IO. 0 9.5 7.1 5.5 10.5 15.0 13.5 7.2 !1.2 15.0 12.5 7.5 5.0 5.9 0.0 32.0 7.0 13.0 7.1 4.5 10.5 5.5 14.0 11.7 7.0 17.0 8.0 16.0 11.0 11.0 7.0 10.6 6.1 IS. 6 5.5 7.5 13.0 IO. 0 16.0 15.5 7.6 7.0 11.0 7.8 14.0 io. 0 5.0 11.0 13.0 I!. 5 1.0 IO. 7 6.0 18.6 8.0 8.0 .... .... .... .... 1.0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... _ 3 5 3 4 0 2 6 3 9 1 7 1 5 3 a 1 1 5 ? 4 0 4 6 7 7 0 5 4 5 6 6 9 3 2 4 S 5 5 6 4 6 I 5 4 4 6 6 3 5 8 7 8 4 6 6 3 6 6 7 4 7 4 5 4 4 3 5 8 5 6 6 3 8 2 7 ; 1; : ..... .5./.ig.i. -.I.. ... ii.1 7 9 nw. ... i .... I ......... 11 Ill I 8 W. SW. ....I ......... 9 12 I 9 BW. 9 I 14 I 7 sw. nw. 17 2 I 11 nw. 14 I 2 . I4 nw. I1 , 10 I 9 sw. 10 ' 8 12 sw. 9 11 I 10 1 nw. 13 I 5 I 12 nw. 12 6 12 e. 4 15 11 e. .............. 1 12 i 11 I 7 1 w. ,.I ....... I. ... I. .... S 6 13 15 9 15 6 8 8 I1 82 17 9 10 14 18 18 12 16 16 16 15 9 11 14 13 14 ?2 I O 8 9 18 S .. .. :: .... .... ..... ... ....... I ..... 7 I 17 1 SW. .... ..... ... I .... 5 10 I nw. 4 11 kw: 9 12 16. 4 120 I w. ... I .... ! ..... 9 7 nw. 7 I 10 188. ................ 6 i I I..... F. 0. A h . Myra Hart. F. E. Lllekson. 8. P. Crane. H. H. McCumber. J. Christlanaen. J. E. Goforth. T. A. McCann. B. C. Smith. W. F. Adams. W. R. Peterson. U. 8. Weather Bureau. H. E. Timmn. 904 ~ South Dakda-Cont'd. Selby ..................... Sioux F& ............... Speuhh ................. Stephan .................. Tams .................... Vale ...................... VanMetm ................ Vermillion ................ Watca'sRonch ...... .. .... Watartown ............... Wentwortb ............... W d n p n Springs ....... White ake ............... Yankton.. ............... Minnsroh. Pipestone ................. Cdorado. Akron .................... Alma ..................... Arrlbs (near) ............. Addhunt ................ Barker. .................. BWM .................... Boulder.. ................ BurUngton ................ Cauels ................... Caatle Rook .............. Chnasman ................ Chsyecne Wells ........... Oomo.. .................. Cup ..................... Coroua.. ................. Denver ................... Edgewater.. .............. Estea Park Hammy.. ... Fort Colrlm.. ................. fianCSdJ... ............... Fry's Ranch.. ............ &or own .............. G& ................... H ................... Hawthorne.. ............ .I Ho ke (near) ........... IdaeSprin m... ......... Ksota .................... Konler ................... La Port.. ................ Ia Rny !near) ............ Longmont ................ Long's Peak inenr). ...... Mordaa.. ..................... Platte Canyon.. ......... St. Cloud ........... ......I @ad ok ................. Sill%.. ............... Sploer (near) ............. Waterdale. .................... .Weatlake ................. Wray .................... k uma.. ....................... Fort Morgsn ............. Nuhra6k.r. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Climatdwieal data for November. 1909. Dieltiel No. 64ontinued. Walworth ...................... Mlnnehaha .............. 1,400 Lawrence.. .............. 3.047 Hyde ................... ., 1.840 Mesde.. ........................ Butte .................... 2.765 L man ........................ c L ~ ..................... 1.222 Lawrenm ................ 4 .m Codlngton ............... 1.735 Lake ......................... Jerauld .................. 1,410 Aurora .................. 1.846 Yankton.. .............. 1,234 Plpeatone.. .............. 1,710 Wnshlngton.. ........... 4,650 Park.. .................. 10.238 Llncoln. ................. 5.239 Teller.. ................. .I 8.500 Boulder.. ............... 8.000 Park.. .................. 11,489 Boulder.. ............... 5.347 Kit Cmon .............. 4,180 P i r k .. .................. 8.445 Douglss ................ 6.220 Jeffemon ................ 6.SW Chyeune.. ............. 4.279 Park.. .................. P. 785 Wushiwton ................... Grand.. ................. 11.660 &over .................. 5.272 Jefferson.. ................... Lrrimrr.. ............... 8,020 .do.. ................ 4 955 ................. 9,300 Larlmer.. ................ 7.500 Clear Creek ............. 8.550 Weld .................... 4.649 Pzrk .................... 7 6M Boulder.. ............... fl: 000 Phllllpa ................. 3.745 Clear Creek.. ........... 7.534 Weld .................... 4.966 Boulder.. ............... 7.720 Lrrimer. ................ 5.053 Logan.. ................. 4 380 Boulder.. ............... 4: ml Larlmw ................. S. 800 .do ................. 7.7i5 JeRe!ron. ............... 5 .M Imimer.. ............... 7,754 8edgwlck ................ 3.573 Clear Creek.. ........... lI.500 LarlmeJ.... .............. 8. 700 .do.. ................ 5. aoB Boulder ....................... Yuma ................... 3.516 .do.. ................ 4,138 ::if;.. ................ 4,318 NOVEMBER, 1909 ........ ....... 3 1 4 0 - i r g ' E I t + jE i2 - 4 6 3 6 8 7 8 4 3 4 5 4 I1 6 2 8 4 6 8 7 5 0 4 5 5 I1 7 5 ; 1 . 1.40 2.57 1.30 a. 10 7.66 0.57 1.21 9.07 3.31 6.80 2.40 9.95 1.33 7.38 1.30 ............ + 0.99 + 1.05 ....... + 6.68 - 0.05 + 7.56 ....... + 5.83 + 1.06 ....... f s.88 ....... ....... ....... ....... Almn.. ................... Anmks.. ................. Aroadls. ................. h h l d .................. Aihton ................... Atklnson ................. Auburn ................... Aurorm ................... B e a m .................. Beaver City .............. Belkvue .................. Iktrand ................. B l e ..................... Bloomfield ............... RLilehlU.. ................ B r h h a w ................ Bridgeport .............. B m ~n b oa ............... Harlan.. ................ 1,939 B&d.. ................. Saunden ................ Sherman ................ Holt ..................... Nemaha ................. Ramllton ............... Cage. ................... Furnas. ................. Rarpy ................... Phelps ................... Waahlngton ............. Knox .................... We- ................. York .................... Cheyenne. .............. C u m ... ............... ................... 47.0 40.R 45.7 41.3 + 6.2 + 2.3 + 6.3 +1.1 31 5 7 4 3 3 1 - 4 ....... ....... CauaraJ ................. Cambd ge ............... Canton (near). ........... Cdumbur ................ C o d .................... Mghton ................ creta ..................... Culberbon.. ............. Cwtb .................... David City ............... cuntar.. ................. h a s .................. (Iloux. ................... Platta ................... Damon.. ............... Knox .................... Snllne ................... Hitchcock. .............. Frontbr ................. B u U ................... Temperature. In d e w F a k n b e l t . I Pmclpltation. In lncbea. .- 4 n - 21 17 16 17 16 16 17 15 18 15 18 17 28 16 16 16 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 14 15 16 .. 28 16 16 13 16 17 14 I6 I6 .. 17 18 1s 1s 17 1s 17 17 18 17 18 17 17 16 .... -. ... - observers. - 6.0 13.0 5.0 9:o 7. 2 22.5 11.1 6.0 8.6 9.0 25. 8 6.5 7.5 9.0 IS. 5 11.6 10.5 9.0 15.2 13.5 11.5 29.0 10.0 30.8 18.5 7.0 18.5 8. 8 10.0 16.2 7.5 16.5 6.0 9.2 17.5 16.5 in. 2 ..... .... ..... .... 13. n ..... ..... ..... 13.7 7.0 6.5 19.0 14.0 7.0 12.0 31.0 16.0 10.5 7.0 6.0 25.4 14.0 5.0 16.0 14.0 7. 5 12.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 3.2 12. 0 8.4 8.0 18. 0 15.5 14.5 ..... ..... ..... ..... 14. n ..... ..... - 8 14 7 9 6 13 16 10 12 14 10 14 4 8 8 13 12 5 21 17 11 18 15 13 11 0 - i n 1 6 8 17 7 3 6 5 4 8 3 11 14 7 9 14 8 3 4 4 8 6 7 7 13 8 5 7 14 10 10 6 9 15 1 44 .. 7 8 Y 12 12 14 4 9 11 2 22 11 9 1s 7 13 7 9 1 10 0 11 4 12 10 12 0 3 10 3 4 1 4 5 2 11 - 12 1.5 17 13 7 10 11 14 13 12 12 14 12 8 15 8 4 17 6 9 15 4 9 10 12 9 10 16 8 8 6 7 9 12 9 9 6 .. 12 11 5 10 10 7 12 13 9 16 8 8 8 6 7 7 10 6 18 6 14 10 14 7 7 8 8 13 9 10 12 8 12 11 10 11 .- Bc. nw. W. e0. me. e. nw. ..... UW. s. 8. nw. nw. UW. ne. .... .... SW. 8. UW. W. 8W. .... e. .... SW. 1. s. W. s. W. .... .... nw. e. W. W. Re. W. .... .... .... W. .... .... .... W. W. UW. W. .... nw. Be. W. 8W. .... .... 8. me. SW. .... e. n. nw. nw. 8W. 8W. UW. 8. SW. e0. n. nw. nw. .... m. .... .... me. .... .... nw. .... .... 8. SW. nw. nw. nw. n. ne. 8. W. m. - 1 20 5 1 2 8 1 14 19 14 37 10 7 12 3 2 13 5 IS 6 16 11 2 37 1 29 14 4 8 111 1 13 9 a 18 20 7 I4 19 10 1 14 1 15 18 4 14 12 3 19 4 17 18 18 5 12 .. .. i n .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 15 1 17 2 1 15 12 7 14 10 .. .- I 1 I I 33.2b ....... .I 701 38.0 + 6.4 ' 79 40.0 + 3.6 74 32.0 ........ SO 32.2 ........ 77 33.7.1 ........I 70' 0.90 1.60 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.10 Mlw J. H. Gertrude Bechtold. Hall. 0. A. Martin. Rev. A. Mattlngly. J. J. Daily. G. W. Shaw. Thos. H. HIU. Prof. E. C. Perlshc. Geo. Waters. Robert Q. Wood. R. C. Zimmerman. F. N. Dunham. Mm. G. A. Rogers. U.S. Weather Bureau. 4 4 2 1 -6 -7 4 ..... ....... ....... ....... 52'1 0.43 I.. ..... ......I ........ I ..... 39.6 ....... 79 ..... 1.70 0.30 0.80 0.56 0.50 ................. 39 4.53 ....... .... 0.90 ....... 38 1.14 + 0.52 41 1.49 + 0.83 41 1.03 + 0.50 .... 3.74 ....... 43 2.50 + 1.71 ......I........ '..ii 32.6 + 4.3 34.3 + 4.9 79 31.3 i l + 2.2 76 ...I ..... 6 0 4 1 2 6 1 5 ......I........ I ..... 37.3 + 3 s 81 I ..I ..... 0.00 0.40 ........ 4 9 ........ ........ ........ 6 3 ........ ... I..... '3'1'...6 3 9 6 -6 3 7 7 s 4 6 3 -5 6 9 3 3 3 -3 4 t -4 3t 4 3 -2 3t 3 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 5 t 6 ....... ....... ....I 0.65 I- 0.33 W. 8. Campbell. .............. 1 ..... ................... .............. I ...... 37.7 ....... _i 76 ...... ........I ..... ......I ........ I ..... Ira M. Barnbow. W. H. Powleas. C. 6. Graves. Mm. Allce A. Auld. F.'n Colo. P. Co. Frank Soper. 8. A. Glffin. c. Creglow. Hnrrlet M. C s s ~l l . Chas. Hv. ElIIs. C L.Adams. 1. B. Robertaon. Edwin Pike. A. A Williamm. u. U. 8. 8. Weather Weather Bunau. Rurerru. Dr. 1. 5. Fish. Gaylord H. Thompcn. Colo. Am. College. Dt=lla M. Scott. D. A. B ~H Norman d F r y . H. L. Corbett. Nelson Reynolds. Emllr Klctnknecht. €3. L.Chemebro. E. E. T. H e n . J. J . Willa. .... 0.48 ........ 10.28 .... 1.5s ........ 0.48 ........ /O .R o .... ........ ' 0.57 .......... ........I..... .... 0.61 ......... 0.21 30 1.56 + 0.85 0.45 44 1.16 ........ 0.50 .... 1.13 ........ 0.50 46 1.67 ........ 0.46 45 ' 1.48 + 0.94 0.61 49 1. Bs ;+ 0.96 ; 0.46 47 0.00 + 0.0' n.4n .... 1.98j ........ 0.SO ?n 1 .9 ~1 ........ '0.80 .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ .... ........ 0.46 42.4 ........ 78 ................... 40.7 + 4.9 74 40.6 ........ 75 40.6 + 1.2 77 41.8 + 3.5 i!l 22.2 ........ 44 41.6 ......... 77 ...... I .............. 37.8 I + 2.6 76 35.4 !... ..... 62 36.8; ........ 1 71 ................... 42.7 I + 3.5 75 37.9 1 + 2.1 so 12 8 . 9 7 ' 15 I1 I 14 6 13 i 15 9 9 5 6 6 20 7 0 6 ... 5 ~ 11 11 10 2 1 3 ...... ..... ..... ...... ..................... 39.0 1 + 4.6 i 67 .................... .................... ........ 0.50 E n . Colo. P. co. P. A. Taft. Chas. Green. Gao. W. Johmon. Enom A. Mllls. J. D. Starrd. Norman Steele. Mrs. Phebe A. Campton. Dr. Edwh Lewis. Chas. P. Dclnhger. Frnnk W. Murphy. P. H. Boothroyd. G. E. Rlchardson. J. C. Tuomey. Geo. W. Custer. ..... 0.57 0.63 0.37 0.40 0.27 0.35 0.66 0. 9n ..... n. 82 0. fin ................ 1.01 + 0.55 4- 0.91 + 0.49 56 0.78 ....... 4R 1.76 + 1.14 ....... ....... ....... ... 1.24 ....... ............. 75 3 5 8 1 3 3 82 R 1 ' :I -: 4 7 5 5 4 9 6 6 9 3 6 6 8 5 S I1 4 5 6 I1 4 I2 6 i0 5 5 4 3 ..I in 41.2 ........ 33.8 ; + 2.3 32.0 I - 1.6 8 8 9 14 9 10 12 0 11 18 6 16 11 13 15 11 14 16 9 12 11 13 10 22 14 ... ......I ........ ...... ...... I ........ ! ...... 39. 8 SI 23.8 1::::::::I 4s 40.4 ........ 41.2 I.. ...... 85 ......I ........ ...... ... 501 2.86 I ........ ..... 37.4 I ........ 80 ...... I .............. 42.4 ' + 2.3 i 82 33.5 ........ ' &I .............. I ...... I ..................... 43.4 + 4.3 I 7s Jobn M. Cotton. F. A. Pittenger. Agent W. A. kharpoack. C. B. k Q. R. R. W. Whltls. J. L. Owen. A. 8. von Madeldo. Fred %In. C. J. Wllson. J. R. Huflman. w? A S. nt. Waxbam. C. B. & Q. R. R. T. 1. Dads. Belhvue College. W. F. Dobbln. H. H. Hahn. J . M. Barnard. Agent. C. B. h Q. R. R. E C Ro BY. R: H. Wlhs. Agent. C. B. & Q. R. R. .......... Alusworth ................ Brown ................... 2.521 Albion .................... Boom.. ................. 1.747 All1soos... ............... Boxbutts ................ 3, 9RP ... 47 56 37 48 41 47 39 40 35 37 45 ..... 0.80 0.80 0.70 2.36 0.29 1.00 3.64 0.95 2.82 1.07 3.05 0.56 1.9s 0.40 n. 50 ....... 2.186 1. 100 2.081 2 .m 1.051 1.792 1.235 2.147 1.210 2.515 1.122 1.907 1 71s 2.477 1.377 2.674 2.180 1.951 a. 555 2,258 1 442 2: 496 lrxM 1: 368 a. 56.5 a. 553 1. us ....... 3: 800 ...... ...... R3 $2 76 7s 81 76 ............... ...... 38.0 , ........ 80 ...I ......I........ ..... 53': 1.30 + 0.87 0.50 4.25 + 2.99 1.48 54dl 1.07 ,+ 0.52 , 0.67 ...... . ...... Bumbard.. ............... Pawnee.. ................ Burgo.. .................. g",?.. ................ B m U ................... - .. e d. ................ 4.1 .... 3y6 Do. H. A. Dad*. Anent. C. B. & Q. R. R. Elllott Harrleon. J. H. Evana. Cbaa. Jsnaea. A. E. Ham. 0. C. Gray. A. A. Luttln. C. H. Blood. .................... 37.4 ........ so .................... l l 57., ,~~ i5. 1:. ..... .I .. ... .......I ..... .. ......I... ..... IS. n 17.0 10.5 11.0 13.0 16.0 14.0 2.0 13.5 a3.~.i;8i.~+.3;7e.~.i;zi.~.i3;5. ...... I ........ I ...... 42.6 I + 5.4 84 34.9em ......... i50 40.4 + 3.2 81 39.3 + 7.5 43.9 + 5.3 42.5 41.5' ........ 1 83 .............. ........ .................... ........ I ... 5 ,-3 18 3t - 1 IS :ti - q ;: ..... 3 I 11 4 I 17 3 ... 8 ' 14 3 21 4 (1: 12 ,3 t *i NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Clinzatdopied dataJor Nouember, 1909. Distrid No. 6-Cantinued. ...................... ................... EImcmek ................. .................. Elsle ...................... Perklns.. ................ Endernlake. .............. Brown ......................... Endlcott ................. Jeffenon.. .............. 905 - 2.268 3.382 1.288 - 2 E % - n s - 13 .. .. 1 3 14 15 27 15 27 3 17 34 1 15 17 ; ... 6 15 19 16 5 22 24 15 12 20 17 21 14 20 24 ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 9 15 26 1 27 24 31 35 21 39 ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. 11 6 5 8 : ... 15 22 1 3 ... ... ... ... 18 16 ... ... ... ... ia I9 18 8 21 13 ... ... ... ... Ewlng .................... Falrbury. ................ Fsirmont ................. Fort Roblmon.. ......... Franklln.. ............... Fremont .................. Fullertm.. ............... &new ................... Genoa.. ................. Godan ................... GM r ................... Gotgoburg. ............. - 1 U? sE A kB Y PI P .- nw. a. .... .... .... .... .... SW. e. ne. .... 8. W. ne. ne. nw. nw. 8e. IlW. n. nw. 8. se. n. .... .... a. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. .... .... IlW. 8. nw. nw. W. 8. .... .... ne. 8. .... nw. S. sw. W. Be. .... .... .... E. nw. .... E. E. W. E. E. 8. E. E. e. 1. n. .... .... nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. nw. .... W. se. 3W. SW. .... .... .... 3. 1. J. ow. .... W. 3W. 3. nw. ow. .... Holt.. ................... 1.888 Jefferson.. ............. .I 1.316 Fillmore ................. 1 641 Dawea.. ............... .I 3: 764 Franklin.. .............. 1,830 Dodw .................. 1 1.203 Nsnce.. ................. I, 629 Fillmore ................ 1,633 Nan- ................. .I 1,584 Sherldsn ........... .....I 3,550 Goaper ........................ Dawson ................ 1'2.557 _..I ...... I ....... 0 ' 1s I ...... I ........ 48 L I S + n.57 40.6 44.2 40.2 40.0 + 3.1 + 6.2 4- 3.3 + 2.3 ............ ............ ............ i j 15 I 1s I 39 17.14 + 6.29 40.2 37.5 ........... ............ + 3.0 ....... Onl ....................... Valley ................... Orlea ne... ............... .I Harlan .................. Oscsola ................... Polk ..................... PalmFall.. .............. Otoe ..................... Pawnee Clty.. ........... Pawnee.. ................ Plymouth ................ Jefferson.. .............. Purdum. ................. Blaine .......................... Ravenna ................. Buffalo.. ................ Redcloud .............. ...I Webster.. ............... 2.062 I. 993 1,&14 I. 142 1.175 1.419 2.028 1.687 ._.I ...... I .... i .... 1 ?.?s 4 . 1- 13ti 4S01 1 O!! 5 I 16 117 I....I 7184 5 ' 11 1.S 46.8.35 15 I7 42 fl 13 ! - 2 I17 152 I1:W 3 nt 50 : 1.77 9 I17 I48 13.28 ........ + 6.34 ........ ........ ........ ........ + 2.47 + 1.13 4 ! o 18 43 2.30 4 I ...... 7 1 ' 1 7 (5 0 i 1 9 7 ........ ... I 1 I o:sn ...,...... .... 1 .... 12.58 + 3.36 ........ ........ .. ............. ...I U.iU ,..!I ..... 1: .. 0.51 5 I 18 ' 46 ' 2185 : - s 1 ii.l.i.i.1 a 00 ,..I ...... j .... I .... I 2.50 ........ ........ + 1:92 + 1.70 + 15.4 Sherldan.. ............... Sldney.. ................. Epringvlew.. ............. Stanton .................. Stratton .................. Superlor .................. 8 - ............... Cblerock ................ Tecumceh ................ Tekamah ................. Turllngton ............... Unlveralty Farm $ ........ Wahoo ................... Valentine.. Wakefield.. ............... wdare ................... Wdthlll .................. ............... Wheoler.. ..................... Cheyenne.. ............ ."i,OW, Stanton.. .............. I. 472 Hitchcock ............... !'2.W Nuckolls ................ 1 574 Pawnee.. ................ 1.023 Johnson ................. I, 113 Burt ..................... I 1,080 Otoe. .................... j 1,214 Lancsster.. .................... Saun n ................ 1.187 C- Dixon.. ................. 1.387 rdincoln.. ................ j 3,116 Thunton ..................... Keynpaha.. .......... ...I ...... Otoe ............... ......I 1:059 ................. Temperature, In d e g m Fahrenhelt. 1 Precipltatlon, in I n c h . Okervers. 8' %. 2. 5; ... 12 l i ii 15 11 15 10 9 10 9 11 11 g 13 B I1 11 I 14 10 9 0 im io IO 12 7 19 1 9 9 18 10 8 6 12 10 11 8 9 13 9 8 11 8 15 13 8 6 IO I1 8 7 9 8 7 7 22 7 9 12 6 18 9 8 9 I1 IO 7 10 8 7 8 .. ! I , -- I i l l I __ 1.5 5.5 14.5 I?. 5 2.0 4.3 10.2 6.0 15.0 5.0 13.0 IS. 0 8.0 16.4 20.8 7.0 15.0 15.5 11.0 20.0 IS. 0 T. 10.0 15.0 11.5 17.0 12. 2 4.5 19.0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... 5. n .... .... .... .... 5.9 12.0 15.0 20.0 14.0 15.0 13.6 12.0 15.2 6.9 13.5 13.0 14.0 17.9 13.2 1.0 5.2 7.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 19.0 14.5 4.5 17.0 19.0 19.6 8.0 11.5 7.8 4.0 1.0 5. 5 20.0 17.0 16.0 2.0 7.0 4.0 2.0 16.4 8.0 10.0 9.0 14.0 5.0 .... .... 3. n .... .... ..... .... ..... __ 11 11 B 7 3 1 3 3 6 0 7 5 5 10 10 D 10 2 5 4 6 7 8 5 6 7 7 5 4 6 6 6 5 11 4 2 4 4 4 13 3 2 5 4 I 7 9 9 5 8 8 8 4 6 8 7 I3 8 5 3 8 9 8 8 4 I1 6 7 7 3 6 4 7 2 7 6 7 4 5 IO I1 5 13 I1 7 7 7 7 3 6 4 .- I 1 11 m 1 I 0 6 1 9 10 9 10 4 4 1 I? 5 11 IS 9 9 1 7 13 0 13 ll 9 6 1 5 4 6 4 3 7 8 12 10 5 3 7 6 12 5 10 10 11 4 13 3 io 5 3 4 9 6 11 9 6 2 11 9 0 7 I2 IO 6 9 I4 8 9 3 I1 _- 81 .... .... .... .... .... .... 85 8:l 8.1 79 77 811 7s S6 SO iS i9 88 78 80 79 R? 79 73 75 s1 7s 80 88 i9 RO 53 75 63 SI so 7s 85 75 78 77 80 83 81 so i4 77 74 RI 63 SI 81 89 78 67 74 76 82 79 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ,... so .... .... .... ... ... .... .... .... ... -- 13 B 9 ... ... ... ... D 17 13 15 14 11 I1 11 Q 17 16 n 14 8 5 7 I1 20 17 7 18 10 9 14 15 20 7 16 16 20 15 13 11 10 11 13 18 15 13 10 10 7 6 13 16 7 19 13 I6 19 19 14 2 12 13 19 21 7 15 12 14 10 11 13 11 9 12 13 20 11 ... ?n ... io ... ... ... ... . ___ ...... ...... / ::::::: ............. 41.3 I ....... Mn. E. I. AtkIneon. 0. M. Baokua. Dewltt Eager. 0. W. Ferrea. D. J. Wood. E. L. Sutton. J. L. Brlttain. C D Lao ley Ahit C. 5. & Q. R. R. G. ~.'~t?naon. W. F. Cramb. hgant. C. R. & Q. R. H. Post Surwon. D. T . Shoemaker. Ernest Hahn. Dr. F. W. Johnson. F. M. Flory. 2. F. William. E. H. Stoll. W. J. Bartholomew. E. A. Barnes. Z rusCsrver. d E. Mor an. Zgent. C. B. & Q. R. R. LI. 8. Forest Gervloe. F. W. PaTMJM. r. s. M ~~& 3.33 4. OD Lis .... 1.0.1 0.30 0.15 1.20 0.40 3.25 1.56 1.75 3.10 0. 80 1.69 0.90 l.W 0. 84 n. 55 n. 55 n. 70 1. no n. 49 .... 1.25 0.90 0.00 0.78 1.22 1.10 0.80 4. 00 0.65 0.80 1.99 0.92 0.06 1.10 0.20 0.55 3.29 0.70 1.20 0.80 0.59 1.15 0. IN) 0.66 0.43 0. 89 4.00 0.62 1.18 2. 53 0. 71 0.88 1.22 5.85 3.87 2.70 1.00 0.70 0.95 1.M) 1.14 0.80 0.40 D. 75 D. 32 1.75 0. 40 D. 20 n. 80 0.80 1.00 1.30 3.70 1.54 8.00 ?. 18 4.54 1.93 0.73 1.93 1.00 D. 80 1.00 3.14 n. 40 .... .... .... n. 80 .... n. 70 3. on .... .... ... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ...( 2.05 ....... 51 1 19 ....... 46 I 2:70 + 1.50 2 + 2.55 53 3 50 ....... 55 42 ' I2:05 8.47 + 1.43 + 7.19 ...I 2.60 1 ....... 52 2.58 + 1.89 39 I 6.43 -I- 5.04 48" 1.73 + 1.08 45 I 0.45 I+ 0.03 46' 190 + 1.26 50 12.46 I+ 1.86 ... I 0140 I... ..... ...... I ....... ....... 43.0 + 4 5 34.Sdi.. ..... 40.2 I + 4:9 ......I ....... 40.3 I + 2.0 41.2 I + 3.S 38.5kl.. ..... 40.5 ......I....... ... !......I ... I _..I ...... 4 3 I'ii 4 D l 1 8 3 1 5 .1 8 :I 4 1 -3 1 1 6 3 , 11 I 14 ...... 40. S 37.9 30.4 40.4 39. fi 35.7 43.6 ....... ....... + 4.n + 2.6 + 1.9 ....... + 2.5 + 4.4 F. A. Jonw. bgent. C. B. & Q. R. R. L p a n . slcolm. N. C. Dunlap. F. J. Bellows. Yn. C. Arter. 30. W. Hulaa. I T Wile &b'i Chdklck. F. 8. Weather Bureau. ._.I .... s.l.i7 3 8 18 _..I .......... 2. H. Cau. $ W. Lightner. -I. C. Cogllser. L. L. Slaple. Dr. F. A. Long. Iohn EN&. ..... 1 ...... 46.6 + 7 R 39.0 I + 3.4 39.6 I + 5:3 R. G. Rood. 38.6 I + 3.5 36.8 I + 2.8 43.9 I + 6.2 40.8' ....... 44.5 + 4.7 46.4 ....... 311.9 I ........ 40.8 I + 3.7 44.0 I + 5.1 ..... I ....... ........ :::::I ........ 48.9 I ........ I. S. Weather Bureau. & Q. R. R. ............. I.... 3.33 ........ 5 I 14 I 17 I 32 1 6.24 I+ 5.18 ... I ...... I .... I .... 11.36 I+ 0.74 lames Milford. lames McGeacbln. H. I. Mender. ............. 40.1 1 + 1.4 40.8 4- 5.4 ..... 1 ........ ..... 1 ........ 39.0 1 ..... :.. 43.11 + 4 o 1.32. Harrla. - P. Fleeher. I. L. Pllelp. Llfred Pont. Itella Lmt. Vennum. C. B. & Q. R. R. Do. e. D. Howe. Lgent. C. B. & Q. R. R. L. D. NwMt. Y. N. Hunter 1. W. Perln. J. 8. Weather Bureau. Vm. T. Mauck. . H. Weuwx. Lmnt C. B. & Q. .R. R. ~a r r y ' ~. Keefe. L E. Salft. ........ .....I ::::: ... ..... ! ........ .....I :: ...... :::::I ........ ..... I ........ 38.0 + 3.6 40.4 + 4.S ........... ....... 39.9 I + 2 3 44.0 + 5 2 45.0 1 ..... !.. 36.0 ' + 2.3 38.2 + 1.4 40.3 ........ ............. ............. I+ 6.06 + 0.90 ....... ........ ........ ........ .... i .... I. .... f .... I. 7 4 ! 41 .... 8.1 p.1. ..... .... ......... I .... 906 se nw. sw. .... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Geo. H. Gibson. Glen H. Stern. A. F. Beard. E. Starner. NOVEMBER, 1909 Gove ..................... Hanover.. ............... Horhson H ..................... HFClty.. ............... Horton ................... Hoxle .................... ................. Gove. ................... Washington.. ........... , Elha ..................... Graham.. .............. .I Brown.. .................. Sherldan ................ ................... Jewell I ....... 9 : i 10 13 11 I 11 7 ' 10 11 I 19 !i Yoran... ................. Norton ................... Oberlln OW.. Olathe .................... ................... .................. Allen.. ................... Norton ................... Deoatur Marshall.. Johnaon ................. ................. ............... i Observers. Nhka-Cont'd. Waumta.. ............... Weepingwater.. .......... wertp01nt ................ Wllber .................... WLsner.. ................. Woodlam. ............... York.. ................... Zowa. AftonO. ................... Allmtan 8 .. .............. Altal ................... , Alta tnear,... ........... , Alton ..................... Atlantic.. ............... , Audubons ............... Bedford# ................ Chariton#. .............. Clarinda.. .............. , Cmnlngl.. .............. Corydoni ............... Creston.. ................ Cumberland.. ........... D e n h a ................. Elllott.. ................. Hancockj.. .............. RarlmJ.. ............... Hope le ................ Inwoods.. ............... Lamonl.. ............... Larrahee.. .............. Le Msral... ............. Lenoxl.. ................ !I ' >ha= ! I : I I !I ............................................. I ...... ..........'....I .... 11 65 ........ ' 1.00 :ass ..................... I 1,080 " '3 12 I l8tl 45 . 9: 20 ..... ...I 2.54 Zumlng ................. 1.313 13 1 I 18 46 "83 + 174 0 8 1 JalLne ................... 11.325 I .... .......I ........ ......I ....!...... I .... I .... I i!;; I .... :...I 3140 ......... 1.02 fork .................... I LBO6 I 17 ! 42.2 I + 3.9 I 81 I 4 I 7 118 ~ 44 13.84 I+ 3.00 11.04 43.7 ....... .' 81 . 5 39.61 +0.91 821 31 3umlng .................. ::;E ,.. ......... i .............. I ................... Lamaster.. ............ .I .................. .I.. ..................... 7.77 ........ 1.73 C. D. Fuller. S. W. Orton. J. C. Elllott. Agent, C. B. & Q. R. R. Aoff & Delly. H. C. Kendall. H. T. Glanque. 3.5 11.0 13.2 16.5 5.0 9.5 1.2 5.0 4.0 T. .... 1.0 10 14 13 S 12 12 I 1 8 12 10 9 111 7 Won ................... 1212! 14 I 45.0 I + 8 .2 ' 76 i 5 13 i I71 BuenaVlsta .................... ! 6 37.8 I ......... il , 4 . 4 I 17 Wayne ................. ..! (513 17 46.S: + 6.2 I 80~1 5 I 14Cl 18 32 ' 5.20 I+ 3.97 153 4 0 ~ .... ..I.. .......... 37 I 6.13 I ........ "1:90 8 i 6116 ...I .... I .... i5.1..i.i.ii, 12 I 3 I 15 9 S 13 6 l 6 i 1 S 13 3 14 8 7115 16 I 2 12 15 I 4 i 11 .... .do.. .......................... :ass ..................... I 1,164 17 Audubon ................ 1,301 I 15 wous .................... 1.3.305 1 3 ...... ........I ...... I .... .... 37.R ........ 71 IS 42.1 +G .9 1 10 I 17 45.01 ........ 7 i 16 18 46.0 I + 7.3 : S1 I 5 , 12 I IS 41.3 ' + 6.5 I 13 I 18 44.1 + 6.9 74 5 I 12 17 47.9 + 9.2 82 5 13 IS 43.21 ......... 7 9 ; 5 j 13118 42.9 r+ 7.5 79 I 5 .................... 30 I 3 94 I ...... ..jY IS 37 8:R6 ,+ 7.68 3.44 3S 14.21 I ......... 0.86 3Y 4 74 + 3 44 I 1 30 42 I 5:74 I+ 4158 I 1:95 38 ' 5.62 + 4.42 ' 2.24 3s ' 4.36 '+ 2.01 i 1.01 ... 3.36 ......... 1.90 42s 8.13 '+ 0.i5 2.74 39 7.75 ........ 3 30 36 I S .3 8 ' ........ ' 3100 39 I 9.S5 ........ 4.0s 33 ' 8.57 + 7.23 I 3.77 40 14.92 1 ........ 11.70 ... ........ 0.95 41 5.03' ........ 1.70 36 I 4.29 I+ 2.93 I 0.91 35 i 7.18 ,+ 6.04 2.00 ;; ;;; I ......... 1.25 ....... 3.04 42 I2:60 ........ I ..... 38 5 05 I ........ 1.30 40.' 4: 02 + 3.03 ' I 62 30 12.47 ! ........ I1:Oo 34 ' 3.02 + 2.05 1 33 39 '10.33 I + 9.03 i 3196 45 I 5. IS '+ 4.21 I ?. IS 44 4.66 I ......... 1.30 42 8.39 + 7.04 2.34 raylor ......................... i 8 Lueaa ................... 1 1 042 13 Pam.. ................... io09 ~ IS ~~ Adima ................... 1.117 16 Wayne ................... 1:lOl ! 15 Union ................... 1 1.312 3 1. o .3.0 6.1 caen .................... ! ....... 1 9 Crawford ................ 1.180 ! 13 ............... I .. 40.1' + 4.5 : 43.2 ! ........ 41.4 ......... 45.8 ' + 9.1 35.6 I ........ I 47.0 ........ 37.0"1 + 4.1 I 35.4 + 3.Y I 45.0 + 7.1 41.4 ! ......... 42.2 + 6.3 46 S I + 7.0 I 4013 , + 3.6 ! 43.0 I ........ I 47.5 I ........ I :i.; i ........ I. ....... 37.8 ........I 37.8 i ........ I 34.81, + 2. s I 31.3 ......... 39.3 + 5.0 44.0 I + 5.4 3i.7! ........ i 47.2' ........ I I .... ......... 6 ' 14 IS 5 ) 3 ' 1 7 91171 it 14 17t 70 !+I 16 1 18 1 i B 4 11 18 76 j 77 so ii .......... ....... 1.113 1,192 1.474 ....... 3 2 9 17 6.0 11 711 II 10 i 13 11 I 1 le Montgomery. ............ Pottawattamie.. ........ I 3helby.. ................ ! Clarke.. ................. Lyon .................... I Decatur.. ............... Cherokee.. .............. Plymouth.. ............. Taylor. ................. Uttle Slouxs.. .......... Hardaon.. .............. Logan!. ...................... .do.. ................ Mt Ayr ................. Ringgold ................ ........... Monona ................. I Rock Rapids# ............ Lyon.. .................. i aheldons ................. O'Brien .................. I Slbley .................... 1 Oaoeola.. ............... .I Slou. centers.. .......... SIOUX.. .................. Thurmani. .............. Fremont ................. ! Warhtal .................. Cherokee ................ Woodburus. ............. Clarke ................... Agricultural College ......I Riley .................... O&bolti.. .............. ."Sac.. .................... Ei!:$uAions.. ....... Mllls.. ................... 81oux City. ............. .I Woodbury. .............. i Kanscu. i ! AWne ................... Dicldnson.. ............ .! Alton ..................... Osborne ................. Atchlson. ................ Atchison. ............... Baker.. .. ,. .............. Brown. .................. Belolt ..................... Mlt.chell .................. Blakeman. ............... Rawllns ................. Blue Rapids.. ............ Marshall.. ............... Centralla.. .............. .I Nemaha.. .............. .I Chapman.. .............. i Dlcklnson.. ............. Cla Center Clay Colgy I Thom as... Concordla ................. Cloud.. ................. .............. ..................... .................... .............. i:ii I ii ii 0 n. .\ ! IJ ! 1.0 I 10 I s I 9 12.3 12 16 5 1.0 14 1," 4 17 12 13 6 4 ....... 1.266 1,224 I. 2.50 1,120 ;'I " 13:O 'i I 1; I ........ ....... 928 1,236 1.356 1.051 960 1.355 1,422 1.212 4a 15 10 8 9 15 :I 9 1 E ! 10 0 ; 11 13 11 13 14 15 16 13 14 12 I1 10 12 21 ...... I , 135 1,157 961 ...... 14 I ....... i ........ I ...... 5: ! 49.8 + 8.7 S i 5K0 4- S.? 82 45.41 ........ 1 83 ...... 1 6 9 9 0 0 1 0 )1 3 1 6 1:1 I 9 ' 12 I 8 ?: I Lli. i I r. I e. 8. , I nw: ' I ..... I 8. 8. 8. :w. i 8W. I s. I SW. j ._.../ SW. s. I n. I 9. SW. 8. I 8. , s. nw. 8. I sw. ' 8. .....I 8. ~ n. J. H. Sherman. J. 0. Hamilton. H. A. Storer. M. F. Troxell. E. A. Bsatlen. W. H. Houghton. C. L. Hendsrson. M. Norton. L. E. H e n . R. McShea. 0. L. Slade. R. M. Chelf. U. 8. Weather Bureau. F. S. Griffith. Jacob Bock. George &its. 0. F. Wagner. G. D. Weet. C. M. Jennison. E. A. Shaver. E. C. Dunham. J. S. McCartney. 0. L. Calvert. Jesse Royer. August Jaedlcke, jr. Mahlon Tegley. G. K. Helder. L. R. Mort. Mrs. 8. C. Belden. C. T. Dallam. C. A. SMnn. H. P. Cadv. Dr. W. C. Bower. J .R .L nch Dr. C. 6. Bl'achly. R. M. Cauthorn. J. L. Steele. C. J. Norton. H. A. Sleffel. I. K. Huber. J. A. Church. Dr. S. B. S. Wllaon. W. C. Whlte. Dr. W. J. Norton. N. E. Balky. B. F. Blaker. F. B. Potter. J. E. Upllnp. Prof. A. W. Joner. li 9 I4 1 3 5 8 16 25 15 5 7 3 S 13 15 3 3 20 6 8 21 1 20 12 4 12 11 3 10 10 13 11 18 1 14 9 15 16 7 7 1 24 16.5 ........ SO ...... ) ............................. !....!...... ........ 41.4 ........ i 84 ! 5 , 8 i 1 7 , 5 8 : 2.47 I ........ I'O.80 .... ....... I:: ... ...I I ........ 1 ! ........ ........ I$ :::: j .......... .+ 1.98 , ........ ........ ........ + 2.46 + 8.37 I ........ I ........ i~:o. I . .i. /. is. /. ........ 2 I 10 .............. I .. 46.6' ....... 48.0 1: ....... I 47.5 ........ I 4'2.9 i + 3.7 ' ............ I... .................... .... 4.35 Sti 3 9 i 18 I 40 12.70 SR ' 5 8 116 145 12.56 15 16 50 5.30 19 17 57 6.72 19 , 17 36 6.39 81 4 ' ...... 22 .... 1.98 s.0 ........ ....'... 8.0 I i I 1 6 , 4 10 8.0 T. I 6 8 I 18 141 2 8 10 8 0.0 8 1 10 I 7 13 .....I 7 12 4 I 14 ......I ........... 43.9 + 2.2 I 44.0 ......... ! 46.9 I ......... 49.4 40.7 I::::::::) 45.8! ........ 52.2 + 6.1 47.6 + 5.S ..... .!. ........ Densmore.... ............ Norton .................. Dnsden .................. Deoatur ................. E h o r t h ................. Ellworth ................ Ente rik ................. Dlcklnson.. ............. Ekkrllaw ................. Wabaunsee .............. S 6 i 90 3 s4 3t' s.5 j 3t S I ! 4 1 87 3 I 14 7 R 3 7 13 7 I 10 8 3 6 0 ... ... t li 7 12 4 8 15 IO 4 13 10 17 11 12 15 7 7 11 16 13 14 8 13 8 ... i n .......... I....' ........... ........I ..... 15 ' 15 9 99 + 3.40 ' 1.00 47.2 ........ ! 85 I 15 117 1.46'1 i l l 9 I ........ 14.10 43.71 ........ 8 1 ' 41 I4117 45 4.46 ........ 1.55 45.7 i + 5.3 8'2 , 37 14' i6t' 46*! 3.55 + 2.83 1 13 18 17 34 5 51 + 4.29 1.82 ........ 5 4 , 4 13 1714615.121 ........ 1 8 0 22 ....... .... I .... ......I ...................... I..:.. ....... 82-1 I 12' l 6 t 47.1 2:59 I.. ..... .I 0.00 I 9 : 17 ' 31 I4.79 + 4.96 I2:M ........ 79 I 4 I 12 16 I30 j 4.99 I+ 4.10 ' 1.73 ............. 5 0 7 15 3.0 I S I 9 T. S 8 7.0 I 7 ~ IS "0 1 2 16 1.0 10 17 0:s I 8 I 14 ;:0 1 10 I 9 1.3 11 I 19 .............. .............. I .. 45.0 f 5 ,s 45.8 ........ 46.4n + 5.6 53.4 +7.7 44.8 I + 3.9 i .... 20 14 16, 21 10 ...I .... I ..... In 52 7 07 16 138 I4:03 16 45" 6.37 17 I 40 1 4.38 16 39 I 3.54 17 37 7.45 18 35 2.94 IS 35 7.85 18 47 ! 1.54 18 40 2.67 18 38 2.90 ._.I .... 2.73 ........ I+ 6 .i 6 1 ..... 2.9s 1.08 2.61 0.79 1.60 1.15 3.00 1.so 3.96 0.77 0.79 1.30 .... T. 2. a 0.5 0.0 9.5 I?. 5 0.6 0.0 0.0 T. 3.5 9.0 T. 0. n .... .... nw. 8. 8. SW. 8W. !!e. m. ee. se. @P. n. nw. .... 8. S. ManhattCn ............... ' Rlley .................... Mankato ................. Jewell ................... A&nmapolb .............. Ottawa .................. .............. 40.0' ........ 1 ' ' 51.0 ........ 50.2 ........ 50.4 + 7.0 44.8 , + 4.8 ' i 52.2 I ......... .... I .. ..I 79 ~ ai'"'i5 s3 4 2n S? 4 ' IS ....... I:.. .... _I 1. ........ +'O:ii' + 2.11 ...... ham City .............. .I Osage.. ................. I Ottawa ................... Franklin.. .............. Phllllmburg .............. Phllllpm .................. Pleaurnton. .............. I Llnn. .................... Republlo. ................ I Republlc.. .............. ar. Fnoa3r.. ............. Cheyenne.. ............. i S ~M . ................... I Bsllne. .................. ................................ 4 1 8 I ......... 84 3 6 4S:21+5.0! 80 4 8 19 .......... I ...... ii' 52 2.00 1:: ...... /'b:si 16 41 5.86 + 5.09 2.80 NOVEMBER, 1909. .- Gentry. ...................... Bates .................... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE l.-Climdological data for Nmmber, 1909. Di&rid No. 6-Continued. 850 907 .- Randolph.. ............. Cole.. ................... Jacksou. ............... .I Caldwell ................. Pet-. ................... Laclede .................. Temperature. In degrees Fahrenhelt. 1 Predpltatlon, In l n o h . i o' Sky. I 6 g 2 e: 5 - bo J 3 23 10 5 39 16 2 18 23 16 24 14 I9 21 33 30 7 18 24 18 3 15 26 18 16 30 17 37 16 35 17 6 27 21 I6 31 20 27 41 14 1s 19 33 15 17 54 9 28 31 37 39 29 14 16 8 30 19 5 17 ... ..I ... ..I ,-- - .- . e . e s 3 a 22 2; a r a" -- .. ...... + 8.1 + 6.3 ...... d % tl i i 2.971 997 913 660 2.456 3.303 1,002 - c ... Counties. Obrerwn. 21 -a i? 0 42 .... .- 0.81 3.83 2.20 1.05 0.83 1.01 6.10 0.95 1.00 2.15 1.30 2.4s 3.44 1.60 1.13 2.30 0. S5 1.33 1.62 1.02 2.02 1.50 0.95 1.14 1.08 0.60 2.76 0.70 2.90 1.30 1.30 0.93 2.71 1.05 1.30 3.17 1.10 1.48 5.50 1.16 1.24 3.00 1. i 6 3.93 2.73 1.54 2.00 2.00 0.60 1.10 0.59 2.15 1.14 1.35 .... .... #..._ 0. 9s 1.40 1.40 .... .... .... 3.0 -1 6 1 1 5 1 I I - 71 8 1 s . I T 91 9 1 7 141s. T: I 9 ' 11 6 13 s. 2.0 7 0 1 4 D 119 2 Q 0:O u.0 9 9 I 7 114 sw. S I 1; I '5" I ' 15 I6 I51 13.67 1 ....... ?4 18 I 36 5.98 I+ 4.73 19 17 42 5.36 + 3 SO 14 6 I 17 54 2.55 + 2.08 ._. 9.0s I+ 7.88 16 IS 141 13.61 I .... :.. 16 I 46 I 3.72 I ....... Kanraa-Cont'd. Lott.. ................... T P .. ................. V ley Falls .............. Vlnland .................. Wakeeney.. .............. Wallace.. ................. Missouri. Albany.. ................. Amoret.. ................. Appleton Clty ........... Arllngton ................. Arthur.. ................. Avdon... ................ Ba nell ................... Bollvar ................... Boonvllle ................. Brunswlck.. .............. Clinton.. ................. Columbla ................ Conceptlon I ............. Darksvllle.. .............. El Dorado Sprlnss.. ..... Falrport.. ................ Fa ttai ................. Furon. ................. Gallatln.. ................ Glssgow. ................. Grant Clty ............... Harrtsonvllle ............. Halelhurst.. ............. Hermann.. ............... Houston.. ................ Hunbvllle ................ Jefferson Clty ............ Kansas Clty .............. Kidder.. ................. Lamonte.. ............... Lebanon.. ............... Lexington.. .............. Liberty .................. Lockwood ............... Marshall ................ , Marshfield ............... YSryVllle. ................ Yt. Vernon.. ............ Nevada.. ................ New Pahtlne.. .......... Oregon ................... Osceola. ................. , Parkvllle.. .............. Rolla.. ................... St. Charlea.. ............ St. Joseph ............... st. Louis ................. Sublett.. ................ Trenton.. ............... Unlonvllle.. ............. , Veraa1llea. ................ Warrensburg ............ Warrenton.. ............. Warsaw ................. Wheatland.. ............ Wamego.. ................. Bet%any .................. Scott.. ................. Sbaw nee... ............. Jeffeerson. .............. Douglas.. .............. Treo .................. Pottawatomle .......... Walfm. ................ J. B. Loughran. U. 8. Weather Bureau. M t a Nettle Maxwell. A. Schick. A. 8. Peacock. M. T. Grlgg~. M. L. stone. W. E. Elder. 47.4 49. s 49.4 50.3 45.9 ....... 42.0 ' .. ...... I:::::.. 0. SW. sw. 8. S. R. aw. SW. .... .... .... SW. SW. Be. U. 8. 8. 8. sw. sw. 1. aw. ac. a. aw. Be. 0. R. 8. SW. RW. s. 0. 0. Be. 8W. a. se. aw. aw. nw. RW. 0. Be. 0. SW. se. 0. RW. s. 8. S. .... .... .... .... nw. .... .... 12 13 13 15 8 5 14 .....,.... .......... I , 1 , ..................I ....... 54.2 I ........ 1.. S3 1"4'i" 20 I IS 55.6 ' +1O.S Y5 I 5 , 21 , 1s 0.5 1 6 16 1 0.0 S ' 13 I 2 0.0 I e I13 9 ..... I .... ..... I .... i .... I .... ...I 3.35 1 ..... 43 2.47 1:: ..... 39 I 5.15 ,+ 2.85 ............... .... ......I... 6 10 1s 5 I I1 IS I... ...... .......I ...... I .......... I ... .^ - .. - ... - .- .^ ...I ...... I ....... W. H. Skinner. E. Walt.. ... I ...... I ....... 49 R.S? + 4.15 3. LO !+ 1.1C 3.95 ....... 5.36 I+ 3.05 i i ' l 3.83 I+ 1.89 3.83 I+ 2.34 .... 0.0 0.0 0.0 T. T. 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 T. 0.0 0.0 0.0 T. 0.0 0.0 0.0 n. 0 T. 0.0 T. 0.0 T. T. 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 T. 0.5 0.0 n. o .... ... ... a".- ..................... Cooper.. ................ nh--&b... I ... 3 i 33 43' 4.7w ....... 35 ! 1.60 !+ 0.95 ... .............. ...... .... 78.L 982 S26 750 920 735 SlY 803 618 1,130 913 1.280 790 628 963 1,017 863 1.305 813 864 1,088 779 1.492 1.160 1.480 869 795 1.113 738 1,099 614 ....... 481 ....... !E Samuel Graham. .................... .... .......... .^ " .. .. .... ......I ........ 1. 48.0 ....... 49.7 + 7.9 i.49 I+ 0.49 2 86 + 1.15 7: 05 I+ 4.25 3.71 I+ 1.02 SO I 3 22 1 7 , 30 I 2 .8 6 I+ 1.01 SO I 4 17 I 18 140 12.96 I+ 0.99 SO 5 I 19 I 1s 35 2.73 + 0 76 82hl 5 l W 17 I 34bl 3.19b-k 1 48 83 4 ?S 17 :IS 7.53 I+ 585 SI 17 , IS 135 , 4.27 ,+ 2.16 .....I.... ............. si 7 19.1 is I 46 i l+.iii so 6 i 17 IS 52 3.69 + 2.01 sn :{TI IS IS I .IO 4.86 I+ 3.32 5 , A. J. Sharp; W. H. Baker. C. T. Maurhund. E D e m y. Mlas Emms Swlft. U. 8. Weather Bureau. F: H. Zmmett. 17 5 11 15 11 10 7 14 8 16 3 4 8 13 14 9 12 I3 13 8 17 I4 13 15 7 7 ... lp' I .., ... ..... I .......... I ..... .... .:. ........... ...I :: ::, 82 1 3 16 IS , 41 ! ............... ...... I ........ 54.7 ' + 9.2 1: 50.6 ' + 9.7 I 53 9 ......... 50.4 I + 7.2 51.4 I + 0.0 I 5i:e I +in.o I 50.71. + 8.3 I 57.4 I ........ i ...... ........I ...... I _...I ...... i ...... I ............. 44.s ' + 6.3 ' 79 : I 4;.: 63 j+ 3.31 56.4 1 + 9.7 ............... l ...~.i ..~.~ ...... .... .... 54.9 + 9 .?, 46.6 , + 6.9 i 30 18 ~ 40 j S:49 + 5.73 70 ...'....I 5.39 I ....... ... 3 ...... I ........ I ...... I .... ...... ii+i.ii I8 88 18 ' SI I8 I 33 L. C. Swger. Grant F o r k . U. 8. Weather Bureau. Erren Sprlges. J. H. Fleaher. Geo. W. Davls. Prof. S. F. Prlnce. John H. Frlck. Dr. J. R. Smlth. MIS. 8. A. Jackson. 5.04 + 3.30 4.36 f 1.48 2.00 ,+ 0.17 2.55 ;+ 0.83 4.00 I+ 2.59 .......................... 507 Adalr .................... I 1,000 Grundy.. ............... 612 Morgan. ................ I 1,021 Putnam ............ .....I I,G72 .... 15 T. 10 I1 2 T. I 9 l l l I 5 .....I .... 1 ....I .... T. 9 3 14 T. 10 I2 11 0.0 I S I 15 I 8 0.0 i i n 1 3 112 .............. 1 ...... I ......... 54.2 +10.1 4 19 51.8 I + 9.3 I i: I 4t. IS 55.2. ........ 87 4 ! 18 ...I._. 18 I 33 18 45 ...I... IS I I9 .....I ....... 1.63 - 0.13 7.29 + 4.73 5.57 +3.00 I 5.29 I ....... Johnson ................. 883 Warren .................. I 865 Benton ................. i 700 Hlckory I QM ................ .................... I.... ..... ' Preclpltatlon lnc Temperature ext. t Also on other da 6 Data are from sl ided In that of the next measuremen meu are from observed readlnga of tl 3ry-bulb; means are computed from obaerved readlnga. (1. adard Instruments not sirpplled by the U. 6. Weather Bureau. Instruments are read In the morning; the maximum temperature then read Ls charged t o the preceding day. on which lt almoat always ncmra. Preclpltatlon for the 24 hours endlng on the mornlng when it la meaaured. Eatlmated by ob-r. SI b, *, etc., lndlcate, respectively. 1.2.3, etc.. days mlsslng from the record. . Pmclpitation la less than 0.01 Inch rain or melted anow. 908 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for November, 1mO. Mrict No. 6, Miesoun' Valby. -_ ~. ~ ~ ~____ I Dny of month. I StSWOM. NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 909 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for N m b e r , 1909. Diskict No. 6-Continued. . .- .- - - -. - . .- .- .- -. -. -. .-. .- .- . - - . -. .- .- -. -. -- - . _- -- -. _- . - -. .. .. . -. -- .- -. . _. Dpy of month. 910 ............ .................... Swartwood.. ........... Swle.. Wwhburn .............. Willlaton.. ................ Wlshek. ................... South Dakota. Academy ............... Alexandria ............. Andover. ................... AMaenHH ............. MONTHLY WUTHER REVIEW. ........... .. ....... ..... .................................... .............. ... Grand.. ............. .I. ... T. .... .do.. .I. .do.. ....................... .IT. .... ,T. .... ............. 10.30 .do.. .............. .I:. .. i.. ... .............................. 0.20 Missouri ..................... .111 .?S.. .................................. 1.63 James ......................... .35 ......................... I ................. 1.93 I ' "' "' ~' Mbsoud ............ ..,. ............ .............. J a m ................ I:.. ./ .... : I . I : T. rr. T. ....I ............ ' .m ..__, T. I ....: 1.18 .do.. .............. NOVEMBER, 1909 ............ ................. ............. ................ Clear Lake. Cllfton Cottonwood.. Deadwood Davlston.. DeSmet.. ............. Dowllng ................ Dumont.. ................. Elk Polnt.. ............ Elllngaon.. ................ ............. ......... ...... ................... ............. .............. .............. Blg Sloux.. I.. Mhsou rl .do.. Cheyenne ........... .do.. James ............... Che nne ............ .c.. ............. Mleaourl.. ........... .do.. .............. Hermwa.. ................ Highmore .............. Howell. ................ Huron... .................. Kennebec.. ............ Kidder ................. Ekzv ............... ................ .................... ................ .do.. ............... Mlssourl .............. Cheyenne.. ......... Big SIOUX.. ......... Jamea.. ............. .do.. .............. .do.. .............. white ................ MIwouri ............. James ............... Marion ................. MeIlette.. .............. Menno.. ................... Murdo... ........... ....I Orman.. ............... Ottumwa. .............. Fletra.. ................... Mltohelllll .............. MIaaouri ............. James. .............. .do.. .............. Whlte.. .............. Cheyenne.. ......... Missouri. ............ .do.. .............. James.. ............. Running Water ......... Savoy... .............. Belby ................... SIOUX Falls ............. Spearfish ............... Stephan ................ Tama .................. Vale ........................ Van Metre .............. Vermlllon.. ............... YImurl ............. Cheyenne.. ......... Mlssourl ............. Big Sloux.. ......... Cheyenne. .......... M W u r i ............. Cheyenne ........... do ................ hflmurl. .. i ......... .do.. .............. NOVEMBER, 1909 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 91 1 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation jot November, 1909. Dielrid No. 6-Continued. ..... -. -. . ._ ... - -. . - - -. ... .... .. .__ -. .... -. . __ __ __ _- .- . - . - - .. .- _. -_ _ __ - .. _. - .- -. .- -. - . Day of month. j Rlverbaslns. IT Statlons. , I . ! !I 1 I I -- _- .- - - -. .- - __ - - - -_-__________ /i :z 3 4 i s !6 ;7 8 1 Q i 1 0 ... ....... .. .... .................. .- ....... .- ... -_ .- ___ - - - Boulder.. ............. .) Bouth matte.. ....... C k m a n .. I .do.. Colorado-Cant'd. I Burlln on.. .......... .I Republican. .......... C d f ............. ...I South Platte.. ....... Clutle Rock... ............ .do.. ............... Cheyenne Wells .........I Smoky R1U. Como.. South Platte.. Cops.. .......... .......I Republican.. ......... CwonaUll j South Platte.. Denver.. .I.. .do.. Edgwwater.. ..I.. .do.. E S h P'k Fbh H'y.. .I.. .do.. Fort Collins.. ............. .do.. ................... .I. .. Fort Morgan.. ........ .I.. . .do... .............. !. ...... ............... ............... .......... ................ ....... ............... ....... .............. . ............... .......... . ................... .. . ............... . i.. .I: Frances ................. I .... do .................. I.. . .I. .. Fry'a Ranch.. ............. .do.. .................. .:. .. &or townllll .............. do.. ....................... ................... ............... ....... .............. . ....................... at&. I .do.. :. ....... .). .. .do... .............. Hartrsl.. .I.. .do.. Hawthorne.. .............. .do.. ............................ .do ................. Keota.. .do.. ............... Iioasler.. La Porta.. Ia Roy (near). ............... Long's Peak (near). Maalne. ................. Platte Canon.. ........ ............... 8t. Cloud.. ................ .do.. ............... Sed lok .............. .i... .do ................. ............... ............ ............... ............. .............. 8111 %ne.. ................ .do., ............... Vfaterdale. ............. South Platte.. ....... 8 iwr (near) ........... j North Platte. ........ Wartlake.. ................ .do.. ............... Wray ................... Ibpubllcan. .......... Yuma.. .................... do.. ............... Almorth Nlobrara Alllance.. North Platte. Alma.. Republlcan Anoksll I ..I Nlobrma. Lbland.. ...I Platte.. Atklnaon 1 Elkhorn Auburnll(r .............. .I Little Nemaha.. ..... Beatrice.. .............. I Blue.. ................ Beaver Clty.. ......... .I Republican. .......... Bellevue.. ............. .I Mxlsaourl.. ............ Blalr.. ................ .I.. . .do.. ............... Bloomfield.. ........... i.. . .do.. ............... Blue HlL. ........... ..I Republlcan.. ......... Bridgeport.. .......... .I North Platte.. ....... BmkenbowllU .......... .I LOUR.. ............... Bum.. ............... .I Nlobrsra ............. Burwell ................. I Loup ................. Callawa .................. .do.. ............... Cambrl&e.. .......... .I Republlcan.. ......... Canton (near) ........... North Platte. ........ Columbuallll.. ......... ./ Loup.. ............... U h t o n .............. Missouri .............. Creta. .( Blue.. CulbertaonUII. ...I Republican.. Curb ...................... do ................. Davld City ............. I Blue.. ................ Damon ............... .I Great Nemaha.. ..... Duff .................... I Loup. ................ ............ ............... Elale.. .I Republlcan.. EnQrslakeull Loup.. ............ .i.. ..do.. ............... Fort Robinsonlll.. .... .I Nlobrara ............. Franklin.. ............. I Republican.. ......... h m o n t ............... .I Plat te... ............. Fullerton ............... I Loup ................. Geneva.. .............. .I Blue.. ................ Qordon.. ...... .........I Niobrara.. ........... enburg ............ Platta.. .............. Orand Islandllll ........ .I.. ..do.. ............... Grant. ................. Republlcan ........... Habey.. .................. .&:. ............... Hutlngtoaall.. ........ .[ Mlasouri.. ............ Haward I .............. Blue .................. Ha Sprlngs ............ Niobrara ............. Hegron ................. Blue .................. HoldregellH.. .......... .I Flapubllcan.. ......... Hooper .............. ..I Elkhorn .............. Imperlal. ............... Republlcan.. ......... Garmy ............... .I Platte.. .............. Klrkwoo~ ............ ..I Nlobrara.. ........... Konandallll.. .......... North Platte.. ....... Uncon.. do .................. Nlo rara ............. z k k ................ Re ubllcan ........... .............. ............. .............. ........ ................. ........... .............. ............ ........... .............. ............. .............. i Nebraska. ................. ................ ....... ......... ................. ......... Edngllll ............... .) Elkhorn.. ............ ~~~;~l \,. ............ I Blue. ................. 82.. .............. .( Republican.. ......... GmleyUll ............... 1 Lou ................ H&In !I ............. 1 .... do ................. Hayed gnter.. ........ .I Republican.. ......... Klmbdlll .............. South Platte.. ...... .I.. ............. b x i n p ., .......... ..I Platte... ............. ................... ................. ................... ................. .................. ................ h p h U p h y a l hug. Yadl~on ................ Elhorn .............. 912 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 TABLE 2.-Daily precipitation for November, 1909. Disttid No. 6-Continued. -~. .~ -. .- . . I Dav of month. ,. ... ... .. .. ..... ..... 'i i 20121 22 23 2 4 /2 5 2 6 1 2 7 i 2 8 :2 9 1 3 0 i 3 1 1 2 ,I - .. ...... . . .- -- ......... -_ i Stations. NdwaJkAont'd. M a r q d t e .............. Platte ................ M w n Clty ............. Loup. ................ Mnden ................. Blue.. ................ Nebraska Clty.. ....... Missouri.. ............ Norfolk ................ Elkhorn .............. North Loup ............ Loup.. ............... North Platta. .......... Platte.. .............. Odd& ................ Elkhorn .............. Omaha ................. Missourl .............. ord ..................... Loup ................. Pawnee Clty.. ......... Great Nemaha ....... Plymouh ............... Blue .................. Purdum ................ Loup ................. Ravenna .................. .do.. ............... Redcloud ............... Republlcau.. ......... 8t. Ubory .............. Loup ................. St. Paul.. ................. .do.. ............... Santee .................. Missouri .............. 8.rsentll ............... LOUP ................. clcott.blu$. ............ Nortb Plat te... ...... hardlJII ............... Blue .................. SberIdan.. ............. Loup ................. Sldney.. ............... Nortb Plat te... ...... Stanton ................ Elkhorn .............. BohllyleJl I .............. Platte.. .............. Spdngvlem.. ........... ! Nolbrara.. ........... stratton ............. .I Republican.. ......... Tecumne 111 ............I Great Nemaba ....... Turllngton. ........... .I Little Nemaba.. ..... Wauneta.. ............ .I Republican.. ......... Superlor[\ ................. .do.. ............... Watpolnt ............ ..I Elkhorn .............. Tekamah.. ............. Mlasourl.. ............ Valentine ............... Nlobrara ............. Wahoo.. ............... Plat te... ............. Wakefield ............... Elkhorn .............. Walthffl.. .............. Missouri.. ............ Watertown ............. Plat ta... ............. Weeplugwater .......... Mlssourl .............. Winner .................. Elkhorn .............. York. .................. Blue. ................. Mton Miasouri Allerton Chariton Alta.. Little Sloux.. Alta (near). ............... .do.. ............... Alton ................... ................ 1 Flo d Audubon... ............... .do.. ............... Bedford ................ Mlssouri .............. Charlton ............... Charlton ............. ClarindallH ............. Nodaway ............ Corydon ............... Cbarlton ............. Creston I( ............... Mmourl .............. Denlson .............. ..I Missouri.. ............ PUlott. ................ .I Nlahnabotna.. ....... Hancock ............... Nlshnabotna ......... Harlan.. .................. .do.. ............... Hopevllle ............... Mlssourl.. ............ Lsmonl.. ............. .I Missouri .............. Lmabea.. ............. Little Sioux.. ........ Le Mm.. .............. Floyd.. ............. .! knox .................. Missouri .............. Leon.. .................... .do.. ............... Little Sioux.. .......... Little Sioux.. ........ Logan .................. ! Ml ssourl .............. Mt. Ayr.. ................. .do.. ............... ! Odebolt.. ............. .I.. . .do.. ............... Onawa.. .................. .do.. ............... Paolfic Junctlon. .......... .do.. ............... Rock Rap1 ds... ........ Blg Sloux.. .......... ~ Sheldon ................ Floyd.. ............. ., ................ Big Sloux.. .......... enter ........... Floyd ................. Sioux Clty.. ........... Yl~aouri.. ........... .! Thurman... ............... .do.. ............... Wsrhta ................. l t t l e Sioux.. ........ i Woodburn.. ............ Chariton ............ .I KaruaJ. Abllenelll ............... Smoky HU.. ........ .! Apcultural Collega.. . Kansas.. ............. ton.. ................. Solomon.. ........... Atohlmn.. ............. Yiasouri.. ............. &%iA.. ................. .do.. .............. .I ................ Solomon.. . i.. ....... Blakeman .............. Republican ........... Blue RapldsUll .......... Blue .................. Centralla.. ................ .do.. ................ Chapman.. ............ Smoky HI ll ........... Clay Center Republlcan. Colby .do.. Densman, ..............I Solomon.. ........... Dresden 11 ............... Republican. ........... Entarp.. ............... .do.. .............. .I m ge ............... Kansas ............... Famaworth ............. Smoky Hlll..... ...... Ft. Scottllu ............. Marmaton. .......... .I Frankfort .............. Blue ................... ................... .............. ................ ............. .................. ........ lotua. Atlantlo ................ Ndnabotna ......... Corning ............... .I.. . .do.. ............... Cumbar!and ............ i Nodaway.. .......... h n f i e l d ... ........ ...I Nodaway.. .......... Inwood ................ .I BIg Sioux.. .......... ............ .......... ..................... ............... Concordla.. ............... .do.. .............. .I Elbaort! ............... SmokyHII1 ........... I NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 913 914 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1909 TABLE 3.-Maximum and minimum bsmperatwss at selected stations, Nombet. 1909. DistziCt NO. 8, Yissouri V&y. ~ ! Wyoming. i Montana. . -. - .. -1 -. ~ I 1 7 1 I i I I I 0. !- c A u __ -_ . - ............. . _. ......... .- ._ ...... ............ -- !L 4 ' :io i 31 55 I 30 64 I ?i 52 31 ............ , 72 25 I 5 1 37 I 7 2 1 2 6 6Y 1 2 6 64 i 30 ........... i 4 33 ! 56 37 I 70 I 34 71 ! 25 66 50 68 2Ij 56 29 I 71 26 67 '3 56 40 60 . 23 I 70 i 9 I 60 30 1, 6s I 24 57 I 29 ............. - ._ Max. Min. Max. Mln. Max. I Yln. I - .- - . . I I I :; ! 23 I 24 28 33 I 76 31 56 % 31 r ' :; 57 I I ! i I I I I I I i I I I 60 58 1 56 j E 26 ............. j 30 I.. .......... 2s ' ..... .i.. .... 32 ...... !. .... .I 31 ............. 24 I... . ._!. ..... 24 ............ i 20 I .. ......... .! 10 I ... .......... I 5s 23 56 I .22 40 I -- 58 25 60 I 26 41 ! 17 27 , 16 13 1-10 56 i 26 2n 5 24 15 28 I 23 I 80 31 1 50 24 57 29 33 3 20 1 I 11 -2 ~ 15 19 ~ 24 70 66 53 21 j 29 37 I 19 17 I- 4 4Y I 33 42 15 34 ' 15 17 ' 6 10 ... 52 12 ... 46 13 ...I 35 14 ...I 30 15...1 35 11 ... 1 6 5 1 26 14 10 i 1: ' 51 46 I 30 I 20 , 14 2 ~ 25 15 36 42 59 ' ?" i' 23 I 33 20 82 13 ?P 10 B -2 I 2 9 61 i :: I 36 33 16 I 13 ! 11 -12 1-16 37 I 24 26 8 16 3 14 ' 6 14 1: 6 Y ...... ~ ...... ! 15 ........... .! 4 1 ............. 8 ......I ...... ;! j ~....' ...... ! ' .~.~I ' ' "' ~ 19 ...... 1 ...... ~ 31 I 30 I .. ......... ./ 52 I 24 ............ 60 i 20 ...... !. ...... 16 .... ...: ...... 19 ............ 24 ............ .: ?? I ...... !..____ 6.3 18 I ............. I I 1s 1 ............ I6 ...I 1" 17 ... 46 19.. ., 43 18 ...I 47 20 .../ 42 22 ' 30 I 37 i ;: 17 33 35 56 43 61 20 I 43 30 1 i -9 I 12 I -5 0 15 13 1 35 25 45 29 I 53 37 50 30 I 52 4 17 ' 39 23 I 41 15 41 14 16 I 34 I 33 33 31 55 35 56 33 42 I 25 56 23 59 58 I 26 60 I :: 59 I 29 1 12 31 I 10 51 16 Bo I 27 62 I 27 i 38 I 50 30 52 I 45 21 ...I 44 22 ...I 48 "3. ... 40 ;%..I 48 25 ...I 47 15 ' 36 9 I 45 36 45 2s 39 3" I 44 -4 11 I-;; i 12 52 46 47 , 40 39 I 43 26 24 24 I 24 I a3 18 ' 10 i % ...... 30 I 63 "3 35 26 47 2; 56 36 i 52 12 I 40 31 41 25 I 23 30 55 I ; 18 I 4 24 I 14 39 4 44 ' 16 53 42 50 / 32 5s i 31 31 5 31 . 2 31 ' 1 23 1 - 4 I 48 47 4s ~ 43 1 51 I 35 33 , d l 4s ' 1: 31 I 25 34 23 36 ! 7 43 10 52 1 30 ! I8 15 33 31 .... ...... ....../......, , ...... ! ............................................. ......I ......~._....I ...... I ......,...... ....... ...... .......I ...... I ...... ~ ............ 53.0 2?.7i46.8,1!?.S.47.1 122.9 ...... ~ ....... 1 8 .S i 2 O .i 3 S .D !E .i 4 i .3 /2 0 .0 53.5 -11.0,40.0 l i .!,~4 5 .1 )?7 .3 .4 7 .5 ~2 2 .9 ~4 0 .2 ' l 6 .5 .- ' I _- - . -. I .' -1 -. .. ... I .- .- ... '- 1- I --_'- ....... ,. North Dakota. South Dakota. -. Mln. __ 30 ti 43 3s 3fi 34 1s 21 14 30 -. Min. - 33 30 40 37 32 - Min. Max. - -- ?S 58 35 71 40 I 66 i; 1 :: 20 I 44 35 60 13 49 33 i G2 34 52 -. ...... I Mln. Max. I Mln. Max. I - ._ .- . - ........ - .. - ... .- -. -. Max. 1 Mln. Max. I Min. Nax. 1 Min. Max. I Min. :Max. I I I ._ ..... - .. -. - . __ . -. .......... - . .- Mln. Max. Mln. Max. I bh. 1 .1 .- - _. Max. 1 Mln. Max, I 8 bar. 55 67 68 02 69 5s 48 58 56 -. 34 I 63 I 18 56 2s 5 i I 21 68 34 65 I 34 ' 59 32 1 58 I 31 38 I 05 35 I 64 I 29 62 I 25 w! 30 ....... ..::::I E 1 30 71 I 29 ;: 73 I 35 ......I. ..... I 73 I 3fi 66 i 29 70 ............ I 6 9 3 7 ,M 1 3 1 ):: 65 I 27 I ......I.. 70 33 I ............ 72 44 i 68 2s 69 59 I 32 I 60 70 23 1 65 66 I 3s 68 64 31 I 66 6 0 1 3 0 65 26 M 1 28 I 61 I 32 34 70 34 i 3 28 37 77 41 69 I 41 40 i 74 I 46 I 75 42 ..... 76 ............. 38 15 ............ i 0 38 ,....>...... I 69 5s I 14 I ............ 57 35 I ...... 1 36 1 ...... i 31 i 54 26 18 15 23 45 I 30 36 25 33 j 12 17 I 9 17 '- 1 33 .-11 I 22 !- 6 27 ~ 4 48 I 13 43 I 31 32 ~ 5 26 67 I 31 ' 57 20 1 59 25 47 19 45 8 1 51 31 65 ; 40 36 24 52 I 29 55 8.. 10 ...' 48 . 11 ...I 36 I 26 12 ...I 26 I 20 13... 26 13 14 ...I 14 0 15 ... 22 1 - 4 IS... 26 1- 5 17... 21 - 1 W... 56 I 14 le... 66 ! 34 10.../ 42 I 22 30 ' 20 I 34 ?' 24 ! I6 ...... I 1 4 19 ' 13 16 ,' 0 16 4 1 1 5 -1 15 1 - 4 15 1-15 I 42 27 32 17 s I 10 I 15 8 21 ' 10 14 - 5 16 j 9 I 20 1-10 !: i 18 I li I 41 1 2 5 I ............. ' 43 25 ' ...... 1 2 4 I 3 9 26 45 ~ 29 1 4 3 32 ; l i .......... 1 2 s 1 % 1 % 1s 27 i; ~ ;: f :; 83 15 ............ 20 S I 20 14 17 ' 15 I- 5 I:: .... I ...... ! 20 I ;: I :: I- 1 I 15 $2 18 ...... ! ...... 33 i IS ' 30 24 . 31 32 ; i i! ...... ' ...... 44 6 ...... ~ ...... 30 i 21 .......I ...... ...... i ...... ...... :. ..... a0 2a 13 1 0 21 ' 9 1 16 '-10 22 I S I IS -6 60 , 2s I 55 30 32 I 7 I 49 , 14 4s , 10 47 1 9 -2 I i I I I l l 35 I 18 20 I i o 19 4 20 1 4 25 j IO 10 1 2 1 I 3 33 '-1 I ............ I 19 I 1 ' 46 15 ' 20 10 38 28 39 10 24 I 1 2 18 8 ' 2 3 7 ;! ~ 2 27 1 1 5 33 3 ...... ~ ...... 19 56 I 3 3 I 4 9 I 2 0 1 4 9 I 17 :: I ;: I 42 j 16 1 5 8 18 . 37 I 12 I 4 5 . 21 38 I 7 ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ 38 I i: I ;; w.. . 66 !3 8 I 50 20 6 4 ' 1 5 63 ?a I 62 32 1 4 7 15 54 15 30 16 ....... 42 j 57 I 56 36 53 ' 23 25 ...I 40 I 25 , 40 I 2': 1 4 6 s i 27 I 16 50 12 46 15 . 18 I 8 I 30 1 15 1 ...... ::::::I 37 25 41 29 j 43 . 16 I 22 7 I 26 19 14 28 47 I 19 I 62 5n ,' 34 , ~a 35 27 ~ 49 16 15 24 36 30 27 18 10 24 86 25.6 ..... - ............. ! 39 2s . 51 j 26 ' 2 5 ' ... ............ 1 2 9 1 2 3 1 3 1 27 ' 3 2 ! ii ... _.. 30 , 14 41 27 ' 33 13 ..... ..... ... 30 13 42 . ?p I 48 ............. 41.9 21.5 46.4d 24.1-1 42.5 ..... ...... I ...... I 50 1 i i I I I I ..... ..... .......... .......... I.. ... .I.. ..... .... ............ ......I ............. I ' I ___- .- __ - - ._ .. .. -- - .. __ . - _- .. _. - -. . . 30 ~ ?S 33 45 2 7 ' 6 2 :: i :: I :: 52 I 36 : 62 ..... i ...... i ...... 44.6 I 1 .4 I 49. I NOVEMBER, 1909. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 915 50 I 30 ' 69 ' 69 1 G7 57 1 59 I 39 ! 05 I 40 I 25 59 30 66 j 30 43 28 45 42 15 43 31 I 36 30 ; 41 I 27 1 38 TABLE 3.-Maximum and minimum tempstatures at selected stations, NowniDer, 1099. District No. 6-Continued. - - _. -. - - - . -. _- - - - -. _ . ___ 45 26 ...... - - - -. ...... i South Dakota. 1 .- .- .- ._ 7...! 66 1 20 61 1 3b 5s 30 53 34 I 59 I 31 63 i $2 74 ! 21 56 44 51 64 1 31 5s I 41 I 55 l8 45 5o 2g 54 30 72 1 46 i 60 ' 43 66 10 ...! 72 I 36 I 69 I 41 71 I 54 66 I 1 ...I W 30 I 50 1 29 12 ... 1 47 I 28 35 1s I il 26 40 I 2b I 35 i2 I 45 34 I i: 1 2s 37 I 30 1 39 30 I 40 "5 42 33 I 37 i: I I i: 13 43 28 1 30 23 34 31 I 28 I 24 82 1 25 34 ! 30 I4 ... 1 36 1 18 27 15 ! 31 I 13 I 26 16 I 26 15 I 31 23 I 20 13 40 ! 24 15 ...; 18 j 8 1 17 I 0 j 23 10 I 18 I 10 I 18 1 13 I 30 I 19 , li I 13 j 29 I 32 ! ii 1 6 I ?\I 1 15 I 29 I 19 1 17 I 35 s... 64 53 j 46 15 4s 20 45 j 28 . 56 17 I 55 23 GO . 20 g...' 55 1 40 54 31 57 . 38 1 6s 35 \ 6s . 31 65 30 W3 ! 4 1 ' ii 1 ' I 76 I 44 I 62 1 3S I 68 ! 45 I 78 I 50 I 60 . 20 ~ 66 I 38 55 I 32 I 60 I 35 1 2s 50 I 27 56 I 94 83 ! 45 $2 ' 19 ~ Bo 3s I 4s 1 20 67 I 33 I 65 I 42 j 57 I ... . 20 1 38 31 28 I 1; I $ 1 i; ,. ..... - - ...... Colorado. 25 l8 33 40 10 30 Date. d - E 5 24 2.5 I 50 I 48 I 58 I ...... ( 60 6 5 1 4 0 1 5 8 ' 3 3 1 5 9 Nebraeka. 0. 'a .d! 9 3 m 8 Mas .! Min. . 1 - 09 I 2s 62 , 80 7s 4u i o 36 79 I 3s !! 6 d 4 e ra 2 X 1 2 f I d ' 4 L d -- - Mas. Mln. ' Max. I Min. a l I d 5 P Max. Min. I ! 61 37 62 I 36 75 45 11 I 31 71 I 43 -. ..... ...... a 5 a" 5 . -. ...... .- .... Mas. I Min. Mas., Min. I -- -. I 62 18 I 63 35 70 I 23 75 I 37 1J Y3 ' 80 I 31 i s 26 , i S 4U -- ,I 45 74 i 45 - din. 44 44 46 49 50 54 42 32 44 53 43 33 37 22 20 16 I4 16 34 25 23 24 38 40 55 32 30 34 43 - 3% ..... I Max. ~ Min. Mas. Min. I ! I Max. i Min. Max. I Yin. ;Max. ......... - ... - I Max. I Yin. Max. I Mln. din. Max. 37 1 61 29 1 61 38 75 34 76 -. - 34 I 77 38 j 72 32 ! 60 16 50 30 56 48 I 69 I , .. -. ........... - I I ...' 58 30 1 60 33 %..I Bo j 40 67 I 30 4...i 79 I 40 73 I 2 5... 74 45 I 61 . 39 3.. . 75 35 1 &I i 61 45 I 69 27 61 66 I 40 I 2II I 62 IU I 41 SO I 31 I 74 78 , 44 1 76 33 73 77 46 1 35 74 73 54 4s 57 73 36 53 21 : 33 16 I 24 12 I 23 2 19 24 . 46 30 I 48 26 I 34 2 ! 18 4 I 39 in 6 0 24 25 18 I6 20 35 31 30 24 44 56 e4 33 as 38 56 67 63 6a 40 44 48 .... ; 6 \2 1 I 16 I 30 : 30 40 I 4 19 I 35 I 37 i 3; I 23 21 33 1 41 ! 30 38 I 20 39 38 I 40 ./. ..... ' ...... 1 26.2 43.0 I I 1s 1 34 ... . . i 1 13 I : 1 1: I 27 I 16 ; 21 1 1 27 !3 0 i 23 : I4 17 ! 34 1 22.3 ,I.. ... ... . : 23 I 10 I 18 9 1 4 O ! 9 I 411 25 1 49 26 26 I 17 I 25 I 13 I 4Y I 27 65 1 34 I 34 25 34 ! 23 ........I ...... ! 4:. 8 I 20.8 I 40 2.3 , 46 I 38 i , .. - - - .- .. i I 4 5 I 9 I 3 i 3 I 25 I 1 1 I 3 0 1 -3 ' 3 2 1 1 6 i 29 I 1 7 1 3 0 I 3 8 ' 1 5 1 4 1 5 !3 1 4 1 3 2 1 ' 3 6 1 0 ' 3 5 ' 1 0 1 4 5 2 7 1 2 8 I 1 6 I 2 9 ; 63 I 29 4S I 11 46 I S 34 13 I 46 I 8 58 I 31 I 44 15 41 27 57 ' 2s 1 OR ' 2U I 58 ' 33 1 45 I ;: I IS , 6s I 3 2 50 5 ' 2 7 1 1 1 ' 3 3 i 40 1 53 :! I 1; 1 65 55 I 24 27 46 1 30 6s I 3 5 ! 47 I 34 I 4 8 I 3 2 ' 50 1 2 8 I 66 34 16 ... 1 2 1 17 ... I 20 18 ...I 40 19 ... 1 4 5 21 ... 43 %..I 40 23.. 38 24..:1 46 16 ... 44 %'...I 46 29 ...i 40 30 ... 42 31.. ...... Mns , 49.8 I %...I 4n 2a ...I 44 ..... _- -- I ..!, I 45 j 33 1 51 I ;? I 40 , ?B i 80 20 i 46 _- 39 1 23 1 42 4s i 70 43 I 7U I 28 1 57 ?S Bo I 1 ;; j 40 1 74 33 I 34 66 I 30 \ 63 ' 88 ' 47 I 6 6 33 I 6 5 50 I60 ' 53 ! 23 50 30 62 I 33 ' 50 ! ' 32 1 14 ! 47 I 38 ! 37 32 43 I , 40 I 37 41 I 38 ! 41 , 38 I 47 I .I ............ I ............. ......I ...... ' W.SI30.6 156.0 26.3 54.5 ' 3 0 .2 , 53.9 I 66 I 33 I 61 I 63 I I 37 27 30 1 2Y 40 1 35 45 1 I 1 1 ....... I ....... I : 1 1 1 .1 I .... - - . - - Iowa. i 24 ' 28 21 35 , 43 1 26 27 ' 04 ! 35 12 1 36 i 21 34 I 59 1 38 ,. ...... I "".' ."' .' 21.9 I 50.9 '31.6 I ..... - - .- Kansas. 2.5 25 40 55 63 ,/ ................................ ! ......................... i ..... I 149.8 I 21.G \ 55.4 ' 31.8 '53.; 134.8 151.4 ' 25.6 145.6 28.1 I . . -. -. I . I . - - . - .- -. ...... - .... - . - - -. i Missourl. . , ........... .. __ I k. 1 -. I I Max. !- - ........... - Mln. Max. ! Min. Mas. 1 Min. Max. I Min. Max. I I .......................... . .- . - - i , Mln. Mas. Min. Max. . _- . !' -. -_ Uin. .w 44 46 44 46 48 50 44 40 48 55 35 40 41 21 26 17 14 20 38 34 30 23 28 36 46 54 34 40 46 18.0 .... ..... _- .- ....... __ Min. , Max. I 54 1 56 50 66 56 76 55 79 57 I 76 . _ _. 49 ! 75 -. .- 41 I 71 71 I 43 i 6.s 3s i 85 I 35 I 71 ! 39 I 75 34 72 44 82 41 SO 1 47 78 I 44 I 81 41 80 1 27 1 83 43 80 40 I 82 46 I 80 1 35 79 i 43 I 78 I 48 I 78 36 37 I 52 . 17 '......I ...... i 5Y I 34 49 37 69 1 33 !......I ...... 69 ! 49 i 57 49 I 77 35 I.. .......... 70 , 50 70 31 I 66 1 44 I 53 I 7 4 . 43 ...... ..I 75 I 4 5 I 7 4 64 1 33 j ...... !::::. 6s . 54 1 72 48 65 35 61 40 76 1 36 I fli 51 1 81 1 8.5 74 46 SO 40 I 78 53 I 7s ' 43 , 50 1 ............... .' 64 2 ................ 72 3... .......... ...I 76 4 ................ 77 6 ............... .i 78 7 ................ 50 8 ............... ./ 53 9 ................ 03 10.. .............. 5 ................ I 75 77 I 37 I 71 I 32 I 72 75 79 I 37 I 75 I 36 I 53 7s 1 36 ' 75 I 35 33 18 39 33 30 25 19 13 10 5 2n 76 40 ' 74 I 40 53 64 I 41 ! 54 39 I 56 55 I 83 50 1 IS ' 49 68 I 33 I 58 18 ! 55 67 I 41 I 68 1 41 , 70 48 j 75 43 72 49 63 I 44 1 79 40 5R 25 A0 14 I 65 ~ 31 1 61 54 I 79 57 I 74 59 71 52 1 78 46 56 46 I 63 53 1 68 I 55 I 71 49 I 53 j 44 BO . t'15 ' 3 1 1 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 23 ! 15 1 ...... ...... ...... ...... 11 ................ I 50 14 ................ 1 I 9 12 ............... ./ 32 13 ................ 35 15 ................I 15 I6 ................ ! 24 .................. 18 ................ I. ai I 16 19 ................ , 4s . 31 50 ................ I 48 I 24 36 32 32 39 45 66 68 37 39 44 43.0 ..... - 37 i 37 j 23 64 27 27 39 33 ' 35 63 I 37 46 67 67 I z: I 68 56 43 40 I 32 I 37 48 I 37 I 45 40 33 ~ 40 11.. .............. j 24 ' 15 22.. .............. 3 .4 9 23 ................ 1 50 . 31 24 ................. 60 I 32 85 ................ 1 46 32 27 ................ I 31 25 28 ................ 41 1 21 # ................ 160 26 ................ )I 1 45 . 31 2% ............... I 61 I ii 9 26 ' IS 44 23 I 37 I..... 14 i 23 I 13 I 38 I IS I 35 I 23 7 ' 35 20 64 30 51 I 31 26 i 57 , 36 I 73 61 1 39 25 I 47 I 35 71 I 3fi 6.s i n 52 63 34 ' 57 I 28 58 43 ' 80 39 I .?? 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