U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers December 1996, NCJ-163277 This announcement is one in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to the Funding page http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/funding.htm#sjs The full text of this report is available through: *the BJS Clearinghouse, 1-800-732-3277 *on the Internet at http"//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ *on the BJS gopher: gopher://www.ojp.usdoj.gov:70/11/bjs/ *on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service Electronic Bulletin Board (set at 8-N-1, call 301-738-8895, select BJS). Contents Message from the Director iii Purpose 1 New direction 2 Background 3 Goals 3 Objectives 3 Program strategy 4 Support to established SACs 4 Themes for the first SJS cycle 5 Eligibility requirements 8 Selection criteria 9 Award period 10 Award amount 10 Due date 10 Contact 11 Application and administrative requirements 12 Application content 12 Financial and administrative requirements 13 Civil rights obligations 14 Audit requirement 14 Disclosure of Federal participation 15 Intergovernmental review of Federal programs 15 Application forms 16 Appendixes A. Juvenile transfers to criminal courts: Variables, data elements, file layout B. Juveniles and youth gang involvement in violence, drug sales and weapons use and system response: Description of technical assistance provided by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Youth Gang Center ************************************** Message from the Director ************************************** In 1972, the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, an office of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, announced the establishment of a program to bring about a coordinated approach to the development and implementation of criminal justice statistics and information systems in the States. This strategy, called the Comprehensive Data Systems program, had as its centerpiece what came to be known as Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs). These centers were intended to be the single point of contact in the States for collecting/acquiring crime and justice data, analyzing and disseminating the data, and assisting criminal justice planners and decision makers in formulating rational and sound public policy. The centers were also charged with coordinating the development of criminal justice information systems in the State when no other agency had been assigned that responsibility. Almost twenty-five years later, the SAC program continues to meet its original goals and objectives. Governors, legislators, the judiciary, the media, and the general public have come to depend on the fruits of the SAC program for an objective and independent picture of crime and justice in the respective States. As successful as the program has been, changes in the criminal justice policy environment and Federal funding to States call out for adaptations that will keep SACs at the forefront of emerging issues. This State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers (SJS) is intended to help SACs be more topical and stronger statistical resources for the States. In requesting SACs to select a topic for investigation and analysis prior to receiving a Federal award of funding, this Program also enhances governmental accountability and focuses on obtaining productive results for each dollar spent. The Program encourages SACs to collaborate with related entities within the State where doing so will be mutually beneficial. We at BJS are pleased to have the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as our partner in this first phase of the new program. Section F of this announcement, Themes for the First SJS Cycle, highlights two topics of special interest to BJS and OJJDP jointly: the waiving of juveniles into the adult criminal justice system, and the impact and influence of youth gangs on crime. Approximately every six months we plan to change the highlighted topics, which, as in this announcement, may include supplemental funding. The Justice Research and Statistics Association will publish a compilation and analysis of State findings related to highlighted SJS topics, as well as make the results available on the Internet. Jan M. Chaiken, Ph.D. Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics ************************************** State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers *************************************** Fiscal Year 1997 Application Guidelines ------------------- A. Purpose --------------------- This program announcement supplants the State-Level Statistical Analysis Centers and Information Network Program. Since 1972, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and its predecessor agency, the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service, have provided partial support to State governments for the establishment and operation of Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) to collect, analyze, and report statistics on crime and justice to Federal, State, and local levels of government, and to share State-level information nationally. The information produced by SACs and their involvement in criminal justice projects has been and will continue to be critical to State, local, and Federal criminal justice agencies and community organizations in their efforts to combat drugs and crime and to improve the administration of justice. This announcement represents a shift from SAC support funded exclusively by BJS to a coordinated solicitation involving other Office of Justice Programs (OJP) agencies. We are pleased to have as a partner in this six month period the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). BJS also administers the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP), which implements the grant provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, the National Child Protection Act of 1993, the Stalker and Domestic Violence Reduction provisions of the Violence Against Women Act, and related legislation. In each State, a single agency has been designated by the governor to coordinate the State's NCHIP applications, but BJS has encouraged SAC directors to contact their State NCHIP administrator so as to participate in their State's application for NCHIP funds, and NCHIP administrators were asked to demonstrate that they had coordinated requests related to statistical analyses with their State's SAC. Ongoing efforts to evaluate or monitor progress in meeting legislative or program goals through statistical or other related means have been allowed activities for SAC funding under BJS grants to NCHIP agencies, and specific SAC research studies relating to use of handguns are also being funded separately under NCHIP. BJS's goal has been to maintain and enhance each State's capacity to address criminal justice issues through the entire mix of grant funding administered by BJS. The State Justice Statistics Program, announced here, expands BJS's efforts in this regard by simplifying the process whereby SACs can apply for NCHIP funding and by asking SACs to coordinate requests, on behalf of themselves and -- in some cases -- other State agencies, for the funding that BJS lists in this Announcement and its subsequent updates. BJS will be actively engaged in fostering linkages with other Office of Justice Program (OJP) agencies with programs that may provide funding for SACs, either through programs of their own which provide direct assistance to SACs, or as the result of passing funds to BJS to enhance the SJS program. Examples included in this announcement are the OJJDP supported themes described in Section F, as well as the Safe Kids-Safe Streets program, administered by OJJDP, the Weed and Seed Office, and the Violence Against Women Act grant office. -------------------------- B. New Direction -------------------------- The State Justice Statistics (SJS) Program for Statistical Analysis Centers is oriented around issues and products. Each application for funding under this program must identify the participating organizations in the State and the particular issues to be addressed. In previous BJS funding programs for SACs, some applicants identified the topics of their analyses and reports in advance, while others identified them during the year. The SJS program requires that the topics be identified in advance. Furthermore, BJS will from time to time (approximately every six months) announce specific topics and products it is encouraging and will ask applicants to give careful consideration to planning activities that fit within one or more of the designated topics. Some topics in each funding cycle may be eligible for extra financial support. The first set of topics is shown in Section F, below. If a SAC does not feel that any of the topics is relevant to its own State, it may identify a topic or statistical activity of critical importance to its jurisdiction. The SJS program themes are being selected jointly by BJS and the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), with input from selected SAC Directors as reflective of issues of current concern and significance to criminal justice practitioners. JRSA will also play a lead role in publishing a report based on a compilation of state reports on one of the selected themes, which will be highlighted in each announcement. Although BJS recognizes the value and importance of basic clearinghouse activities historically exercised by the SACs, Federal efforts over the last 25 years to implement these activities in the States should by now have demonstrated that they warrant State funding. Accordingly, SACs which have used BJS funds in the past to support salaries and fringe benefits for this purpose should initiate discussions with State personnel and budget officials to make this a State-funded position, or at least assume responsibility for that portion of a person's salary which is spent on clearinghouse activities. Some activities which States may consider part of a clearinghouse function, such as collection of statistical data and publication of statistical reports on general topics related to crime or the administration of justice, continue to be encouraged under the SJS program. Because BJS recognizes that in some States it may take some time to accomplish a shift in funding, BJS will allow funds awarded under the Fiscal Year 1997 SJS program to be used for clearinghouse activities. -------------------------- C. Background --------------------------- In the United States, most criminal justice activities take place at State and local levels of government. The systematic collection and analysis of data on these activities enable BJS to comply with its charter to publish and disseminate statistical information on crime and the operation of justice systems, giving emphasis to State and local justice system needs. State and local governments use the data for policy analysis, planning, and conducting their justice system operations and evaluations. BJS is specifically authorized by statute (42 U.S.C. 3732) to provide assistance in the development of State and local government justice information systems, and directed to give primary emphasis to the problems of State and local justice systems (42 U.S.C. 3731). BJS works in cooperation with the States through a network of SACs. These Centers were established with support from BJS and its predecessor agency, the National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service (NCJISS). Currently, there are SACs in 47 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands. --------------- 1. Goals ---------------- * Enhance the capabilities of the States to collect, analyze, and interpret data on justice issues relevant to the States and the Nation; * Make maximum use of State statistical organizations and State-level data collected by BJS and other Department of Justice components; * Provide a mechanism which supports the collection and sharing of vital justice system data among the States and between the States and the Federal Government; and * Better serve the information needs of the States and Federal Government by providing a core body of knowledge about the administration of criminal justice in each State. ----------------------- 2. Objectives ------------------------ Provide support to the SACs to: * participate in projects whose research, data collection, and analysis is coordinated across states and which results in a publication by JRSA. This theme will normally be of significant interest to policy makers, and the results of analysis done on this theme should support their efforts. * produce statistical reports on crime, criminal offenders, and the justice system; * develop improved justice statistical and information systems and maintain data service functions in the State; and * support BJS data gathering efforts in individual States including statistics needed for all national data series and in support of NCHIP and NCHIP-related topics. --------------------------------- D. Program Strategy --------------------------------- The SJS program is designed to provide financial support which will supplement State funding of the SAC and will support activities for both State and national benefit, as well as provide technical and financial assistance for related research and data collection projects. SACs are strongly encouraged to produce and provide to BJS written products reflecting analytical efforts undertaken as a part of this program, and to document their plans for such publications in the application for funding under this program. BJS guidelines for the NCHIP grant program recommend that the State agency applying for these funds consult the SAC in conjunction with the development of projects to support the monitoring of State compliance with legislative or programmatic goals of the program. BJS encourages SACs to support such NCHIP activities; in addition, SACs should explore funding opportunities associated with monies coming into their State under other provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. To ensure that the SAC national program efficiently meets its objectives, recipients of BJS funds must agree to assist in any evaluation and/or assessment efforts associated with this program. Such evaluation activities should not result in any significant or unreasonable costs or burdens to the SACs that would interfere with the performance of the cooperative agreement. -------------------------------------------- E. Support to Established SACs -------------------------------------------- All awards will be made as cooperative agreements to a Statistical Analysis Center and will indicate the substantial involvement that BJS will have with each award. Applicants may transfer funds to other organizations listed in their application; some of the theme activities may require such cooperative arrangements. Where SACs do not have authority for such a transfer of funds, applicants should contact their BJS state monitor for advice; the purpose of this requirement is to foster cooperation within the State among agencies working on related BJS- or OJP-funded activities, and BJS certainly does not want to foster cumbersome administrative arrangements. Activities in the SJS program include: (1) Collecting, analyzing, and publishing criminal justice data, including activities related to the analysis or evaluation of State efforts under the NCHIP; (2) Conducting research on themes identified in Section F of this announcement or selected by the applicant in consultation with BJS, usually about a topic of current or emerging national concern; (3) Providing JRSA with data on highlighted themes for compilation and production of a national report; (3) Maintaining contact with BJS to ensure the efficient development and sharing of information with BJS, other States, and various users; (4) Informing BJS of the State's needs relative to statistical data; (5) Pursuant to BJS request, providing information and automated data to the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, or other designated recipients; (6) Establishing and maintaining contacts with State criminal justice agencies, the courts, and local governments and their criminal justice agencies; (7) Assisting criminal justice agencies in defining their needs for specific statistical and other information for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of criminal justice programs; (8) Providing technical assistance in the collection, interpretation, utilization, and sharing of statistical information. Travel funds for this program should be used primarily for such activities within the State as data collection, providing technical assistance and training, liaison with other criminal justice agencies, and conducting statistical analysis. Travel to attend the annual Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)/Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) national conference is limited to one person each year, unless BJS specifically authorizes additional conference travel. Because of the limited funds available for each State, the use of program funds for indirect costs is discouraged. All grant funds should be used to achieve specific program objectives. --------------------------------------------------- F. Themes for the First SJS Cycle --------------------------------------------------- SACs applying for funds under this announcement may choose from among the themes listed below. Applicants may choose any number of projects from within one theme (unless otherwise specified), or a combination of projects from more than one theme. If a SAC chooses its own theme, it must provide persuasive documentation from its advisory committee, one or more branches of State government, or some other entity which explains and supports the decision to study this topic. It is not BJS's intention that all awarded funds be devoted to thematic activities, but a report or publication should result from each thematic activity. With relation to any theme or topic proposed for funding, please indicate the background of your state's concern with the issue, a complete explanation of the methodology to be employed including databases and methods of analysis, any participation by other state agencies, and how conclusions and recommendations will be framed. Also, indicate political constraints (if any) which could impact the research, and what product will result. Since BJS contemplates that JRSA will assemble national reports where several states have addressed the same topic, we will support efforts to improve the quality of such compilations through coordination of the individual states' research and analysis. Themes will be revised approximately every six months from the date on which this announcement is issued. The revised list of themes will be mailed to all SACs and other participating agencies at the appropriate time. The new list will also be posted to the BJS World Wide Web site on the Internet (www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/), so SACs with access to the Internet can learn of them in that manner as well. As other OJP budget and priority developments evolve, additional funding may be available for one or more of the theme topics. The first theme in each funding cycle's list is BJS's highlighted topic for the six-month period; we strongly urge each state to consider this theme since BJS will be making extra efforts to generate a nationally visible document based on it. If you choose the highlighted topic and it carries additional funding, we suggest that you contact your BJS program manager for additional guidance before submitting an application. These are the themes/topics applicable to the first six months of the SJS Program: 1. Juvenile justice and violence, including offenders, interactions with the adult system, and the impact of trends. Applications including this theme must identify State agencies responsible for statistical data about juvenile offenders, if any, and include documentation demonstrating support and/or cooperation with such agencies. A. Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court for Prosecution. Applications choosing this topic are eligible for funding higher than the otherwise normal award amount, and must show separately the budgeted expenditures for this item. Studies that monitor the flow of cases involving juveniles into the criminal court (by reason of age and/or offense and prior history) may focus on statewide or high volume local processes, outcomes and impact of the decision to try the case in criminal versus adult court. Preference will be given to those studies that provide appropriate comparative samples with juveniles retained in the juvenile justice system (or which have the capability to generate trends) and those studies which can and are willing to collect data currently being captured by OJJDP's studies of Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court. (See Appendix A for a listing of variables, data elements and file layout) Applications should identify State agencies responsible for statistical data about juvenile offenders (including those responsible for transferred offenders into the criminal justice system), if any, and include documentation demonstrating support and/or cooperation of that and other State agencies from which data are required. In addition, applicants are recommended to include travel expenses to attend one meeting in Washington, D.C. of other State research teams studying this issue. B. Juvenile and Youth Gang Involvement in Violence, Drug Sales and Weapons Use and System Response. Applications choosing this topic are eligible for funding higher than the otherwise normal award amount, and must show separately the budgeted expenditures for this item. Studies which monitor trends in such behavior (violent crime, drug markets, and weapons use and sales) by youth gangs, its concentration and migration among different neighborhoods, and law enforcement, criminal and juvenile justice system response to such behavior are of interest under this theme. Of particular interest will be studies which demonstrate the application of Geographic-Based Information Systems (GIS) to monitor trends in behavior and system response spatially. Technical assistance will be provided to successful applicants by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Youth Gang Center. See Appendix B for additional information. Applicants must identify relevant State or local law enforcement agencies with which they will be collaborating, if any, and include documentation of support and/or cooperation of that or other agencies from which data are required. 2. Domestic and sexual violence data collection and analysis, including victims and offenders, impact of arrest, prosecution and sentencing policies, and related patterns and trends. Applications including this theme must include documentation demonstrating support and/or cooperation of the State agency that administers Federal grants under the Violence Against Women Act. 3. Corrections studies related to changing sentencing policies, including risk assessment, performance measures, truth in sentencing, and population analysis or projections. Applications including this theme must include documentation demonstrating support and/or cooperation of the State agency that administers grants from the Office of Justice Programs' Corrections Program Office. 4. Research using incident-based crime data that are compatible with the National Incident-Based Reporting System. 5. Internet infrastructure development and linkages, including building a World Wide Web page, computer support, and preparing reports for dissemination via the Internet. Applicants may select an existing Internet server as the location for their site; if such an arrangement is impractical, applicants should contact BJS and JRSA in preparing their applications so that appropriate Internet site locations can be made available to SACs. 6. Technical assistance to an urban, rural or tribal community which is a recipient of funding from the OJP Safe Kids - Safe Streets Program. BJS will inform in writing those States that are eligible for funding under this theme. (To be determined after sites are selected for these awards.) 7. Analysis of criminal history records (such as for patterns of criminal behavior or stalking), evaluation or review of the State's criminal history record improvement activities, or studies related to handgun use. Applications choosing this topic are eligible for funding higher than the otherwise normal award amount and must show separately the budgeted expenditures for this item. At most one topic may be proposed in this topic area. The application must either state that the applicant is also the State's administrator of NCHIP funds or include a letter or memorandum of endorsement from the State agency administering NCHIP funds. 8. Any theme or topic that is identified by the SAC applicant and is accompanied by persuasive documentation and justification that the subject is a top priority for the state's Governor or criminal justice policy officials. ---------------------------------------------- G. Eligibility Requirements ---------------------------------------------- The applicant SAC should be authorized by State legislation or executive order. If it is not, then in its initial application under this guideline the SAC should indicate how it is currently authorized. The SAC must be a nonpartisan professional organization which serves all branches of the criminal justice system and all levels of government in the State as well as the general public. Objectivity, independence, and visibility are important considerations in determining its placement in the State government. It is desirable that the SAC not be part of an agency that has line responsibilities in criminal justice programs; if the SAC is located in such an agency, special provisions must be made to ensure the SAC's broad mission, objectivity, independence, and visibility. These provisions must be documented in each application for funding. Examples of such provisions are letters of agreement from agencies that deal with other aspects of criminal justice in the State, or a SAC advisory board that includes policy-level officials of such agencies. The SAC must inform BJS of any substantive changes in these provisions, such as changes in the advisory board's structure or revisions in the scope of letters of agreement. Applications for SAC funding must contain an explanation of the placement of the SAC within the State organization structure, including the SAC's relationship to the Governor's Office, to other relevant State agencies, and any other organizations included as recipients of funds in the application. The SAC must be staffed by professionals skilled in the statistical treatment of data for policy analyses and familiar with the factors, issues, and processes involved in crime and the criminal justice system. Each application must identify the SAC director and other key personnel and must provide brief summaries of their qualifications. However, a duplicate qualification summary need not be provided if it was submitted as part of an earlier application. In the case of vacant positions, job descriptions must be provided. If the SAC directorship becomes vacant after an award is made, the recipient agency must notify BJS, and submit the position description and required qualifications to be used in recruiting a replacement. When a replacement is designated, a resume of the individual's qualifications must be submitted to BJS for approval. State Statistical Analysis Centers are the only entities eligible to apply for funds under the SJS program. General applicants must meet the requirements for a SAC as specified in these Guidelines. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for the SAC program is 16.550 (Criminal Justice Statistics Development). It is permissible for some or all of the work to be performed under the SAC's overall direction by other persons or organizations, such as other State agencies, universities, nonprofit research firms, and private consultants. If work will be performed outside of the SAC, the application must include the qualifications of those performing the work. SACs that wish to apply for funds in cooperation with another organization but lack the authority to transfer funds to the cooperating organization should contact their BJS state monitor. ---------------------------------- H. Selection Criteria ---------------------------------- In making decisions to award funds under this program, BJS will be the sole judge of whether the application meets program requirements and whether it is operating satisfactorily and conforms to all applicable Federal and State requirements. The amount of the award will be based on the strength of the justification for what it is seeking to do and accomplish during the award period. Final authority on funding decisions is vested in the Director of BJS. Each application should contain a statement of the intended project's goals and objectives; the proposed strategy for achieving them, including anticipated products; and an evaluation of the project. The criteria for review and selection include: (1) Applications should be written so that each task or activity is costed separately and in priority order. Applicants are encouraged to attach a product to each task, such as a report or publication. If a project report or publication is not scheduled for the end of the first year, the application for continuation funding should include a discussion of the status of each task and the progress made during the preceding project period. (2) Organizational integrity, technical competence, and organizational placement of the applicant and other organizations proposed for funding; (3) Experience of applicant's personnel in similar work; (4) Technical soundness and completeness of the proposed approach; (5) Appropriateness of the project schedule and budget; and (6) Past record of applicant's performance with previous awards, including quality of work, completeness, and adherence to schedules. (7) The extent to which the program narrative addresses specific objectives of the SJS program, and the dollar resources needed to achieve them. (8) An application will not be evaluated negatively if it selects Theme 8. ----------------------------- I. Award Period ----------------------------- Awards made under this announcement will be in the form of a cooperative agreement. Awards normally will be for twelve months, but can be longer if the applicant chooses. An award may be made for more than twelve months, but not to exceed twenty-four months, under the following circumstances: One or more of the projected tasks/activities will take more than twelve months to complete, and a commitment of resources is needed to assure its/their successful completion. The amount requested may be prorated based upon the per year amount of that task . If you anticipate submitting an application under the scenario described above, contact your BJS Program Manager before submitting the application. No-cost extensions may be granted by BJS for good cause (for example, under-spending due to an unavoidable staff vacancy). Extensions should be requested in writing at least 30 days in advance of the award's scheduled expiration date; requests that are received later may not be approved. BJS will not approve any extension of more than 1 year beyond the original expiration date of the award. ----------------------------- J. Award Amount ----------------------------- No minimum or maximum amount is established for an award. While the amount of past SAC awards may be used as a guide when preparing the application, sufficiently strong justification of tasks and activities could result in an award greater than that in the past; a weak justification may result in a smaller award. Each award is intended to supplement State financial support of the SAC. The total amount to be awarded under this program is estimated to be $2,450,000. -------------------- K. Due Date -------------------- Applications should be submitted to BJS at least 90 days before the requested starting date for the initial award to a SAC applying under this guideline. For funding in FY 1997, applications should be received by BJS no later than June 30, 1997. Applications received after June 30th may be deferred until the next fiscal year, beginning October 1, 1997. This guideline is effective upon its release by BJS. However, a SAC with a current award which expires on or before February 28, 1997 may apply under this guideline or the guideline governing the SAC program issued in June 1996. ------------------ L. Contact ------------------ For further information, contact Paul White, SJS Program Manager, at (202) 307-0771, or your state program manager. *************************************** Application and Administrative Requirements *************************************** -------------------------- Application Content ---------------------------------- All applicants must submit: * Standard Form 424, Application for Federal Assistance * Standard Form 424A, Budget Information * OJP Form 4000/3 (Rev. 1-93), Program Narrative and Assurances * OJP Form 4061/6 Certifications * OJP Form 7120/1 (Rev. 1-93), Accounting System and Financial Capability Questionnaire (to be submitted by applicants who have not previously received Federal funds). Copies of these forms are provided in the appendix of this application package. Applicants are requested to submit an original and two copies of the application and certifications to the following address: Application Coordinator, Bureau of Justice Statistics 633 Indiana Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20531 Phone: (202) 616-3500 Standard Form 424 (SF-424). The SF-424, a one page sheet with 18 items, serves as a cover sheet for the entire application. This form is required for every application for Federal assistance. No application can be accepted without a completed, signed original SF-424. Directions to complete each item are included on the back of the form. Standard Form 424A (SF-424A). All applications must include SF-424A, Budget Information. Applicants should ensure that all appropriate columns and rows balance. Directions to complete this form are found on page 3 of SF-424A. Detailed Budget. Applicants must provide a detailed justification for all costs, including the basis for computation of these costs. For example, the detailed budget would include the salaries of staff involved in the project and the portion of those salaries to be paid from the award; fringe benefits paid to each staff person; travel costs related to the project; equipment to be purchased with the award funds; and supplies required to complete the project. Budget Narrative. The budget narrative closely follows the content of the detailed budget. The narrative should relate the items budgeted to project activities and allowable cost categories and should provide a justification and explanation for the budgeted items including the criteria and data used to arrive at the estimates for each budget category. Please note applications that include noncompetitive contracts for the provision of specific services must contain a sole source justification for any procurement in excess of $100,000, not normally an issue with these applications. Program Narrative. All applications must include a program narrative which fully describes the expected design and implementation of the proposed program. In developing the narrative, refer to the program design as described in the program announcement. OJP Form 4000/3 (Rev. 1-93) provides additional detailed instructions for preparing the program narrative. The narrative should include a timeline of activities indicating, for each proposed activity, the projected duration of the activity, expected completion date, and any products expected. The application should include an explanation of the placement of the applicant agency within the State organization structure; a description of the roles and responsibilities of key organizational and/or functional components involved in project activities; and a list of key personnel responsible for managing and implementing the major elements of the program. Assurances. OJP Form 4000/3 (Rev 1-93) must be included in the application submission. If submitting this form separate from the SF-424, the applicant must sign and date the form to certify compliance with the Federal statutes, regulations, and requirements as cited. Certification Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace. Applicants should refer to the regulations cited in OJP Form, 4061/6 to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. A copy of OJP Form 4061/6 is provided in the appendices of this application package. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," and 28 CFR Part 67, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the U.S. Department of Justice determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Financial and Administrative Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------- Discretionary grants are governed by the provisions of OMB Circulars applicable to financial assistance. The circulars, with additional information and guidance, are contained in the "Office of the Comptroller Financial Guide," Office of Justice Programs, available from the Office of Justice Programs. This guideline manual, provided upon request, is intended to assist grantees in the administration of funds and includes information on allowable costs, methods of payment, audit requirements, accounting systems, and financial records. ----------------------------------- Civil Rights Obligations ----------------------------------- All applicants for Federal financial assistance must sign Certified Assurances that they are in compliance with the Federal laws and regulations which prohibit discrimination in any program or activity that receives such Federal funds. Section 809(c), Omnibus Crime Control & Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 3789d, provides that: No person in any State shall on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, sex [or disability]* be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, or denied employment in connection with any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. * Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act prohibit identical discrimination on the basis of disability. In addition, the award package will contain a letter from the Director, Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Program, and appropriate attachments for certifying that it is compliance with the requirements of 28 CFR, Section 42.204. ------------------------------- Audit Requirement -------------------------------- In October 1984, Congress passed the Single Audit Act of 1984. On April 12, 1985, the Office of Management and Budget issued Circular A-128, "Audits of State and Local Governments" which establishes regulations to implement the Act. OMB Circular A-128, " Audits of State and Local Governments," outlines the requirements for organizational audits which apply to BJS grantees. Institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations are responsible for providing an audit of their activities not less than every 2 years. The required audits are to be on an organization-wide basis rather than on a grant-by-grant basis. ----------------------------------------------------- Disclosure of Federal Participation ------------------------------------------------------ Section 8136 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act (Stevens Amendment), enacted in October 1988, requires that, "when issuing statements, press releases for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees receiving Federal funds, including but not limited to State and local governments, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, and (2) the dollar amount of Federal funds for the project or program." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs -------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs," allows States to establish a process for reviewing Federal programs in the State, to choose which programs they wish to review, to conduct such reviews, and to make their views known to the funding Federal agency through a State "single point of contact." If the State has established a "single point of contact," and if the State has selected this program to be included in its review process, the applicant must send a copy of its letter or application to the State "single point of contact" at the same time that it is submitted to BJS. The letter or application submitted to BJS must indicate that this has been done. The State must complete its review within 60 days. The review period will begin on the date that the letter or application is officially received by BJS. If BJS does not receive comments from the State's "single point of contact" by the end of the review period, this will be interpreted as a "no comment" response. If the State has not established a "single point of contact," or if it has not selected the BJS statistics development or criminal history improvement programs in its review process, this must be stated in the letter or application. Appendix A Juvenile transfers to criminal courts Variables, data elements, file layout Appendix B Juveniles and Youth Gang Involvement in Violence, Drug Sales and Weapons Use and System Response description of Technical Assistance Provided by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Youth Gang Center end of file