Of th N A T I V E S of this they perform three times, and the refult is generally e^h of both the combatants; but it is reckoned as great diflionour to refuie this combat, as to refufe an invitation to & duel among the people of Europe, If any one prefers his life or fafety to his honour, the adulterer then is obliged to pay to the hufband of the adukerefs whatever he demands, either in fkins, cloaths, provisions, or other things. The women have a harder time in child-bearing than the Kamtfchadales, for they fay, the Kuriks women do not recover after child-bearing for three months, The midwives give names to the children when they are born, which they always keep. If they have twins they deftroy one. Such as di^ in the winter they bury in the fnow j but in the fummer they are buried in the earth. Self-murder is as frequent hew as &mong the Kamtfchadaks. O F