*CD AvailNuclei #ifndef __AvailNuclei_LOADED #define __AvailNuclei_LOADED typedef struct { int availnuclei; int ID; int Material; int Z; int A; float PathLength; float NucleiDensity; float SumNuclei; float Sigma; float AZWgt; float SumWgt; int _9999; } AVAILNUCLEI_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ AVAILNUCLEI_DEF AvailNuclei; #else extern AVAILNUCLEI_DEF AvailNuclei; #endif #endif *CD BeamSystem #ifndef __BeamSystem_LOADED #define __BeamSystem_LOADED typedef struct { int beamsystem; int ID; float X0; float Y0; float Z0; float dXdZ; float dYdZ; int KineMethod; int FluxMethod; float Emin; float Emax; char FluxFile[64]; int _9999; } BEAMSYSTEM_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ BEAMSYSTEM_DEF BeamSystem; #else extern BEAMSYSTEM_DEF BeamSystem; #endif #endif *CD CellPos #ifndef __CellPos_LOADED #define __CellPos_LOADED typedef struct { int cellpos; int ID; char PlnName[4]; int IStrip; int IExtr; int ICell; float XYZReadout[3]; float XYZCenter[3]; float XYZFarend[3]; float FiberTailA; float FiberTailB; float ClearFiberA; float ClearFiberB; int _9999; } CELLPOS_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ CELLPOS_DEF CellPos; #else extern CELLPOS_DEF CellPos; #endif #endif *CD CoilTube #ifndef __CoilTube_LOADED #define __CoilTube_LOADED typedef struct { int coiltube; int ID; int ISuper; char Name[4]; int ICopy; int ITreeDepth; float XYZ1[3]; float XYZ2[3]; float OuterRadius; float InnerRadius; char ShapeName[4]; int IRotm; char TMedium[4]; float Zmin; float Zmax; int _9999; } COILTUBE_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ COILTUBE_DEF CoilTube; #else extern COILTUBE_DEF CoilTube; #endif #endif *CD DigitPln #ifndef __DigitPln_LOADED #define __DigitPln_LOADED typedef struct { int digitpln; int ID; int IPln; int NDigitPln; int _9999; } DIGITPLN_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ DIGITPLN_DEF DigitPln; #else extern DIGITPLN_DEF DigitPln; #endif #endif *CD EmuDigit #ifndef __EmuDigit_LOADED #define __EmuDigit_LOADED typedef struct { int emudigit; int ID; int IPln; int ISheet; int ILayer; float XCenter; float YCenter; float ZCenter; float GrainSize; int CellPos; int PlanePos; int _9999; } EMUDIGIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ EMUDIGIT_DEF EmuDigit; #else extern EMUDIGIT_DEF EmuDigit; #endif #endif *CD EmuHit #ifndef __EmuHit_LOADED #define __EmuHit_LOADED typedef struct { int emuhit; int ID; int IPln; int ISheet; int ILayer; int ITrack; float TOFG; float XBegin; float YBegin; float ZBegin; float XEnd; float YEnd; float ZEnd; float ELoss; float Ptot; int IPDG; int CellPos; int PlanePos; int _9999; } EMUHIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ EMUHIT_DEF EmuHit; #else extern EMUHIT_DEF EmuHit; #endif #endif *CD EventHistory #ifndef __EventHistory_LOADED #define __EventHistory_LOADED typedef struct { int eventhistory; int ID; char TableName[32]; int EntryNumber; char Routine[32]; char VersionString[8]; char DateFilled[16]; int _9999; } EVENTHISTORY_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ EVENTHISTORY_DEF EventHistory; #else extern EVENTHISTORY_DEF EventHistory; #endif #endif *CD FLSDigiCell #ifndef __FLSDigiCell_LOADED #define __FLSDigiCell_LOADED typedef struct { int flsdigicell; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int IView; float XYZBase[3]; float XYZDir[3]; float TPos; float CPos; float CellLength; float DirScale; float XPhysicalA; float XPhysicalB; float XFiberA; float XFiberB; float ClrTransmitA; float ClrTransmitB; float RawAdcA; float RawAdcB; float CorrAdcA; float CorrAdcB; float CorrAdcSum; int IsMuon; int _9999; } FLSDIGICELL_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSDIGICELL_DEF FLSDigiCell; #else extern FLSDIGICELL_DEF FLSDigiCell; #endif #endif *CD FLSDigiPln #ifndef __FLSDigiPln_LOADED #define __FLSDigiPln_LOADED typedef struct { int flsdigipln; int ID; int IPln; char Rotm[4]; int NCells; float XYZBase[3]; float XYZDir[3]; float DirScale; float SumRawAdc; float SumCorrAdc; int _9999; } FLSDIGIPLN_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSDIGIPLN_DEF FLSDigiPln; #else extern FLSDIGIPLN_DEF FLSDigiPln; #endif #endif *CD FLSDigiView #ifndef __FLSDigiView_LOADED #define __FLSDigiView_LOADED typedef struct { int flsdigiview; int ID; char Rotm[4]; int NPlns; int NCells; float XYZBase[3]; float XYZDir[3]; float DirScale; float SumRawAdc; float SumOldAdc; float SumCorrAdc; int _9999; } FLSDIGIVIEW_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSDIGIVIEW_DEF FLSDigiView; #else extern FLSDIGIVIEW_DEF FLSDigiView; #endif #endif *CD FLSDigit #ifndef __FLSDigit_LOADED #define __FLSDigit_LOADED typedef struct { int flsdigit; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; float TPos; float RawA; float RawB; float CorrA; float CorrB; float CorrSum; float TDCA; float TDCB; int TubePixelA; int TubePixelB; float SignalPEA; float SignalPEB; float InitialTDCA; float InitialTDCB; float SumETrue; float AveDistTrueA; float AveDistTrueB; int HitBits; int CellPos; int PlanePos; int _9999; } FLSDIGIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSDIGIT_DEF FLSDigit; #else extern FLSDIGIT_DEF FLSDigit; #endif #endif *CD FLSHit #ifndef __FLSHit_LOADED #define __FLSHit_LOADED typedef struct { int flshit; int ID; int IPackedPEC; int ITrack; float TOFG; float XBegin; float YBegin; float ZBegin; float XEnd; float YEnd; float ZEnd; float ELoss; float Ptot; int IPDG; int CellPos; int PlanePos; int _9999; } FLSHIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSHIT_DEF FLSHit; #else extern FLSHIT_DEF FLSHit; #endif #endif *CD FLSParam #ifndef __FLSParam_LOADED #define __FLSParam_LOADED typedef struct { int flsparam; int ID; char Name[32]; char Type[4]; float Value; int IUsageSet; int _9999; } FLSPARAM_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLSPARAM_DEF FLSParam; #else extern FLSPARAM_DEF FLSParam; #endif #endif *CD FluxWgt #ifndef __FluxWgt_LOADED #define __FluxWgt_LOADED typedef struct { int fluxwgt; int ID; char Beam[32]; int Version; float Weight; float WeightErr; int _9999; } FLUXWGT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ FLUXWGT_DEF FluxWgt; #else extern FLUXWGT_DEF FluxWgt; #endif #endif *CD GAFKey #ifndef __GAFKey_LOADED #define __GAFKey_LOADED typedef struct { int gafkey; int ID; char Type[4]; int Version; int RunNo; int EventNo; char Name[32]; int _9999; } GAFKEY_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ GAFKEY_DEF GAFKey; #else extern GAFKEY_DEF GAFKey; #endif #endif *CD GeomMisc #ifndef __GeomMisc_LOADED #define __GeomMisc_LOADED typedef struct { int geommisc; int ID; int NearFar; int NSupmdl; int NPlanes; float VMARS[3]; float VHall[3]; float LINRThick; float HallXmin; float HallXmax; float HallYmin; float HallYmax; float HallZmin; float HallZmax; int _9999; } GEOMMISC_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ GEOMMISC_DEF GeomMisc; #else extern GEOMMISC_DEF GeomMisc; #endif #endif *CD HitPln #ifndef __HitPln_LOADED #define __HitPln_LOADED typedef struct { int hitpln; int ID; int IPln; int NHitPln; int _9999; } HITPLN_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ HITPLN_DEF HitPln; #else extern HITPLN_DEF HitPln; #endif #endif *CD LSTHit #ifndef __LSTHit_LOADED #define __LSTHit_LOADED typedef struct { int lsthit; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int ITrack; float TOFG; float XBegin; float YBegin; float ZBegin; float XEnd; float YEnd; float ZEnd; float ELoss; float Ptot; int IPDG; int CellPos; int PlanePos; int _9999; } LSTHIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ LSTHIT_DEF LSTHit; #else extern LSTHIT_DEF LSTHit; #endif #endif *CD LSTProto #ifndef __LSTProto_LOADED #define __LSTProto_LOADED typedef struct { int lstproto; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int ITrack; float XGlobal; float YGlobal; float ZGlobal; float TOFG; float Charge; float XLocal; int _9999; } LSTPROTO_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ LSTPROTO_DEF LSTProto; #else extern LSTPROTO_DEF LSTProto; #endif #endif *CD LSTStrip #ifndef __LSTStrip_LOADED #define __LSTStrip_LOADED typedef struct { int lststrip; int ID; int IPln; int IStrip; float CPos; float Charge; int _9999; } LSTSTRIP_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ LSTSTRIP_DEF LSTStrip; #else extern LSTSTRIP_DEF LSTStrip; #endif #endif *CD LSTWire #ifndef __LSTWire_LOADED #define __LSTWire_LOADED typedef struct { int lstwire; int ID; int IPln; int IChan; float TPos; float Charge; int _9999; } LSTWIRE_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ LSTWIRE_DEF LSTWire; #else extern LSTWIRE_DEF LSTWire; #endif #endif *CD MassDistrib #ifndef __MassDistrib_LOADED #define __MassDistrib_LOADED typedef struct { int massdistrib; int ID; int Material; float SBegin; float SEnd; float PathSumMat; char Type[4]; int _9999; } MASSDISTRIB_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MASSDISTRIB_DEF MassDistrib; #else extern MASSDISTRIB_DEF MassDistrib; #endif #endif *CD Material #ifndef __Material_LOADED #define __Material_LOADED typedef struct { int material; int ID; char Name[32]; float A; float Z; float Density; float RadLen; float AbsLen; int NMix; int _9999; } MATERIAL_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MATERIAL_DEF Material; #else extern MATERIAL_DEF Material; #endif #endif *CD MdlOrg #ifndef __MdlOrg_LOADED #define __MdlOrg_LOADED typedef struct { int mdlorg; int ID; int ISup; int InMdl; char PasvType[4]; char ActvType[4]; char ActvRotm[4]; int _9999; } MDLORG_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MDLORG_DEF MdlOrg; #else extern MDLORG_DEF MdlOrg; #endif #endif *CD Mixture #ifndef __Mixture_LOADED #define __Mixture_LOADED typedef struct { int mixture; int ID; int Material; int IElement; float A; float Z; float Fraction; int _9999; } MIXTURE_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MIXTURE_DEF Mixture; #else extern MIXTURE_DEF Mixture; #endif #endif *CD MuonTrkHeader #ifndef __MuonTrkHeader_LOADED #define __MuonTrkHeader_LOADED typedef struct { int muontrkheader; int ID; int NPoints; char Routine[64]; int _9999; } MUONTRKHEADER_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MUONTRKHEADER_DEF MuonTrkHeader; #else extern MUONTRKHEADER_DEF MuonTrkHeader; #endif #endif *CD MuonTrkPoint #ifndef __MuonTrkPoint_LOADED #define __MuonTrkPoint_LOADED typedef struct { int muontrkpoint; int ID; int Index; float X; float Y; float Z; float Weight; float transv; char Rotm[4]; int _9999; } MUONTRKPOINT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ MUONTRKPOINT_DEF MuonTrkPoint; #else extern MUONTRKPOINT_DEF MuonTrkPoint; #endif #endif *CD NeuKin #ifndef __NeuKin_LOADED #define __NeuKin_LOADED typedef struct { int neukin; int ID; int INu; int INuNoOsc; int ITg; int IBoson; int IResonance; int IAction; float A; float Z; float Sigma; float P4Neu[4]; float P4NeuNoOsc[4]; float P4Tgt[4]; float X; float Y; float Q2; float W2; float P4Shw[4]; float P4Mu1[4]; float P4Mu2[4]; float EMFrac; float P4El1[4]; float P4El2[4]; float P4Tau[4]; int _9999; } NEUKIN_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ NEUKIN_DEF NeuKin; #else extern NEUKIN_DEF NeuKin; #endif #endif *CD NeuVtx #ifndef __NeuVtx_LOADED #define __NeuVtx_LOADED typedef struct { int neuvtx; int ID; float X; float Y; float Z; int _9999; } NEUVTX_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ NEUVTX_DEF NeuVtx; #else extern NEUVTX_DEF NeuVtx; #endif #endif *CD PEArrival #ifndef __PEArrival_LOADED #define __PEArrival_LOADED typedef struct { int pearrival; int ID; int IPln; int IStrip; int IAB; int IEvent; int TubePixel; float Time; float Response; int FLSDigit1; int FLSDigit2; int FLSHit; int _9999; } PEARRIVAL_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ PEARRIVAL_DEF PEArrival; #else extern PEARRIVAL_DEF PEArrival; #endif #endif *CD PlanePos #ifndef __PlanePos_LOADED #define __PlanePos_LOADED typedef struct { int planepos; int ID; int ISuper; int IModule; int InMdl; float PairZmin; float PairZmax; char PasvName[4]; float XYPasv[2]; float ZFrntPasv; char ActvName[4]; float XYActv[2]; float ZFrntActv; char Rotm[4]; int ActvSpec; int PasvSpec; int RotmID; int _9999; } PLANEPOS_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ PLANEPOS_DEF PlanePos; #else extern PLANEPOS_DEF PlanePos; #endif #endif *CD PlaneSpec #ifndef __PlaneSpec_LOADED #define __PlaneSpec_LOADED typedef struct { int planespec; int ID; char PlnName[4]; char Shape[4]; float Width; float Length; float Thickness; float AirGap[2]; char TMedium[4]; int BMap; int DigiType; float AbsLen; float RadLen; float Density; int NStrip; int NExtru; int NCell; float CellWidth; float CellThick; int CoverSide; int NGSVol; float GSVol[10]; int NLevel; char NamePth[9][4]; int NumbPth[9]; float RSquash[8]; int FirstStrip; int LastStrip; int _9999; } PLANESPEC_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ PLANESPEC_DEF PlaneSpec; #else extern PLANESPEC_DEF PlaneSpec; #endif #endif *CD PlexusAdd #ifndef __PlexusAdd_LOADED #define __PlexusAdd_LOADED typedef struct { int plexusadd; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int IExist; int _9999; } PLEXUSADD_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ PLEXUSADD_DEF PlexusAdd; #else extern PLEXUSADD_DEF PlexusAdd; #endif #endif *CD Pln2MUX #ifndef __Pln2MUX_LOADED #define __Pln2MUX_LOADED typedef struct { int pln2mux; int ID; int IPln; int MUXA; int MUXMapA; int MUXB; int MUXMapB; int _9999; } PLN2MUX_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ PLN2MUX_DEF Pln2MUX; #else extern PLN2MUX_DEF Pln2MUX; #endif #endif *CD RPCHit #ifndef __RPCHit_LOADED #define __RPCHit_LOADED typedef struct { int rpchit; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int ITrack; float XGlobal; float YGlobal; float ZGlobal; float TOFG; float XBegin; float YBegin; float ZBegin; float XEnd; float YEnd; float ZEnd; float ELoss; float Ptot; int IPDG; int _9999; } RPCHIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RPCHIT_DEF RPCHit; #else extern RPCHIT_DEF RPCHit; #endif #endif *CD RecoMuon #ifndef __RecoMuon_LOADED #define __RecoMuon_LOADED typedef struct { int recomuon; int ID; int Index; float Origin[3]; float dxdz; float dydz; float qp0; float DX0; float DY0; float Ddxdz; float Ddydz; float Dp0; float P[4]; int Method; int Exit; float PathLength; char TrkRoutine[64]; char FitRoutine[64]; int error; float ChiFit; int _9999; } RECOMUON_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RECOMUON_DEF RecoMuon; #else extern RECOMUON_DEF RecoMuon; #endif #endif *CD RecoShwDir #ifndef __RecoShwDir_LOADED #define __RecoShwDir_LOADED typedef struct { int recoshwdir; int ID; float DirCosX; float DirCosY; float DirCosZ; float Theta; float Phi; float ThetaBeam; char Routine[64]; int _9999; } RECOSHWDIR_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RECOSHWDIR_DEF RecoShwDir; #else extern RECOSHWDIR_DEF RecoShwDir; #endif #endif *CD RecoShwEnergy #ifndef __RecoShwEnergy_LOADED #define __RecoShwEnergy_LOADED typedef struct { int recoshwenergy; int ID; float Energy; float SignalSum; char Routine[64]; int _9999; } RECOSHWENERGY_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RECOSHWENERGY_DEF RecoShwEnergy; #else extern RECOSHWENERGY_DEF RecoShwEnergy; #endif #endif *CD RecoVtx #ifndef __RecoVtx_LOADED #define __RecoVtx_LOADED typedef struct { int recovtx; int ID; float X; float Y; float Z; int IPln; char Routine[64]; int _9999; } RECOVTX_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RECOVTX_DEF RecoVtx; #else extern RECOVTX_DEF RecoVtx; #endif #endif *CD ResponseVar #ifndef __ResponseVar_LOADED #define __ResponseVar_LOADED typedef struct { int responsevar; int ID; int IPackedPEC; float StripVarGen; float StripVarReco; float QEVarA; float QEVarB; int _9999; } RESPONSEVAR_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ RESPONSEVAR_DEF ResponseVar; #else extern RESPONSEVAR_DEF ResponseVar; #endif #endif *CD Rotm #ifndef __Rotm_LOADED #define __Rotm_LOADED typedef struct { int rotm; int ID; char Name[4]; float Theta1; float Phi1; float Theta2; float Phi2; float Theta3; float Phi3; float r11; float r12; float r13; float r21; float r22; float r23; float r31; float r32; float r33; int _9999; } ROTM_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ ROTM_DEF Rotm; #else extern ROTM_DEF Rotm; #endif #endif *CD StdHep #ifndef __StdHep_LOADED #define __StdHep_LOADED typedef struct { int stdhep; int ID; int IstHEP; int IdHEP; int JmoHEP[2]; int JdaHEP[2]; float PHEP[5]; float VHEP[4]; int _9999; } STDHEP_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ STDHEP_DEF StdHep; #else extern STDHEP_DEF StdHep; #endif #endif *CD StdHepHead #ifndef __StdHepHead_LOADED #define __StdHepHead_LOADED typedef struct { int stdhephead; int ID; int NevHEP; int NHEP; int _9999; } STDHEPHEAD_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ STDHEPHEAD_DEF StdHepHead; #else extern STDHEPHEAD_DEF StdHepHead; #endif #endif *CD SubVolPos #ifndef __SubVolPos_LOADED #define __SubVolPos_LOADED typedef struct { int subvolpos; int ID; char VolName[4]; int ICopy; char VolMother[4]; float XPos; float YPos; float ZPos; int IRot; char Only[4]; int _9999; } SUBVOLPOS_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ SUBVOLPOS_DEF SubVolPos; #else extern SUBVOLPOS_DEF SubVolPos; #endif #endif *CD SubVolSpec #ifndef __SubVolSpec_LOADED #define __SubVolSpec_LOADED typedef struct { int subvolspec; int ID; char VolName[4]; char Shape[4]; char TMedium[4]; int NGSVol; float GSVol[10]; int _9999; } SUBVOLSPEC_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ SUBVOLSPEC_DEF SubVolSpec; #else extern SUBVOLSPEC_DEF SubVolSpec; #endif #endif *CD SuperModule #ifndef __SuperModule_LOADED #define __SuperModule_LOADED typedef struct { int supermodule; int ID; int NActvPln; int NAPlnMdl; int NMdl; int CoilSet; float CoilI; float KATurn; float SupX0; float SupY0; float UpSpace; float DnSpace; float Xmin; float Xmax; float Ymin; float Ymax; float Zmin; float Zmax; int _9999; } SUPERMODULE_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ SUPERMODULE_DEF SuperModule; #else extern SUPERMODULE_DEF SuperModule; #endif #endif *CD TMedium #ifndef __TMedium_LOADED #define __TMedium_LOADED typedef struct { int tmedium; int ID; char Name[32]; int Material; int ISVol; int IField; float FieldMax; float TMaxFD; float StepMax; float DEEmax; float Epsil; float StepMin; int _9999; } TMEDIUM_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ TMEDIUM_DEF TMedium; #else extern TMEDIUM_DEF TMedium; #endif #endif *CD TPar #ifndef __TPar_LOADED #define __TPar_LOADED typedef struct { int tpar; int ID; int TMedium; float CutGam; float CutEle; float CutNeu; float CutHad; float CutMuo; float BCutE; float BCutM; float DCutE; float DCutM; float PPCutM; int iPair; int iComp; int iPhot; int iPFis; int iDRay; int iAnni; int iBrem; int iHadr; int iMuNu; int iDcay; int iLoss; int iMuls; int iRayl; float GhCor1; int iBirk; float Birk1; float Birk2; int iLabs; int iSync; int iStra; int _9999; } TPAR_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ TPAR_DEF TPar; #else extern TPAR_DEF TPar; #endif #endif *CD TstHit #ifndef __TstHit_LOADED #define __TstHit_LOADED typedef struct { int tsthit; int ID; int IPln; int IExtr; int ICell; int ITrack; float XGlobal; float YGlobal; float ZGlobal; float TOFG; float XBegin; float YBegin; float ZBegin; float XEnd; float YEnd; float ZEnd; float ELoss; float Ptot; int IPDG; int _9999; } TSTHIT_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ TSTHIT_DEF TstHit; #else extern TSTHIT_DEF TstHit; #endif #endif *CD TubePixelInfo #ifndef __TubePixelInfo_LOADED #define __TubePixelInfo_LOADED typedef struct { int tubepixelinfo; int ID; int IPlexus; int NSides; int NFiberPerPixel; int NPlanesPerMux; int NPixelsPerPlane; int NTubesPerMUX; int NRowsPerTube; int NColsPerTube; int NPixelsPerTube; int MUXPackMult; int _9999; } TUBEPIXELINFO_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ TUBEPIXELINFO_DEF TubePixelInfo; #else extern TUBEPIXELINFO_DEF TubePixelInfo; #endif #endif *CD TubePixelMap #ifndef __TubePixelMap_LOADED #define __TubePixelMap_LOADED typedef struct { int tubepixelmap; int ID; int MUXMap; int IExtr; int ICell; int ITubePixel; int _9999; } TUBEPIXELMAP_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ TUBEPIXELMAP_DEF TubePixelMap; #else extern TUBEPIXELMAP_DEF TubePixelMap; #endif #endif *CD VarParam #ifndef __VarParam_LOADED #define __VarParam_LOADED typedef struct { int varparam; int ID; int RunNo; float S2SScale; float S2SFlat; float S2SGauss; float S2SMax; float QEScale; float QEFlat; float QEGauss; float QEMaxUsr; float QEMax; float QEMean; int _9999; } VARPARAM_DEF; #ifdef __TAP_CREOBJ__ VARPARAM_DEF VarParam; #else extern VARPARAM_DEF VarParam; #endif #endif *DK CREOBJ #define __TAP_CREOBJ__ *CA AvailNuclei *CA BeamSystem *CA CellPos *CA CoilTube *CA DigitPln *CA EmuDigit *CA EmuHit *CA EventHistory *CA FLSDigiCell *CA FLSDigiPln *CA FLSDigiView *CA FLSDigit *CA FLSHit *CA FLSParam *CA FluxWgt *CA GAFKey *CA GeomMisc *CA HitPln *CA LSTHit *CA LSTProto *CA LSTStrip *CA LSTWire *CA MassDistrib *CA Material *CA MdlOrg *CA Mixture *CA MuonTrkHeader *CA MuonTrkPoint *CA NeuKin *CA NeuVtx *CA PEArrival *CA PlanePos *CA PlaneSpec *CA PlexusAdd *CA Pln2MUX *CA RPCHit *CA RecoMuon *CA RecoShwDir *CA RecoShwEnergy *CA RecoVtx *CA ResponseVar *CA Rotm *CA StdHep *CA StdHepHead *CA SubVolPos *CA SubVolSpec *CA SuperModule *CA TMedium *CA TPar *CA TstHit *CA TubePixelInfo *CA TubePixelMap *CA VarParam #undef __TAP_CREOBJ__ *CA partap void CREOBJ () { int inir__,maxr__,iacc__,ncol__,chmin__,one__,ch__,chmax__; char type__[5]; /* Creation of table AvailNuclei */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Material", "Z", "A", "PathLength", "NucleiDensity", "SumNuclei", "Sigma", "AZWgt", "SumWgt" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(AvailNuclei,"AvailNuclei",10,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table BeamSystem */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "X0", "Y0", "Z0", "dXdZ", "dYdZ", "KineMethod", "FluxMethod", "Emin", "Emax", "FluxFile" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "CH64" }; CRETAB(BeamSystem,"BeamSystem",11,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table CellPos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "PlnName", "IStrip", "IExtr", "ICell", "XYZReadout(3)", "XYZCenter(3)", "XYZFarend(3)", "FiberTailA", "FiberTailB", "ClearFiberA", "ClearFiberB" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(CellPos,"CellPos",12,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index CellPlnStrip on table CellPos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "PlnName", "IStrip" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(CellPos,iacc__,"CellPlnStrip",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of index CellIndex on table CellPos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "PlnName", "IExtr", "ICell" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(CellPos,iacc__,"CellIndex",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table CoilTube */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "ISuper", "Name", "ICopy", "ITreeDepth", "XYZ1(3)", "XYZ2(3)", "OuterRadius", "InnerRadius", "ShapeName", "IRotm", "TMedium", "Zmin", "Zmax" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "CHA4", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4", "INTE", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(CoilTube,"CoilTube",14,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(CoilTube,"ISuper","I2"); /* Creation of table DigitPln */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "NDigitPln" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(DigitPln,"DigitPln",3,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table EmuDigit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "ISheet", "ILayer", "XCenter", "YCenter", "ZCenter", "GrainSize", "CellPos", "PlanePos" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(EmuDigit,"EmuDigit",10,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table EmuHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "ISheet", "ILayer", "ITrack", "TOFG", "XBegin", "YBegin", "ZBegin", "XEnd", "YEnd", "ZEnd", "ELoss", "Ptot", "IPDG", "CellPos", "PlanePos" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(EmuHit,"EmuHit",17,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table EventHistory */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "TableName", "EntryNumber", "Routine", "VersionString", "DateFilled" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CH32", "INTE", "CH32", "CHA8", "CH16" }; CRETAB(EventHistory,"EventHistory",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table FLSDigiCell */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "IView", "XYZBase(3)", "XYZDir(3)", "TPos", "CPos", "CellLength", "DirScale", "XPhysicalA", "XPhysicalB", "XFiberA", "XFiberB", "ClrTransmitA", "ClrTransmitB", "RawAdcA", "RawAdcB", "CorrAdcA", "CorrAdcB", "CorrAdcSum", "IsMuon" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE" }; CRETAB(FLSDigiCell,"FLSDigiCell",23,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table FLSDigiPln */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "Rotm", "NCells", "XYZBase(3)", "XYZDir(3)", "DirScale", "SumRawAdc", "SumCorrAdc" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "CHA4", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(FLSDigiPln,"FLSDigiPln",9,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table FLSDigiView */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Rotm", "NPlns", "NCells", "XYZBase(3)", "XYZDir(3)", "DirScale", "SumRawAdc", "SumOldAdc", "SumCorrAdc" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(FLSDigiView,"FLSDigiView",10,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table FLSDigit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "TPos", "RawA", "RawB", "CorrA", "CorrB", "CorrSum", "TDCA", "TDCB", "TubePixelA", "TubePixelB", "SignalPEA", "SignalPEB", "InitialTDCA", "InitialTDCB", "SumETrue", "AveDistTrueA", "AveDistTrueB", "HitBits", "CellPos", "PlanePos" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "BITP", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(FLSDigit,"FLSDigit",24,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxPEC on table FLSDigit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(FLSDigit,iacc__,"IndxPEC",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of index IndxPlnTPos on table FLSDigit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "TPos" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(FLSDigit,iacc__,"IndxPlnTPos",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table FLSHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPackedPEC", "ITrack", "TOFG", "XBegin", "YBegin", "ZBegin", "XEnd", "YEnd", "ZEnd", "ELoss", "Ptot", "IPDG", "CellPos", "PlanePos" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(FLSHit,"FLSHit",15,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table FLSParam */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Name", "Type", "Value", "IUsageSet" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CH32", "CHA4", "REAL", "INTE" }; CRETAB(FLSParam,"FLSParam",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxNameSet on table FLSParam */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "Name", "IUsageSet" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(FLSParam,iacc__,"IndxNameSet",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table FluxWgt */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Beam", "Version", "Weight", "WeightErr" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CH32", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(FluxWgt,"FluxWgt",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table GAFKey */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Type", "Version", "RunNo", "EventNo", "Name" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "CH32" }; CRETAB(GAFKey,"GAFKey",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(GAFKey,"Type","A4"); /* Creation of table GeomMisc */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "NearFar", "NSupmdl", "NPlanes", "VMARS(3)", "VHall(3)", "LINRThick", "HallXmin", "HallXmax", "HallYmin", "HallYmax", "HallZmin", "HallZmax" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(GeomMisc,"GeomMisc",13,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(GeomMisc,"NSupmdl","I2"); /* Creation of table HitPln */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "NHitPln" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(HitPln,"HitPln",3,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table LSTHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "ITrack", "TOFG", "XBegin", "YBegin", "ZBegin", "XEnd", "YEnd", "ZEnd", "ELoss", "Ptot", "IPDG", "CellPos", "PlanePos" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(LSTHit,"LSTHit",17,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxPEC on table LSTHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(LSTHit,iacc__,"IndxPEC",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table LSTProto */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "ITrack", "XGlobal", "YGlobal", "ZGlobal", "TOFG", "Charge", "XLocal" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(LSTProto,"LSTProto",11,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table LSTStrip */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IStrip", "CPos", "Charge" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(LSTStrip,"LSTStrip",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxPS on table LSTStrip */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "IStrip" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(LSTStrip,iacc__,"IndxPS",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of index IndxPlnCPos on table LSTStrip */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "CPos" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(LSTStrip,iacc__,"IndxPlnCPos",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table LSTWire */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IChan", "TPos", "Charge" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(LSTWire,"LSTWire",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxPC on table LSTWire */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "IChan" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(LSTWire,iacc__,"IndxPC",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of index IndxPlnTPos on table LSTWire */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "TPos" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(LSTWire,iacc__,"IndxPlnTPos",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table MassDistrib */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Material", "SBegin", "SEnd", "PathSumMat", "Type" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4" }; CRETAB(MassDistrib,"MassDistrib",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table Material */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Name", "A", "Z", "Density", "RadLen", "AbsLen", "NMix" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CH32", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE" }; CRETAB(Material,"Material",8,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table MdlOrg */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "ISup", "InMdl", "PasvType", "ActvType", "ActvRotm" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "CHA4", "CHA4", "CHA4" }; CRETAB(MdlOrg,"MdlOrg",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index ISupInMdl on table MdlOrg */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ISup", "InMdl" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(MdlOrg,iacc__,"ISupInMdl",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } SETFOR(MdlOrg,"ISup","I2"); SETFOR(MdlOrg,"InMdl","I2"); SETFOR(MdlOrg,"ActvRotm","A1"); /* Creation of table Mixture */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Material", "IElement", "A", "Z", "Fraction" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(Mixture,"Mixture",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table MuonTrkHeader */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "NPoints", "Routine" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "CH64" }; CRETAB(MuonTrkHeader,"MuonTrkHeader",3,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table MuonTrkPoint */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Index", "X", "Y", "Z", "Weight", "transv", "Rotm" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4" }; CRETAB(MuonTrkPoint,"MuonTrkPoint",8,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table NeuKin */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "INu", "INuNoOsc", "ITg", "IBoson", "IResonance", "IAction", "A", "Z", "Sigma", "P4Neu(4)", "P4NeuNoOsc(4)", "P4Tgt(4)", "X", "Y", "Q2", "W2", "P4Shw(4)", "P4Mu1(4)", "P4Mu2(4)", "EMFrac", "P4El1(4)", "P4El2(4)", "P4Tau(4)" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(NeuKin,"NeuKin",24,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table NeuVtx */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "X", "Y", "Z" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(NeuVtx,"NeuVtx",4,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table PEArrival */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IStrip", "IAB", "IEvent", "TubePixel", "Time", "Response", "FLSDigit1", "FLSDigit2", "FLSHit" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REL", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(PEArrival,"PEArrival",11,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxTPT on table PEArrival */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "TubePixel", "Time" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(PEArrival,iacc__,"IndxTPT",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table PlanePos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "ISuper", "IModule", "InMdl", "PairZmin", "PairZmax", "PasvName", "XYPasv(2)", "ZFrntPasv", "ActvName", "XYActv(2)", "ZFrntActv", "Rotm", "ActvSpec", "PasvSpec", "RotmID" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4", "REL", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(PlanePos,"PlanePos",16,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxSMI on table PlanePos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ISuper", "IModule", "InMdl" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(PlanePos,iacc__,"IndxSMI",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } SETFOR(PlanePos,"ISuper","I2"); SETFOR(PlanePos,"IModule","I3"); SETFOR(PlanePos,"InMdl","I2"); /* Creation of table PlaneSpec */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "PlnName", "Shape", "Width", "Length", "Thickness", "AirGap(2)", "TMedium", "BMap", "DigiType", "AbsLen", "RadLen", "Density", "NStrip", "NExtru", "NCell", "CellWidth", "CellThick", "CoverSide", "NGSVol", "GSVol(10)", "NLevel", "NamePth(9)", "NumbPth(9)", "RSquash(8)", "FirstStrip", "LastStrip" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "CHA4", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "INTE", "CHA4", "INTE", "REAL", "REL", "REL" }; CRETAB(PlaneSpec,"PlaneSpec",27,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"Shape","A4"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"BMap","I10"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"DigiType","I1"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"NExtru","I10"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"NCell","I10"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"CoverSide","I2"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"NGSVol","I2"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"NLevel","I1"); SETFOR(PlaneSpec,"NumbPth","I10"); /* Creation of table PlexusAdd */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "IExist" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(PlexusAdd,"PlexusAdd",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxPEC on table PlexusAdd */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(PlexusAdd,iacc__,"IndxPEC",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table Pln2MUX */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "MUXA", "MUXMapA", "MUXB", "MUXMapB" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(Pln2MUX,"Pln2MUX",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table RPCHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "ITrack", "XGlobal", "YGlobal", "ZGlobal", "TOFG", "XBegin", "YBegin", "ZBegin", "XEnd", "YEnd", "ZEnd", "ELoss", "Ptot", "IPDG" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE" }; CRETAB(RPCHit,"RPCHit",18,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table RecoMuon */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Index", "Origin(3)", "dxdz", "dydz", "qp0", "DX0", "DY0", "Ddxdz", "Ddydz", "Dp0", "P(4)", "Method", "Exit", "PathLength", "TrkRoutine", "FitRoutine", "error", "ChiFit" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "CH64", "CH64", "INTE", "REAL" }; CRETAB(RecoMuon,"RecoMuon",19,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table RecoShwDir */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "DirCosX", "DirCosY", "DirCosZ", "Theta", "Phi", "ThetaBeam", "Routine" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "CH64" }; CRETAB(RecoShwDir,"RecoShwDir",8,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table RecoShwEnergy */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Energy", "SignalSum", "Routine" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "REAL", "REAL", "CH64" }; CRETAB(RecoShwEnergy,"RecoShwEnergy",4,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table RecoVtx */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "X", "Y", "Z", "IPln", "Routine" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "CH64" }; CRETAB(RecoVtx,"RecoVtx",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table ResponseVar */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPackedPEC", "StripVarGen", "StripVarReco", "QEVarA", "QEVarB" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(ResponseVar,"ResponseVar",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table Rotm */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Name", "Theta1", "Phi1", "Theta2", "Phi2", "Theta3", "Phi3", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r21", "r22", "r23", "r31", "r32", "r33" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(Rotm,"Rotm",17,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(Rotm,"Theta1","F5.1"); SETFOR(Rotm,"Phi1","F5.1"); SETFOR(Rotm,"Theta2","F5.1"); SETFOR(Rotm,"Phi2","F5.1"); SETFOR(Rotm,"Theta3","F5.1"); SETFOR(Rotm,"Phi3","F5.1"); /* Creation of table StdHep */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IstHEP", "IdHEP", "JmoHEP(2)", "JdaHEP(2)", "PHEP(5)", "VHEP(4)" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(StdHep,"StdHep",7,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table StdHepHead */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "NevHEP", "NHEP" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(StdHepHead,"StdHepHead",3,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table SubVolPos */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "VolName", "ICopy", "VolMother", "XPos", "YPos", "ZPos", "IRot", "Only" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "INTE", "CHA4", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "CHA4" }; CRETAB(SubVolPos,"SubVolPos",9,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(SubVolPos,"ICopy","I10"); SETFOR(SubVolPos,"Only","A4"); /* Creation of table SubVolSpec */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "VolName", "Shape", "TMedium", "NGSVol", "GSVol(10)" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CHA4", "CHA4", "CHA4", "INTE", "REAL" }; CRETAB(SubVolSpec,"SubVolSpec",6,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(SubVolSpec,"Shape","A4"); SETFOR(SubVolSpec,"NGSVol","I2"); /* Creation of table SuperModule */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "NActvPln", "NAPlnMdl", "NMdl", "CoilSet", "CoilI", "KATurn", "SupX0", "SupY0", "UpSpace", "DnSpace", "Xmin", "Xmax", "Ymin", "Ymax", "Zmin", "Zmax" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(SuperModule,"SuperModule",17,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(SuperModule,"NAPlnMdl","I2"); SETFOR(SuperModule,"NMdl","I3"); /* Creation of table TMedium */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "Name", "Material", "ISVol", "IField", "FieldMax", "TMaxFD", "StepMax", "DEEmax", "Epsil", "StepMin" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "CH32", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(TMedium,"TMedium",11,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table TPar */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "TMedium", "CutGam", "CutEle", "CutNeu", "CutHad", "CutMuo", "BCutE", "BCutM", "DCutE", "DCutM", "PPCutM", "iPair", "iComp", "iPhot", "iPFis", "iDRay", "iAnni", "iBrem", "iHadr", "iMuNu", "iDcay", "iLoss", "iMuls", "iRayl", "GhCor1", "iBirk", "Birk1", "Birk2", "iLabs", "iSync", "iStra" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(TPar,"TPar",32,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } SETFOR(TPar,"iPair","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iComp","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iPhot","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iPFis","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iDRay","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iAnni","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iBrem","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iHadr","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iMuNu","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iDcay","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iLoss","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iMuls","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iRayl","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iLabs","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iSync","I1"); SETFOR(TPar,"iStra","I1"); /* Creation of table TstHit */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPln", "IExtr", "ICell", "ITrack", "XGlobal", "YGlobal", "ZGlobal", "TOFG", "XBegin", "YBegin", "ZBegin", "XEnd", "YEnd", "ZEnd", "ELoss", "Ptot", "IPDG" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "INTE" }; CRETAB(TstHit,"TstHit",18,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table TubePixelInfo */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "IPlexus", "NSides", "NFiberPerPixel", "NPlanesPerMux", "NPixelsPerPlane", "NTubesPerMUX", "NRowsPerTube", "NColsPerTube", "NPixelsPerTube", "MUXPackMult" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(TubePixelInfo,"TubePixelInfo",11,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of table TubePixelMap */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "MUXMap", "IExtr", "ICell", "ITubePixel" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE", "INTE" }; CRETAB(TubePixelMap,"TubePixelMap",5,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } /* Creation of index IndxMEC on table TubePixelMap */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "MUXMap", "IExtr", "ICell" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 3; CREIND(TubePixelMap,iacc__,"IndxMEC",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of index IndxMapTP on table TubePixelMap */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "MUXMap", "ITubePixel" }; static char cord__[][5] = { "ASC", "ASC" }; ncol__ = 2; CREIND(TubePixelMap,iacc__,"IndxMapTP",ncol__,cnam__,cord__); } /* Creation of table VarParam */ { static char cnam__[][17] = { "ID", "RunNo", "S2SScale", "S2SFlat", "S2SGauss", "S2SMax", "QEScale", "QEFlat", "QEGauss", "QEMaxUsr", "QEMax", "QEMean" }; static char ctyp__[][5] = { "SNUM", "INTE", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL", "REAL" }; CRETAB(VarParam,"VarParam",12,cnam__,ctyp__,INULL,INULL); } CREREL(PlaneSpec,0,"FirstStrip",1,0,1,CellPos); CREREL(PlaneSpec,0,"LastStrip",1,0,1,CellPos); CREREL(FLSHit,1,"CellPos",1,1,INULL,CellPos); CREREL(FLSDigit,1,"CellPos",1,1,INULL,CellPos); CREREL(EmuHit,1,"CellPos",1,1,INULL,CellPos); CREREL(EmuDigit,1,"CellPos",1,1,INULL,CellPos); CREREL(LSTHit,1,"CellPos",1,1,INULL,CellPos); CREREL(EmuDigit,1,"PlanePos",1,1,INULL,PlanePos); CREREL(EmuHit,1,"PlanePos",1,1,INULL,PlanePos); CREREL(PEArrival,0,"FLSDigit1",1,0,INULL,FLSDigit); CREREL(PEArrival,0,"FLSDigit2",1,0,INULL,FLSDigit); CREREL(FLSDigit,1,"PlanePos",1,1,INULL,PlanePos); CREREL(PEArrival,0,"FLSHit",1,0,INULL,FLSHit); CREREL(FLSHit,1,"PlanePos",1,1,INULL,PlanePos); CREREL(LSTHit,1,"PlanePos",1,1,INULL,PlanePos); CREREL(PlanePos,1,"PasvSpec",1,1,INULL,PlaneSpec); CREREL(PlanePos,1,"ActvSpec",1,1,INULL,PlaneSpec); CREREL(PlanePos,1,"RotmID",1,1,INULL,Rotm); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEvent"); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEventV002"); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEventV003"); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEventV004"); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEventV005"); CREDFL(iacc__,"GeantEventV006"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeom"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeomV002"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeomV003"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeomV004"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeomV005"); CREDFL(iacc__,"MinosGeomV006"); { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTProto);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEvent"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTProto);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,RPCHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,TstHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,RPCHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,TstHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,EventHistory);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,RPCHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,TstHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwEnergy);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwDir);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoMuon);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkHeader);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkPoint);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiCell);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiView);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,EventHistory);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FluxWgt);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,RPCHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,TstHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwEnergy);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwDir);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoMuon);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkHeader);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkPoint);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiCell);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiView);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,EventHistory);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FluxWgt);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,NeuKin);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHepHead);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,StdHep);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,HitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,RPCHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,TstHit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,DigitPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTWire);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,LSTStrip);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,EmuDigit);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoVtx);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwEnergy);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoShwDir);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,RecoMuon);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkHeader);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,MuonTrkPoint);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiCell);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiPln);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSDigiView);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("GeantEventV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,PEArrival);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeom"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV002"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,CoilTube);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV003"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,CoilTube);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSParam);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelInfo);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,Pln2MUX);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV004"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelMap);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,CoilTube);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSParam);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelInfo);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,Pln2MUX);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV005"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelMap);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,GeomMisc);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,SuperModule);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,MdlOrg);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlanePos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,PlaneSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,CellPos);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,SubVolSpec);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,CoilTube);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,Material);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,Mixture);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,TMedium);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,TPar);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,Rotm);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,BeamSystem);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,FLSParam);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelInfo);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,Pln2MUX);} { int dfl__; dfl__= GETDFL("MinosGeomV006"); INSDFL(dfl__,TubePixelMap);} } /* End of CREOBJ */ *DK INITAP /* Define memory size (words) */ #define MEMSZ 1000000 #include "initap.h" void INITAP() { /* Generated on: 23-Feb-20 1 at: 12:11 */ static char tapver[]="12345678",gafver[]="12345678"; static int io[] = {3,-2,-1,-1}; /* Initialise ZEBRA */ MZEBRA(io); /* MZVERS(); Open TAP and create objects */ OPETAP(MEMSZ); GETVER(tapver,gafver); printf("ADAMO/TAP version %s with GAF version %s starting ", tapver,gafver); CREOBJ(); }