t 237 3 156 Myosotis glomerata, (Nutt.—Hook., FI. Bor. Amer. 2, p. 82, t. 162.) Dry situations, Upper Missouri, near'Fort Pierre; June 25. Echinospermum patuli^m, (Lehm.) Prairies near Fort Pierre ; June 12. Echinospermum Lappula, (Lehm.) With the preceding. . - ' (Jnosmodium Aispidum, (Michx.) Prairies near Titon, or Shicha river; rare ; June 14. < ' HYDROPHYLIaACEaE. h flydrophyllum Virginicum, (Linn.) Fertile woods near Council Bluffs ; April 30. <¦ Ellisia nyctagenea, (Linn.) About the prairie marmots' habitations, Up- ^ per Missouri ; June 24. LABIATaE. Lycopus obtusifolius, (Michx.) Benth. Lab., p. 186. Saline margins of Devil's lake ; August 2. No traces of steril filaments. Monarda fistulosa, (Linn.) Benth., I.e. Prairies, Devil's lake ; July 30. Hedeoma hirta, (Nutt) Prairie marmots' habitations, Upper Missouri; June 10—/r. . Lophantus anisatus, (Benth.) Borders of woods, Shayen-oju river and t Devil's lake; July 20. . - . , '' Physostegia Virginica, (Benth.) With the preceding. A variable plant ; leaves in Mr. Nicollet's specimens coarsely and acutely toothed. SOLANACEaE. Solarium nigrum, (Linn.) Sandy banks of Spirit lake ; September 20— fl. and/r. Solatium triflorum, (Nutt.) A weed about the holes of the prairie marmot, Upper Missouri. It was found in similar situations by Drnmmond in British North America, from Carlton House to Edmonton House. Androcera lobata, (Nutt,) Solanum heterandum, (Pursh.) Ferruginous steril soils in the Missouri valley, near Fort Pierre; June 20. ! Physalis lanceolata, (Michx.?) Dry banks of Jacques river; July ,15—-JÙ and/r. Root perennial ; stem about one foot long, glabrous ; leaves petiolate, obovate lanceolate, obtuse, entire, or undulate on the margin ; ; fructiferous calyx globose ; corolla dull yellow, about half an inch in diameter; berry red, about the size of a small cherry; differs from Michiiux's description in the perennial root; and from P. grandiflora (Hook) in the smooth stem atid leaves, as well as smaller flowers. Physalis viscosa, (Linn.) W. E. Aikin in Eat. Man. Sandy banks of Spirit lake; September 29—-fr. . , SCROPHOLARIACEaE. I Pentstemon grandiflorum, (Nutt.) P. Bradburii, (Pursh.) Banks of the Upper Missouri; April 27. , > Pentstemon cristatum, (Nutt.) Erianthera, (Pursh.) Missouri hills, near Fort Pierre ; June 13. > ' Pentstemon erianlhum, (Nutt.) Hills of Shayen river J June 19.