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NIH Record


Lindsey Memorial Fund Established

By Mary Armstead

A special account has been established at the NIH Federal Credit Union in memory of Nat Lindsey, who died suddenly on Sept. 18. He worked at NIH for 34 years until his retirement in 1994. For the last 14 years of his career, he served as the NIH small and disadvantaged business utilization specialist for research and development in the Division of Contracts and Grants.

Nathaniel Lindsey

The credit union account will benefit his favorite charity, the Barney Neighborhood House, which provides educational, social, recreational, and counseling services for youth, adults, and senior citizens in wards 1 and 5 of the District of Columbia. The account will be open until Dec. 30. Only money orders and checks will be accepted for tax deduction. Forward donations to Annette Owens-Scarboro, Bldg. 6100, Rm. 6E01, payable to the "NIHFCU-Nathaniel Lindsey Memorial Fund."

Lindsey's NIH colleagues, along with the NIH small and minority business community, which he counseled, will long remember the special opportunity they were given in life by having known and worked with him. He was one of those special persons in life whose kindness and gentleness knew no bounds. He will continue to serve as an example of the level of professionalism his coworkers in the NIH community so earnestly try to achieve.

Lindsey's survivors include his wife, Annie, as well as his family and many friends.

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