i36 The flaves are employ- ed firft to get their fubfiftence. Rich pro- ductions are afterwards expeâed from them. HISTORY OF SETTLEMENTS AND TRADE the climate, where they wrere affifted by a moift and clammy earth, which is proper for them ; and becaufe they required no trouble. The labour of the flaves is employed in the cultivation of more ufeful pro- dudions. The principal labours of thefe unhappy men are direded towards thofe objeds that are indifpenfable to the prefervation of their wretched exiftence. Be- fore their arrival in the iflands, potatoes and yams grew without labour in the midft of the forefts. The potato is a fpecies of convolvulus, which grows up gradually ; the leaves of which are alternate, angu- lar, and cordiform ; and its flower refembles in figure, and in the number of its parts, that of the ordinary convolvulus. The ftem of the yam is climbing, her- baceous, furnifhed with oppofite or alternate leaves, cut in the fhape of a heart, and which fhoot forth from their axillae clutters of male flowers on one ftem, and female ones upon another, each provided with one calix that hath fix divifions. The male flowers have fix itamina. The piftil of the female flowers is furmounted with three ftyles. It adheres to the ca- lix, and becomes, along with it, a clofe capfula, with three cells filled with two feeds. Thefe plants, which are fufficiently multiplied by nature alone for the fubfiftence of a fmall number of favages, muft have been cultivated, when it became neceffary to feed a more confiderable population. This was accordingly refolved upon, and other plants were joined to them, drawn from the country itfelf of the new confumers. Africa hath furnifhed the iflands with a fhrub, which grows to the height of four feet, lives four years, and is ufeful throughout its whole duration. Its leaves are compofed of three fmaller elongated leaves, united on one common petal. Its flowers, which are yellowifh, and irregular, as thofe of legu- minous plants, are difpofed in clutters at the extre- mity of the branches. It bears pods, which contain a number of a kind of pea, which is very wholefome and very nourifhing. This fhrub is called the Angola