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J Acid .....................................  562 / 70
Jack Shield ................................  174 / 350
    With jack ..............................  439
        Anti inductive shield ..............  439 / 607+
        Metallic cover .....................  439 / 892+
        Mounted on jack support ............  439 / 527+
Jack-in-The-Box ............................  446 / 310
Jack-O-Lantern .............................  362 / 257+
Jackets ....................................  D02 / 828+
    Boiler .................................  122
    Bottle or jar ..........................  215 / 12.1+
    Bullet making ..........................  86 / 55
    Container, metal .......................  220 / 62.11+
    Cupola water ...........................  48 / 67+
    Dispenser part .........................  222
    For expansible chamber device ..........  92 / 144
    Garment ................................  2
        Design .............................  D02 / 828+
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 154+
    Insulating , for beverage container ....  220 / 903*
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 41.72+
    Mineral oil boiler .....................  196 / 119
    Mold ...................................  164 / 394+
    Nuclear fuel ...........................  376 / 457
    Safe reinforcement .....................  109 / 24
Jackknife ..................................  30 / 155+
    Bending 3 point ........................  72 / 389.1+
    Boot ...................................  223 / 114+
    Floor ..................................  254 / 11+
    Hydraulic ..............................  254 / 93 R
        Crane hoist cable ..................  212 / 250
        Crane mast .........................  212 / 203
        Motor and pump .....................  60 / 325+
    Jack or jack stand .....................  D34 / 31
    Knitting needle ........................  66 / 123+
        Double end machine .................  66 / 63
        Jacquard machine ...................  66 / 215+
    Pipe or rod ............................  254 / 29 R+
    Pump ...................................  74 / 41
    Rack and pinion ........................  254 / 95+
    Roller for conveyors ...................  193 / 42
    Screw ..................................  254 / 98+
    Shoe last support ......................  12 / 126+
    Smoke for sheds ........................  104 / 52
    Step by step traveling bar .............  254 / 105+
    Telephone switchboard spring type ......  379 / 316
    Thill coupling .........................  254 / 28.5
    Traversing .............................  254 / 84+
    Vehicle attached .......................  254 / 418+
    Weighing ...............................  177 / 146
Jacobian Computations in A Robot ...........  700 / 263
    Card sewing ............................  112 / 4
    Lamp circuit regulation ................  315 / 292
    Lamp circuit switching .................  315 / 316
    Looms ..................................  139 / 59+
    Switch controlled by ...................  200 / 46
Jails ......................................  52 / 106
    Doors ..................................  49 / 15
Jambs for Doors ............................  52 / 204.1+
    Safe ...................................  109 / 77
Jams .......................................  426 / 573+
    Jellies ................................  426 / 576+
Jardiniere .................................  47 / 72+
Jarring (See Agitating; Compacting;  
    Impact; jiggers)  
    Cleaning heat exchanger ................  165 / 84
    Cleaning screen by .....................  55 / 300
    Cleaning sifters .......................  209 / 381+
    Drive device for tool ..................  173 / 90+
    Packing mold ...........................  164 / 39
    Receptacle unloading ...................  414 / 415
    Scale removal by .......................  29 / 81.15
    Vehicle unloading ......................  414 / 363
        Agitation to loosen load ...........  414 / 375
Jars See Pot  
    Acid proof .............................  206 / 524.1+
    Battery ................................  429 / 164+
    Design .................................  D09
    Drilling rig part ......................  175 / 293+
    Fruit jar vises ........................  81 / 3.31+
    Leyden .................................  361 / 301.1+
    Receptacle .............................  215
    Support ................................  211 / 74+
    Support associated with funnel .........  141 / 328
    Wide mouth .............................  D09 / 516+
Jaw (See Device Having)  
    Braces .................................  433 / 2
Jeans ......................................  2 / 227+
Jellies ....................................  426 / 576+
Jelutong ...................................  525 / 331.9+
    Chewing gum ............................  426 / 3
    Knit cloth .............................  66 / 169 R
Jervine ....................................  546 / 15
    Agitation in leaching or ...............  422 / 224+
    Extracting apparatus ...................  422 / 224+
    Air heat exchanger combined ............  165 / 123
    Article supporting means combined ......  126 / 249
    With ...................................  126 / 249+
    Bidet ..................................  4 / 420.4
    Boiler cleaner .........................  122 / 390+
    Chimney draft regulator ................  110 / 160+
    Combustion chamber with jet outlet .....  431 / 158
    Condenser ..............................  261 / 76
        Liquid spray .......................  261 / 115+
    Conveyers ..............................  406 / 144
        Material in suspension .............  406 / 86+
    Device making ..........................  29 / 890.01
    Dredge combined ........................  37 / 307+
    Fluid nozzle ...........................  239 / 290+
    Fuels ..................................  149 / 1
    Furnace fuel delivery ..................  110 / 104 R
    Heating liquid in open top vessel ......  126 / 379.1
    Marine structure installing ............  405 / 226
    Mining .................................  299 / 17
    Mixer for tool heater ..................  126 / 233
    Motors .................................  60 / 200.1+
        Aircraft combined ..................  244 / 4 R+
        Aircraft propulsion ................  244 / 73 R+
        Aircraft steering ..................  244 / 52
        Discharge nozzle ...................  239 / 265.11+
        Discharge nozzle cooling ...........  239 / 127.1+
        Impeller mounted ...................  416 / 20 R+
        Processes of operating .............  60 / 204+
        Projectile .........................  102 / 374
        Pyrotechnics .......................  102 / 335+
        Reaction motor drive ...............  415 / 80+
        Ship propelling ....................  440 / 38+
        Ship steering ......................  114 / 151
        Sprinkler ambulant .................  239 / 747
        Sprinkler stationary ...............  239 / 251+
        Toy aircraft .......................  446 / 211+
        Toy boat ...........................  446 / 163
        Toy spinning device ................  446 / 211
    Noise muffling at highways  
        Blast deflector fences .............  244 / 114 B
        Screen or fence absorbing ..........  181 / 210
        Sound ..............................  181 / 210
    Pile installing combined ...............  405 / 248+
    Pipe or cable laying ...................  405 / 163
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 39+
        Process ............................  241 / 5
    Pump ...................................  417 / 151
        Pneumatic displacement combined ....  417 / 86
    Sand hopper combined ...................  291 / 18
    Telephone transmitter fluid type .......  381 / 165
Jetties ....................................  405 / 34+
    Earring pendent ........................  63 / 13
    Gem ....................................  63 / 32
    Setting ................................  29 / 10
        Hand tools for .....................  81 / 7
    Working ................................  125 / 30.01
        Holders for while grinding .........  451 / 389
Jewelry ....................................  63
    Adhesive jewelry .......................  63 / DIG 1
    Box, design ............................  D09 / 414+
        Dresser type .......................  D03 / 903*
    Bracelets ..............................  63 / 3+
    Chain ..................................  D11 / 13
    Clip,clamp,clasp .......................  D11 / 86+
    Design .................................  D11 / 1+
    Earrings ...............................  63 / 12+
    Finger rings ...........................  63 / 15+
    Functional fasteners ...................  D11 / 200+
    Garment attached vase ..................  D11 / 143+
    Gem setting ............................  63 / 26+
    Illumination combined ..................  362 / 104
    Lockets ................................  63 / 18+
    Making .................................  29 / 896.4+
        Finger-ring forming and sizing .....  29 / 8
        Gem and jewel setting in metal .....  29 / 10
    Ornamental pins ........................  63 / 20
    Perfumed jewelry .......................  63 / DIG 2
    Plastic jewelry ........................  63 / DIG 3
    Setting ................................  63 / 20
        Design .............................  D11 / 9
    Tie clasp or tack ......................  63 / 20
        Design .............................  D11 / 202+
    Trays ..................................  206 / 566
    Watch and chain attachments ............  63 / 21+
Jews Harp ..................................  84 / 375
    Toy ....................................  446 / 397
Jibs (See Sails)  
    Hoist ..................................  212
    Drilling ...............................  408 / 72 R+
    Welding ................................  269
    Woodworking ............................  269 / 37+
Jiggers (See Agitating; Impact;  
    Fluid treating of textiles .............  68 / 180
    Pottery machines .......................  425 / 263
    Pottery machines .......................  425 / 459
Jigsaw Puzzle ..............................  428 / 33
Jinrikishas ................................  280 / 63+
Jock Straps ................................  602 / 60
Jodhpurs ...................................  2 / 227+
Jogger (See Agitating; Impact; .............  271 / 221+
    Jarring) ...............................  271 / 221+
Jogging Exercise Accessory .................  482 / 74
    Adhesive for ...........................  428 / 343+
        Box corner staying .................  493 / 89
        Labels .............................  156
        Stamps .............................  156
        Wallpaper ..........................  156 / 574+
    Parts by applying separate .............  29 / 525.01+
    Fastener ...............................  29 / 525.01+
        Riveting ...........................  29 / 525.06+
    Removable layer ........................  428 / 40.1
    Wire ...................................  140 / 111+
        Fabric stay applying clip ..........  140 / 10
        Sleeve deforming machines ..........  29 / 282
        Sleeve deforming tools .............  29 / 282
        Tire applying with .................  157 / 1.14
Joint Seal .................................  277
    Indefinite length conductors ...........  156 / 49
    Saws ...................................  76 / 50.4
        Gaging combined ....................  76 / 46
    Staves .................................  147 / 25+
Joints (See Bond; Connection; Hinge; .......  403
    Seam) ..................................  403
    Artifical body member ..................  623 / 18.11+
    Ball and socket  
        Lockable at fixed position .........  403 / 90
        Pipe ...............................  285 / 261+
        Pipe insulated .....................  285 / 51
        Pipe multiple ......................  285 / 121.7
        Plural .............................  403 / 56
        Road joint, per se .................  404 / 47+
        Rod to base plate head .............  403 / 68
        Seal for a joint or juncture  
            Dynamic ........................  277 / 506
            Static dome, cup or bell .......  277 / 635
            Shaped .........................  277 / 635
        Surgical truss .....................  128 / 122.1
        Thermal expansion ..................  239 / 397.5
        Sprayer combined ...................  239 / 397.5
        Tripod head ........................  248 / 181.1+
        Universal ..........................  403 / 122+
        Vehicle hitch ......................  280 / 511+
        With static joint ..................  403 / 76+
    Barrel .................................  217 / 96
    Bayonet (see joints closure)  
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 396
        To gun .............................  42 / 86
    Bridge truss ...........................  14 / 14
    Building block .........................  52
    Building facings or shingles ...........  52 / 519
        Coffin lid .........................  27 / 17
        Safe interfitting ..................  109 / 74
        Safe seals .........................  109 / 75
        Weather strips .....................  49 / 475.1+
    Electrical .............................  439
        Conduit or cable ...................  174 / 21 R+
        Joining indefinite lengths .........  156 / 49
        Length .............................  156 / 47+
        Rail bonds .........................  238 / 14.1+
        Rail bonds block signal system .....  246 / 48
        Rail bonds block signal system .....  246 / 57
        Rail bonds block signal system .....  246 / 75
        Switch with connector ..............  200 / 51 R+
    Fabric fastening (see notes to) .......  160 / 382+
    Furnace hot air ........................  126 / 119
    Geometrical instruments  
        Pivot joints .......................  33 / 495+
        Squares, pivoted ...................  33 / 465+
        Squares, separable .................  33 / 478
    Making, general see welding ............  228 / 4.1+
        Caulking ships .....................  114 / 86
        Juxtapose and bonding ..............  228 / 101+
        Metal to nonmetal ..................  228 / 903*
        Mortar .............................  52 / 415+
        Riveted ............................  227 / 51+
        Sheet metal container making .......  413
        Static mold ........................  249 / 98+
        Receptacle .........................  220 / 677
        To nonmetal bonded .................  403 / 265+
        Using thermal characteristic .......  403 / 28
    Metal casting ..........................  164 / 108+
    Mining tooth to head ...................  299 / 79.1+
    Paperboard box .........................  229 / 198.1+
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 47+
        Static mold for making .............  249 / 9
    Pipes shafts rods and plates see  
    Joints ball and socket  
        Bedstead ...........................  5 / 282.1+
        Fence rail .........................  256 / 65.02+
        Flexible shaft .....................  464
        Pipe ...............................  285
        Pipe dredging ......................  37 / 335+
        Piston rod .........................  403 / 230+
            Articulated with piston ........  403 / 52+
        Railway rail .......................  238 / 151+
        Reinforcing bar ....................  52 / 719
        Rod ................................  403
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277
        Smoking device .....................  131 / 225
        Thill ..............................  278 / 49
        Tool to handle .....................  403
        Toy figure .........................  446 / 376+
        Umbrella frame .....................  135 / 29+
        Valve combined .....................  251 / 142+
        Whip ...............................  231 / 6
    Railway track ..........................  238 / 151+
    Riveted by hollow rivet ................  227 / 51+
    Riveted by solid rivet .................  227 / 51+
    Robot ..................................  901 / 28*
    Safe wall ..............................  109 / 79
    Sectional cabinets joining means .......  312 / 111
    Showcase ...............................  312 / 140
    Snap fitting ...........................  29 / 453+
    Stirrup ................................  403 / 232.1
    Stove ..................................  126 / 98
    Toy blocks bars sheets .................  446 / 85+
    Universal (see joints ball and) .......  464 / 106+
        Airplane structure .................  244 / 131
        Animal draft .......................  278
        Articulated land ...................  280 / 400+
        Body land vehicle ..................  296 / 29+
        Body welt land vehicle .............  280 / 153.5
        Bumper end connections .............  293 / 154
        Bumper joints ......................  293 / 155
        Felly and rim ......................  301 / 99+
        Freight car granular material ......  105 / 424
        Seal ...............................  105 / 424
        Ship ...............................  114 / 88
        Tops land vehicle ..................  296 / 121+
    Wooden box .............................  217 / 65
    Bridging floors ........................  52 / 695
    Connection to wall .....................  52 / 289
        Hanger .............................  52 / 702
    Static mold ............................  249 / 18+
Journal (See Bearing) .....................  384
        Jacks ..............................  254 / 33+
        Seal ...............................  277 / 356
    Design .................................  D15 / 143
    Machine elements .......................  384
Joystick (Electrical Input Device)  
    Code signal generating .................  341 / 20+
    Computer ...............................  708 / 139
    Design .................................  D14 / 412+
    Display ................................  345 / 161
    Game device ............................  273 / 148 R
    Resistive ..............................  338 / 68+
    Writing ................................  178 / 18.01+
    Comminution and extraction .............  99 / 510+
    Dehydration ............................  426 / 471+
    Juice extractor ........................  D07 / 665+
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 330.5
    Presses ................................  100 / 104+
    Sugar crystallizing ....................  127 / 58
        Evaporating and concentrating ......  127 / 61
        Extracting .........................  127 / 43+
        Purifying ..........................  127 / 46.1+
        Separating .........................  127 / 53+
    Treatment ..............................  426 / 305+
Juke Box ...................................  369 / 30.01+
    Check controlled .......................  194
    Design .................................  D14 / 173
    Selective or remote electric ...........  369 / 24.01+
    Control ................................  369 / 24.01+
    Baby chair .............................  297 / 274+
    Railway amusement park  
        Gap ................................  104 / 54
        Passenger ..........................  104 / 82
Jumping Jack ...............................  446 / 322+
Jumping Shoes ..............................  36 / 7.8
        Electrical .........................  174 / 50+
        Metallic receptacle ................  220 / 3.2+
        Pipe combined ......................  285 / 149.1+
        Switch .............................  200 / 297
    Photoelectric ..........................  136 / 243+
    Semiconductor p-n type .................  148 / 33+
        Process of forming .................  438
        Single crystal growing .............  117
    Thermoelectric .........................  136 / 200+
        Thermometer ........................  374 / 179+
        Thermometer zone ...................  374 / 179+
    Tube pneumatic piano ...................  84 / 57
Junk Yard Crushers & Presses ...............  100 / 1+
Junket .....................................  426 / 578
Jury Rudders ...............................  114 / 168
    Counter or indicator for ...............  234 / 4+
    Type casting ...........................  199 / 51
    Typesetting ............................  276 / 28+
        Circulating ........................  276 / 8+
    Typewriter letter space ................  400 / 1+

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