IN REPLYING. ADDRESS THE PUBLIC HEALTH SER"lCE FEDERALSECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. REFER TO: Tbc. Research Laboratory, l+ll E. 69th St., New York Zl, h1. Y, March 9, 1949. Dr. Jo&da Isderberg, Department of GenetLcs, The University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Madison 6, Vfisconsin. Dear Josh: Thanks an awful lot for sending the stock of mutants; you certainly do have a talent for translating thoughts i.nto action! It is very difficult to interrupt the chain of ex,periments which flow so naturally from one to the next, but Kerner or I will definitely be starting on K-l.2 very shortly. Some spurious excitement fflled the lab this Past week. WC just got a mutant which responds to alpha-amino-butyric acid, and also grows very well on casein hydrolysate, I had visions of iden%i- fying a new amino acid in animal protein but the spot tests, which at one day showed growth only on this compound, showed .respohse to isoleucine on further incubation. This still is an interesting problem because the bug requires about three tiaes as much Ssoler;cine as it does alpha-amino-butyric, and it is very hard to explain these findings in terms of possible impurities. I am going to try to track this down a little farther but certainly don't hsve any evidence with several protein hydrolysates that cannot be accounted for at present by their contents of isoleuci;le, I have been continuing with the phenomlc barrier to back mutetlon, switching to a more quantitative type of experiment on pour plates, and have obtafned even more dramatic results with the trypto- phane-requiring mutant than with the pantothenic one that I showed in ChIcago. Pantothenic seenv to be a poor one to work :vith since in some experiments it grows 2 bit in minimal medium, and in others not. I the amount of ava?.lable stored material varies with the physiological state. The tryptophane mutant, however, seems to be absolute and well suited to this kind of analysis. My best regards to Esther, Bernard D. Davis BDD,'hl -2- Dr. Joshua Lederberg P.S. - Incidentally, the back mutation of the tryptophane mutant was not promoted, either in streaks or on pour plates, by the presence of a purine requiring mutant growing on a limited amount of adenine. w@&-waa promoted only by tryptophane itself, This strengthens my canbidbnum in the original interpretation. I don't thir& thia necessarily should discourage one from ctte ting m quantitative frequency studies with revertse mutations. -8 number of W induced mtiations to tryptophane independence 80 far exceeds the spontaneous ones that one shodd not have to worry about the correction for plate mutants that might be produced by adding a little tryptophane to the medium. I do wonder, however, how much validity there would be to measurement of back mutation rate on minimal agar. I no&e that Guthrie has been carrying out such studie8. B.D.D.