5. 14:1 It seared him. He aaid don‘t to no mor capers like that. That old hornete neat soon come down. It waa bIg as a water bucket. Mare White call me son boy. I tole him what ter~rib1e 1aaguag~ they used, and bout acne of the hor8ee goin‘ over the lane fence. It was made outer rails piled up. Mare White aho was glad they didn‘t see n~. He kept on sayin‘ son boy they would killed you right on the spot. Don‘t do nuthin‘ to em to aggrevate em. . “It look lack we couldn‘t make a scratch on the ground nowher the soldiers couldn‘t find it. We had a ash hopper settin‘ all time. We made our soap end lye hominy. They took all our salt. We could.u‘ t none. We put the dirt in the hopper and sitirniered the water down to salt. We hid that. No they didn‘t find it. Our smoke houes was loge dobbed wi~ naid and straw. It was good ei~e bout as big as our cabine. It had. somepin in it too. All the time I tell you. “You ever eat dried bee~t? It is tine. WI. say I been to . corn shuekins. They do that at night. W hurry and git through then we have a dance in front of Mars White ‚ s house,• We had a good time. Mars White pass round ginger bread and hard cider. We wore a thing on our hands keep shucks from hurtin‘ our handa. One darkie ait up on the pile and lead the 8ingin‘ . Old ~.n ~tcker was one song we lernt. I made so~ ~18ic instruments. We had music. Polka danced then more ~ they do now. Moat darkies blowed quills and Jew‘ a harpe. I took cane cut four or aixg~~iiatlea then I tuned sa together and knit em together in a row ~~1~1lik. a mouth harp you ass. Another way get a big long cane out out holes long down to the joint, hold your fingers over different holes and blow. I nvsr had a better t1 .~.