"Availability","Stock Number","ISBN","Price","International Price","Description","Publisher","Year/pages","Note","Key Phrases","SuDocs Class","Author","Weight","Quantity Price","Binding","Cover","Available Date","Subject Bibliography","Status Date","Unit","Unit (non-U.S.)" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01208-7","0-16-061728-6","$ 76.00","$ 106.40","Publication measures 8 x 4 in. folded; 23 x 17 in unfolded. Describes in chronological order the story of the American Revolution from 1763-1783. Sold in packages of 100 copies only.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2001: Folder; ill.","NB1284","Maps, Military History, American Revolution","","","6 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/03/01","144CD","02/12/09","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00202-9","0-16-051400-2","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","By E. Gordon Bowen-Hassell, et al. Discusses three American Revolutionary War captains: Lambert Wickes, Gustavus Conyngham, and John Paul Jones. Each of them lead raids on British waters during the American Revolution. Navy ISBN 0-945274-49-1.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2003: 73 p.; ill.","NB1297","Jones, John Paul, Naval History, American Revolution, Revolutionary War, Military History, Wickes, Lambert, Conyngham, Gustavus","D 221.2:R 13","Bowen-Hassell, E. Gordon","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/01/03","144NA 236RW","01/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01153-6","0-16-061670-0","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","Provides an informal study in text and cartoons of American troops in the Revolution, with particular emphasis on the life of the common foot soldier. Includes cartoon illustrations. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 78-606013. Item 648.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1978: 64 p.; ill. 1995-repr.","Also available in packages of 100 for $471.00. No further discount is allowed on the package price. NB1249","Soldiers, American Revolution","I 29.2:M 88","Mauldin, Bill","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/07/95","016GH 144KF","08/21/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01188-9","0-912627-65-4","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","National Park Service Handbook 146. On cover: Official National Park Handbook. Describes Boston at the time of the American Revolution. Includes a section on historic sites in Boston and related Massachusetts sites. L.C. card 94-4483. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061688-3.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1998: 96 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $194.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. NB1267","National Park Service Handbook 146, Massachusetts, Boston, Historic Sites, American Revolution, National Parks","I 29.9/5:146","Smith, Barbara Clark; Wilson, Susan","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/11/98","016BB 140BE 144CF","08/01/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","024-005-00625-7","0-16-003427-2","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","May 1982 SL 18T2 QC011Y2 QC014N3 QC021Y4","Posters, Historic Sites, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Revolution, National Parks","I 29.20:P 53/776","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","06/13/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-00626-5","9780160034282","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about United States naval vessels and their engagements with the British during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","QC014N3 QC021Y4","Naval History, American Revolution, Military History, Posters","I 29.20:N 22/775-83","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP 236BA","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00622-2","0-16-003426-4","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.; 1984-repr.","1979 SL 27Y9 May 1982 SL 17T2 QC014N3 QC021Y4","Posters, Soldiers, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.20:C 76","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","05/21/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-00632-0","0-16-003429-9","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about London during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","1979 SL 29Y9 QC014N3 QC021Y4. The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication.","Great Britain, England, London, United Kingdom, American Revolution, Posters","I 29.20:L 84/776","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","No Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","12/01/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00636-2","0-16-003430-2","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about the British Army in America during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","1979 SL 28Y9 Mar. 1982 SL 7Q2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4","Posters, Soldiers, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.20:B 77/775-83","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","07/23/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00486-1","9780160800801","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","CMH 60-4-1. Army Lineage Series Contains a narrative analysis of the complex evolution of the Continental Army, with the lineages of the 177 individual units that comprised the Army, and fourteen charts depicting regimental organization. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1983: 468 p.; ill. repr.","NB1325","Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History Publication 60 4 1, Revolutionary War, American Revolution","","Wright, Robert K. Jr.","2 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","059","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-01167-6","0-16-048640-8","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","Drawings by Roxie Munro. Describes American military activities from the American Revolution to the Cold War era following World War 2. L.C. card 96-20718. Item 648.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services","1996: 84 p.; ill.","NB1258","Military History, Historic Sites, History, National Parks","I 29.2:D 36/2","Weeks, Kay; Munro, Roxie","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/09/97","016AG 035AN 059 140BE 144","01/13/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01231-1","0-16-074980-8","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","Preface by Alfred F, Young. Describes the significant part played by blacks and Native Americans at the beginning of the American Revolution. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Cultural Resources, Boston National Historical Park","2005: 268 p.; ill.","","American Revolution, Black History, African American History","I 29.2:P 27","Quintal, George, Jr.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/12/05","006 144","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00308-2","0-16-045353-4","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH Pub. 30-19-1. Presents a history of the United States Army Medical Service Corps (MSC) from its origins during the American Revolution to its status in 1994. L.C. card 96-19473.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History and the Office of the Surgeon General","1997: 553 p.; ill.","NB1262","Center of Military History Publication 30 19 1, Medical Service Corps, Army Medical Service Corps, Medical History, Army History, Military History","","Ginn, Richard V. N.","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/02/97","144","11/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00450-0","9780160771170","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","CMH 70-104-1. Provides an in-depth account of the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 50 p.; ill.","NB1319 0-16-077117-X","Center of Military History Publication 70 104 1, Washington, Rochambeau, and the Yorktown Campaign of 1781, Army History, Military History, Revolutionary War, American Revolution","","Selig, Robert","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/23/07","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","020-000-00271-9","0-16-048728-5","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","Provides a detailed history of the General Accounting Office from 1921-1966. Also traces the development of accounting and auditing in the United States from the American Revolution to 1921. Describes the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act in 1921. L.C. card 96-43135. Item 545.","General Accounting Office","1996: 635 p.; ill.","DSL 96-0377-P 09/30/96. NB1256 The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication.","Accounting, General Accounting Office, History of General Accounting Office, Auditing, Public Interest","GA 1.2:D 36","Trask, Roger R.","4 lbs. 5 oz.","No Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/11/96","141DI 250LB","05/06/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00710-5","0-912627-53-0","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","By Wilma Dykeman. Illustrated by Louis S. Glanzman. Publication measures 9 x 6 in. Describes and illustrates the land and the people for which the Battle of Kings Mountain was fought in South Carolina on Oct. 17, 1780. Contains unnumbered pages. L.C. card 76-608326.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1978: 80 p.; ill. 1991-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $513.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061643-3. NB1226","Battlefields, Historic Sites, American Revolution, Military History, South Carolina","I 29.2:K 61/2005","Dykeman, Wilma; Glanzman, Louis S.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/01/91","016BB 144CF","10/07/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00905-1","0-912627-21-2","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","National Park Service Handbook 120. On cover: Morristown, Official National Park Handbook. On spine: Morristown, National Historical Park. Describes and illustrates the history of Morristown, New Jersey during and after the Revolutionary War. Includes a guide to the present day site. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003489-2. L.C. card 83-600148. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1983: 111 p.; ill. 1988-repr.","NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED. OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $378.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 120, New Jersey, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.9/5:120","Weigley, Russell Frank","0 lbs. 8 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016GH 140BT 144KF","05/08/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01030-1","0-912627-33-6","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","National Park Service Handbook 135. Spine title: Cowpens National Battlefield. Recounts the story behind the defeat, of the British forces under Banastre Tarleton by Daniel Morgan's rebels, that helped turn the tide of the Revolutionary War in the South. The battlefield, a pasture in North Carolina, is now part of the National Park System. Includes brief notes about related battlegrounds and a list of books for further reading. L.C. card 87-600142. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003551-1.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1988: 96 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $303.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. BIP. DSL 89-0086-P 02/08/89. NB1210","National Park Service Handbook 135, Historic Sites, American Revolution, North Carolina","","Fleming, Thomas J.","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","01/31/89","016BO 144","10/27/03","Each","Each"