pro ZREGR, $ IERROR,N,M,T,TMIN,TMAX,F, $ WK,A,AINV,S,C,RESID,COV ;+ ; The modelled regession time series T(I) (I=1,2,...,N) is given by ; (see vector notation on the RIGHT, and note that in IDL we must ; subtract 1 from all array indices): ; M ; T(I) = SUM C(J)*F(I,J) <== T=FC (1) ; J=1 ; where C(J)=regression coefficient for J-th input surrogate time ; series F(I,J). ; ; Method: Least squares analysis applied to (1) yields the following ; linear matrix equation: ; AC = S <==> (F'F)C=F'T (2) ; ; where C = model coefficient vector to be solved and S = data source ; vector. It follows that ; N ; S(J) = SUM T(I)*F(I,J) <== F'T (3) ; I=1 ; and N ; A(J,K) = SUM F(I,J)*F(I,K) <== F'F (4) ; I=1 ; NOTE(s): The solution is (in vector notation): ; -1 -1 ; C = (F'F) F'T = A S (5) ; ; The covariance matrix of the C coefficients is: ; 2 -1 ; COV = sigma (F'F) (6) ; where ; 2 1 N 2 ; sigma = --- SUM Residual(I) (7) ; N-M I=1 ; with Residual(I) being the original time series T(I) MINUS the time ; series T(I) modelled by (1) above. Under the null hypothesis, ; Var(T|F)=sigma**2 I, where I is the N X N unit matrix. ; ; Input Data (all MUST be declared prior to calling ZREGR.PRO): ; IERROR = Error flag. If set to 1, standard error analysis is ; performed for the coefficient vector C. Setting IERROR ; to any other integer SKIPS this ; N = Time series length ; M = Number of surrogate series F applied in (1) ; T(N) = measured time series being modelled ; TMIN,TMAX = Values of input series T that are less than TMIN ; or greater than TMAX will NOT be included in the ; regression (these are the flagging values) ; F(N,M) = J-th (J=1,2,..,M) surrogate series, each of length N ; Output Data: ; C(M) = solved coefficient vector ; RESID(N) = Residual error time series (Original series T(I) ; MINUS the modelled T(I) from (1) above) ; COV(M,M) = Covariance matrix for coefficients C (SKIPPED if ; IERROR is not equal to 1) ; EXAMPLE: ; IERROR=1 ; N=20 & M=7 ; T=FLTARR(N) & F=FLTARR(N,M) ; TMIN=-1.1 & TMAX=1.1 ; FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN ; T(I-1)=COS(2.*I) ; F(I-1,0)=1.0 ; F(I-1,1)=COS(2.05*I) ; F(I-1,2)=SIN(0.4*I) ; F(I-1,3)=COS(0.6*I) ; F(I-1,4)=SIN(0.8*I) ; F(I-1,5)=COS(0.3*I) ; F(I-1,6)=SIN(0.9*I) ; ENDFOR ; ZREGR,IERROR,N,M,T,TMIN,TMAX,F,WK,A,AINV,S,C,RESID,COV ; PRINT,'I, T(I), T_model(I)' ; FOR I=0,N-1 DO BEGIN ; PRINT, I, T(I), T(I)-RESID(I) ; ENDFOR ; ; END ; ; Address questions/comments to: ; Dr. Jerry Ziemke ; NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center PH: (301) 614-6034 ; Code 916 FAX: (301) 614-5903 ; Greenbelt, MD 20771 ; (Affil: UMBC GEST, Baltimore, MD) ; e-mail: WK=FLTARR(N,2*N) & A=FLTARR(M,M) & AINV=FLTARR(M,M) S=FLTARR(M) & C=FLTARR(M) & RESID=FLTARR(N) & COV=FLTARR(M,M) NGOOD=0 FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN IF (T(I-1) GT TMIN) AND (T(I-1) LT TMAX) THEN NGOOD=NGOOD+1 ENDFOR FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN S(J-1)=0. FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN IF (T(I-1) GT TMIN) AND (T(I-1) LT TMAX) THEN BEGIN S(J-1)=S(J-1)+T(I-1)*F(I-1,J-1) ; <== S=F'T ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR ;Construct matrix A: FOR K=1,M DO BEGIN FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN A(J-1,K-1)=0. FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN IF (T(I-1) GT TMIN) AND (T(I-1) LT TMAX) THEN BEGIN A(J-1,K-1)=A(J-1,K-1)+F(I-1,J-1)*F(I-1,K-1) ; <== A=F'F ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDFOR ;Solve for coef vector C: IPRINT=0 ; ==> If 1, print out solution each CALL ICHECK=0 ; ==> If 1, print out error analysis each CALL FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN WK(I-1,J-1)=A(I-1,J-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN FOR J=M+1,2*M DO BEGIN IF M+I EQ J THEN BEGIN WK(I-1,J-1)=1.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WK(I-1,J-1)=0.0 ENDELSE ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR K=1,M DO BEGIN FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN IF I NE K THEN BEGIN IF WK(K-1,K-1) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN L=1 JMP1: IF WK(L-1,K-1) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN L=L+1 GOTO, JMP1 ENDIF FOR J=K,2*M DO BEGIN WK(K-1,J-1)=WK(K-1,J-1)+WK(L-1,J-1) ENDFOR ENDIF U=-WK(I-1,K-1)/WK(K-1,K-1) FOR J=K+1,2*M DO BEGIN WK(I-1,J-1)=WK(I-1,J-1)+U*WK(K-1,J-1) ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN AINV(I-1,J-1)=WK(I-1,J+M-1)/WK(I-1,I-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR IF IPRINT EQ 1 THEN BEGIN FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN PRINT,'Column ',J,' of inverse matrix:',format='(1X,A7,I3,A19)' FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN print, A(I-1,J-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDIF IF ICHECK EQ 1 THEN BEGIN print,'-----------------------------------------------' print,'Simple error check by multiplying A by AINV:' print,'(this should ideally yield the identity matrix)' FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN print,'Column ',J,' of product matrix A*AINV:', $ format='(1X,A7,I3,A27)' FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN SUM=0. FOR K=1,M DO BEGIN SUM=SUM+A(I-1,K-1)*AINV(K-1,J-1) ENDFOR print, SUM ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDIF ;Coefficient vector solution: FOR I=1,M DO BEGIN C(I-1)=0. FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN C(I-1)=C(I-1)+AINV(I-1,J-1)*S(J-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR IF IERROR EQ 1 THEN BEGIN FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN IF (T(I-1) GT TMIN) AND (T(I-1) LT TMAX) THEN BEGIN SUM=0 FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN SUM=SUM+C(J-1)*F(I-1,J-1) ENDFOR RESID(I-1)=T(I-1)-SUM ENDIF ENDFOR SUM=0 FOR I=1,N DO BEGIN IF (T(I-1) GT TMIN) AND (T(I-1) LT TMAX) THEN SUM=SUM+RESID(I-1)^2 ENDFOR SIGSQR=SUM/(NGOOD-M) FOR K=1,M DO BEGIN FOR J=1,M DO BEGIN COV(J-1,K-1)=SIGSQR*AINV(J-1,K-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDIF RETURN END