"Availability","Stock Number","ISBN","Price","International Price","Description","Publisher","Year/pages","Note","Key Phrases","SuDocs Class","Author","Weight","Quantity Price","Binding","Cover","Available Date","Subject Bibliography","Status Date","Unit","Unit (non-U.S.)" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00406-2","0-16-072360-4","$ 45.00","$ 63.00","CMH Pub. 70-3-1. Edited by John E. Jessup, Jr. and Robert W. Coakley. Designed to foster an appreciation of the value of military history. Explains its uses and the resources available for its study. Consists of four parts: Part One, Military History, Its Nature and Use; Part Two, Bibliographical Guide; Part Three, Army Programs, Activities, and Uses; Part Four: History Outside the U.S. Army. Includes Appendices, Bibliography, and Index. L.C. card 78-606157. Item 344-F.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1979: 523 p.; ill. 2004-repr.","NB1308","Center of Military History Publication 70 3 1, Use of Military History, Military History, Army History, Study and Use of Military History","","Jessup, John E., Jr.; Coakley, Robert W.","2 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/04/05","059","05/04/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00332-5","0-16-048828-1","$ 47.50","$ 66.50","CMH 60-13. By John Patrick Finnegan. Lineages compiled by Romana Danysh. Presents an organizational history of Military Intelligence in the United States Army from its beginnings to the present. Includes the lineages and heraldic items of military intelligence brigades, groups, and battalions organized under tables of organization and equipment. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 457 p.; ill.","NB1269","Center of Military History Publication 60 13, Intelligence Services, Military History, Army History","D 114.11:IN 8","Finnegan, John Patrick; Danysh, Romana","3 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/19/98","059NA 131EB 153QM","12/02/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01438-9","0-16-049335-8","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","2nd edition. On cover and spine: The Military Intelligence Story: A Photographic History. Illustrates the multifaceted diversity of modern Military Intelligence (MI). Aims to portray both the continuities between the past and the present and the successes of the MI community today. Consists chiefly of photographs which represent the different intelligence disciplines and depict a representative sampling of the organizations within the MI community. L.C. card 94-19170. Item 0325.","Defense Dept., Army, History Office, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army Intelligence and Security Command","1998: 165 p.; ill.","NB1265","Intelligence Services, Photographic History, Intelligence Services, Military History","D 101.2:IN 8/12/997","Finnegan, John P.","2 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/13/98","131EB 153QM","08/17/07","Each","Each" "New Requisition (Priced)","708-108-00000-6","","$ 20.00","$ 28.00","Subscription sales for this quarterly periodical will begin with the Summer 2008 issue. Subscription price covers issues for one year. Single copies will not be sold. Issues include illustrated articles, commentaries, book reviews, and news about Army history and the U.S. Army Center of Military History. ARHIS. File Code 2Q. Est. delivery date for the first issue for sale by GPO is 10/15/08.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","O/N 08-009.","Subscriptions, Military History, Army History, ARHIS, Professional Bulletin of Army History","","","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","","","04/09/08","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00218-3","0-16-030845-3","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","CMH Pub 60-9. Army Lineage Series. Compiled by Robert K. Wright, Jr. Gathers the official historical records of 109 military police units: commands, camps, centers, brigades, groups, and battalions. Includes color illustrations of the echelons' authorized distinctive heraldic items. L.C. card 91-22813. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 240 p.; ill.","NB1230","Center of Military History Publication 60 9, Army Lineage Series, Military History, Law Enforcement, Police","D 114.11:M 59/hard","Wright, Robert K. Jr.","2 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/05/92","036IC 059NA 131EB","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00436-4","9780160817854","$ 89.00","$ 124.60","Kevin L. Robinson, editor. 2 volumes, sold as a set.","Defense Dept., Defense Commmissary Agency, Office of Corporate Commmunications","2008: (2 bks.) 786 p.; ill.","ISBN for V. 1 and for set: 9780160817854. ISBN for V. 2, which is not sold separately,:9780160817861.","Military Commissaries, Military History","","Skirbunt, Peter D.; Robinson, Kevin L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/10/09","","02/10/09","Set","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00371-6","","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","CMH 69-6-1. Provides an illustrated historical compendium or anthology about Army biographies and traditions. Originally developed for use in training soldiers and other Army personnel. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 284 p.; ill. 2001-repr.","","","","Hartzog, William W.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/24/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced, Reprinting)","008-029-00398-8","0-16-072362-0","$ 63.00","$ 88.20","CMH Pub. 30-21. Army Historical Series. Richard W. Stewart, General Editor. Revision of the 1989 edition which was a revision of a textbook written for the senior ROTC courses. Contains an historical survey of the organization and accomplishments of the United States Army. Designed to inculcate in young officers and soldiers an awareness of our nation's military past and to demonstrate to them that the study of military history is an essential ingredient in leadership development. Intended primarily for use in the American Military History course in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in civilian colleges and universities. Casebound with laminated, illustrated cover. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 425 p.; ill. revised ed.","NB1308","Center of Military History Publication 30 21, United States Army and the Forging of a Nation, 1775-1917, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History","D 114.19 M 59/3/V.1/TEXT","Stewart, Richard Winship","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","05/13/05","059","01/16/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00416-0","0-16-072418-X","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","CMH Pub. 30-21-2. Army Historical Series. Richard W. Stewart, General Editor. Revision of the 1989 edition which was a revision of a textbook written for the senior ROTC courses. Contains an historical survey of the organization and accomplishments of the United States Army. Designed to inculcate in young officers and soldiers an awareness of our nation's military past and to demonstrate to them that the study of military history is an essential ingredient in leadership development. Intended primarily for use in the American Military History course in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in civilian colleges and universities. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 425 p.; ill. revised ed.","NB1308","Center of Military History Publication 30 21 2, United States Army and the Forging of a Nation, 1775-1917, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History","","Stewart, Richard Winship","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/13/05","059","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00423-2","0-16-072541-0","$ 72.50","$ 101.50","CMH Pub. 30-22. Army Historical Series. Richard W. Stewart, General Editor. Contains an historical survey of the organization and accomplishments of the United States Army from the eve of World War 1 to the war against terrorism still under way. Designed to inculcate in young officers and soldiers an awareness of our nation's military past and to demonstrate to them that the study of military history is an essential ingredient in leadership development. Intended primarily for use in the American Military History course in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in civilian colleges and universities. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 542 p.; ill.","NB1310","Center of Military History Publication 30 22, United States Army in a Global Era, 1917-2003, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History","","n Stewart, Richard W.","3 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/24/05","059","11/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00424-1","0-16-072542-9","$ 72.50","$ 101.50","CMH Pub. 30-22-2. Army Historical Series. Richard W. Stewart, General Editor. Contains an historical survey of the organization and accomplishments of the United States Army from the eve of World War 1 to the war against terrorism still under way. Designed to inculcate in young officers and soldiers an awareness of our nation's military past and to demonstrate to them that the study of military history is an essential ingredient in leadership development. Intended primarily for use in the American Military History course in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps program in civilian colleges and universities. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 542 p.; ill.","NB1310","Center of Military History Publication 30 22 2, United States Army in a Global Era, 1917-2003, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History","","Stewart, Richard W.","3 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/24/05","059","02/06/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-108-00001-4","","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","PB 20-08-4. In this issue: Intimidation, Provocation, Conspiracy, and Intrigue, The Militias of Kentucky, 1859-1861.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 43 p.; ill.","PB 20-08-4.","","","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/03/08","","10/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00308-2","0-16-045353-4","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH Pub. 30-19-1. Presents a history of the United States Army Medical Service Corps (MSC) from its origins during the American Revolution to its status in 1994. L.C. card 96-19473.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History and the Office of the Surgeon General","1997: 553 p.; ill.","NB1262","Center of Military History Publication 30 19 1, Medical Service Corps, Army Medical Service Corps, Medical History, Army History, Military History","","Ginn, Richard V. N.","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/02/97","144","11/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00489-5","9780160800832","$ 33.00","$ 46.20","CMH 30-13-1. Army Historical Series. Provides a survey of the use of federal forces, including federalized militia and National Guard, in domestic disturbances, with special emphasis on legal and constitutional issues. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1988: 378 p.; ill.","NB1325","Center of Military History Publication 30 13, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History, Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1789 to 1878","","Coakley, Robert W.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","059","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00724-0","0-16-049071-5","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","Also advertised with the title: General Hap Arnold. Presents a biography of General Arnold's military life as an army aviator. Item 461-D-05.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 40 p.; ill.","DSL 97-0275-P 07/1/97. NB1261","Army History, Air Force History and Museums Program, General Hap Arnold, Arnold, Hap, Biographies, Air Force History, Military History, Military Aviator","D 301.82/7:H 21","Davis, Richard G.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/23/97","059LQ","05/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00447-0","9780160771149","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","CMH Pub 60-16. Army Lineage Series. Records the historical structure, strength, disposition, materiel, and technical and tactical doctrine of field artillery in the U.S. Army. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 412 p.; ill.","NB1324","Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History Publication 60 16, Artillery, Military History, Army History","","McKenney, Janice E.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/11/08","059","01/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00448-8","9780160771156","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","Army Lineage Series. CMH Pub 60-16-1. Records the historical structure, strength, disposition, materiel, and technical and tactical doctrine of field artillery in the U.S. Army. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 412 p.; ill.","The ISBN in the for sale line on the verso of the title page 978-016-077155-6 was probably printed there in error as it is also assigned to a Congressional hearing. 978-016-077115-6 is the ISBN in the barcode.","Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History Publication 60 16, Field Artillery 1775-2003, Military History, Army History","","McKenney, Janice","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/31/07","059","12/31/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01560-1","0-16-075018-0","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","By James L. Gilbert, et al. Recounts the history of United States Army counterintelligence. Touches upon all facets of counterintelligence history. ","Defense Dept., Army, Army Intelligence and Security Command, Office of Strategic Management and Information, History Office","2005: 174 p.; ill.","NB1312","History of Army Counterintelligence, Military Intelligence History, Counterintelligence History, Military History, Army History","","Gilbert, James L.","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/30/05","059","08/08/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00333-3","0-16-048983-0","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","CMH 30-15. Army Historical Series. 2nd of three planned volumes on the history of Army domestic support operations. This volume encompasses the period of the rise of industrial America with attendant social dislocation and strife. Major themes are: the evolution of the Army's role in domestic support operations; its strict adherence to law; and the disciplined manner in which it conducted these difficult and often unpopular operations. L.C. card 94-13148.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: 491 p.; ill.","NB1261","Subversive Activities, Center of Military History Publication 30 15, Army Historical Series, Armed Forces, Domestic Disorders, Riots, Military History, Insurgency","","Laurie, Clayton D.; Cole, Ronald H.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/15/97","059NA 131IN","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00472-1","9780160794223","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","CMH 70-101-1. Contains the proceedings from the fifth annual international workshop held in Vienna, Austria, by the Partnership for Peace Consortium's Military History Working Group, 4-8 April 2005 entitled "Multinational Operations, Alliances, and International Military Cooperation: Past and Future". ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 233 p.","NB1323","Center of Military History Publication 70 101 1, Military Science, Defense Policy","","Rush, Robert S.; Epley, William W.","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/20/07","059","12/20/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-020-01123-1","0-16-001673-8","$ 38.00","$ 53.20","United States Army in Vietnam. CMH Pub. 91-13-1. Draws upon previously unavailable Army and Defense Department records to interpret the part the press played during the Vietnam War. Discusses the roles of the following in the creation of information policy: Military Assistance Command's Office of Information in Saigon; White House; State Department; Defense Department; and the United States Embassy in Saigon. L.C. card 88-931. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1988: 429 p.; ill.","DSL 89-0092-P 02/10/89. BIP. NB1210 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","United States Army in Vietnam, Center of Military History Publication 91 13 1, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History, Government Information, Government Publicity, Government and the Press","D 114.7/3:P 96/paper","Hammond, William M.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","02/10/89","062GZ","04/14/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00219-1","0-16-030846-1","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","CMH 60-9-1. Army Lineage Series. 1st printing. Compiled by Robert K. Wright, Jr. Gathers the official historical records of 109 military police units: commands, camps, centers, brigades, groups, and battalions. Includes color illustrations of the echelons' authorized distinctive heraldic items. L.C. card 91-22813. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 240 p.; ill.","DSL 92-0319-P 06/02/92. NB1230","Center of Military History Publication 60 9, Army Lineage Series, Law Enforcement, Military History, Police","","Wright, Robert K., Jr.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/16/92","036IC 059NA 131EB","12/04/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-000-00999-6","9780160795015","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","Documents key facets of the Air National Guard's (ANG) evolution and brings them up to date as the ANG transforms to meet the space and information age. ","Defense Dept., Air National Guard","2007: 75 p.; ill.","NB1323","National Guard, Military History, Army History, Air Force History, Global War on Terrorism","","Rosenfeld, Susan; Gross, Charles J.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/06/07","059","12/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00373-2","","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","CMH 70-77. Army Special Publication.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2001: 413 p.; ill.","","Army History, Military History","","Borch, Frederic","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/24/08","","09/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-020-01035-9","0-16-001624-X","$ 47.50","$ 66.50","United States Army in Vietnam. CMH Pub. 91-12-1. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of high technology in communications, as applied to battlefield operations during the Vietnamese Conflict. Emphasis is placed upon the building and installing of communications systems from 1965 through 1970. Transfer of the communications systems to the South Vietnamese from 1970 through 1973, is also discussed. L.C. card 85-26647. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1986: 535 p.; ill.","BIP. DSL 87-234-P 04/21/87. NB055U7 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","United States Army in Vietnam, Center of Military History Publication 91 12 1, Vietnamese Conflict, Vietnam, Communications, Military Policy","D 114.7/3:C 73/paper","Bergen, John D.","2 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/15/87","062GZ","07/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00220-5","0-16-031008-3","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","CMH Pub. 70-20. Publication measures 10 x 12 in. Editor: General Gordon R. Sullivan. Art Editor: Marylou Gjernes. Presents a book of full color paintings from the Army Art Collection. Also provides a brief history of the Army Art Collection and biographical information about the artists. L.C. card 91-32098.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1991: 191 p.; ill.","NB1228","Center of Military History Publication 70 20, Army History, Military History, Art, Artists, Painting, Army Art Collection","D 114.2:P 83","Sullivan, Gordon R.; Gjernes, Marylou","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/24/92","059NA 107GM","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00404-6","0-16-072368-X","$ 75.50","$ 105.70","CMH Pub 60-15.Army Lineage Series. Presents in compact form official organizational history information for Signal Corps units at battalion level and above that are organized under Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE). Features lineage and heraldic data for 176 signal units. LC card 2005017459","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 584 p.; ill.","NB1315","Center of Military History Publication 60 15, Army Lineage Series, Army History, Military History","","Raines, Rebecca Robbins","3 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/29/06","070","06/29/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00391-1","9780160681356","$ 4.75","$ 6.65","CMH Pub 70-85-1. Describes one of the shortest armed conflicts in American military history. It occurred in December 1989 and involved about 26,000 American military service personnel. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 50 p.; ill.","NB1302","Center of Military History Publication 70 85 1, Panama, Army History, Noriega, Manuel Antonio","","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/27/04","","12/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00449-6","9780160771163","$ 33.50","$ 46.90","CMH Pub 70-105-1. This second of three volumes on the history of operations research identifies, describes, and evaluates the ideas, people, organizations, and events that influenced the development of ORSA in the Army from the inauguration of President Kennedy in 1961 to the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam in 1973. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Deputy UnderSecretary of the Army for Operations Research, Center of Military History","2008: 390 p.; ill.","NB1326","Center of Military History Publication 70 105 1, Military History, Army History, Operations Research, Systems Analysis (ORSA), Army History, Military History","","Shrader, Charles R.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/25/08","","05/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00121-7","0-16-001930-3","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","Indochina Monographs. CMH Pub 90-26. An account of the last two years of the Vietnamese Conflict. L.C. card 81-607989.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1983: 190 p.; ill.","BIP. DSL M840125-5. NB016W3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5","Indochina Monographs, Army History, Military History, Vietnamese Conflict","D 114.18:C 68","Vien Cao Van","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/16/83","062GB","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00491-7","9780160817021","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 111 p.; ill.","","Stafff Ride Guides, Battlefields, Maryland, Military History, Army history, Civil War","","Ballard, Ted","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/09/09","","01/09/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00721-5","0-16-061372-8","$ 52.00","$ 72.80","Contains General George Churchill Kenney's memoir of his career as commander of the Fifth Air Force in the Pacific Theater during World War 2. General Kenney lived from 1889-1977. Originally published by Duell, Sloan, and Pearce in 1949. L.C. card 87-22037.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1949: 612 p.; ill. 1997-repr.","NB1261","Air Force History and Museums Program, Biographies, Pacific War, Personal History, Military History, Air Force History, Fifth Air Force","","Kenney, George C.","2 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/03/97","070JP","07/03/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00727-4","0-16-049208-4","$ 3.00","$ 4.20","Presents the history of the United States Air Force. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 88 p.; ill.","NB1263","Persian Gulf War, Air Force History and Museums Program, Army Air Force, Air Force History, Military History, United States Army Air Corps, World War, Korean War","D 301.82/7:H 62/2","McFarland, Stephen L.","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/20/97","059LQ 131CN","08/20/07","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00118-7","0-16-001928-1","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","CMH Pub. 21-1. This volume briefly records, by text and photograph, the first six months of the Korean Conflict that began on June 25, 1950. Facsimile reprint of a 1952 publication. Contains copyright material. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1952: 281 p.; ill. 1989-repr.","DSL 97-0167-P 03/17/97. BIP. Sept. 1981 SL 164X1 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Center of Military History Publication 21 1, Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:K 84/8","","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/10/08","054CP","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00149-7","9780160018688","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","CMH 22-1. U.S. Army in Action Series. Contains a collection of interviews with several hundred officers and enlisted men who served in the Korean conflict in all the arms and services of the U.S. Army, except Infantry, Artillery, and Armor. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 254 p.; ill.","9780160018688","Center of Military History Publication 22 1, United States Army in Action Series, Army History, Korean War, Military History","","Westover, John G.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","04/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00377-5","0-16-067185-X","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","CMH PUB 70-79. 3 posters measuring 16 x 20 in. each. Watercolor/Oil by Henrietta M. Snowden, entitled: Basic Training, Waiting to Go to War, 2001, and Medic. Prepared in celebration of the U.S. Army's 227th birthday on 14 June 2002. The illustrations in this set depict contemporary Army activities beginning with Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, 2001. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2002: 3 Posters, 16x20 in.; flat.","NB1290","Center of Military History Publication 70 79, Todays Soldier, Army History, Military History, Posters","","Snowden, Henrietta M.","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/13/02","057BB 059NA","10/10/08","Set","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00382-1","0-16-067866-8","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","CMH Pub. 70-63. By Daniel K. Elder, et al. Describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Includes biographies of each of the Sergeants Major of the Army. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 244 p.; ill.","NB1297","Center of Military History Publication 70 63, Army History, Military History, Biographies","","Elder, Daniel K.","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/28/03","131IN","10/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00383-0","0-16-067867-6","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","CMH Pub. 70-63-1. By Daniel K. Elder, et al. Describes the origin and growth of the Office of the Sergeant Major of the Army. Includes biographies of each of the Sergeants Major of the Army. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 244 p.; ill.","NB1297","Center of Military History Publication 70 63 1, Biographies, Army History, Military History","","","3 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/28/03","131IN","05/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00437-2","0-16-075744-4","$ 4.00","$ 5.60"," CMH Pub. 73-3. The U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War. Discusses the Mexican War, which was the U.S. Army's first experience waging an extended conflict in a foreign land. Illustrated with reproductions of portraits and with color maps. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 47 p.; ill.","NB1314","United States Army Campaigns of the Mexican War, Center of Military History Publication 73 3, Mexico, Army History, Military History","","Carney, Stephen A.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/21/06","059","08/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00487-9","9780160800818","$ 36.00","$ 50.40","CMH 30-12-1. Army Historical Series. Discusses the Soviet 1941-1942 winter offensive, German planning for the summer offensive, and the execution of the German offensive through October 1942. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 558 p.; ill., maps. repr.","NB1325","Center of Military History Publication 30 12, World War 2, Russia, Germany, Army History, Military History","","Ziemke, Earl F.; Bauer, Magna E.","2 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","070","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00002-4","","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH 30-3. Army Historical Series. Discusses the problems faced by U.S. military advisors as they tried to create an effective army in a politically divided, economically disorganized, and technologically underdeveloped country. KMAG stands for: Korean Military Advisory Group. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1963: 216 p.; ill. repr.","2008 stock is paperback.","","","Sawyer, Robert K.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/31/63","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00225-7","0-16-050956-4","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","Traces a half century of active service by Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531. Draws from primary sources in command diaries and chronologies and from interviews, base newspapers, published historical works, and valuable information from the files and helpful personnel of the Reference Section at the Marine Corps Historical Center. ","Defense Dept., Marine Corps Headquarters, History and Museums Division","2001: 108 p.; ill.","NB1284","Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531, Marine Corps History, Military History, History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531","","Quilter, Charles J., 2nd; Chapin, John C.","0 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/06/01","059OM 237BS","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00745-2","0-16-049778-7","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","Traces the usage of- and meaning given to- the terms "roles and missions" relating to the armed forces and particularly to the United States Air Force, from 1907 to the present. L.C. card 98-44142. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1998: 344 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0018-S 02/10/99. NB1270","Air Force History and Museums Program, Roles and Missions, Air Force History, Military History, Army Air Forces","D 301.82/7:H 62/3","Trest, Warren A.","1 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/30/98","059LQ","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00470-4","9780160794193","$ 36.00","$ 50.40","CMH Pub 55-1-1. Contingency Operations Series. Examines the Panama crisis from June 1987 to December 1989 as an extended series of interrelated actions and issues that U.S. military personnel had to confront on a daily basis in a process that imparted no sense of inevitability as to the outcome. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 331 p.; ill.","Also advertised as: Just Cause, The The U.S. Military Intervention in Panama: Origins, Planning and Crisis Management, June 1987-December 1989. NB1328","Center of Military History Publication 55 1 1, Contingency Operations Series, Just Cause, United States Military Operations in Panama, Panama, Army history, Military History","","Yates, Lawrence A.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/24/08","","09/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00397-0","0-16-072361-2","$ 69.50","$ 97.30","CMH Pub. 30-20. Army Historical Series. 3rd of three volumes by the Center of Military History on the role of federal military forces in domestic disturbances. This volume covers the institutional and other changes that took place during the early postwar years and carries the reader through the civil rights revolution, the disturbances that accompanied the Vietnam War, and the controversies surrounding the Army's intervention in the race riot in Los Angeles in 1992, which occurred after this volume was essentially completed, and with an extensive bibliography containing a note on various sources used. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 530 p.; ill.","NB1310","Subversive Activities, Center of Military History Publication 30 20, Army Historical Series, Armed Forces, Domestic Disorders, Riots, Military History, Insurgency","","Scheips, Paul J.","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/20/05","","10/16/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00400-3","0-16-072364-7","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","CMH Pub. 30-20-1. Army Historical Series. 3rd of three volumes by the Center of Military History on the role of federal military forces in domestic disturbances. This volume covers the institutional and other changes that took place during the early postwar years and carries the reader through the civil rights revolution, the disturbances that accompanied the Vietnam War, and the controversies surrounding the Army's intervention in the race riot in Los Angeles in 1992, which occurred after this volume was essentially completed, and with an extensive bibliography containing a note on various sources used. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 530 p.; ill.","NB1310","Subversive Activities, Center of Military History Publication 30 20 1, Army Historical Series, Armed Forces, Domestic Disorders, Riots, Military History, Insurgency","","Scheips, Paul J.","2 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Mechanical Binding","Paper","09/20/05","","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00072-5","0-16-001913-3","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","CMH Pub 70-4-1. By John A. Cash, et al. Includes accounts of various events in the Vietnam War from 1965 through 1968. Based on journals, reports, and interviews. L.C. card 70-605212. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1970: 167 p.; ill. 1984-repr.","BIP. QC034N5","Center of Military History Publication 70 4, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History","D 114.2:V 67","Cash, John A.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/18/98","062GN","07/30/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00418-6","0-16-072484-8","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","CMH Pub 70-96. Six posters depicting American fight forces in Iraq and Afghanistan: Fallujah (watercolor); The Hizara Province (oil); Street Fight (oil); Tracking Bin Laden (oil); Liberator (charcoal); and Satan's Sandbox (oil). Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160724848.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 6 Posters, 16x20 in.; flat.","NB1309","Center of Military History Publication 70 96, Todays Soldier, Military History, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Posters, War","","","1 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/29/05","057","12/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00488-7","9780160453519","$ 40.00","$ 56.00","CMH 30-17-1. Army Historical Series. Traces the evolution of the corps from the appointment of the first signal officer on the eve of the Civil War, through its stages of growth and change, to its service in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1990-91. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 464 p.; ill. repr.","NB1325","Center of Military History Publication 30 17 1, Signal Corps, Army History, Military History, Communication","","Raines, Rebecca Robbins","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","059","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00748-7","0-16-061382-5","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","Examines the development of military night aviation from its origins through the 1st World War. Places emphasis on the evolution of night flying in those countries which fought on the Western Front, namely France, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. L.C. card 98-44145. Item 0442-K.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air University","1998: 172 p.; ill.","NB1270","Air University, Military History, Night Aviation, Air Force History","D 301.26/6:AV 5","Fischer, William Edward, Jr.","0 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/30/98","018EI 065JI","05/28/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00718-7","0-16-049229-7","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","On Cover and Spine: A History of the District of Columbia Air National Guard, 1940-1996. On dust jacket: 1940 District of Columbia Air National Guard 1996. On spine of dust jacket: 1940 DCANG 1996. DCANG stands for District of Columbia Air National Guard. ","Defense Dept., District of Columbia Air National Guard","1996: 147 p.; ill.","NB1263","National Guard, History of District of Columbia Air National Guard, Air National Guard, Washington, DC, Military History, District of Columbia","D 12.2:D 63/2","Mitchell, Rick","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/12/97","059ZC 131DH","01/26/98","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00140-5","0-16-026357-3","$ 75.00","$ 105.00","William S. Dudley, editor. Provides transcripts of over 500 documents. Many of these are from naval records held by the National Archives and Records Administration. Includes an index, footnotes, and notes on sources. Navy ISBN 0-945274-06-8. L.C. card 85-600565. Item 399-A-02.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","1992: 825 p.; ill.","NB1231","Military History, Naval History, War of 1812, Documentary History","D 207.10/2:H 62/v.2","Dudley, William S.","3 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/04/92","059QN 236RW","02/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00113-6","9780160019258","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","CMH Pub 50-1-1. Defense Studies Series. Discusses the evolution of the services' racial policies and practices between World War II and 1965 during the period when black servicemen and women were integrated into the Nation's military units. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1981: 647 p.","","Defense Studies Series, Center of Military History Publication 50 1 1, Army History, Military History, Black History","","MacGregor, Morris J. Jr.","3 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/24/08","","03/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00250-7","0-16-037816-8","$ 34.50","$ 48.30","CMH Pub. 70-43. 1st printing. Edited by James L. Gilbert and John P. Finnegan. Prepared in cooperation with the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command. Concerns communications intelligence operations during World War 2. Consists chiefly of World War 2-era documents generated by various cryptologic organizations of the United States Army. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Also includes a chronology, a glossary, and a dictionary of people, places, and terms. L.C. card 93-43143. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 249 p.; ill.","NB1236","Center of Military History Publication 70 43, Signals Intelligence, Intelligence Services, Military Intelligence, World War 2, Cryptography, History of United States Army Signals Intelligence During World War 2","D 114.2:SI 2","Gilbert, James L.; Finnegan, John P.","2 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/28/93","070LK","01/27/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-020-01393-5","0-16-048542-8","$ 23.50","$ 32.90","United States Army in Vietnam. CMH Pub. 91-2. Describes the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam's efforts to manage relations with the news media during the Vietnam War. Follows the development of changes introduced into the program by General Creighton Abrams, General William C. Westmoreland's successor, through to the end of the War. Carries the story from just after the Tet Offensive through the administration of President Richard M. Nixon to the final withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam in 1973. L.C. card 94-35531. Item 0344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 679 p.; ill.","DSL 97-0006-5 10/30/96. NB1254","United States Army in Vietnam, Center of Military History Publication 91 2, Government Publicity, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History, Government Information, Government and the Press","D 114.7/3:P 96/968-73","Hammond, William M.","4 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/10/96","062GZ","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-020-01401-0","0-16-048696-3","$ 18.50","$ 25.90","United States Army in Vietnam. CMH Pub. 91-2-1. Describes the efforts of the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, to manage relations with the news media during the Vietnam War. Follows the development of changes introduced into the program by General Creighton Abrams, General William C. Westmoreland's successor, through to the end of the war. Carries the story from just after the Tet Offensive through the administration of President Richard M. Nixon to the final withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam in 1973. L.C. card 94-35531.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 679 p.; ill.","NB1256","United States Army in Vietnam, Center of Military History Publication 92 2 1, Government Publicity, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History, Government Information, Government and the Press","","Hammond, William M.","3 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/21/96","062GZ","11/28/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00160-8","0-16-001962-1","$ 59.00","$ 82.60","Army Historical Series. CMH Pub. 30-5-1. Describes the German-Soviet conflict in World War II and the events that resulted in the Soviet Union becoming a dominant military power in Europe. L.C. card 67-60001.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1968: 561 p.; ill. 1987-repr.","Cloth bound edition previously sold under S/N 008-029-00005-9. NB1203","German Defeat in the East, Stalingrad to Berlin, Army Historical Series, Center of Military History Publication 30 5, Military History, Military Power, Soviet Union, World War 2, Military Strategy","D 114.2:St 1/paper","Ziemke, Earl F.","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/12/08","070JP 279RN 289TI","02/11/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00432-1","9780160729577","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","CMH Pub 70-99-1. Chronicles the establishment and achievements of U.S. Army Military Intelligence Service, the organization that trained and employed uniformed Japanese American linguists. Tells the story of second-generation Japanese Americans (Nisei) who served as interpreters and translators in World War 2. Describes how the War Department recruited soldiers from an ethnic minority and trained them in a secret school to use the Japanese language. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 530 p.; ill.","NB1319 0-16-072957-2","Center of Military Hisotry Publication 70 99 1, Japanese Americans in the Military Intelligence Service During World War 2, Translating and Interpreting, Language and Languages, Japanese Language, Military Intelligence, Military History","","McNaughton, James C.","2 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/19/07","070 288","10/18/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00117-9","0-16-001927-3","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub. 21-2. By John Miller, Jr., et al. This volume records briefly, by text and photograph, the Korean Conflict from Jan. 1951 to the cessation of hostilities in July 1953. Facsimile reprint of a 1956 publication. L.C. card 56-60005. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1956: 336 p.; ill. 1981-repr.","DSL 97-0168-P 03/18/97. BIP. Sept. 1981 SL 165X1 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:K 84/951-53","Miller, John, Jr.","2 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/31/96","054CP","05/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00127-6","","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","CMH 100-13. American Forces in Action Series. First issued August 21, 1946. Discusses the operations of a single corps in the First Army's offensive during the first three weeks of July 1944 designed to deepen the lodgment area preparatory to the breakout from Normandy. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1946: 128 p.; ill. repr.","","World War 2, Army History, Military History","","","1 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00158-6","","$ 32.50","$ 45.50","CMH 91-3-1. U.S. Army in Vietnam Series. Describes the U.S. Army advisory effort to the South Vietnamese armed forces during the period when the U.S. commitment in Southeast Asia was at its peak. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1988: 561 p.; ill.","","Vietnam War, Military History, Army History","","Clarke, Jeffrey J.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/24/08","","03/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00233-7","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-5. Describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the India-Burma campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","NB1325","Center of Military History Publication 72-5, Campaigns of World War 2, World War 2, Army History","","Hogan, David W., Jr.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/16/08","","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00495-0","9780160817359","$ 4.00","$ 5.60","CMH Pub 70-114-1.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 38 p.","","Grenada, Military History, Army History, Grenada","","","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/24/08","","10/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00313-9","0-16-045496-4","$ 39.00","$ 54.60","CMH Pub. 70-61. Publication measures 9 x 12 in. Editor: General Gordon R. Sullivan. Art Editor: Marylou Gjernes. Consists chiefly of color reproductions from the Army Art Collection. The pictures are organized into geographic categories: The Americas; Europe; The Pacific and Asia; and Africa and the Middle East. Also includes a section on the artists and a brief history of the Army Art Collection. Although a few of the pictures depict the Civil War and World War 1, most of the art shows American soldiers during World War 2 or later wars. L.C. card 94-48597.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 203 p.; ill.","NB1248","Center of Military History Publication 70 61, Art, Army Art Collection, Military History, Army History, World War 2","","Sullivan, Gordon R.; Gjernes, Marylou","3 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/07/95","059NA 107GM 192","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00394-5","0-16-073162-3","$ 17.50","$ 24.50","CMH Pub. 70-12. By William Gardner Bell. Revision of the 1981 edition. Presents the official portrait of each Secretary of War and Secretary of the Army, along with a brief biographical sketch of the secretary and the artist. Includes an introduction outlining the history of the office. Appendixes include: Secretaries Ag Interim; Chronological List of Presidents of the United States, Secretaries of War, and Secretaries of the Army; a General Bibliography; and a Bibliography of Secretaries and Artists. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 199 p.; ill. revised ed.","NB1304","Center of Military History Publication 70 12, Biographies, Military History, Army History","D 114.2:SE 2/2003","Bell, William Gardner","1 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/03/04","057 059 070 131","04/22/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00405-4","0-16-072369-8","$ 61.00","$ 85.40","Army Lineage Series. CMH Pub 60-15-1. Compiled by Rebecca Robbins Raines. The Signal Corps began in 1860. The earliest permanent signal units were formed in the National Guard in the 1880s. This volume presents official organizational history information for Signal Corps units at battalion level or above that are organized under Table of Organization and Equipment. This compilation features lineage and heraldic data for 176 signal units. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 525 p.; ill.","NB1314","Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History Publication 60 15, Army History, Military History","","Raines, Rebecca Robbins","3 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Paper","05/24/06","059","08/14/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00128-4","0-16-001935-4","$ 25.50","$ 35.70","Armed Forces in Action Series. CMH Pub. 100-11-1. Prepared by the 2d Information and Historical Service, attached to the First Army, and by the Historical Section, European Theater of Operations. Provides a historical narrative dealing with American military operations in France during the month of June 1944. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1945: 175 p.; ill., 16 maps in envelope. 1984-repr.","BIP. NB032Z5 QC033R5 QC034N5","Armed Forces in Action Series, Center of Military History Publication 100 11 1, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Normandy Invasion, 1944","D 114.9:Om 1/994/PACK.","","1 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/29/00","070JP","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00129-2","0-16-001936-2","$ 31.50","$ 44.10","CMH Pub 100-12. Armed Forces in Action Series. Includes accounts of landings at corps level and below and relates the course of VII Corps combat operations which resulted in the capture of Cherbourg on June 27, 1944. This is the last of three narratives dealing with American military operations in Normandy. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1947: 225 p.; ill., 20 maps in envelope. 1984-repr.","DSL 85-319-P 04/01/85. NB035U5 QC033R5 QC034N5","Center of Military History Publication 100 13, Armed Forces in Action Series, World War 2, Army History, Cherbourg, Military History, Normandy Invasion, 1944","D 114.9:Ut 1","","2 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/18/85","070LK","08/14/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00275-2","0-16-042084-9","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH Pub. 72-19. Discusses the military campaign in Anzio and Nettuno, Italy from January 22 to May 24, 1944. Illustrated with black and white photographs, color maps, and the reproduction of a painting. Includes suggestions for further reading. Item 0344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1994: 24 p.; ill.","DSL 94-0185-P 06/11/94. NB1242","Center of Military History Publication 72 19, Army History, Military History, Anzio, Italy, World War 2, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2","D 114.7/5:AN 9","Laurie, Clayton D.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/26/94","070JP","01/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00381-3","0-16-067679-7","$ 1.00","$ 1.40","CMH Pub 70-81-1. Prepared to honor the 10th anniversary of Operation Restore Hope. Places the events of the firefight of 3-4 October 1993 into the wider context of the United States humanitarian, political, and military operation to rescue a people and a state from anarchy and chaos. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 27 p.; ill.","NB1295","Center of Military History Publication 70 81 1, Somalia, Army History, Military History, Africa","","Stewart, Richard W.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/28/03","059NC 284NS","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00426-7","0-16-072564-X","$ 43.00","$ 60.20","CMH Pub 70-89-1. Michael D. Krause and Cody R. Phillips, general editors. Contains an anthology of essays by historians and scholars who trace the origin and development of the operational level of warfare, the critical link between strategy and tactics. Includes essays about France, Germany, Russia and the Soviet Union, and the United States. Discusses 19th and 20th century wars mainly. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 517 p.; ill.","NB1314","Center of Military History Publication 70 89 1, Military History, Army History, Military Science","D 114.2:AR 7/2","Krause, Michael D.; Phillips, R. Cody","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/31/06","059","06/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00480-1","9780160799358","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","CMH Pub. 40-4-1. The U.S. Army underwent a decade of significant transformation between 1987 and 1997 that affected strategy, force requirements, structure, and basing requirements. The end of the Cold War provided the initial impetus for defense reshaping and drove the pace and depth of change. Reductions in forces and installations, and deferred procurement of the next generation of military equipment overlapped with efforts to adapt the Army to a new global security environment.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 238 p.; ill.","9780160799358","Center of Military History Publication 40-4-1, Army History, Military History","","Sherry, Mark D.","1 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/01/08","","07/21/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00483-6","9780160800771","$ 27.00","$ 37.80","CMH 6-2-1. United States Army in World War 2. Discusses operations during the invasion and conquest of Sicily and the military diplomacy that led to Italy's surrender. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1965: 609 p.; ill., maps. repr.; Maps in envelope.","NB1325","Center of Military History Publication 6 2 1, United States Army in World War 2, Military History, World War 2, Army History","","Garland, Albert N.; Smyth, Howard McGaw","3 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","070","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01452-4","1-893833-00-3","$ 77.50","$ 108.50","Contains a series of essays of various periods in the country's military history. Tells the story of how United States weapons were developed and produced, what notable managers and organizations were involved, and which weapons from those periods significantly impacted national conflicts. L.C. card UC 263. Item 306. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061221-7.","Defense Dept., Defense Systems Management College","1999: 543 p.; ill.","DSL 200-0007-S 11/29/99. NB1275","History of United States Weapons Acquisition, Defense Procurement, Weapons Systems, Military Weapons, Military History, Acquisition Management, Government Procurement","D 1.2:H 62/13","Jones, Wilbur","4 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/15/99","129CR 131AF","03/15/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-022-00340-1","9780160795855","$ 47.00","$ 65.80","2d edition. Illustrated book highlights the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' history from the battle of Bunker Hill to the war on terrorism; and introduces events in engineer history. The Corps has a wealth of drawings, artwork, photographs, maps, plans, and models. This book contains a montage of historical images from the Revolutionary War to the present, in addition to many newly written articles. This new history also features an extensive index to aid in finding a specific subject, and researchers and interested individuals can be sure that they will find a solid historical perspective. ","Defense Dept., Army, Corps of Engineers, Office of History","2008: 331 p.; ill.","Supersedes the January 1998 edition. Frozen in order to replace an incorrect barcode on cover 4 with a blank sticker. 9780160795855 is in the cataloging in publication on cover 2 and on cover 4 and is correct for this book.","Corps of Engineers, History of Corps of Engineers, Army History, Military History, Civil Engineering, Flood Control","","Baldwin, William","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/16/08","","07/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01520-2","0-16-051284-0","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","Outlines the scope and type of support furnished by the Army Security Agency (ASA) to the war effort in Vietnam. Provides testimonial evidence of ASA's overall success as well as to note various shortcomings. ","Defense Dept., Army, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command, Military History Office","2003: 143 p.; ill.","","Military History, United States Army in Vietnam, Army Security Agency, Vietnamese Conflict, Army History, Military History","","Gilbert, James L.","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","","900","01/18/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00003-2","0-16-001868-4","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","Army Historical Series. CMH Pub. 30-2. Originally published in 1954, the year following the close of the Korean War, this book describes combat actions of small Army units, squads and platoons, companies and batteries. The 1984 and later printings include a new foreword written in 1984. L.C. card 70-603408. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1970: 264 p.; ill. revised ed. 1987-repr.","","Army Historical Series, Center of Military History Publication 30 2, Korean War, Army History, Military History","D 114.19:C 73","Gugeler, Russell A.","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/24/08","054CK","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00006-7","","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","Army Historical Series. CMH 30-4. Provides a record of the Army's experience in developing a workable and effective logistical system against the background of changing conditions in both peace and war. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966: 789 p.; ill. repr.","","Army Historical Series, Center of Military History Publication 30 4, Military History, Army History, Logistics","","Huston, James A.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/24/08","","03/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00084-9","","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","CMH 11-8. Discusses the experience of female soldiers both at home and overseas as their new Corps struggled against tradition and administrative hurdles. Reprint or exchange stock. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1954: 841 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 11 8, Women, Army History, Military History","","Treadwell, Mattie E.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/24/08","","03/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00221-3","0-16-067760-2","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","CMH Pub. 70-26. At head of title: Self-Guided Tour. 3d in a series of booklets on American battlefields intended to help soldiers use the past to enhance their understanding of the United States Army's future. Examines the Battle of Second Manassas in the form of a tour which goes to twelve locations important to aspects of the battle. Stops on the tour have been selected to help the visitor see the battle developing. L.C. card 89-48640. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 76 p.; ill.","NB1248","Center of Military History Publication 70 26, Second Manassas Battle, Civil War, Military History, Army History, Virginia, Manassas, Virginia","D 114.2:M 31","Whitehorne, Joseph W. A.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/18/95","192CE","03/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00259-1","9780160613012","$ 0.50","$ 0.70","CMH 72-8. Discusses the Guadalcanal campaign in the Pacific Ocean, which took place from August 7, 1942-February 21, 1943. Illustrated with color maps and black and white photographs. Includes suggestions for further reading. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 28 p.; ill.","NB1236","Center of Military History Publication 72 8, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, Military History, World War 2, Guadalcanal Island, Army History","D 114.7/5:G 93","Anderson, Charles R.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/03/93","070JP 288FF","08/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00261-2","0-16-038106-1","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-12. Discusses the Tunisia campaign which took place from November 17, 1942 to May 13, 1943. Illustrated with color maps, the reproduction of a painting, and black and white photographs. Includes suggestions for further reading. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 30 p.; ill.","NB1236","Center of Military History Publication 72 12, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, Military History, World War 2, Tunisia, Army History","D 114.7/5:T 83","Anderson, Charles R.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/03/93","070JQ 284NS","08/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00267-1","0-16-061306-X","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","CMH Pub. 70-50. Includes 10 prints of paintings by Seth Eastman. Contains prints of these forts: Mackinac in Michigan; Mifflin in Pennsylvania; Trumbull in Connecticut; Tompkins and Wadsworth in New York; Scammel and Gorges in Maine; Delaware in Delaware; Snelling in Minnesota; Taylor in Florida; Defiance in New Mexico; and Rice in North Dakota. Also provides a booklet, "The Eastman Forts, A Guide to the Print Set". The actual paintings are in the collections of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. 10 prints and booklet, sold as a set.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 10 posters, 17x24 in. and booklet.","Updates the 1978 edition of "Eastman Forts." NB1236","Center of Military History Publication 70 50, Posters, Military History, Army History, Forts, Prints, Paintings","","Eastman, Seth","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/07/93","057BB 059NA","05/12/08","Set","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00272-8","0-16-042081-4","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH Pub. 72-16. Covers the Allied invasion of Sicily from July 9 to August 17, 1943. Sicily was the first piece of the Axis homeland to fall to the Allies during World War 2. Includes a color map, black and white photographs, and suggestions for further reading. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 28 p.; ill.","NB1240","Center of Military History Publication 72 16, Army History, Military History, Sicily, World War 2, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2","D 114.7/5:SI 1","Birtle, Andrew J.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/03/94","070JQ","11/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00301-5","0-16-045115-9","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH Pub 72-28. Discusses the World War 2 liberation of the island of Luzon in the Philippines from Japanese forces from December 15, 1944 to July 4, 1945. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 31 p.; ill.","Known as a World War 2 commemorative pamphlet. DSL 96-0123-P 02/06/96.","Center of Military History Publication 72 28, World War 2 Commemorative Pamphlet, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Philippines, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2","D 114.7/5:L 97","Andrade, Dale","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/05/96","070JQ 318NA","11/05/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00318-0","0-16-048134-1","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH Pub 72-33. The Po River Valley is in Italy. Describes the Allied forces' offensive in the Po Valley in Northern Italy from April 5 through May of 1945. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 27 p.; ill.","Known as a World War 2 commemorative pamphlet. NB1256","Center of Military History Publication 72 33, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, World War 2, Military History, Army History, Italy","D 114.7/5:P 75","Popa, Thomas A.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/06/96","070JQ","02/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00340-6","0-16-049571-7","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH 60-14. Army Lineage Series. Traces the evolution of divisions and brigades in the United States Army. Gives a systematic account of the way these two organizations evolved, highlighting the rationales behind that evolution and the many factors that played a part in bringing those changes into reality. L.C. card 94-21031.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 489 p.; ill.","NB1270","Center of Military History Publication 60 14, Army Lineage Series, Military History, Army History, Divisions, Brigades","D 114.11:M 31","Wilson, John B.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/20/99","059NA","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00349-0","0-16-049992-5","$ 70.50","$ 98.70","CMH 60-7-1. Army Lineage Series. Compiled by John B. Wilson. Includes the lineages and honors for all armies, corps, divisions, and separate combined armed brigades, organized under Tables of Organization and Equipment, that have been active in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army of the United States since the beginning of World War 2. Lineages are current through October 1, 1997. Includes 88 color plates of heraldic emblems. Also provides bibliographies. L.C. card 98-52151. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: 761 p., 88 plates.","NB1274","Center of Military History Publication 60 7 1, Army Lineage Series, Military History, Army History, Army Personnel, Brigades","D 114.11:AR 5/2/999","Wilson, John B.","4 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Paper","08/25/99","059NA 131AF","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00354-6","0-16-050197-0","$ 19.50","$ 27.30","CMH Pub 91-5. United States Army in Vietnam. Focuses on the first 18 months of combat in Vietnam. Describes how the United States Army entered the war and fought its first battles north of Saigon and in the Central Highlands. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 430 p.; ill.","NB1279","Center of Military History Publication 91 5, United States Army in Vietnam, Vietnamese Conflict, Army History, Stemming the Tide, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History","D 114.7/3:C 73/2","Carland, John M.","2 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/09/00","062GZ","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00355-4","0-16-050198-9","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH Pub. 91-5-1. United States Army in Vietnam. 8th in a series. Chronicles the first eighteen months of combat by the United States Army's ground forces. L.C. card 99-16962 Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 430 p.; ill.","NB1278","Center of Military History Publication 91 5 1, United States Army in Vietnam, Stemming the Tide, Vietnamese Conflict, Army History, Military History","","Carland, John M.","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/06/00","062GZ","04/23/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00372-4","0-16-066557-4","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","CMH Pub 35-1-1. At head of title on title page: Staff Ride Guide. One of a series of "staff ride" booklets about Civil War battlefields. Discusses a battle which took place in Virginia on Oct. 20, 1861. The disastrous defeat of the Union forces resulted in the death of a United States senator, the arrest of a Union general, and the creation of a congressional oversight committee that would keep senior Union commanders looking over their shoulders for the remainder of the war. Includes Selected Biographical Sketches. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2001: 92 p.; ill.","NB1287","Center of Military History Publication 35 1 1, Staff Ride Guide, Battle of Balls Bluff, Civil War, Battlefields, Army History, Military History","","Ballard, Ted","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","11/02/01","192AK","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00378-3","0-16-051128-3","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH 70-73-1. Presents the story of the United States Army's Seven Corps from its deployment to Saudi Arabia, through its phases of preparation, its offensive against the Iraqi Army, and finally its return to Europe and the United States. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2002: 532 p.; ill.","Stock Being Held for Correction. Awaiting receipt of corrected copies in the GPO warehouse.","Center of Military History Publication 70 73 1, Seven Corps in the Persian Gulf War, Persian Gulf War, 1991, Military History, Army History, Army Historical Series","D 114.2:J 33","Bourque, Stephen A.","2 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/06/02","061DG","03/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00386-4","0-16-067881-1","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH 70-75-1. Prepared by David W. Hogan, Jr. and Charles E. White. Describes the Lewis and Clark expedition, officially characterized as the "Corps of Volunteers for North Western Discovery". ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2002: 31 p.; ill.","Supersedes D 114.2:L 58, S/N 008-029-00379-1. NB1297","Center of Military History Publication 70 75 1, Corps of Volunteers for North Western Discovery, Lewis and Clark Expedition, West (United States), Army History, Military History","D 114.2:L 58/2003","Hogan, David W., Jr.; White, Charles E.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/19/03","059NC","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00388-1","0-16-051589-0","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","CMH Pub 70-83-1. Provides details concerning the role of the United States Army in the critical first few months of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 46 p.; ill.","NB1302","Center of Military History Publication 70 83 1, Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Terrorism, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:AF 3","Stewart, Richard W.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/23/04","098 153 259 286 288","05/13/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00389-9","0-16-068078-6","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub 35-2-1. Staff Ride Guide. At head of title on title page: Staff Ride Guide. One of a series of "staff ride" booklets about Civil War battlefields. Discusses a battle which took place in Virginia on July 21, 1861. Describes the first major land battle of the Civil War. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 91 p.; ill.","NB1301","Center of Military History Publication 35 2 1, Staff Ride Guide, Battle of Bull Run, Civil War, Battlefields, Army History, Military History","","Ballard, Ted","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/20/04","192SE","11/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00399-6","0-16-072363-9","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub. 70-51. Update and expansion of the 1992 edition. Prepared especially for Army personnel and their families and for historians. Provides a guide to exhibits and artifacts in the Army museum system. Also includes information about National Guard museums and historical holdings. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 163 p.; ill. revised ed.","Supersedes D 114.12:AR 5, S/N 008-029-00264-7. Advertized with an incorrect CMH title before it came into stock.","Center of Military History Publication 70 51, Army History, Military History, Museums, Directories, National Guard","D 114.12:AR 5/2005","Philips, R. Cody","0 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/11/05","059NA 114BL 140PD","12/19/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00411-9","9780160723742","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","CMH Pub 73-1. The U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War. At head of title on cover: The U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War. One of a series of eight brochures about the Mexican War. Discusses Brig. General Zachary Taylor's campaign for Monterrey, Mexico. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160723742.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 35 p.; ill.","NB1307","Center of Military History Publication 73 1, United States Army Campaigns of the Mexican War, Campaign for Monterrey, Army History, Military History","","Carney, Stephen A.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/09/05","059","02/14/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00417-8","0-16-072464-3","$ 4.75","$ 6.65","CMH Pub. 70-71-1. Examines the Army's role in internal improvements, natural disaster relief, economic assistance, domestic order, and a host of other contingencies. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 47 p.; ill.","NB1308","Center of Military History Publication 70 71 1, United States Army, Army History, Military History","","Hogan, David W., Jr.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/01/05","059","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00435-6","9780160754784","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","CMH Pub 90-28-1. 2006 printing of a book that was originally published in 1982. This book chronicles the early problems of medical evacuation in Vietnam, recounts the calor of several of the Dust Off crews, and describes the procedures and equipment used to speed the movement of patients to in-theater Army hospitals. Includes a bibliography and an index. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 142 p.; ill. 2008-repr.","yjr 2006 and 2208 printings have the same stock number. The 2008 printing has an ISBN 13 and barcode on cover 4; and 2008 on the title page. NB1313","Center of Military History Publication 90 28 1, Army Aeromedical Evacuation in Vietnam, Aeromedical Evacuation in Vietnam, Vietnamese Conflict, Army History, Military History","","Dorland, Peter; Nanney, James","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/29/06","062","12/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00450-0","9780160771170","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","CMH 70-104-1. Provides an in-depth account of the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 50 p.; ill.","NB1319 0-16-077117-X","Center of Military History Publication 70 104 1, Washington, Rochambeau, and the Yorktown Campaign of 1781, Army History, Military History, Revolutionary War, American Revolution","","Selig, Robert","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/23/07","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00461-5","9780160790447","$ 5.00","$ 7.00","CMH Pub 70-109-1. Describes the events surrounding "Operation Joint Guardian," when the U.S. forces working with European allies entered Kosovo in June 1999 with the primary objective of bringing peace. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 58 p.; ill.","NB1322. ISBN 0-16-079044-1.","Center of Military History Publication 70 109 1, United States Army in Kosovo, Kosovo, Military History, Army History","","Phillips, R. Cody","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/10/07","059","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00465-8","9780160793165","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","CMH Pub 70-108-1. Examines the origins of the modular concept, the reasons for undertaking it, and the process for developing modular unit designs. The United States Army has been exploring the notion of modularity since shortly after the end of the Cold War. Modularity, at its most basic, was the idea for creating a pool of standardized, self-contained units-combat, support, and headquarters-that could plug into (and unplug from) unit formations as needed with minimal augmentation or reorganization. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 98 p.; ill.","NB1323","Center of Military History Publication 70 108 1, Global War on Terrorism, Iraq War, 2003-, Afghanistan, Army History, Military History","","Donnelly, William M.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/06/07","059","11/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00504-2","","$ 54.00","$ 75.60","CMH Pub 5-8-1.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 639 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 5 8 1, Military History, Army History, World War 2, Phillipines","","Smith, Robert Ross","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/06/09","","02/06/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-055-00237-1","9780160795596","$ 69.00","$ 96.60","Edited by Charles R. Smith. Compiled by the History and Museums Division during the 50th Anniversary commemoration of the Korean Conflict, 1950-1953. Focuses on the Marines who fought and died. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, History Division","2007: 741 p.; ill.","9780160795596","Marines in the Korean War, United States Marines in the Korean War, Marine Corps History, Naval History, Military History, Korean War","","Smith, Charles R.","5 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","054","01/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00187-0","0-16-001989-3","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub. 70-24. First in a planned series of military "staff ride brochures." At head of title on title page: Self-Guided Tour. Discusses a Civil War battle which was fought in 1864 in Virginia and won by the Confederate forces. Describes twelve sites which were important to the battle and which may be explored at the site through guided tours. Includes maps and sepia photographs. L.C. card 88-34357. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1988: 60 p.; ill.","NB1211 GB1107 GB1108","Battlefields, Center of Military History Publication 70 24, Civil War, Virginia, Virginia, New Market, Military History, Self Guided Tour of New Market Battlefield, Historic Sites","D 114.2:B 32/2","Whitehorne, Joseph W. A.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/28/89","192CE","09/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00337-6","0-16-061324-8","$ 31.50","$ 44.10","CMH 70-66-1. First of a two-volume work. Examines how the Army had performed two of its most important unconventional missions: the suppression of insurgent or other irregular forces and the conduct of overseas constabulary and contingency operations in the years 1860 to 1941. L.C. card 97-26216.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 331 p.; ill.","NB1265","Low Intensity Conflicts, Center of Military History Publication 70 66, Counterinsurgency Operations Doctrine, Contingency Operations Doctrine, Military Missions, Defense Policy, National Security, Military History","D 114.2:D 65/2","Birtle, Andrew J.","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/02/98","059NC 153UB","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00403-8","0-16-072367-1","$ 52.50","$ 73.50","CMH Pub 91-6-1. United States Army in Vietnam. Covers the United States buildup in Vietnam from every angle: strategy, operations, tactics, logistics, inter-service relations, personnel policy, diplomacy, civil relations, and the handling of the news media to show how the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) developed and became the linchpin holding the entire American effort in Vietnam together. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 546 p.; ill.","NB1314","CMH Pub 91 6 1, United States Army in Vietnam, Vietnam War, Army History, Military History, Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)","","Cosmas, Graham A.","2 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/15/06","059","05/15/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00433-0","0-16-072961-0","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","CMH Pub. 70-102-1. First of three planned volumes. Describes the evolution of Operations Research (OR) in the U.S. Army from its origins in World War II to the early 1960s. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Operations Research","2006: 221 p.; ill.","NB1316","Center of Military History Publication 70 102 1, History of Operations Research in the United States Army, V. 1, 1942 to 1962, Operations Research in the United States Army, V. 1, 1942 to 1962, Military History, Army History","","Shrader, Charles R.","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/05/06","059","10/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00203-5","","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","CMH 100-4. American Forces in Action Series. Discusses the operations of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) in north Burma from February to May 1944, part of the coordinated Allied offensive to retake north Burma. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1945: 117 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 100 4, World War 2","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00206-0","","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH 100-2. American Forces in Action Series. Provides an account of the Army operations against a determined enemy up through the Central Pacific. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1946: 136 p.; ill.","","Center of Military History Publication 100 2, American Forces in Action Series, World War 2","","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00486-1","9780160800801","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","CMH 60-4-1. Army Lineage Series Contains a narrative analysis of the complex evolution of the Continental Army, with the lineages of the 177 individual units that comprised the Army, and fourteen charts depicting regimental organization. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1983: 468 p.; ill. repr.","NB1325","Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History Publication 60 4 1, Revolutionary War, American Revolution","","Wright, Robert K. Jr.","2 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/06/08","059","03/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00863-9","0-16-050948-3","$ 81.50","$ 114.10"," History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. By Richard M. Leighton. Alfred Goldberg, general editor. Examines the role of Office of the Secretary of Defense and Secretary Charles E. Wilson in the transformation of national security policy during the first Eisenhower administration. Includes bibliography and index. ","Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office","2001: 808 p.; ill.","NB1288","Strategy, Money, and the New Look, 1953 to 1956, History of Office of the Secretary of Defense, Military Strategy, Military History","D 1.2:H 62/3/V.3","Leighton, Richard M.; Goldberg, Alfred","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/06/02","131DH","12/21/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00083-1","0-16-001921-4","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH Pub. 20-1. L.C. card 70-609930. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History, Center of Military History","1972: 443 p.; ill., 9 maps. 1978-repr.","Oct. 1981 SL 143Y1","Center of Military History Publication 20 1, Policy and Direction: The First Year, Army in Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean War","D 114.2:K 84/2/v.3","Schnabel, James F.","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/25/98","054CS","01/27/09","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00161-6","0-16-001963-X","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH Pub. 93-7. Historical Analysis Series. Discusses the organization, doctrine, and equipment for close air support of ground forces in the United States military organization prior to World War 2. Explains how the Tunisian campaign demonstrated the need for tactical changes and describes the struggle by Allied air and ground leaders in North Africa to form a cooperative combat team. L.C. card 87-19335.","Defense Dept., Office of the Air Force History and Army Center of Military History","1987: 104 p., 1 folded leaf; ill.","BIP. NB1204 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106","Center of Military History Publication 93 7, Historical Analysis Series, Close Air Support, Military History, Military Strategy, Military Aviation, World War 2","D 114.19/2:J 66/2","Mortensen, Daniel R.","0 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/18/87","070JP 284LG","03/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00977-5","0-16-075369-4","$ 51.50","$ 72.10","History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. By Lawrence S. Kaplan, et al. A narrative history and assessment of the early years of Robert McNamara's tenure as Secretary of Defense, including McNamara's relationship with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, the transformation of the Department of Defense as a part of Kennedy's New Frontier, and the Pentagon's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs episode, and onset of the Vietnam War along with other major national security events and developments during a turbulent and momentous period of the Cold War. ","Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office","2006: 684 p.; ill.","","History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, McNamara Ascendancy, 1961-1965, McNamara, Robert S., Defense Department, Military History, Political Science, History","","Kaplan, Lawrence S.","3 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/25/06","141","11/09/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00200-2","0-16-051224-7","$ 73.50","$ 102.90","Naval War of 1812, A Documentary History. Michael J. Crawford, Editor. Third of a four-volume documentary history on the naval and maritime aspecs of the War of 1812. Focuses on the Chesapeake Bay, the Northern Lakes, and the Pacific Ocean theaters of operation during the last two years of the war, 1814-1815. L.C. card 85-600565. L.C. ISBN 0945274-47-5","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2002: 920 p.; ill.","","Naval War of 1812, A Documentary History, Chesapeake Bay, Northern Lakes, Pacific Ocean, Military History, Naval History, War of 1812","D 221.2:H 62/V.3","Crawford, Michael J.","3 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","059QN 236RW","02/01/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00141-1","0-16-001943-5","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","CMH 100-14. Armed Forces in Action Series. Small Unit Actions, France: 2d Ranger Batallion at Point du Hoe; Saipan: 27th Division on Tanapag Plain; Italy: 351st Infantry at Santa Maria Infante; France: 4th Armored Division at Singling. Describes the following four battles in detail: Point du Hoe, June 6, 1944; The Fight on Tanapag Plain, July 6, 1944, Santa Maria Infante, May 11-14, 1944; and Singling, Dec. 6, 1944. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1946: 226 p.; ill., plate. 1986-repr.","BIP.","Center of Military History Publication 100 14, Armed Forces in Action Series, Military History, World War 2, France, Saipan, Italy","D 114.9:Sm 1","","1 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/29/00","070JP","11/28/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00344-9","0-16-049770-1","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH 70-59. Gives the structure and sense of order to the complex story of how Kuwait recovered in record time from the devastating effects of a seven month occupation by Iraqi troops, in large part through the efforts of the United States Army. Presents the operation both topically and chronologically. L.C. card 99-14015.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: 314 p.; ill.","NB1274","Center of Military Publication 70 59, Army History, Military History, Desert Storm, Persian Gulf War, Kuwait","D 114.2:D 45/2","McDonnell, Janet A.","1 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/24/99","061 131AF 286AC","04/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00345-7","0-16-061328-0","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","CMH Pub 70-60. Addresses the First Army headquarters in the European theater from its activation in October 1943 to V-E Day in May 1945. Shows the army headquarters of World War 2 as a complicated organization with functions ranging from the immediate supervision of tactical operations to long-range operational planning and the sustained support of frontline units. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 376 p.; ill.","NB1281","Center of Military Hisotry Publication 70 60, First Army Headquarters in Europe, Army History, Military History, World War 2","D 114.2:C 73","Hogan, DAvid W., Jr.","2 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/13/00","070JP","05/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00360-1","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-6. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 28 p.","","Center of Military history Publication 19 6, Korean War, Military History","","Webb, William J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/23/08","","04/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00451-8","9780160771187","$ 45.00","$ 63.00","CMH 91-7-1. United States Army in Vietnam. 2nd of two volumes that examine the Vietnam conflict from the perspective of the theater commander and his headquarters. Traces the story of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), from the Communist Tet offensive of early 1968 through the disestablishment of MACV in March 1973. Deals with theater-level command relationships, strategy, and operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 486 p.; ill.","","CMH 91-7-1, Military History, Army History, Vietnam War","","Cosmas, Graham A.","2 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/18/08","059","01/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00452-6","9780160771194","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH 91-7. United States Army in Vietnam. 2nd of two volumes that examine the Vietnam conflict from the perspective of the theater commander and his headquarters. Traces the story of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), from the Communist Tet offensive of early 1968 through the disestablishment of MACV in March 1973. Deals with theater-level command relationships, strategy, and operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 486 p.; ill.","","CMH 91-7, United States Army in Vietnam, Military History, Army History","","Cosmas, Graham A.","3 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/18/08","059","01/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00459-3","9780160777875","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","CMH 70-106-1. Explores the origin, development, and initial combat experience of the first Stryker unit, the first installment of an "Interim Force" that would pave the way toward the Army of the future. Provides a firsthand field assessment of the ambitious effort. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 79 p.; ill.","NB1319","Military History, Center of Military History 70 106 1, First Stryker Brigade at War, Stryker Brigade, Iraq War, 2003-, Iraqi Freedom, Insurgency, Defense Policy","","Reardon, Mark J.; Charlston, Jeffrey A.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/13/07","059","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00469-1","","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","CMH Pub 51-2-1.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 165 p.","This book was assigned two stock numbers by mistake. S/N 008-029-00469-1 is the valid number.","Center of Military History Publication 51 2 1, Military History","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/12/08","","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00441-1","0-16-076157-3","$ 20.00","$ 28.00","This official historical account of the Global War on Terrorism records, in words and photographs, the wartime operations and contributions of the 98th Division (IT), an Army Reserve unit. The 98th swung into action on the morning of September 11, 2001 and continued its service with the pivotal yearlong mission to train Iraqi soldiers in 2004, the first institutional training division to deploy overseas and to establish standards for subsequent Reserve units in the training of a foreign army. At the same time, the Division fielded a detachment of soldiers to Afghanistan to assist with the training of cadets for that country's National Military Academy. ","Defense Dept., Army, Army Reserve Command, 98th Division (Institutional Training)","2006: 272 p.; ill.","NB1316","Ninety-Eight Division and the Global War on Terrorism, 2001 to 2005, Global War on Terrorism, 2001-, War on Terrorism, 2001-, Institutional Training, Terrorism, Army History, Military History","","Hansen, Timothy J.; Preston, Jocene B.","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/02/06","259","10/02/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00234-5","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. CMH 72-6. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","MacGarrigle, George L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/03/08","","04/03/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00294-9","","$ 4.25","$ 5.95","CMH 70-53. A commemorative historical map with accompanying graphics (18"x24") and chronology of the Normandy Invasion. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","Map, 18x24 in. repr.","","Map of D Day, World War 2, Normandy Invasion, 1944, Maps","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","02/09/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00722-3","0-16-061373-6","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Explores something of the background of the contemporary air weapon. Attempts to distill from past experience in the development of air material those lessons which might be of help in formulating policies for exploiting the air weapons more successfully in the future. Originally published by Yale University Press in 1953. Air Force ISBN 0-912799-11-0. L.C. card 83-18967.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1953: 236 p.; ill. 1997-repr.","NB1260","Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Air Force, Air Force History, Military History, Aviation","","Holley, I. B., Jr.","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/10/97","059LQ 153PF","07/05/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00393-7","0-16-072309-4","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub 70-91-1. Revision of the 1998 edition with added last chapter. Prepared by James Walker and James T. Hooper. Outlines the organizational and conceptual evolution of the Army Space Support Team (ARSST) from 1986 to 1998. Identifies trends and issues of significance, explaining how important problems were approached and why key decisions were made. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 198 p.; ill. revised ed.","NB1305","Communication Satellites, Center of Military History Publication 70 91 1, Army Space Support Team, Reconnaissance Satellites, Astronautics and Military Science, Space Programs, Space Activities, Military Science","D 114.2:SP 1","Walker, James; Hooper, James T.","1 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/26/04","297","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-084-00000-0","0-16-010404-1","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $3.50; foreign single copy, $4.90. Intended to educate and train Marines on active duty in the uses of military and Marine Corps history. The title was the motto of the Marine corps in the 1812 era. FORT. File Code 2R.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, History and Museums Division","","O/N 02-161.","Subscriptions, FORT, Marine Corps History, Military History, Naval History","D 214.20:","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/09/89","237AC","05/26/89","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01566-1","9780160777974","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","Provides a description and organizational history of the Battle Command Training Program (BCTP) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The "capstone" of the U.S. Army's Combat Training Centers, BCTP uses battle simulation to train commanders and their staffs from the echelon above corps through the brigade level. Using a variety of mid- to high-intensity worldwide scenarios, the program seeks to improve battlefield command and control by providing stressful and realistic combined-arms training in a rigorous combat environment. The book describes the program's basic components and methodology. ","Defense Dept., Army, U.S. Army Battle Command Training Program; and Library of Congress, Federal Research Division","2007: 198 p.; ill.","NB1320. 10-digit ISBN: 0-16-077797-6.","United States Army Battle Command Training Program, History of Army Battle Command Training Program, Army History, Military History","","Offenhauer, Priscilla; Osbourne, David L.","0 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/30/07","059","09/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01465-6","","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","By Walter E. Kretchik, et al. Contains a concise account of the United States Army's role in Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in September 1994. Its stated objectives included the return to office of the democratically elected president of that country and the creation of a stable and secure environment in which democratic institutions could take hold. ","Defense Dept., Army, Army Command and General Staff College","1999: CD-ROM in plastic case.","The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication. NB1274","Military Intervention, Concise History of the United States Army in Operation Uphold Democracy, Operation Uphold Democracy, Invasion, Intervention, Intervasion, Military Operations, Peacekeeping Forces","D 110.13:H 62/CD","Kretchik, Walter","0 lbs. 5 oz.","No Discount","Specialty Item","","08/24/99","043CG 131 314","03/14/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00136-7","","$ 43.00","$ 60.20","Edited by Lisa M. Budreau and Richard M. Prior. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Office of Medical History","2008: 244 p.; ill.","","Medical History, World War 1","","Budreau, Lisa M.; Prior, Richard M.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/07/08","","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00238-8","","$ 39.00","$ 54.60","CMH 20-3. United States Army in the Korean War. A history of the intricate and frustrating truce negotiations between the UN forces and the Chinese Communists that continued from July 1951 until July 1953, of the bitter hill fighting that continued during those negotiations, and of the large-scale prisoner riots at Koje-do. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966L 571 p.; ill. repr.","","","","Hermes, Walter G.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/26/08","","01/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00983-0","0-16-076809-8","$ 61.00","$ 85.40","History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. By Steven L. Rearden. Alfred Goldberg, general editor. Traces the evolution of the Office of the Secretary of Defense from its establishment in September 1947 to the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950. Aims to illuminate the main events, policies, and personages associated with the office during this period. Spans the tenures of two men who occupied the officeJames Vincent Forrestal (17 September 1947 to 28 March 1949) and Louis Arthur Johnson (28 March 1949 to 19 September 1950). LC card 84-601133.","Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office","1984: 681 p.; ill.","The 1984 edition of this title had the stock number 008-000-00405-6. This book has been assigned two stock numbers.","Formative Years, 1947-1950, Defense Department, Military History, Political Science, History, Johnson, Louis Arthur, Forrestal, James Vincent","","Rearden, Steven L.; Goldberg, Alfred","3 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/18/06","131DH","08/18/06","Each","Each" "Being Reprinted (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-020-01576-8","","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","EST. DELIVERY DATE 09/16/08. Chronicles ninety years of communications-electronics achievements carried out by the scientists, engineers, logisticians and support staff at Fort Monmouth, NJ. From homing pigeons to frequency hopping tactical radios, the personnel at Fort Monmouth have been at the forefront of providing the U.S. Army with the most reliable systems for communicating battlefield information. Special sections of the book are devoted to ground breaking achievements in "Famous Firsts", as well as "Celebrity Notes", a rundown on the notable and notorious figures in Fort Monmouth history. ","Defense Dept., Army, Fort Monmouth Historical Office","","Known as: From Pigeons to Electronics.","Army History, Communications, Electronics, Military History, New Jersey, Fort Monmouth, From Pigeons to Electronics","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","","10/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00159-0","0-16-003405-1","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","Interpretive Series History 3. Consists of a historical narrative of the types of cannons used in America from the ancient catapult to modern artillery. Also, includes a glossary and bibliography. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1949: 96 p.; ill. 1985-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $273.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. BIP. NB041X6","Interpretive Series History 3, Artillery, Ordnance, Weapons, Military History","I 29.2:Ar 7/2","Manucy, Albert","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/15/85","059ZA","07/18/08","Each","Each" "Being Reprinted (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00384-8","0-16-067868-4","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","CMH 70-38. CMH Pub. 70-38. David W. Hogan, Jr., Jr., et al, general editors. New edition which updates the 1989 version which culminated the Center of Military History's contribution to the Year of the NCO Corps since 1775. Has added chapters on Desert Storm, the Army during the 1990s, the Army in Afghanistan, and a new epilogue to carry the story forward. Contains portraits of NCOs in action; and selected documents on responsibilities, professional status and specialist rank. Appendices include: evolution of NCO rank insignia, and a gallery of Noncommissioned Officer heroes. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 367 p.; ill. revised ed.","Supersedes S/N 008-029-00192-6. DSL 2003-0252-P 08/06/03.","Center of Military History Publication 70 38, Military History, Army History, Noncommissioned Officer Corps","D 114.2:N 73/2005","Hogan, David W. Jr.","2 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/30/06","131KE 059NA","01/07/09","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00385-6","0-16-067869-2","$ 11.00","$ 15.40","CMH Pub. 70-38-1. David W. Hogan, Jr., et al, general editors. New edition which updates the 1989 version which culminated the Center of Military History's contribution to the Year of the NCO Corps since 1775. Has added chapters on Desert Storm, the Army during the 1990s, the Army in Afghanistan, and a new Epilogue to cary the story forward. Contains portraits of NCOs in action; and selected documents on responsibilities, professional status and specialist rank. Appendices include: evolution of NCO rank insignia, and a gallery of Noncommissioned Officer heroes. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 366 p.; ill.","NB1301","Center of Military History Publication 70 38 1, Army History, Military History, Noncommissioned Officer Corps, Backbone of the Army","","Hogan, David W., Jr.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/17/04","131KE","02/03/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00028-8","0-16-067758-0","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","CMH Pub. 11-4. Reprint.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966: 760 p.; ill. repr.","NB1279","Center of Military History Publication 11 4, Black History, World War 2","D 114.7:N 31","","4 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/26/00","006RT 070KJ","12/13/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00154-3","","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","CMH 70-19. Army Special Publication. In addition to providing a detailed chronology of Korean War mobilization and logistics, this study discusses the issues raised in the existing literature, both published and unpublished, and suggests paths for future research. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 126 p.","","Korean War, Army History, Military History","","Gough, Terrence J.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00215-9","","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","CMH 30-14-1. Army Historical Series. Chronicles thirty-three years of WAC history from V-J Day 1945 to 1978, when the Women's Army Corps was abolished by Public Law 95-584 and discontinued by Department of the Army General Order 20, with the WAC officers assimilated into the other branches of the Army (except the combat arms). ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 543 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 30 14","","Morden, Bettie J.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00222-1","","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","CMH 70-33. Provides a commemorative historical color map poster with accompanying graphics (24 X 30) depicting the role of the U.S. Army in Operation JUST CAUSE in Panama. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: Poster, 24 in. x 30 in.","","Posters, Panama, Military History, Army History","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","03/28/08","","03/28/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00274-4","","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH 72-18. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2, Army History, Normandy Invasion, 1944, Military History","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","02/09/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00339-2","","$ 50.50","$ 70.70","Chronicles the onset of offensive operations by the U.S. Army after eighteen months of building up a credible force on the ground in South Vietnam and taking the first steps toward bringing the war to the enemy. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Vietnam War, Military History, Army History","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/25/08","","08/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00395-3","0-16-073163-1","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub 70-78-1. Details the role of the United States Army in Operation Provide Comfort in the aftermath of Saddam Hussein's 1991 brutal suppression of the Iraqi Kurds. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 296 p.; ill.","NB1304","CMH Pub 70 78 1, Operation Provide Comfort, Kurds, Central Asia, Army History, Military History","","Rudd, Gordon W.","1 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/03/04","153 286 288","04/22/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00401-1","0-16-072365-5","$ 76.50","$ 107.10","CMH 70-94-1. Outlines a decade of change for V Corps, and the physical and intellectual tools it evolved to accomplish its changing missions. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center for Military History","2006: 679 p.; ill.","NB1314","Ruck It Up, Post Cold War Transformation of V Corps, 1990-2001, Army History, Military History","D 101.2:W 25/5","Kirkpatrick, Charles A.","3 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/15/06","059","01/08/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00429-1","0-16-072959-9","$ 51.50","$ 72.10","CMH Pub 70-98-1. Examines the nature of counterinsurgency and nation-building missions, the institutional obstacles inherent in dealing effectively with such operations, and the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. doctrine, including the problems that can occur when that doctrine morphs into dogma. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 586 p.; ill.","NB1318","United States Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine, Counterinsurgency, Guerrilla Warfare, Insurgency, Defense Policy, Army History, Military History","","Birtle, Andrew J.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/11/07","059 131 153 293","02/10/09","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00430-5","0-16-072960-2","$ 54.50","$ 76.30","CMH Pub 70-98. Examines the nature of counterinsurgency and nation-building missions, the institutional obstacles inherent in dealing effectively with such operations, and the strengths and weaknesses of U.S. doctrine, including the problems that can occur when that doctrine morphs into dogma. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 586 p.; ill.","NB1318","United States Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine, Counterinsurgency, Guerrilla Warfare, Insurgency, Defense Policy, Army History, Military History","","Birtle, Andrew J.","2 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/10/07","059 131 153 293","11/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00497-6","9780160818509","$ 53.00","$ 74.20","CMH Pub 5-2-1. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 643 p.; ill.","","World War 2, Army History, Military History, Philippines","","mORTON, lOUIS","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/07/08","","11/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00498-4","9780160818516","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH Pub 5-9-1. ","Defenbse Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 420 p.; yll.","`","Army History, Military History, World War 2, Leyte, The Return to the Philippines","","Cannon, M. Hamlin","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/07/08","","11/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00503-4","","$ 64.00","$ 89.60","EST. DELIVERY DATE 01/30/09. CMH Pub 5-10-1.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Military History, World War 2, War in the Pacific, Army History, Philippines","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/05/09","","02/05/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00787-8","0-16-051552-1","$ 22.50","$ 31.50","Air Force History and Museums Program. Discusses the evolution of the system the United States Air Force developed to provide close air support for the United States Army. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2003: 471 p.; ill.","NB1301","Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Force History, Military History, Army History","","Schlight, John","2 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/09/04","059","04/06/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00984-8","0-16-077034-3","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 13. Examines the problems associated with convoy operations in hostile territory and the means by which unites can ensure they are ready to deal with an enemy ambush or assault. Provides a brief overview of the US Army's experience in convoy operations and convoy protection from the period of the War with Mexico up to and including the current conflict. Presents an in-depth look at the development of "hardened convoy" tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), focusing on the 8th Transportation Group's experiences in Vietnam. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2005: 93 p.; ill.","NB1316","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 13, United States Army Convoy Security, Army History, Military History","","Killblane, Richard E.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/19/06","059","10/19/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00112-0","0-16-002042-5","$ 62.00","$ 86.80","William S. Dudley, Editor, Michael J. Crawford, Associate Editor. Provides a detailed chronology of events leading to and various battles during the War of 1812. Introductory material describes the early development of the American Navy from 1775 through 1811. The chapters that follow include battle by battle descriptions of the war in the Atlantic, the Northern Lakes (Great Lakes), and the Gulf Coast. The document concludes with the USS Constitution's victory over the HMS Java on Dec. 29, 1812. L.C. card 85-600565.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","1985: 772 p.; ill.","BIP. NB043P6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Military History, Naval History, War of 1812","D 207.10/2:H 62/v.1","Dudley, William S.; Crawford, Michael J.","4 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/19/85","059QN 236RW","02/01/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-046-00182-1","0-16-049442-7","$ 64.00","$ 89.60","Traces the modern research and development center from its dual origin when David Taylor and George Melville brought science and technology to the emerging steam-driven steel fleet, through a full century of modernization and several reorganizations. Details the constant work to transform vision into reality, and to keep innovation flowing from cutting-edge science and technology into the Navy's ships and submarines. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","1998: 689 p.; ill.","NB1268","Naval History, David Taylor Research Center, Military History, Sea Power, Naval Research, Naval Science, Shipbuilding","D 221.2:F 62","Carlisle, Rodney P.","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/01/98","059QN 131LP 236XC","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00905-1","0-912627-21-2","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","National Park Service Handbook 120. On cover: Morristown, Official National Park Handbook. On spine: Morristown, National Historical Park. Describes and illustrates the history of Morristown, New Jersey during and after the Revolutionary War. Includes a guide to the present day site. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003489-2. L.C. card 83-600148. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1983: 111 p.; ill. 1988-repr.","NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED. OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $378.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 120, New Jersey, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.9/5:120","Weigley, Russell Frank","0 lbs. 8 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016GH 140BT 144KF","05/08/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00406-3","0-16-004583-5","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","William C. Sturtevant, General Editor; Wilcomb E. Washburn, Volume Editor. Provides a basic reference work on the history of the interactions in North America between the Native American peoples and those, primarily from Europe and Africa, who arrived after 1492. Includes essays on: national policies; military situation; political relations; economic relations; religious relations; and the concept of Indians in literature, popular culture, and movies. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1988: 852 p.; ill.","DSL 89-462-P 08/04/89. BIP. NB1213 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Indians, North American Indians, Ethnic Relations, White Relations, Indian White Relations, History of Indian White Relations","SI 1.20/2:4","Sturtevant, William C.; Washburn, Witcomb E.","6 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/24/89","006MA","07/24/89","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01008-1","9780160800702","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.","Defense Dept., Joint Chiefs of Staff, Office of Joint History","2007: 229 p.; ill.","","Military History, Vietnamese War","","Webb, Willard J.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/19/08","","06/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00213-2","0-16-025966-5","$ 56.50","$ 79.10","CMH Pub. 7-10. 1st printing. Provides a history of combat operations by the Sixth Army Group from its landing in France to its crossing of the Rhine River. Covers the period from August 1944 to March 1945. This work is the final volume of the United States Army's series of operational histories treating the activities of its combat forces during the Second World War. L.C. card 91-3180. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 627 p.; ill. 35 maps","DSL 93-0193-P 03/26/93. NB1235","Center of Military History Publication 7 10, Rhine River, World War 2, Military History, Army History, European Theater of Operations, Army in World War 2","D 114.7:R 52/hard","Smith, Robert Ross; Clarke, Jeffrey J.","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/14/93","070KB","07/30/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00229-9","0-16-034746-7","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","CMH Pub 7-10-1. 1st printing. Provides a history of combat operations by the Sixth Army Group from its landing in southern France to the crossing of the Rhine River. Covers the period from August 1944 to March 1945. On cover: World War II 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. This work is the final volume of the United States Army's series of operational histories treating the activities of its combat forces during the Second World War. L.C. card 91-3180.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 627 p.; ill.","NB1235","Center of Military History Publication 70 10, Rhine River, World War 2, Military History, Army History, European Theater of Operations, Riviera to the Rhine","D 114.7:R 52","Clarke, Jeffrey J.; Smith, Robert Ross","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/14/93","070KB","05/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00414-3","0-16-072381-7","$ 8.50","$ 11.90","CMH Pub. 70-87-1. First Printing. General Editor: Shannon A. Brown. Based on the papers presented at an acquisition history symposium called "Providing the Means of War" held on 10-12 September 2001. Provides a way for the acquisition community to learn about the past and illuminate our understanding of contemporary and future issues. Looks at case histories from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as from the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Shows that the acquisition process is a shared burden, with both private industry and the American government having important roles to play. L.C. card 2005042041. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9780160723810.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History and Industrial College of the Armed Forces","2005: 411 p.; ill.","NB1309","Center of Military History Publication 70 87 1, Symposium on Providing the Means of War: Historical Perspectives on Defense Acquisition, 1945-2000, Held September 10-12, 2001, Historical Perspectives on Defense Acquisition, Defense Acquisition, Military History, Army History","D 114.2:w 27","Brown, Shannon A..","1 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/06/05","059NA","07/06/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00008-3","0-16-061281-0","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH Pub 11-2. Describes the expansion of and problems associated with the aircraft industry to meet the military requirements of the Army before and during the war. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1964: 664 p.; ill. 1989-repr.","","Center for Military History Publication 11 2, Aircraft, World War 2, Army Air Forces, Military History, Air Force History, Buying Aircraft","","Holley, Irving Brinton","3 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/29/02","900","06/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00131-4","0-16-001938-9","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub. 10-22. By Alfred M. Beck, et al. Describes in detail the role of the Army Corps of Engineers in various military campaigns throughout North Africa and Italy as well as in Western and Central Europe, from 1941 through 1944. L.C. card 84-11376. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1985: 626 p.; ill.","BIP. DSL 85-703-P 07/29/85. NB041X6 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6","Center of Military History Publication 10 22, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Army in World War 2, War Against Germany","D 114.7:En 3/2","Beck, Alfred M.","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/15/85","070KS","09/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00196-9","0-16-001998-2","$ 4.75","$ 6.65","CMH Pub. 100-7. American Forces in Action Series. Reprint of a book originally published in the 1940s as part of a series designed exclusively for wounded soldiers in hospitals to tell them the story of the campaigns and battles in which they had served. Presents the account of the American forces who landed on the beaches in the Gulf of Salerno during World War II. Based on the best military records available. Bottom of the cover reads: World War 2, 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1944: 106 p.; ill., 4 maps. 1990-repr.","DSL 90-0418-P 07/09/90. BIP.","American Forces in Action Series, Center of Military History Publication 100 7, Army History, Military History, World War 2, Volturno River, Italy","D 114.9:Sa 3","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/23/99","070JP","02/09/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00208-6","0-16-019798-8","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","CMH Pub. 93-10. 1st printing. On cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Spine title reads: Writing the Victory Plan of 1941. Describes the planning process that Major Albert Coady Wedemeyer used in the summer of 1941 to write the plan that became the outline for mobilization and operations during World War 2. Includes an appendix, "The Army Portion of the Victory Plan, Ultimate Requirements Study, Estimate of Ground Forces." Also includes photographs, footnotes, a bibliography, and an index. L.C. card 90-34984.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 170 p.; ill.","NB1224","Military Strategy, Center of Military History Publication 93 10, Military History, Writing the Victory Plan of 1941, World War 2, Victory Plan of 1941, Army History, Wedemeyer, Albert Coady","D 114.7:V 66","Kirkpatrick, Charles E.","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/18/91","070LK","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00210-8","0-16-023486-7","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub. 20-4. Describes in great detail the tests of American military leadership and resources posed by the taxing retreat of the Eighth Army and X Corps across the frozen wastes of North Korea. Also examines the special problems posed to a fighting army during the deadly months of stalemate in the summer of 1951. L.C. card 89-600137. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 569 p.; ill.","BIP. NB1220","Center of Military History Publication 20 4, Military History, Korean War, Army in the Korean War, Army History","D 114.2:K 84/5/hard","Mossman, Billy C.","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/17/90","054CS","11/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00211-6","0-16-023487-5","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","CMH Pub. 20-4-1. Bottom of the cover reads: Korean War, 40th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Describes in great detail the tests of American military leadership and resources posed by the taxing retreat of the Eighth Army and X Corps across the frozen wastes of North Korea. Also examines the special problems posed to a fighting army during the deadly months of stalemate in the summer of 1951. L.C. card 89-600137. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 569 p.; ill.","DSL 90-0595-P 09/19/90. BIP. NB1220 GB1111","Center of Military History Publication 20 4, Military History, Korean War, Army in the Korean War, Army History","D 114.2:K 84/5","Mossman, Billy C.","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/10/90","054CS","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00307-4","0-16-045352-6","$ 32.50","$ 45.50","CMH Pub. 30-18. Army Historical Series. Also known as: Today's Army Wants to Join You: The United States Army's Transition From the Draft. On mailing carton: Today's Army. Analyzes the transition to the all-volunteer force from the perspective of Headquarters, Department of the Army. Examines the Army's interaction with the other major participants in the transition, including the Department of Defense, White House, and Congress. Focuses on the problems, plans, and programs associated with enlisted personnel. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: 320 p.; ill.","S/N 008-029-0307-4 is incorrectly printed on the mailing carton. NB1261","Enlisted Personnel, Center of Military History Publication 30 18, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History, Armys Transition to the All Volunteer Force, Military Personnel, All Volunteer Force","","Griffith, Robert K., Jr.","2 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/25/97","059LK 131KE","09/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00409-7","0-16-072372-8","$ 20.50","$ 28.70","CMH Pub. 45-1. U.S. Army in the Cold War Series. Measures 7 x 10 x 1.25. Traces the activities of the American military engineers in Europe from the construction that began immediately after the end of World War II in 1945, through the increase in construction necessitated by the buildup of American troops during the Cold War, to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History and Corps of Engineers","2005: 503 p.; ill.","NB1312","Center of Military History Publication 45 1, United States Army in the Cold War Series, Military History, Army History, Engineers in Europe","D 114.2:C 67/2/EUROPE","Grathwol, Robert P.; Moorhus, Donita M.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/15/06","059","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00410-1","0-16-072373-6","$ 16.50","$ 23.10","CMH Pub. 45-1. U.S. Army in the Cold War Series. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 x 0.88. Traces the activities of the American military engineers in Europe from the construction that began immediately after the end of World War II in 1945, through the increase in construction necessitated by the buildup of American troops during the Cold War, to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History and Corps of Engineers","2005: 503 p.; ill.","NB1312","Center of Military History Publication 45 1, United States Army in the Cold War Series, Military History, Army History, Army Engineers in Europe","","Grathwol, Robert P.; Moorhus, Donita M.","2 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/15/06","059","02/15/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00233-8","0-16-068031-X","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Contains the entire series of pamphlets produced by the History and Museums Division, United States Marine Corps. Devoted to Marines in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, Headquarters, History and Museums Division","2004: CD-ROM in paper case.","System requirements: PC; 32M RAM for Windows 98; 4X CD-ROM; and 800 x 600 monitor resolution. NB1301","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Marine Corps History, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Military History, Naval History, Korean War","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","02/26/04","054 237","02/26/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00738-0","0-16-049673-X","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Details the history of the Air Transport Command. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1998: 55 p.; ill.","NB1267","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Force History, Military History, Airlift Operations, Airborn Operations, Air Transport Command","D 301.82:AI 7","Bilstein, Roger E.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/05/98","070JP","05/01/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00790-8","0-16-051591-2","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","Describes relations between white and black Americans in the Army Air Forces during World War 2. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2004: 60 p.; ill.","NB1302","Air Force History and Museums Program, Race Relations in the Army Air Forces, World War 2, Black History, Military History, Air Force History, Segregation","","Osur, Alan M.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/05/04","006 098","05/05/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00199-3","","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","CMH 100-10. American Forces in Action Series. Discusses the landing of U.S. VI Corps at Anzio in an attempt to bypass German defenses blocking the approach to Rome, January-May 1944. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1947: 122 p. maps. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 100 10, World War 2","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00205-1","","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","CMH 100-1. American Forces in Action Series Reprint or Exchange Stock. Provides an account of the joint American-Australian campaign to drive the Japanese out of New Guinea, November 1942-January 1943. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1944: 105 p.; ill. 1990-repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 100 4, American Forces in Action Series, Buna Sananada Operation, World War 2","","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/25/08","","03/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00207-8","","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","CMH 100-6. American Forces in Action Series. Discusses the final push by II Corps under General Omar N. Bradley to destroy Axis forces in northern Tunisia, April-May 1943. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1943: 64 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 100 6","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00230-2","9780160358715","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-1. U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Center of Military History Publication 72 1","","Kirkpatrick, Charles E.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00263-9","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-15. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","Alternate title: The Women's Army Corps in World War II.","Center of Military History Publication 72 15, World War 2, Women","","Bellafaire, Judith L.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/25/08","","03/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00276-1","9780160420856","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-20. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1994: 31 p.; ill.","0160420857","Center of Military History Publication 72 20, World War 2, Rome Arno","","Laurie, Clayton D.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/31/08","","02/02/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00278-7","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-22. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Center of Military History Publication 72 22, World War 2, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2","","Anderson, Charles R.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00279-5","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-23. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Center of Military History Publication 78 23, World War 2","","Wright, Burton III","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00320-1","","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH 72-36.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 35 p.; ill. repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 72 36, World War 2","","Bedessem, Edward M.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00453-4","0-16-077346-6","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","Kendall D. Gott, general editor. Contains the proceedings from the Combat Studies Institute's 2006 Military History Symposium, held August 8-10, 2006. Presents historical research, analysis and policy recommendations on the topic of Security Assistance and the training of indigenous forces. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute; and US Army Training and Doctrine Command","2006: 700 p.; ill.","ISBN 13: 978-0-16-077346-4.","United states and International Historical Perspective, Proceedings of Combat Studies Institute 2006 Military History Symposium, Military History","","Gott, Kendall D.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/08/06","059 131 153","08/30/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-00626-5","9780160034282","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about United States naval vessels and their engagements with the British during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","QC014N3 QC021Y4","Naval History, American Revolution, Military History, Posters","I 29.20:N 22/775-83","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP 236BA","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00015-6","0-16-001876-5","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH Pub. 11-1. United States Army in World War 2. Chronicles primarily the tactical events of World War 2, from theattack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, to the surrender of Japan in Aug. 1945,with emphasis on ground action by United States armed forces. L.C. card 59-60002. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1960: 660 p. 1984-repr.","Jan. 1982 SL 133N2","Center of Military History Pub. 11 1, United States Army in World War 2, Special Studies, Chronology, 1941-1945, Army History, Military History, World War 2","D 114.7:C 46","Williams, Mary H.","3 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/11/99","070KJ","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00018-1","0-16-001879-X","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","CMH Pub 10-6. Discusses engineer activities in the Pacific war, with particular emphasis on those in General MacArthur's Southwest Pacific area. L.C. card 66-60004. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1966: 759 p.; ill.","Jan. 1982 SL 129N2","Center of Military History Publication 10 6, War Against Japan, World War 2, Army in World War 2, Technical Services, Military History, Army History","D 114.7:En 3/v.2","Dod, Karl C.","4 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/10/99","070KS","03/15/07","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00019-9","0-16-001880-3","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","CMH Pub. 7-6. Describes the campaign waged in Lorraine during the period of Sept. 1-Dec. 18, 1944. Focuses on the tactical operations of the Third Army and its subordinate units. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History, Historical Division","1950: 681 p.; ill., 7 plates, 44 maps. 1997-repr.","Feb. 1982 SL 65P2 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4","Center of Military History Publication 7 6, World War 2, European Theater of Operations, Lorraine Campaign, Military History, Army History, Army in World War 2","D 114.7:Eu 7/v.1","Cole, Hugh M.","5 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","070JZ","11/13/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00033-4","0-16-023810-2","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub. 5-10. Covers operations in the Philippines from Dec. 1944 to the end of the war. L.C. card 62-60000. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1963: 756 p.; ill., plate, 12 maps. 1984-repr.","BIP. DSL 91-0192-P 02/25/91. QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1103 GB1105 GB1106","Center of Military History Publication 5 10, World War 2, War in the Pacific, Triumph in the Philippines, Philippines, Military History, Army History","D 114.7:P 11/v.11","Smith, Robert Ross","4 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/01/99","070LJ","02/02/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00037-7","0-16-001891-9","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub 5-6. Covers the landings at Tarawa, Makin, Kwajalein, and Roi-Namur. L.C. card 55-60002. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1955: 414 p.; ill., 8 maps. 1985-repr.","QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4","Army in World War 2, Center of Military History Publication 5 6, World War 2, Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls, War in the Pacific, Military History, Army History, Gilbert Islands","D 114.7:P 11/v.6","Crowl, Philip A.; Love, Edmund G.","2 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","070LJ","09/12/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00039-3","0-16-023936-2","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","CMH Pub. 5-5. Outlines the operations bypassing Rabaul and includes the action in Bougainville. L.C. card 59-60004. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1959: 418 p.; ill., 5 maps.","Mar. 1982 SL 182Q2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4","War in the Pacific, Center of Military History Publication 5 5, CARTWHEEL, Reduction of Rabaul, Rabaul, World War 2, United States Army in World War 2, Army History, Military History","D 114.7:P 11/v.8","Miller, John, Jr.","2 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/13/08","070LJ","08/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00041-5","","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","CMH 12-2. 1952 edition. Contains a major collection of photographs with explanatory text that graphically portrays various aspects of the war in North Africa and the Middle East; Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; and Italy and southern France. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1952: 484 p.; ill.","","Center of Military History Publication 12 2, World War 2, Photography, Germany, Military History, Army History","","","2 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/24/08","","09/24/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00050-4","0-16-018699-4","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","CMH Pub. 10-19. Discusses the transportation task, the functions and organization of the corps, and its operating problems in the zone of interior. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1951: 454 p.; ill. 1990-repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 10 19, Army in World War 2, World War 2, Technical Services, Military History, Army History, Transportation Corps","","Wardlow, Chester","2 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/19/06","070LB","08/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00051-2","0-16-018700-1","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","CMH Pub. 10-20. Discusses troop and supply movements within the zone of interior to overseas commands, the organization and training of personnel, and the development, procurement, and distribution of corps materiel. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1956: 584 p.; ill.","","Center of Military History Publication 10 20, Army in World War 2, World War 2, Technical Services, Transportation Corps, Military History, Army History","","Wardlow, Chester","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/23/00","070LB","03/15/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00056-3","0-16-001901-X","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","CMH Pub. 1-5. Discusses United States Army logistics, primarily of ground forces, in its relation to global strategy. Told from the viewpoint of the central administration in Washington, Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff, the War Department General Staff, and the Services of Supply. L.C. card 55-600001. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1955: 780 p.; ill., 5 maps.","","Center of Military History Publication 1 5, Army in World War 2, World War 2, War Department, Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-1943, Army History, Military History","D 114.7:W 19/v.4","Leighton, Richard M.; Coakley, Robert W.","4 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/08/08","070LE","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00062-8","0-16-001904-4","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","CMH Pub. 4-2. By Stetson Conn, et al. Discusses the deployment and operations of the Army forces in defense of the continental United States and its outposts, from the Aleutians through Hawaii to the Galapagos in the Pacific, from Iceland through Bermuda to Trinidad in the Atlantic, and the Panama Canal. Also includes three chapters on the "evacuation" of Japanese Americans from California, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, and Arizona. L.C. card 62-600067. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1964: 611 p.; ill., 4 maps. 1989-repr.","","Western Hemisphere, Center of Military History Publication 4 2, Military History, Army History, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, World War 2, Alaska, Hawaii","D 114.7:W 52 H/v.2","Conn, Stetson","3 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/19/06","070LK","07/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00069-5","0-16-001910-9","$ 68.50","$ 95.90","CMH Pub. 7-8. Chronicles the crucial period of the campaign conducted in the Belgian Ardennes and Luxembourg, generally known as the Battle of the Bulge, especially from Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan. 3, 1945. L.C. card 65-60001. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1965: 744 p.; ill., 10 maps. 1987-repr.","QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Center of Military History Publication 7 8, Battle of the Bulge, 1944, World War 2, Army in World War 2, European Theater of Operations, Army History, Military History","D 114.7:AR 2","Cole, Hugh M.","4 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/29/02","070JW","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00070-9","0-16-067759-9","$ 25.50","$ 35.70","CMH Pub 6-1. United States Army in World War 2. Reprint of the 1957 edition. 12 maps are attached to the inside of the back cover. Describes the assault on North Africa in 1942. The assault led to a bitter conflict that finally culminated in the defeat of the Axis powers in Tunisia seven months later. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1957: 772 p.; il., maps. 2002-repr.","","Seizing the Initiative in the West, Center of Military History Publication 6 1, United States Army in World War 2, Northwest Africa, Seizing the Initiative in the West, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, World War 2, Military History, Army History","","Howe, George F.","3 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/27/03","070KF 284NS","08/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00074-1","0-16-001914-1","$ 38.00","$ 53.20","CMH Publication 9-2. United States Army in World War 2. Tells the story of General Stilwell's experiences in the China-Burma-India (CBI) theater between October 1943 and his recall in October 1944. Chronicles the seizure of Myitkyina in Burma and the Salween River fighting in China. Includes tables, charts, maps, illustrations, bibliographical note, glossaries, and index. L.C. card 55-60004. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1956: 518 p.; ill., 4 maps.","1977 SL 129V Jan. 1982 SL 130N2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4. NB1253","Center of Military History Publication 9 2, Stilwells Command Problems, World War 2, Army in World War 2, Army History, Military History, Stilwell, Joseph W.","D 114.7:C 44/v.2","Romanus, Charles F; Sunderland, Riley","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/06/06","070JU","08/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00079-2","0-16-001918-4","$ 36.00","$ 50.40","CMH Pub. 20-2. Covers United States Army action in Korea from the outbreak of the war to the full-scale intervention of the Chinese Communists in Nov. 1950. L.C. card 60-60043. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1961: 841 p.; ill., maps. 1986-repr.","BIP. 1976 SL 54H Feb. 1982 SL 68P2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6","United States Army in the Korean War, Center of Military History Publication 20 2, South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu, Army in Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean War, Naktong River Battle, 1950","D 114.2:K 84/2/v.1","Appleman, Roy Edgar","5 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/18/98","054CS","08/14/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00095-4","0-16-061292-6","$ 48.00","$ 67.20","CMH 6-4. United States Army in World War 2. Relates the story of the last year of the Allied campaign against Germans forces in Northern Italy. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: 610 p.; ill. 16 maps.","","Center of Military History Publication 6 4, United States Army in World War 2, Army History, Military History","","Fisher, Ernest F., Jr.","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/12/06","070KF","02/04/09","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00165-9","0-16-001967-2","$ 13.20","$ 18.48","CMH Pub. 23-2. Facsimile reprint of a work originally published by GPO in 1931. Provides outline histories of the AEF's divisions. L.C. card 87-600306. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1931: 457 p. 1988-repr.","BIP. DSL 88-261-P 04/27/88. NB1205","Center of Military History Publication 23 2, Military History, Army History, World War 1, American Expeditionary Forces","","","2 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/20/88","065JI","08/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00197-7","0-16-001999-0","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","CMH Pub. 100-8. Armerican Forces in Action Series. Reprint of a book originally published in the 1940 as part of a series designed exclusively for wounded soldiers in hospitals to tell them the story of the campaigns and battles in which they had served. Narrates the actions of the American VI Corps, which served as the right flank of Fifth Army during the six weeks of the advance from the Volturno to the Winter Line. Bottom of cover reads: World War 2, 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1945: 129 p.; ill., map. 1990-repr.","DSL 90-0418-P 07/09/90. BIP. NB1219","Center of Military History Publication 100 8, Italy, Army History, Military History, World War 2, Volturno River, Armeican Forces in Action Series","D 114.9:V 88","","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/14/06","070JP","09/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00223-0","0-16-061294-2","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH 70-34. Publication measures 24 x 30 in. Shows a map of the forces in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm along with photographs of the United States Army in action. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: Poster, 24x30 in.","NB1266","Center of Military History Publication 70 34, Posters, United States Army, Persian Gulf War, Army History, Military History, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/14/98","057BB 061DJ","07/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00231-1","9780160358791","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","CMH 72-3. U.S. Army Campaigns of World War 2. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 24 p.; ill.","0160358795","Center of Military History Publication 72 3, The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War 2, World War 2, Military History, Army history","","Bailey, Jennifer L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/03/08","","02/02/09","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00235-3","0-16-035883-3","$ 0.50","$ 0.70","CMH Pub. 72-7. Discusses the campaign in Papua, in the South Pacific Ocean. Papua is part of New Guinea Island and is north of Australia. The Allies fought the Papua campaign against the Japanese from July 23, 1942 to Jan. 23, 1943. Illustrated with color maps, black and white photographs, and a reproduction of a painting. Includes a list of suggested further readings. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 22 p.; ill.","NB1229","Center of Military History Publication 72 7, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, Military History, Papua, World War 2, Army History","D 114.7/5:P 19","Anderson, Charles","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/06/92","070JQ 318NA","02/05/09","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00242-6","0-16-061295-0","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","CMH Pub 70-41. Discusses pre-World War 2 mobilization maneuvers at General Headquarters that pitted entire field armies against each other in the summer and fall of 1941. Also includes battle maps, black and white photographs, an order of battle, biographical sketches of the principal officers, a bibliography, an index, and a glossary. On cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. L.C. card 91-17502.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1991: 235 p.; ill.","NB1227","Center of Military History Publication 70 41, Military History, Army History, GHQ (General Headquarters), General Headquarters, Maneuvers, World War 2","D 114.7:M 31","Gabel, Christopher R.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/12/91","070JQ","11/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00251-5","0-16-037817-6","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub. 11-9. Compiled and edited by Richard C. Adamczyk and Morris J. MacGregor. Contains a brief analytical description of each volume in the "United States Army in World War 2" series published to date or to be published in the near future. Most of these volumes are currently available from GPO under separate stock numbers. On cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. L.C. card 47-46404.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 183 p.","NB1234","Center of Military History Publication 11 9, Readers Guide to United States Army in World War 2, Special Studies, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Army in World War 2","","Adamczyk, Richard D.; MacGregor, Morris J.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/08/93","070LK","01/06/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00255-8","0-16-038068-5","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH 6-3-1. Facsimile reprint of the 1969 edition with a new title page and a paper cover. Discusses operations from the invasion of the Italian mainland near Salerno through the winter fighting up to the battles for Monte Cassino, including the Rapido River crossing, and the Anzio beachhead. Includes an envelope of maps with the label: "A Portfolio of Maps Extracted From Salerno to Cassino. Cover title reads: Salerno to Cassino. Also on cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1969: 491 p.; ill., 7 maps in envelope. 1993-repr.","Supersedes S/N 008-029-00292-2. NB1239","Cassino Mountain, Center of Military History Publication 6 3 1, World War 2, Salerno to Cassino, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Military History, Army History, Army in World War 2","D 114.7:M 46/4","Blumenson, Martin","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/07/93","070KF","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00257-4","0-16-061300-0","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH Pub. 72-10. Discusses Army operations in the Northern Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean from February 22, 1943 to November 21, 1944. The islands include New Georgia, Bougainville, and New Britain. They were also referred to as the Cartwheel Area of Operations. This booklet is illustrated with black and white photographs, color maps, and a color reproduction of a painting. Includes suggestions for further reading. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 35 p.; ill.","DSL 93-0441-P 08/06/93. NB1237","Bougainville Island, Center of Military History Publication 72 10, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, Military History, World War 2, Northern Solomons, Army History, Solomon Islands","D 114.7/5:SO 4","Lofgren, Stephen J.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/14/93","070JQ 288HA 318NA","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00260-4","0-16-038105-3","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-11. Discusses the battle in North Africa, which took place from November 8, 1942 to November 11, 1942. Illustrated with color maps and black and white photographs. Includes suggestions for further reading. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 32 p.; ill.","NB1236","Algeria, Center of Military History Publication 72 11, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, Military History, World War 2, Army History, Morocco, French Morocco","D 114.7/5:AL 3","Anderson, Charles R.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/03/93","070JP 284NS","12/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00284-1","0-16-042954-4","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","CMH Publication 70-30-1. Edited by Frank N. Schubert and Theresa L. Kraus. Discusses the role of the United States Army in the Persian Gulf War from August 1990 through February 1991. Shows the various strands that came together to produce the army of the 1990s and how that army in turn performed under fire and in the glare of world attention. Retains a sense of immediacy in its approach. Contains maps which were carefully researched and compiled as original documents in their own right. Includes an index. L.C. card 93-43205.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 328 p.; ill.","NB1250","Desert Warfare, Center of Military History Publication 70 30 1, Military History, Army History, Persian Gulf War, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Middle East","","Schubert, Frank N.; Kraus, Theresa L.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/17/95","061DM 286SN","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00287-6","","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","/28/08. CMH 7-4-1. This first European Theater of Operations tactical volume covers the prelude to the 6 June 1944 assault and combat operations of the First U.S. Army in Normandy to 1 July 1944. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1951: 519 p.; ill. 2004-repr.","Also assigned 008-029-00501-8 which was cancelled.","Center of Military History Publication 7 4 1, World War 2, Normandy Invasion, 1944, Military History, Army History, Cross Channel Attack","","Harrison, Gordon A.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/09/08","","01/23/09","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00302-3","0-16-045116-7","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH Pub 72-29. Covers campaigns in the Mariana and Palau Islands from June 15, 1944 to September 2, 1945. Illustrated with color maps, black and white photographs, and a color reproduction of an artwork. Includes suggestions for further readings. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1994: 36 p.; ill.","Also advertised as: Western Pacific, A World War 2 Commemorative Pamphlet. NB1244","Center of Military History Publication 72 29, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Pacific Ocean","D 114.7/5:W 52","Anderson, Charles R.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/21/94","070JQ","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00310-4","0-16-061318-3","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","CMH Pub 5-11-1. By Roy E. Appleman, et al. Facsimile reprint of the 1948 edition with a new title page and paper cover. Cover title reads: Okinawa, the Last Battle. Also on cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. The maps are in a separate envelope that is sold with the book. Discusses the final battle in the Pacific in World War 2. The battle is also called Operation Iceberg. Okinawa is the most important island in the Ryukyu Islands group. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1948: 556 p.; ill., 48 maps in envelope.","Also assigned 008-029-00502-6 which was cancelled. NB1246","Ryukyu Islands, Center of Military History Publication 5 11 1, Military History, Army History, Okinawa, War in the Pacific, World War 2, Last Battle","","Appleman, Roy E.","3 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","02/08/95","070LJ","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00315-5","0-16-061320-5","$ 27.50","$ 38.50","CMH Pub. 83-7. Editor, William E. Burkhalter. By Anthony Ballard, et al. Discusses and illustrates many wounds that happened to soldiers during the Vietnam War. Includes sections on wounds of the thigh, leg, hand, foot, joints, and nerves. Also discusses amputations of limbs. Illustrated with photographs and reproductions of x-rays. Indexed. L.C. card 93-39914.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History; and Office of the Surgeon General","1994: 238 p.; ill.","NB1247","Center of Military History Publication 83 7, Surgery in Vietnam, Vietnamese Conflict, Orthopedic Surgery, Surgery, Medical History, Military History","","Burkhalter, William E.; Ballard, Anthony","1 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/20/95","062GB","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00324-4","0-16-048140-6","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","CMH Pub 72-40. Discusses the liberation of the Southern Philippines islands by the United States Eighth Army during February 27 through July 4, 1945. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 35 p.; ill.","Known as a World War 2 commemorative pamphlet. DSL 96-0335-P 08/19/96. NB1255","Center of Military History Publication 72 40, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2, World War 2 Commemorative Pamphlet, Army History, Military History, Philippines, World War 2","D 114.7/5:P 53/2","Lofgren, Stephen J.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/01/96","070JQ 318NA","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00329-5","0-16-048657-2","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","Center of Military History CMH Pub 70-57. Brings together three installments of General George C. Marshall's wartime reports. Provides a comprehensive picture of global war as seen from the perspective of the Chief of Staff George C. Marshall. Includes Marshall's comments on such topics as: technology; the "90-division gamble;" the replacement system; troop morale and the citizen-soldier; and demobilization. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 224 p.; ill.","DSL 97-0008-S 11/28/96. NB1257","Defense Policy, CMH 70 57, World War 2, Military History, Army History, War, Armed Forces, Army Chief of Staff","","Marshall, George C.","2 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/30/96","070JP 131CN","05/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00334-1","0-16-061323-X","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","CMH Pub 19-1. Design and layout: John Birmingham. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the first phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from June 25 to September 19, 1950. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1997: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1261","Korean War, Phase 1, 25 June to 15 September, 1950, United Nations Defensive, Center of Military History Publication 19 1, Posters, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korea","","Birmingham, John","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","07/10/97","057BB 054CP","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00336-8","0-16-049385-4","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","CMH Publication 70-56-1. Describes how the United States Army, Europe (USAREUR), assembled, prepared and deployed the powerful forces it contributed to the coalition effort in the Persian Gulf and how USAREUR accomplished these challenging missions while maintaining its continuing security responsibilities on the Continent and preparing to execute its program of force reductions. Discusses the complicated planning for the deployment and the rapid-fire implementation. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 393 p.; ill.","DSL 98-0021-S 03/17/98. NB1265","Center of Military History Publication 70 56, Kuwait, Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991, Army History, Military History, United States Army Europe","",">Gehring, Stephen P.","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/16/98","061DD","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00338-4","0-16-061325-6","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","CMH Pub 19-2. Poster measures 22 x 28 in. Text by John Elsbert. Chronology by Beth MacKenzie. Contains maps, pictures with captions, and a chronology of the UN Offensive from 16 September to 2 November 1950. Item 0344-B-01.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: Poster, 22x28 in. flat.","NB1266","Center of Military History Publication 19 2, Korean War, Korean Conflict, United Nations Offensive, Posters, Military History, Army History","D 114.13:K 84/2 3000-A","Elsberg, John; MacKenzie, Beth","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/20/98","057BB 054CP","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00341-4","0-16-049589-X","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","CMH Publication 68-4. Judith L. Bellafaire, general editor. Contains the best of the papers presented at three international conferences held on the United States Army's role in World War 2. These papers have been divided into four general categories: prewar planning; home front; European theater; and Pacific theater. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1998: 432 p.","Also known as: Selected Papers, Conference of Army Historians, 1990, 1992, 1994. DSL 98-0292-P 07/06/98. NB1267","Center of Military History Publication 68 4, World War 2, Proceedings of Conference of Army Historians, Army History, Military History","D 114.2:W 89","Bellafaire, Judith L.","1 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","06/24/98","070JP","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00343-1","0-16-049769-8","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","CMH 70-14. Offers a unique glimpse at the men who have led the United States Army in peace and war. Combines biographical sketches with the officially designated portraits of the commanding generals and chiefs of staff, accompanied by brief accounts of the artists. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1983: 202 p.; ill. 1998-repr.","Supersedes D 114.2:G 28/775-991, S/N 008-029-00240-0.","Center of Military History Publication 70 14, Army History, Military History, Generals, Biographies, Portraits, Chiefs of Staff of the Army","D 114.2:G 28/775-995","Bell, William Gardner","1 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/18/99","900","06/21/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00350-3","0-16-049994-1","$ 77.50","$ 108.50","CMH 60-7. Army Lineage Series. Compiled by John B. Wilson. Includes the lineages and honors for all armies, corps, divisions, and separate combined armed brigades, organized under Tables of Organization and Equipment, that have been active in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army of the United States since the beginning of World War 2. Lineages are current through October 1, 1997. Includes 88 color plates of heraldic emblems. Also provides bibliographies. L.C. card 98-52151. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: 761 p., 88 plates.","Supersedes D 114.11:Ar 5/2, S/N 008-029-00350-3. NB1274","Center of Military History Publication 60 7, Army Lineage Series, Army History, Military History, Army Personnel, Brigades","D 114.11:AR 5/2/999","Wilson, John B.","5 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/25/99","059NA 131AF","10/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00353-8","","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub 19-3. Design and layout: John Birmingham. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the third phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from 3 November 1950 to 24 January 1951. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1274","Korean War Phase 3, 3 November 1950 - 24 January 1951, Communist Chinese Forces Intervention, Center of Military History Publication 19 3, Korean Conflict, Posters, Military History, Army History, Korean War, Communist Chinese Forces Intervention","","Birmingham, John","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/23/99","057BB 054CP","05/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00364-3","0-16-050575-5","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH Pub 19-5. Map measures 22 x 28 in. Layout: Teresa K. Jameson. Chronology: Beth Mackenzie. Text: John Elsberg. Describes the fifth phase of the Korean War using text, maps, illustrations, and a chronology of the war from 9 July 1951 to 27 July 1953. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: Poster, 22x28 in.; flat.","NB1282","Center of Military History Publication 19 5, Korean War, Military History, Army History, Korean Conflict, Korea, Posters","","","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","01/04/01","057BB 054CP","05/13/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00376-7","0-16-067395-X","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","CMH EM 0192. Set 1 of 7. Contains a collection of works on World War 2 from the Center of Military History on the operations and campaigns in the European, Mediterranean, and Middle East theaters. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2002: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.","System requirements: Windows: 486 PC; 8M RAM for Windows 95; 16M RAM for NT; Macintosh: Power Macintosh; System 7.5; 4.5 M RAM. NB1290","Center of Military History Publication EM 0192, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Army History, World War 2, European Theater of Operations, Mediterranean Theater of Operations","","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/20/02","070JP 314SA","01/15/09","Set","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00380-5","0-16-051180-1","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","CMH EM 0222. Set 2 of 7. Contains a collection of works on World War 2 from the Center of Military History on the operations and campaigns in the Asia and Pacific theaters. Includes electronic reprints of many of the "United States Army in World War 2" green books series. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2002: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.","System requirements: Windows: Intel Pentium Processor; 64M RAM for Windows 95 or higher. Macintosh: Power Macintosh; System 8.6; 64M RAM. CD-ROM drive needed. NB1292","Center of Military History Publication EM 0222, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, World War 2, Army History, Asian Theater of Operations, Pacific Theater of Operations","D 114.21:W 19/2/V.1-4/SET.2/CD","Morton, Louis","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/24/02","070LK 314SA","10/02/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00412-7","0-16-072375-2","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub 73-2. The U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War. At head of title on cover: The U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War. Prepared by Stephen A. Carney. One of a series of eight brochures about the Mexican War. Discusses Brig. General Zachary Taylor's campaigns for Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 29 p.; ill.","NB1307","Center of Military History Publication 73 2, United States Army Campaigns of the Mexican War, Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Army History, Military History","","Carney, Stephen A.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/09/05","059","02/14/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00413-5","0-16-072376-0","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","CMH Pub. 70-14. Offers a glimpse of the commanding generals and chiefs of staff who have led the United States Army in peace and war. Combines biographical sketches with the officially designated portraits, accompanied by brief accounts on the artists. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 202 p.; ill.","","Center of Military History Publication 70-14, Chiefs of Staff, Military History, Army History","D 114.2:G 28/775-2005","Bell, William Gardner","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/11/06","059 131","06/27/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00420-8","0-16-072516-X","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","CMH Pub 70-97-1. Provides an understanding of the United States Army's role and scope of activities in Operations Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard, and Joint Forge in Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1995 to 2004. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 43 p.; ill.","NB1310","Center of Military History Publication 70 97 1, Peace Enforcement Operations, Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard, Joint Forge, Army History, Military History","D 101.2:P 31/3","Phillips, R. Cody","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/29/05","059 075 289","07/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00425-9","0-16-072945-9","$ 43.00","$ 60.20","CMH Pub 12-1-1. United States Army in World War 2. Text written and photographs compiled and edited by Kenneth E. Hunter and Margaret E. Tackley. Contains a collection of 500-plus pictures with text of the United States Army in action in the Pacific Theater of World War 2. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2006: 490 p.; Ill.","NB1316","Campaigns of World War 2, Center of Military History Publication 12 1 1, United States Army in World War 2, Pictorial Record, War Against Japan, Military History, Army History, World War 2","","Hunter, Kenneth E.; Tackley, Margaret E.","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/26/06","070 288","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00468-2","9780160794179","$ 52.00","$ 72.80","CMH Pub 30-23-1. Army Historical Series. Captures the multifaceted development of the Armored Force from its inauspicious beginnings in World War 1 to its fully mature, operational status at the close of World War 2. Provides an excellent case study in force transformation. Gives attention to training maneuvers conducted in the interwar period. Source material includes reports, memorandums, and correspondence of the majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels associated with armored development since World War I. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 584 p.; ill.","STOCK BEING HELD FOR CORRECTION. NB1328","Center of Military History Publication 30 - 23 - 1, Army Historical Series, Military History, Army History, Emergence of the United States Army's Armor Branch, United States Armys Armor Branch","","Cameron, Robert Stewart","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/03/08","","12/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00490-9","9780160812330","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","CMH Pub. 70-111-1. Edited by Richard G. Davis. Presents fifteen papers from the 2007 Conference of Army Historians. Examines irregular warfare in a wide and diverse range of circumstances and eras. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2008: 260 p.","NB1328","Center of Military History Publication 70 111 1, Amy History, Military History, Irregular Warfare, Unconventional Warfare, Counterinsurgency","","Davis, Richard G.","1 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/10/08","","10/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00090-3","","$ 25.00","$ 35.00","CMH 30-6. Discusses the role of the U.S. Army in the post-World War II occupation of Germany. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1976: 493 p. maps charts repr.","","","","Ziemke, Earl F.","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/31/76","","03/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00152-7","","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","CMH 30-8-1. Army Historical Series. Discusses medical activities in the U.S. Army from the inception of the modern Army Medical Department through the Civil War, with emphasis both on medical service in the far West and on clinical, scientific, and organizational advances. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1987: 371 p.; ill.","","","","Gillett, Mary C.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/24/08","","08/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00170-5","","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","CMH 22-2-1. U.S. Army in Action Series. Provides an account of the defense of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge based primarily on interviews with the participants. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1946: 261 p.; ill. repr.","","World War 2","","Marshall, S. L. A.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00214-1","","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","CMH Pub 70-25. Discusses how Union General Philip H. Sheridan rallied his men to turn defeat into victory on 19 October 1864. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1990: 45 p.; ill.","","Civil War","","Whitehorne, Joseph A.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00282-5","","$ 62.00","$ 86.80","CMH 11-4-1. Reprint or reissue of old title. Describes the black soldier's experience during World War II, including a detailed account of the effect of segregated service on the morale and performance of black units. The study concludes with an analysis of the partially integrated service of black infantry platoons on the European front in the last months of the war. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","","3 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00304-0","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-32. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the events in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2, U.S. Army in world War II, The Fiftieth Anniversary","","Schubert, Frank N.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00365-1","","$ 25.00","$ 35.00","EM 0182.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","CD-ROM","","Korean War, Compact Disc Read Only Memory, Electronic Products","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/23/08","","10/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00366-0","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","CMH 19-9.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2001: 28 p.","","","","McGrath, John J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00367-8","","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","CMH Pub. 19-10. U.S. Army in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center for Military History","2000: 40 p.","","","","Birtle, Andrew J.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/24/08","","04/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00368-6","","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","CMH 70-74. Commemorative historical color map poster with accompanying graphics (24" X 30") depicting the role of the U.S. Army in Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","Poster.","","Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991, Desert Shield, Desert Storm","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/24/08","","04/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-01167-6","0-16-048640-8","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","Drawings by Roxie Munro. Describes American military activities from the American Revolution to the Cold War era following World War 2. L.C. card 96-20718. Item 648.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services","1996: 84 p.; ill.","NB1258","Military History, Historic Sites, History, National Parks","I 29.2:D 36/2","Weeks, Kay; Munro, Roxie","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/09/97","016AG 035AN 059 140BE 144","01/13/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00204-3","0-16-002005-0","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH Pub. 100-5. American Forces in Action Series. Reprint of a book originally published in 1946. Tells the story of the Army's part in the seizure of Guam during World War II. Based upon a first narrative prepared in the field from military records and from notes and interviews recorded during the operation by Staff Sergeant James M. Burns. Covers: Objective: Guam; Assault Phase; Pursuit Phase; Barrigada; and Final Pursuit Phase. Also includes a Guam map, in color, on the inside of the back cover. Item 344-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1946: 145 p.; ill., map. 1990-repr.","BIP. GB1110 GB1111","Center of Military History Publication 100 5, American Forces in Action Series, World War 2, Guam, Military History, Operations of the 77th Division","D 114.9:G 93","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/06/06","070JP","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00454-2","0-16-077276-1","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","Focuses on the tactical airpower in South Vietnam between 1961 and 1968 and the rivalry among the armed forces of the United States. A","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 208 p.","On back cover ISBN: 0-16-076846-2. NB1317","Airpower in the Vietnam War, Vietnam War, Army History, Military History, Aviation, Air Power and Inter Service Rivalry, Air Force History","","Horwood, Ian","0 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/20/06","","08/16/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00809-2","9780160807015","$ 29.00","$ 40.60","Discusses the terrorist truck bombing of Khobar Towers that occurred in Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996. Nineteen American servicemen were killed and many people were injured. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2008: 298 p.; ill.","NB1328","Dhahran Military Housing Facility Bombing, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1996, Khobar Towers Attack, June 25, 1996, Saudi Arabia, Air Force History, Terrorism - Saudi Arabia","","Jamieson, Perry D.","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/10/08","","10/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00992-9","9780160785856","$ 50.50","$ 70.70","History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Provides an unusual and illuminating perspective about United States policy during the later part of the Vietnam War. Describes Joint Chiefs of Staff activities related to the Vietnam War during the period 1971-1973 and the continuing withdrawal and the negotiation of a political settlement. Concludes with the departure of all US Troops in the period January through March 1973. ","Defense Dept., Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Office of Joint History","2007: 537 p.; ill.","NB1322. ISBN: 0-16-078585-5.","National Defense, History of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff and the War in Vietnam, Vietnam War, Vietnamese Conflict, Armed Forces, Defense Department, Military History","","Webb, willard J.; Poole, Walter S.","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Cloth","09/19/07","062","11/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00674-0","0-16-038135-5","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","Wings at War Series, No. 4 Commemorative Edition. Originally written and published by the Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Office of Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, in the 1940s. Discusses the role of air power as the Allies attempted to penetrate German defenses at the Siegfried Line in 1944. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Center for Air Force History","1992: 57 p.; ill. repr.","NB1234","Wings at War Series, No. 4, Holland, Army Air Forces, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Air Force History","D 301.2:W 72/NO.4","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/11/93","070LK","04/24/95","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00708-8","0-16-061366-3","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Chronicles the history of the United States Air Force from 1945 to 1947. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1996: 38 p.; ill.","NB1256","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, Air Force, United States Air Force, Emergence of the United States Air Force, Military History, Air Force History, Army Air Force","D 301.82/7:IN 2","Wolk, Herman S.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/08/96","070JP 131KE","10/30/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00710-0","0-16-061368-X","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","Discusses the strategic bombing by the United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War. Item 0422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1996: 87 p.; ill.","NB1258","Air Force History and Museums Program, Strategic Bombing in the Gulf War, Air Force History, Desert Storm, Military History, Gulf War, Persian Gulf War","D 301.82/7:D 35","Davis, Richard G.","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/23/96","061DC 153GC","05/28/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00753-3","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","Attempts to give the general reader some sense of the role the United States Air Force has played in Europe since the end of World War 2. Item 0422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1999: 53 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0256-P 06/03/99. NB1272","Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Force History, Military History","D 301.82/7:D 36","Mark, Eduard","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/21/99","059LQ 153GC 289DG","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00780-1","0-16-051259-X","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","USAF in the Persian Gulf War. Covers the strategic air operations over Iraqi territory during Desert Storm. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2002: 397 p.; ill.","NB1294","Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War, Organizing and Executing the Strategic Air Campaign Against Iraq, Persian Gulf War, 1991, Military History, Desert Storm, Air Force History","","Davis, Richard G.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/20/03","018KC 061DJ","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00784-3","0-16-051483-5","$ 17.50","$ 24.50","Describes the United States Air Force's role in the air campaign over North Vietnam from 1966-1973. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2000: 428 p.; ill.","NB1299","Military History, Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Air Force and North Vietnam, Air War Over North Vietnam, Air Force History, United States Air Force in Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Vietnamese Conflict","","Thompson, Wayne","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/14/03","062GB","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00040-7","0-16-001893-5","$ 55.50","$ 77.70","CMH Pub. 5-7. Describes joint Army, Naval and Marine operations to capture Saipan, Tinian, and Guam and the final development of these islands as bases for further American joint operations against the Japanese homeland. L.C. card 60-60000. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1960: 505 p.; ill., 8 maps. 1985-repr.","BIP. Mar. 1982 SL 183Q2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5","Tinian, Center of Military History Publication 5 7, World War 2, War in the Pacific, Campaign in the Marianas, Mariana Islands, Military History, Guam","D 114.7:P 11/v.9","Crowl, Philip A.","3 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","070LJ","03/15/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00047-4","0-16-061288-8","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","CMH Pub. 10-14. United States Army in World War 2. Tells the story of Quartermaster supply and service in the war against Japan in the Pacific. Concentrates on the many problems which were inevitable in a distant and strange environment. Reflects the viewpoint of the troops and the commanders in the field. ","Defense Dept.. Army, Center of Military History","1956: 376 p.; ill. 1995-repr.","NB1279","Center of Military History Publication 10 4, United States Army in World War 2, World War 2, Operations in the War Against Japan, Military History, Quartermaster Corps, Japan","","Stauffer, Alvin P.","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/23/00","070KW","03/15/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00058-0","0-16-061290-X","$ 26.50","$ 37.10","CMH Pub 1-4. This volume deals with strategic planning in the midwar era from January 1943 through the summer of 1944. This is the story of the hopes, fears, struggles, frustrations, and triumphs of the Army strategic planners coming to grips with the problems of the offensive phase of coalition warfare. Basic to this story is the account of planning by General George C. Marshall and his advisers in the great debate on European strategy which followed the Allied landings in North Africa and continued to the penetration of the German frontier in September 1944. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1959: 660 p.; ill. 1970-repr.","","Center of Military History Publication 1 4, World War 2, Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, Military History, Coalition Warfare, War Department","","Matloff, Maurice","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/31/59","070LE","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00363-5","","$ 43.00","$ 60.20","CMH Pub. 70-31-1. Army Historical Series. Examines the institutional origins of modern Army Aviation by recounting the experiences of the men who flew observed fire missions, or Air Observations Posts (AOP) in light aircra ft for the Field Artillery during World War II. Identifies the circumstances and debate that gave rise to the AOP program. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2, Military Aviation, Army History, Military History","","","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/29/08","900","12/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01527-0","0-16-067851-X","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Offers fresh and divergent assessments of major trends in Chinese society, national security policy, and military affairs. Examines leadership shifts underway in the People's Liberation Army and how the Chinese armed forces are coping with dramatic changes in economic and social life, the Chinese Communist Party's search for relevance, developments in the global security environment, and the revolution in military affairs. ","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies, Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs","2003: 360 p.; ill.","NB1298","Peoples Liberation Army and China in Transition, China, China and Peoples Liberation Army, Military History","","Flanagan, Stephen J.; Marti, Michael J.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/05/03","288","10/19/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00232-9","","$ 1.25","$ 1.75","CMH 72-4. U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2, Army History, Pacific Ocean","","Newell, Clayton R.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/03/08","","04/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00362-7","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-8. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 32 p.","","Korean War, Army History","","Stewart, Richard W.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/23/08","","04/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00392-9","0-16-072308-6","$ 58.00","$ 81.20","CMH Pub 70-88-1. Provides an overview of the Army's involvement in the development and use of space-based systems and missile defense. Includes bibliographical references. On cover: The U.S. Army in Space and Missile Defense. ","Defense Dept., Army, History Office, Space and Missile Defense Command","2003: 376 p.; ill.","NB1306","Rockets, Center of Military History Publication 70 88 1, Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Military Science, Defense Policy, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Weapons Systems","D 101-2:SP 1/3","Walker, James; Bernstein, Lewis","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/19/05","059 153","02/07/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00248-5","","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","CMH 70-42. Army Special Publication. Discusses a variety of commando and guerrilla operations that were conducted on the plains of Europe and in the jungles of the Pacific to harass the Axis armies, to gather intelligence, and to support the more conventional Allied military efforts, yet their significance was a matter of dispute. Hogan examines the critical issues underlying special operations and shows how American leaders employed commandos - rangers in Army parlance - and guerrillas extensively, if not systematically, during the war. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1992: 158 p.; ill. repr.","","World War 2","","Hogan, David W. Jr.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/25/08","","02/04/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00438-1","0-16-076199-9","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 16. Provides a concise historical study of the numbers of troops needed in contingency operations. Discusses past military operations, including the Philippines, 1899-1901, post-World War II Germany and Japan, the Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960, the Balkans in the 1990s, and Iraq, 2003-2005. Also discusses troop density of several United States city police departments. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 208 p.; ill.","NB1315","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 16, Troop Density in Contingency Operations, Iraq, Deployment, Military Strategy, Military History, Army History","","McGrath, John J.","0 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/17/06","059","07/17/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00732-1","0-16-061376-0","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","Discusses Air Force leadership and where its leaders come from. Focuses on the career specialty of Air Force general officers who served between 1953 and 1973. ","Defense Dept., Air University","1998: 295 p.; ill.","NB1265","Air Force History, Military History, Officer Personnel, Military Personnel, Air Force Personnel, Armed Forces, Military Service as a Profession","","Worden, Mike","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/11/98","131IN","01/09/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00204-4","0-16-048729-3","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Written by Nicholas E. Reynolds. Researched and documented by Benis M. Frank. Tells the story of the Marines who served in Panama around the time (1988 to 1990) of Operation Just Cause. Item 383-B.","Defense Dept., Marine Corps, History and Museums Division","1996: 58 p.; ill.","DSL 96-0376-P 09/26/96.","Marine Operations in Panama, 1988 to 1990, Operation Just Cause, Panama, Marine Corps History, Military History","","Reynolds, Nicholas E.; Frank, Benis M.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/13/96","059OM 237BS","10/31/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00707-0","0-16-048758-7","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Chronicles the role of the United States Air Force in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1996: 63 p.; ill.","NB1256","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force and the Korean War, Korean War, Air Force History, Military History","","Thompson, Wayne; Nalty, Bernard C.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/08/96","054CS","11/05/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00741-0","0-16-049697-7","$ 52.00","$ 72.80","Reference Series. Covers Air Force humanitarian airlift operations. Designed to help planners to appreciate, in quantitative and qualitative terms, how airlift operations were conducted from 1947 to 1994. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force History and Museums Program","1998: 549 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0002-S 10/29/98. NB1268","Reference Series, Humanitarian Airlift Operations, Air Force History, Military History, Airlift Operations","D 301.82/5:H 88","Haulman, Daniel L.","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/07/98","059LQ","11/12/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00762-2","0-16-050430-9","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","7 December 1941: The Air Force Story. Presents an attempt to explain why the Army Air Forces and the Hawaiian Air Force were so unprepared for the attack by the Japanese Forces on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. L.C. card 91-38701.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Pacific Air Forces, Office of History","1991: 231 p.; ill.","NB1280","Air Force Story, Air Force History, World War 2, Military History, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941: The Air Force Story","","Arakaki, Leatrice R.; Kuborn, John R.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/26/00","070JP","12/16/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00032-6","0-16-001888-9","$ 32.50","$ 45.50","CMH Pub. 5-1. Analyzes organization and logistics as well as strategy and command, covering the coming of World War 2, Japanese policy and American strategy before Pearl Harbor, Japanese victories in the first six months of the war, first efforts in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to stem the Japanese tide, and the limited offensive in the summer of 1943. L.C. card 61-60001. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1962: 787 p.; ill., 4 maps. 1989-repr.","","New Guinea, Center of Military History Publication 5 1, War in the Pacific, Strategy and Command, The First Two Years, World War 2, United States Army in World War 2, Army History, Japan","D 114.7:P 11/v.10","Morton, Louis","4 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/01/08","070LJ","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00042-3","0-16-001895-1","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","CMH Pub. 12-3. Compiled by Kenneth E. Hunter, et al. This book deals with the European Theater of Operations, covering the period from build up in Britain through V-E Day. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1951: 460 p.; ill. 1985-repr.","BIP. May 1982 SL 115T2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Army in World War 2, World War 2, Pictorial Record, War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas, Military History, Army History, Photographs","D 114.7:P 58/v.2","Hunter, Kenneth E.","2 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/13/08","070KH","12/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00132-2","9780160019395","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","Being reprinted. CMH 11-10. Discusses The role of the War Department, Manhattan District, and other Army agencies and individuals from 1939 through World War II in developing and employing the atomic bomb.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1985: 660 p.; ill.","","Special Studies, Military History, Army History","","Jones, Vincent C.","3 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","","01/29/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00283-3","0-16-042953-6","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","CMH Publication 70-30. Edited by Frank N. Schubert and Theresa L. Kraus. Discusses the United States Army's role in the Persian Gulf War from August 1990 to February 1991. Shows the various strands that came together to produce the army of the 1990s and how that army in turn performed under fire and in the glare of world attention. Retains a sense of immediacy in its approach. Contains maps which were carefully researched and compiled as original documents in their own right. Includes an index. L.C. card 93-43205. Item 344.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 328 p.; ill.","NB1250","Desert Warfare, CMH Publication 70 30, Persian Gulf War, Army History, Military History, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Middle East","D 114.2:W 57","Schubert, Frank N.; Kraus, Theresa L.","2 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/17/95","061DM 286SN","08/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00286-8","0-16-061310-8","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","CMH Pub. 6-4-1. Provides an account of operations in Italy from Operation Diadem and the capture of Rome to the negotiations for the surrender of German armies in Italy. Cover title reads: Cassino to the Alps. Also on cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Facsimile reprint of the 1977 edition with a new title page and paper cover. The maps are in a separate envelope with the label "A Portfolio of Maps Extracted From Cassino to the Alps." L.C. card 76-43097. Book and maps, sold as a set. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1977: 608 p.; ill., 16 maps in envelope. 1993-repr.","NB1239","Rome, Italy, Center of Military History Publication 6 4, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Cassino to the Alps, Alps, Italy, World War 2, Army History","D 114.7:M 46/2/V.4/993","Fisher, Ernest F., Jr.","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/16/93","070KF","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00289-2","0-16-061312-4","$ 47.50","$ 66.50","CMH Pub 5-7-1. Describes the fight for the islands of Saipan, Tinian, and Guam. Includes an account of Navy and Marine participation. Cover title reads: Campaign in the Marianas. Also on cover: World War 2 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Facsimile reprint of the 1960 edition with a new title page and paper cover. The maps are in a separate envelope with the label "A Portfolio of Maps Extracted From Campaign in the Marianas." L.C. card 60-60000. Book and maps, sold as a set. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1960: 525 p.; ill., 7 maps in envelope. 1993-repr.","NB1239","Army History, Center for Military History Publication 5 7, Campaign in the Marianas, Mariana Islands, War in the Pacific, World War 2, Saipan, Guam","","Crowl, Philip A.","2 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/16/93","070LJ","03/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00331-7","","$ 31.50","$ 44.10","CMH 70-65-1. By william T. Bowers, et al. Analyzes the operations of the all black 24th Infantry during the Korean War to determine how well the unit and its associated engineers and artillery performed. Asks whether deficiencies occurred. Seeks their military causes. Looks at how those influences and events intersected with the racial prejudices prevalent in that day. Gives a brief history of the service of black soldiers in the Civil War and World War 1. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1966: 330 p.; ill.","","Korean War, Black History","","Bowers, William t.","1 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00375-9","0-16-067116-7","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","CMH EM 0023. Includes: Learning Lessons in the American Expeditionary Forces, by Kenneth E. Hamburger, an analytical overview essay; United States Army in the World War, 1917-1919, volumes 1-17 of original documents originally compiled in 1919; Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War, V. 1-5 (also a reprint); American Armies and Battlefields in Europe, an extended guide to the battlefields of World War 1 first published in 1938; and Army Art of World War 1, 16 prints by Army artists, and the Guide to the Print Set. Item 344-J.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2001: 3 CD-ROMs with booklet in plastic case.","Supersedes D 114.8:V.10/PT.1, S/N 008-029-00342-2. System requirements for: Windows: 486 PC; 8M RAM for Windows 95; 16M RAM for NT, Macintosh: Power Macintosh; System 7.5; 4.5M RAM. NB1288","Army Art of World War 1, Center of Military History Publication EM 0023, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Army History, Learning Lessons in the American Expeditionary Forces, United States Army in the World War 1917-1919, Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War","D 114.21:W 19/V.1-3/CD","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","02/01/02","065JK 107HK 314SA","10/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00387-2","0-16-067993-1","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","CMH EM 0223. Set 3 of 7. Compiled and Edited by Richard D. Adamxzyk and Morris J. MacGregor. Contains three CD's entitled: Reader's Guide; Pictorial Records; and The Campaigns of World War 2. Describes the organization, plans, and operations of the War Department and the Army, in the zone of interior and in all of the Army's five theaters of operations from 1939 to 1945. Each volume contains its own analytical index. Subject may be discussed from various points of view in a number of volumes. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2003: 3 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.","System requirements: CD-ROM drive; Intel Pentium processor; 64M RAM; Windows: 98; or Macintosh: Power Macintosh; System 10.2.2; 64 M RAM. NB1300","Center of Military History Publication EM 0223, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Army History, World War 2, Campaigns of World War 2","D 114.2:W 19/2/V.1-3/SETS/CD","Adamxzyk, Richard D.; MacGregor, Morris J.","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","01/29/04","098 314","03/19/07","Set","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00427-5","0-16-072944-0","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub 12-3-1. 2nd edition. Measures 6.75 x 9.75 x 0.75. Photographs selected and text written by Kenneth E. Hunter. Mary Ann Bacon, editor. This book deals with the European Theater of Operations, covering the period from build up in Britain through V-E Day. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2005: 468 p.; ill.","NB1313","CMH Publication 12 3 1, Army in World War 2, World War 2, Pictorial Record, War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas, Military History, Army History","","","2 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/07/06","070","08/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00428-3","0-16-072851-7","$ 22.50","$ 31.50","CMH EM 0251. Contains thousands of documents on the Spanish-American War, in a searchable format, included in the two-volume Correspondence Relating to the War with Spain, which the Army first published in 1902. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: CD-ROM and booklet in plastic case.","System requirements: Pentium processor with Windows: 98, Millennium, NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6, 2000 with service Pack 2, or XP; 64M RAM; Macintosh: G3 with Mac OS 9.2; and 64M RAM. NB1310","Center of Military History Publication EM 0251, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Army History, Spanish American War, Correspondence Relating to the War with Spain","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/01/05","","08/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00496-8","9780160818493","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","CNH Pub 11-7-1.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1993: 464 p.; ill., 11 maps.","","World War 2, Army History, Military History, Three Battles","","Mathews, Sidney M.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/07/08","","11/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00243-6","9780945274568","$ 64.00","$ 89.60","History of the Navy at China Lake, California, V. 3. Tells the story of the creative military/civilian team who worked at the Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) China Lake from 1948 to 1958. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2008: 648 p.; ill.","NB1329","History of the Navy at China Lake, California, V. 3, Naval History, Military History, Naval Operations, Naval Research, Military Base Conversion, Naval Bases","","Babcock, Elizabeth","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/24/08","","12/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00792-4","0-16-072286-1","$ 4.75","$ 6.65","Air Force History and Museums Program. Edited by Meghan Cunningham. Recounts the experiences of Benjamin D. Foulois, the first flyer of Signal Corps No. 1, the first airplane of the United States Army Signal Corps. Contains detailed daily logs of his flights. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2004: 52 p.; ill.","NB1303","Airplanes, Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Armys First Airplane, Army History, Air Force History, Military History, Foulois, Benjamin D., Signal Corps","","Cunningham, Meghan","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/18/04","018 098 131 153","08/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-029-00014-8","0-16-001875-7","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH Pub 9-3. Carrying the narrative from General Wedemeyer's assumption of command to the end of the war, this volume concludes with Americans still working to improve the Chinese Army while attempting to fly in sufficient supplies from India and Burma. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1959: 428 p.; ill., 8 maps. 1985-repr.","Jan. 1982 SL 131N2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103","Center of Military History Publication 9 3, Time Runs Out in CBI, World War 2, Army in World War 2, Army History, Military History, China, Burma, India Theater","D 114.7:C 44/v.3","Romanus, Charles F.; Sunderland, Riley","2 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/11/08","070JU","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00720-7","0-16-049041-3","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","Traces how the Air Force built its enlisted cadre in the key, early years of the service when it was itself a new and unsettled organization. Presents valuable perspective to decision-makers today as they grapple with force drawdown and maintaining appropriate standards of training and professionalism. L.C. card 96-33468. Item 0422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 312 p.; ill.","NB1261","Air Force History and Museums Program, Military History, Personnel Management, Air Force Enlisted Personnel Policy, Enlisted Personnel Policy, Air Force History, Military Service as a Profession","D 301.82/7:F 82","Grandstaff, Mark R.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/25/97","059LQ 131DH","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00736-3","0-16-049666-7","$ 8.50","$ 11.90","Edited by R. Cargill Hall and Jacob Neufeld. Contains papers presented at the Air Force Historical Foundation Symposium, held at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, on September 21-22, 1995. Topics addressed are: Pt. 1, The Formative Years, 1945-1961; Pt. 2, Mission Development and Exploitation Since 1961; and Pt. 3, Military Space Today and Tomorrow. Includes notes, abbreviations & acronyms, an index, and photographs. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, History and Museums Program","1998: 203 p.; ill.","DSL 98-0364-P 09/10/98. NB1268","Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Force History, Military History, Space Exploration, Proceedings of Air Force Historical Foundation Symposium","D 301.82/7:SP 2","Hall, R. Cargill; Neufeld, Jacob","0 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/02/98","131KE 297PC","09/17/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01013-7","","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","Includes a Foreword by Anthony C. Zinni.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, Marine Corps University Press","2008: 108 p.; ill.","","Iraq War, 2003 -, United States Marines in Iraq, Marine Corps History, Naval Hitory, Military History","","Benhoff, David A.","2 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/09/08","","10/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01014-5","9781932946208","$ 74.00","$ 103.60","","Defense Dept., Defense Intelligence Agency, National Defense Intelligence College, Center for Strategic Intelligence Research","2008: 249 p.; ill.","ISBN in barcode on dust jacket and on the back of the title page: 978-1-932946-20-8. Also another ISBN is on the back of the title page: 978-0-16-81731-1. Expected price: $74.00 domestic.","Intelligence Services, Empires, Military History, Military Science","","Kelley, Patrick","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/09/08","","12/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00256-6","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-9. U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","Drea, Edward J.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/03/08","","04/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00258-2","","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","CMH 72-13. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","Egypt, Libya, World War 2","","Newell, Clayton R.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00277-9","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-21. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 23 p.; ill.","0160420865","World War 2, United States Army Campaigns of World War 2","","Newell, Clayton R.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/03/08","","04/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00280-9","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-24. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1995: 28 p.; ill. repr.","016042089X","World War 2","","Hirrel, Leo","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/31/95","","02/02/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00295-7","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-14. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe how Americans and Army personnel served in World War 2. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","Bellafaire, Judith L.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00297-3","","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","CMH Pub. 7-9-1. Focusing on the role of Five American armies and their tactical air support, with some account of the role of Allied forces, this book brings to an end the war in Europe. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1973: 532 p.; ill.","","","","MacDonald, Charles B.","3 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","12/21/73","","04/11/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00298-1","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-25. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2","","Ballard, Ted","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/18/08","","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00303-1","","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","CMH 72-30. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2","","Hogan, David W. Jr.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","12/16/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00305-8","","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","CMH 72-31. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2","","Clarke, Jeffery","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","01/26/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00316-3","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-35. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 31 p.; ill.","0160480329","World War 2","","Fisch, Arnold G. Jr.","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00319-8","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-34. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","World War 2","","Oland, Dwight D.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/08","","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00321-0","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-37. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","MacGarrigle, George L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/11/08","","04/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00322-8","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-38. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 26 p.; ill.","0160613221","World War 2","","Sherry, Mark D.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00323-6","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 72-39. Provides one in a series of 40 illustrated brochures that describe the campaigns in which U.S. Army troops participated during the war. Each brochure describes the strategic setting, traces the operations of the major American units involved, and analyzes the impact of the campaign on future operations. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1996: 22 p.; ill. repr.","0160481341","World War 2","","Kraus, Theresa L.","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/07/08","","04/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00348-1","","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","CMH 70-68-1. Chronicles the Inspector General's Department and its corps of inspectors during the growth years from 19903 to 1939. This period was a time of revolutionary reform and reorganization , with the department shifting to the detail system and adapting to the newly created General Staff. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","","","","","Whitehorne, Joseph W. A.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/24/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00361-9","","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","CMH 19-7. U.S. Army in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2000: 32 p.","","United States Army in the Korean War, United Nations Offensive, Korean War","","Gammons, Stephen L. Y.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00460-7","9780160787065","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","CMH Pub 70-107-1. This gripping journal of a company commander from 2003 to early 2004 in some of the most dangerous areas of post-Hussein Iraq discusses tactics, techniques, and procedures as they evolved in the struggle to maintain order and rebuild the country. The journal tells of the dichotomy of combat operations versus nation building. It vividly captures the stresses of combat and corresponding emotions as they accumulate over time in a combat outfit. It reinforces the ideal of camaraderie among soldiers and deals with the emotional impact of losing friends in battle. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2007: 296 p.; ill.","NB1321. ISBN 0-16-078706-8.","Journal of a Company Commander, Iraq War, 2003-, Global War on Terrorism","D 114.2:IR 1","Brown, Todd S.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/02/07","059","12/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00893-4","0-912627-51-4","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","National Park Service Handbook 35. Describes the historic features to be seen at Fort Union and exposes a cross section of the entire sweep of 19th century history in the Southwest. As a base of operations for both military and civilian ventures in New Mexico for 40 years, 1851 to 1891, Fort Union played a key role in shaping the destiny of the Southwest. Also includes appendix 1: Commanding Officers of Fort Union, 1859-61; Appendix 2: Regiments whose components were assigned to Fort Union. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1962: 72 p.; ill. repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $296.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003478-7. DSL 99-0349-P 08/31/99. NB035U5","National Park Service HandbooK 35, Historic Sites, New Mexico, Military History, Civil War, Monuments and Memorials","I 29.58:35","Utley, Robert M.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/18/85","016DK 059ZC 140BE 192MP","03/28/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00733-9","0-16-049671-3","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Details the story of the attempt by the allies to render Germany's Vergeltungswaffe (V) weapons ineffective in World War 2. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force History and Museums Program","1998: 43 p.; ill.","DSL 98-0332-P 08/13/98. NB1267","V 2, Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Allied Air Power Versus Hitlers V Weapons, 1943-1945, Air Force History, Military History, Army History, Vergeltungswaffe Weapons","D 301.82:P 91","Gruen, Adam L.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/07/98","070JP 153SS","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00750-9","0-16-061384-1","$ 1.25","$ 1.75","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Tells the story of the allied air forces breach of the Atlantic wall of Hitler's "Fortress Europe". Item 422-M.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1999: 36 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0163-P 03/09/99. NB1271","Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Air Force History, Army History, Military History, Army Air Forces Campaigns in Western Europe","D 301.82:AT 6","Russell, Edward T.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/26/99","070JP","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00804-1","0-16-076779-2","$ 40.00","$ 56.00","Air Force History and Museums Program. Tells the story of the men an woman of Air Education and Training Command (AETC) who rushed to the aid of their wingmen at Kessler Air Force Base and to their countrymen in need. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Office of History and Research","2006: 238 p.: ill.","NB1316","Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Education and Training Command's Response to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Katrina, 2005, Air Force History, Military History","","Ashcroft, Bruce A.; Mason, Joseph L.","1 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/04/06","059","10/04/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00945-7","0-16-073066-X","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Contains map of the occupied Japan with photo of soldiers superimposed on the map. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; flat.","NB1302","Historical Map, World War 2, Japan, Military History","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/08/04","057 070 098 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00950-3","0-16-073071-6","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Contains a map of Okinawa Shima, preliminary beach sketch, January 20, 1945, and photo of soldiers on patrol. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; folded.","NB1302","Military History, World War 2, Posters","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/03/04","057 070 098 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00030-0","0-16-001887-0","$ 33.50","$ 46.90","CMH Pub. 10-11. Concentrates on Ordnance operations in the Mediterranean, European, and Southwest Pacific theaters. Also covers the central Pacific theater as a background for the Okinawa campaign. L.C. card 67-60000. Item 345.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Military History","1968: 543 p.; ill., 3 maps in pocket.","NB1204","Military History, Technical Services, Ordnance Department, World War 2, Army in World War 2, On Beachhead and Battlefront, Beachhead and Battlefront, Battlefront","D 114.7:Or 2/v.3","Mayo, Lida","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/07/01","070KW","07/31/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00198-5","","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","CMH 100-9. American Forces in Action Series. Third of the three-volume account of the Allied campaign in Italy from the landings in September 1943 to operations preceding the landings at Anzio and the march on Rome. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1945: 117 p.; ill. repr.","","American Forces in Action Series, Center of Military History Publication 100 9, World War 2","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/26/08","","04/04/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00254-0","","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","CMH 70-48. 10 full-color 11 X 15 1/2 reproductions of paintings by Army artists of World War II. Each of the prints includes the name of the work, the general location it depicts, and the name of the artist. The extended caption on each print provides background information on the subject matter illustrated. The artists whose work is represented here actually witnessed the scenes they portrayed, and in some cases the words in the caption are those of the creator of the artwork. In others the caption simply helps put the scene in context. 10 posters, sold as a set.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","10 posters, 11 x 15.5 in.","","Center of Military History Posters 70 48, Posters, World War 2","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","03/25/08","","11/18/08","Set","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00396-1","9780160752650","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","EM 0224 Aug 04.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet.","","Electronic Products, World War 2, Military History, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","11/29/05","","01/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00434-8","0-16-072962-9","$ 28.50","$ 39.90","CMH EM 0225 SEP 04.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","2004: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet.","","Electronic Products, Military History","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","11/29/05","070 314","12/27/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00687-1","0-16-061355-8","$ 25.00","$ 35.00","AU-18. Prepared by Michael J. Muelo. Compiled by Richard A. Hand. Edited by Richard A. Hand, et al. Includes chapters on: space history, the evolution of space power (1945-1992); space law, policy, and doctrine; space support to the war fighters, space missions and military space systems; spacelift (launch centers and vehicles); military space strategy and evolving systems; and glossary of acronyms. Item 424-F-02.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air University Press","1993: 182 p.; ill.","DSL 93-0668-P 11/26/93. NB1239","AU 18, War Fighter's Guide to Space, Space Warfare, Military History, Air Force History","D 301.26/6-8:SP 1/2/v.1","Muolo, Michael J.; Hand, Richard A.","1 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/17/93","222KT 297LB","09/12/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00206-1","0-16-048749-8","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991. Part of a series covering the operations of the I Marine Expeditionary Force; the 1st Marine Division; the 2d Marine Division; the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing; Marine Combat Service Support; Marine Forces Afloat; and Marines in Operation Provide Comfort. This monograph is an account of the role of communications within the I Marine Expeditionary Force and the Marine Forces Afloat during the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. ","Defense Dept., Marine Corps Headquaters, History and Museums Division","1996: 136 p.; ill.","NB1256","Marine Corps History, United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Military Communications, Communications, Defense Policy, Persian Gulf War","D 5.402:P 87","Quinn, John T., 2d.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/02/96","061DJ 237FS","10/31/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00220-6","0-16-050453-8","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Chronicles the part played by United States Marines in the retaking of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of South Korea, during the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2000: 65 p.; ill.","NB1279","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, United States Marines in the Recapture of Seoul, Marine Corps History, Naval History, Military History, Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/3","Alexander, Joseph H.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/15/00","054CK 237CT","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00230-3","0-16-067632-0","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Describes the conditions under which the Marines fought during the last year of the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2002: 77 p.; ill.","NB1294","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Nevada Battles to the Armistice, Korean War, Military History, Marine Corps History, Naval History","D 214.13:K 84/9","Nalty, Bernard C.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/30/03","054CP 237CT","01/30/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and/or Retail Exchange (Priced, Due In)","008-070-00803-3","9780160767487","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","Edited by Richard P. Hallion. Contains papers from a symposium on the Korean War held at the U.S. Congress on June 7, 2000. Records the reminiscences and perspectives of veterans and historians participating in the symposium. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2006: 139 p.","NB1323.","Air Force History, Proceedings of a symposium on the Korean War, USAF Remembers Korea, United States Air Force in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","Hallion, Richard P.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/23/07","054","10/23/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00789-4","0-16-051590-4","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","Provides a comprehensive history of the first fifty years of the United States Air Force Judge Advocate General's Department (JAG). ","Defense Dept., Air Force","2004: 307 p.; ill.","NB1302","History of Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, Judge Advocate General, Air Force History, Military History, Military Law","","\erns, Patricia A.","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/05/04","131","04/29/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00791-6","1-58566-024-8","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Probes various groups of Americans as they come to grips with the consequences of the Vietnam War. Examines several areas of concern, such as doctrine, force structure, and professional military education, facing the United States Air Force and the other services in varying degrees, in the years after Vietnam. Seeks to find out how the Vietnam experience has affected the United States military. Air University ISBN 1-58566-024-8.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air University Press","1988: 140 p.; 2004-repr.","NB1303","Postwar Challenges and Potential for Responses, Military Policy, Vietnamese Conflict, Air Force History, Military History","","Mrozek, Donald J.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/22/04","018 098 131","05/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00458-5","0-16-077466-7","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","Combat Studies Institute Special Studies. This document defines a way US military leaders can prepare for and conduct military operations through the lens of cultural awareness. It provides a method for helping military commanders, staffs, and trainers engage successfully in any type of operation with an emphasis on postconflict stability operations. It also suggests modifications to the traditional intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) and the military decisionmaking process (MDMP) to address the analytical difficulties posed by the conduct of military operations within and among different cultures. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 148 p.; ill.","NB1318","Primer For US Armed Forces Deploying in Arab and Middle Eastern Countries, Combat Studies Institute Special Studies, Islam, Iraq, Military History, Operation Iraqi Freedom","","Wunderle, William D.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/11/07","043AH 059 075 153 286 293 298","01/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-020-01573-3","9781884733529","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","Edited by Jeffrey H. Norwitz. Foreword by Stansfield Turner. Contains a discussion of armed groups which are considered to include classic insurgents, terrorists, guerrillas, militias, police agencies, criminal organizations, warlords, privatized military organizations, mercenaries, pirates, drug cartels, apocalyptic religious extremists, orchestrated rioters and mobs, and tribal factions. Includes tables and a graph. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval War College","2008: 501 p.; ill.","Although this title was given an 008-020 stock number, it is a Navy title and it has a Navy ISBN. NB1327","Terrorism, Terrorists, Military History, Sociology, Anthropology, Military Science, Guerrilla Warfare","","Norwitz, Jeffrey H.; Turner, Stansfield","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/05/08","","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-069-00048-5","","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","","Defense Dept., Army, Military Police School","","PB 19-08-2.","","","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/01/08","","10/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-108-00002-2","","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","","","","","","","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","","","12/18/08","","12/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00242-8","9780945274544","$ 34.50","$ 48.30","By Charles E. Brodine, Jr., et al. This work is a training manual for members of the crew of the 1797 United States frigate Constitution, the world's oldest warship in commission. The venerable vessel, which earned its nickname, "Old Ironsides," during the War of 1812, is today permanently berthed in the Charlestown Navy Yard, across the Charles River from its building site in Boston. The historic frigate is open to visitors year round, with tours provided by the crew, active sailors in the United States Navy. The lessons in the manual are divided among three groups, corresponding to the three skill levels of the tour guides. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2007: 157 p.; ill.","In addition to the chronology and major events in the history of USS Constitution, the manual explains the historical contexts in which those events took place. The text is written in an engaging and accessible manner that will make it attractive to anyone interested in USS Constitution or in the early U.S. Navy in general. NB1322. ISBN: 0-945274-54-8.","History of USS Constitution Ship, United States Ship Constitution, Constitution (Ship), Naval History, Old Ironsides, Ships -- History, Military History, Handbook for the USS Constitution","","Brodine, Charles E., Jr.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/25/07","059","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00199-4","0-16-061346-9","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991. Tells the story of more than 3,600 United States Marines who supported Operation Provide Comfort, an international relief effort in northern Iraq from 7 April to 15 July 1991. Focuses on Marine activities and contributions. Presents historical glimpses of the Kurds, modern Iraq, and non-Marine activities only to provide necessary background information. Defines Provide Comfort's place in the diplomatic history of the Middle East. Item 383-B.","Defense Dept., Marine Corps, History and Museums Division","1995: 135 p.; ill.","NB1251","Military History, United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990 1991, Marines in Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Provide Comfort, Persian Gulf War, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Marine Corps History","D 214.13:0P 2","Brown, Jonald J.","1 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/24/95","043CF 061 153 237","10/31/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00669-3","0-16-038130-4","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","Wings at War Series, No. 3 Commemorative Edition. Originally written and published by the Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Office of Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, in the 1940s. Tells the story of the Battle for Guadalcanal in 1942, focusing on the operations of the 11th Bombardment Group and the 67th Fighter Squadron. Item 424.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Center for Air Force History","1992: 56 p.; ill. repr.","NB1234","Sixty Seventh Fighter Squadron, Wings at War Series, No. 3, Guadalcanal, Army Air Forces, World War 2, Army History, Military History, Air Force History","D 301.2:W 72/NO.3","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/11/93","070LK","04/26/95","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00691-0","0-16-061359-0","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","Provides a history of flight testing in the Miami River Valley of Ohio. The story begins with the Wright Brothers on Hoffman Prairie and concludes with the transfer of the 4950th Test Wing from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California. Includes many black and white and color photographs, a glossary, notes on sources, and an index. (Flight test is singular on the cover, title page, and spine.)Item 424.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, Aeronautical Systems Center, History Office","1994: 228 p.; ill.","NB1242","Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Miami River Valley, Ninety Years of Flight Test, Years of Flight Tests in the Miami Valley, Flight Tests, Air Force History, Military History, Aviation","D 301.2:W 72/2","","1 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/15/94","018BB 059LQ","09/12/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00692-8","0-16-061360-4","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Discusses the Normandy Invasion of 1944, and how important air power was to its success. Illustrated with black and white photographs and battle maps. Includes a list of suggested readings. This booklet is adapted and edited from a longer book by the same author: "Strike From the Sky, The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911-1945," (not sold by GPO), published by the Smithsonian Institution Press in 1989. Item 422-M.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1994: 46 p.; ill.","NB1242","D Day, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, World War 2, Air Force History, Military History, Air Power Over the Normandy Beaches and Beyond, Normandy Invasion, 1944","D 301.82:N 78","Hallion, Richard P.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/26/94","070JP","08/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00699-5","0-16-061364-7","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Examines the role of the Army Air Force in support of the activities of Yugoslavian partisans fighting the Axis powers in the Balkans in World War 2. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1995: 47 p.; ill.","NB1250","Air Force History, Army Air Forces Special Operations in the Balkans During World War 2, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Army History, Military History, Army Air Forces in World War 2, Axis Powers, AAF Special Operations in the Balkans","","Leary, William M.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/12/95","070JP","10/30/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00711-8","0-16-061369-8","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Discusses the United States Air Force's involvement in the Vietnam Conflict. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1996: 111 p.; ill.","NB1257","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, Air Force History, United States Air Force in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Military History, Air Force History","D 301.82/7:W 19","Schlight, John","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/06/96","062GR","05/28/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00725-8","0-16-049145-2","$ 8.50","$ 11.90","Air Force 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Commemorates the golden anniversary of the establishment of the United States Air Force as an independent service. Presents a chronology of the events which shaped the Air force during the Cold War from 1947 to 1997. Item 0422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air University, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 169 p.; ill.","NB1261","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, Chronology of the United States Air Force, 1947 to 1997, Air Force History and Museums Program, Military History, Cold War, Air Force History","D 301.82/7:C 67","Shaw, Frederick J., Jr.; Warnock, Timothy","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/14/97","059LQ","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00751-7","0-16-061385-X","$ 0.80","$ 1.12","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Details the role of the Army Air Forces antisubmarine warfare, particularly in the European-African-Middle Eastern theater. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1999: 25 p.; ill.","NB1271","Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Hitlers Submarine Menace, World War 2, Air Force History, Military History, Air Power Versus U Boats","D 301.82:501","Warnock, A. Timothy","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/05/99","070JP","12/26/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00752-5","0-16-061386-8","$ 1.25","$ 1.75","United States Army Air Forces in World War 2. Describes the participation of the Army Air Forces in the Mediterranean theater of operations in World War 2, as it developed in practical air-ground doctrine, established an effective interdiction strategy, and gained valuable experience in airborne operations and close air support of ground troops. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1999: 35 p.; ill.","NB1271","Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Army Air Forces in World War 2, Army Air Forces in the Mediterranean Theater, Air Force History, Military History, World War 2","D 301.82:AF 8","Russell, Edward T.; Johnson, Robert M.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/05/99","070JP","04/27/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00755-0","0-912799-51-X","$ 17.50","$ 24.50","United States Air Force in Southeast Asia. Documents the Air Force's support of the ground war in South Vietnam from 1965 to early 1968. Includes sections on the air campaign conducted during the Communists' siege of the Marine camp of Khe Sanh. Also contains several appendices, a glossary, and bibliographical notes. GPO ISBN 0-16-050137-7. L.C. card 88-14030. Item 422-J.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1999: 424 p.; ill.","NB1274","United States Air Force in Southeast Asia, Air Force History and Museums Program, Air Force in Southeast Asia, Vietnamese Conflict, Years of the Offensive, Air Force History, Military History","D 301.86/2:V 67","Schlight, John","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/07/99","062GU","12/19/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-069-00047-7","","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","","","","PB 19-08-1.","","","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/04/08","","04/04/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01004-8","9780160798993","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","EST. DELIVERY DATE 02/15/08. The Long War Series Occasional Paper 26. The outcome of the war that was, at best, a stalemate for Israel has confounded military analysts throughout the world. Long considered the most professional and powerful army in the Middle East, with a history of impressive military victories against its enemies, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) emerged from the campaign with its enemies undefeated and its prestige severely tarnished. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2008: nnn p.; ill.","978-0-16-079899-3 from electronic copy.","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 26, Hezbollah, Israel, Military History, Middle East","","Matthews, Matt M.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/09/08","","12/09/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-029-00352-0","9780160677632","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","CMH Pub. 70-32-1. By John H. Ohly. Edited by Clayton D. Laurie. Purports to tell the story of the War Department's participation in the emergency operation of private industrial facilities during world War 2. L.C. card 99-28479.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","1999: 408 p.; ill.","NB1272","CMH Pub. 70 32 1, Emergency Operation of Private Industries During World War 2, World War 2, Civil Military Relations, Defense Industries, Government and Business","","Ohly, John H.; Laurie, Clayton D.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/28/99","070JP","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-055-00000-0","0-16-010324-X","$ 26.00","$ 36.40","Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $17.00; foreign single copy, $23.80. Provides a forum for expression of professional thought on the art and science of warfare, national and international security, military history, strategy, leadership, and management. PAR. File Code 2R. ISSN 0031-1723. Item 325-K.","Defense Dept., Army, United States Army War College","","Estimated single issue weight: 9 oz. O/N 03-040. NB024Q4","Subscriptions, PAR, National Defense, Land Warfare, Military History, Military Strategy, War","D 101.72:","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/16/84","153SS","01/17/84","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-022-00309-6","0-16-042689-8","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","EP 870-1-50. Documents and evaluates the activities of the United States Army Corps of Engineers during the Persian Gulf War. Provides an overview of the Corps' critical missions during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Item 0338-B.","Defense Dept., United States Army Corps of Engineers, Office of History","1996: 260 p.; ill.","NB1258","Desert Storm, EP 870 1 50, United States Army Corps of Engineers in the Persian Gulf War, Persian Gulf War, Army Corps of Engineers, Logistics, Military History, Army History","D 103.43:870-1-50","McDonnell, Janet A.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/23/96","061DJ","09/17/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00009-3","0-16-002019-0","$ 26.00","$ 36.40","Cover title reads: American Naval Fighting Ships. This volume gives historical sketches of ships whose names begin with L and M. Includes appendices on: amphibious warfare ships, aviation auxiliaries, destroyer tenders, ships of the line, classification of naval ships and service craft, and errata to Volume 3. L.C. card 60-60198. Item 399-A.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval History Division","1969: 771 p.; ill. 1988-repr.","QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Ships, Naval Fighting Ships, American Naval Fighting Ships, Naval History, Military History","D 207.10:4","","4 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","059QH 192GI 236DI","04/11/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00716-9","0-16-061371-X","$ 2.00","$ 2.80","Air Force Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Describes the humanitarian airlifts which the United States Air Force participated in from Post-World War 2 through the early nineties. Includes an appendix listing selected Air Force overseas humanitarian operations from 1947-1994. Item 422-M-01.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","1997: 56 p.; ill.","NB1259","Airforce Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, Air Force History, Humanitarian Airlift Operations, Military History, Airlift Operations","D 301.82/7:W 72","Haulman, Daniel L.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/19/97","059LQ","05/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-070-00807-6","9780160804366","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","Edited by Thomas F. Veale. Celebrates the history of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) on its 50th anniversary. Some text in French. On cover: 1958 2008. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, NORAD and USNORTHCOM Public Affairs","2008: 65 p; ill.","NB1326","Celebrating Fifty Years, North American Aerospace Defense Command, History of North American Aerospace Defense Command, National Defense, Air Force History, Aviation, Military History","","Veale, Thomas F.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/21/08","059 131","05/21/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00994-5","9780160789038","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 22. OP 22. Reviews the lengthy history of the US Army on the Mexican border and highlights recurring themes that are relevant to today's ongoing border security mission. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2007: 107 p.; ill.","NB1322. ISBN 0-16-078903-6.","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 22, United States Army on the Mexican Border, Military History, Mexico, Border Security, Borders, United States Army on the Mexican Border","","Matthews, Matt M.","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/06/07","059","09/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01016-1","9780980123678","$ 45.00","$ 63.00","","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center","2008: 515 p.; ill.","9780980123678","United States Army Amphibious Operations in the Korean War, Army History, Military History, `","","Boose, Donald W.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/19/08","","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00197-9","0-16-050905-X","$ 3.75","$ 5.25","United States Navy and the Korean War. Highlights fleet operations of the United States Navy in the Korean War from September 1950 to June 1951. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2001: 61 p.; ill.","NB1286","United States Navy and the Korean War, Korean War, Naval History, Military History, Fleet Operations, Fleet Operations in a Mobile War, September 1950 to June 1951","","Alexander, Joseph H.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/05/01","054CK 236HS","02/10/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00199-5","0-16-051080-5","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","United States Navy and the Korean War. 2nd in a study in the Naval Historical Center's new series commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War. This monograph illuminates the role of the Navy's top flag officers in Washington, in the Pacific area, and in the Korean theater of operations before and during the first chaotic six months of war. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2002: 60 p.; ill.","NB1290","United States Navy and the Korean War, Korean War, Naval History, Military History, Naval Leadership","","Buell, Thomas B.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/30/02","054CP 236IB","08/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00202-9","0-16-051400-2","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","By E. Gordon Bowen-Hassell, et al. Discusses three American Revolutionary War captains: Lambert Wickes, Gustavus Conyngham, and John Paul Jones. Each of them lead raids on British waters during the American Revolution. Navy ISBN 0-945274-49-1.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2003: 73 p.; ill.","NB1297","Jones, John Paul, Naval History, American Revolution, Revolutionary War, Military History, Wickes, Lambert, Conyngham, Gustavus","D 221.2:R 13","Bowen-Hassell, E. Gordon","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/01/03","144NA 236RW","01/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00204-5","0-945274-50-5","$ 6.50","$ 9.10"," Charles E. Brodine, Jr., et all. Details three battles between the British Navy and the American Navy in the War of 1812. Includes bibliographical references. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2004: 84 p.; ill.","GPO ISBN: 0-16-072289-6. NB1305","War of 1812, Naval History, Warships, Sea Power, Naval Operations, Military History","","Brodine, Charles E., Jr.","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Two-Piece Cover","Paper","11/01/04","236","02/29/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00218-4","0-16-050358-2","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Chronicles the role of the United States Marines in the defense of the Pusan Perimeter and their part in the expansion of United Nations forces in the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2000: 64 p.; ill.","NB1278","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Marines in the Pusan Perimeter, Korean War, Marine Corps History, Military History, Marines in Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/2","Chapin, John C.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/06/00","054CK 237AC","11/12/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-038-00092-0","","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","","","","","","","","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/08/08","","10/08/08","Each","Each" "Pending Subrun","708-038-00093-8","","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","","","","","","","","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","","","01/27/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-099-00073-2","","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","","","","","","","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/05/08","","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00939-2","0-16-073060-0","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Contains Bombing map of Berlin with an American Bomber superimposed on the map. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; flat.","NB1302","Historical Map, Posters, World War 2, Germany, Berlin, Germany, Military History","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/08/04","057 070 098 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00949-0","0-16-073070-8","$ 4.25","$ 5.95","Contains map of fighter patrol areas in assault area and over main shipping route with photo of fighter airplanes in the air. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; folded.","NB1302","Military History, Posters, World War 2, Normandy Invasion, 1944","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/03/04","057 070 098 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00952-0","0-16-073073-2","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Contains a map of "Enemy operations (in the Pacific) based upon Japanese intelligence." Printing is in English and Japanese. Has a photograph of an American fighter plane superimposed on the map. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; flat.","NB1302","Historical Map, World War 2, Posters, Pacific Theater, Military History","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/08/04","057 070 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00953-8","0-16-073074-0","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Contains a map of the city of Ploesti, Roumania. Superimposed on the bottom half of the map is a photograph of Bombers flying over the city. ","Defense Dept., National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency","2004: Poster, 24x16 in.; flat.","NB1302","Historical Map, World War 2, Posters, Ploesti, Romania, Military History","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/08/04","057 070 102","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01005-6","9781932946192","$ 26.00","$ 36.40","","Defense Dept., National Defense Intelligence College, Center for Strategic Intelligence Research","2007: 296 p;; ill.","","Southeast Asia, Islam, Military History","","Gross, Max L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/31/08","","10/31/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00622-2","0-16-003426-4","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.; 1984-repr.","1979 SL 27Y9 May 1982 SL 17T2 QC014N3 QC021Y4","Posters, Soldiers, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.20:C 76","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","05/21/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00636-2","0-16-003430-2","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","Published in cooperation with the Sunday Times of London on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Poster gives detailed information about the British Army in America during the Revolutionary War. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1976: Poster, 29x39 in.","1979 SL 28Y9 Mar. 1982 SL 7Q2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4","Posters, Soldiers, American Revolution, Military History","I 29.20:B 77/775-83","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","","057AS 144HP","07/23/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01208-7","0-16-061728-6","$ 76.00","$ 106.40","Publication measures 8 x 4 in. folded; 23 x 17 in unfolded. Describes in chronological order the story of the American Revolution from 1763-1783. Sold in packages of 100 copies only.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2001: Folder; ill.","NB1284","Maps, Military History, American Revolution","","","6 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/03/01","144CD","02/12/09","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","006-000-01527-1","0-16-051262-X","$ 52.50","$ 73.50","Presents a concise history of the United States civil service and the remarkable employees who have helped make our country great. ","Office of Personnel Management","2002: 226 p.; ill.","NB1294","Civil Service Commission, History of Federal Civil Service in the United States, Civil Service, Government History","PM 1.2:B 52","","1 lbs. 10 oz.","No Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/16/03","141AD 300AC","05/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01000-5","9780160795039","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 25. Focuses on Brigadier General J. Franklin Bell's operations in the Philippines from 1901-2. Along with a strong introduction, this work presents the collected messages and circulars issued by Bell to his subordinate commanders, as well as the text of the famous General Order 100. Together, these documents illustrate Bell's vision that pointed toward victory and his determination to act decisively. This occasional paper is a valuable addition to the education of all military professionals. Considered a companion to OP 24, but sold separately. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2007: 149 p.; ill.","NB1323","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 25, Philippines, Military History, Bell, J. Franklin, Army History","","Ramsey, Robert D. III","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/04/07","059","12/04/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00247-7","","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","CMH 70-47. Contains 10 full-color 11 X 15 1/2 reproductions of paintings by Army artists of World War II. Each of the prints includes the name of the work, the general location it depicts, and the name of the artist. The extended caption on each print provides background information on the subject matter illustrated. The artists whose work is represented here actually witnessed the scenes they portrayed, and in some cases the words in the captions are those of the creator of the artwork. In others the caption simply helps put the scene in context. 10 posters, sold as a set.","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","10 posters, 11 in. x 15.5 in.","","Posters, World War 2","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","07/11/08","","07/11/08","Set","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-029-00359-7","","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","CMH 19-4. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History","Posters","","Posters","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","04/25/08","","04/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00421-6","9780160725326","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","CMH 12-2-1. Provides a major collection of photographs with explanatory text that graphically portrays various aspects of the war in North Africa and the Middle East; Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; and Italy and southern France. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center for Military History","2005: 471 p.","ISBN 0-16-072532-1 which is correct for the paperbound edition, was also printed in the cloth edition.","","","","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/27/06","070","11/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00422-4","9780160725333","$ 49.50","$ 69.30","CMH 12-2. Provides a major collection of photographs with explanatory text that graphically portrays various aspects of the war in North Africa and the Middle East; Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; and Italy and southern France. ","Defense Dept., Army, Center for Military History","","0-16-072533-X and 978-016-072533-3 are the ISBNs for the clothbound edition. 0-16-072532-1, which is for the paperbound edition, is printed in the book and is too expensive to be corrected.","World War 2","","","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Paper","05/02/07","","05/02/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00684-7","0-16-042911-0","$ 25.00","$ 35.00","Eliot Cohen directed the 5 volume survey. Richard L. Olson, et al. authored this V. 3. Consists of two reports. The first report, Logistics, discusses logistics in the Persian Gulf War as it applies to all military operations and in particular to air operations. Includes functions for maintaining an air base and support services. The second report, Support, captures and tells the stories of functional support areas. Focuses on those support areas that project air power. Item 424.NB1240","Defense Dept., Air Force, Gulf War Air Power Survey Review Committee","1993: 786 p.; ill.","NB1240","Logistics and Support, Air Power Survey, Persian Gulf War, Air Force History, Military History, Logistics","D 301.2:G 95/2/V.3","Cohen, Eliot; Olson, Richard L.","4 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/14/94","061DG 286GB","03/13/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00685-5","0-16-042927-7","$ 44.00","$ 61.60","Eliot Cohen directed the 5 volume survey. Richard J. Blanchfield, et al. authored this V. 4. Consists of two reports. The first report, Weapons, Tactics, and Training, focuses on the impact of these three elements on the application of air power projected by the United States and Coalition forces in the Gulf War. The second report, Space Operations, was classified and reduced to a three page precis. Examines the planning and training for the use of space systems, space mobilization, military utility, command and control, and the role of commercial space systems and receiver equipment. Item 434.NB1240","Defense Dept., Air Force, Gulf War Air Power Survey Review Committee","1993: 519 p.; ill.","NB1240","Weapons, Tactics, and Training and Space Operations, Space Operations, Persian Gulf War, Military History, Air Force History, Air Power, Weapons","D 301.2:G 95/2/V.4","Cohen, Eliot; Blanchfield, Richard J.","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/12/94","061DG","10/24/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00759-2","0-16-050374-4","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Air Force in Korea. Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Traces the part played by the Far East Air Forces (FEAF) Bomber Command in the Korean War. FEAF used the B-29 as its workhorse, marking the last war this remarkable plane flew. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2000: 60 p.; ill.","NB1279","Air Force History, Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force and the Korean War, Far East Air Forces Bomber Command and the Air War in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/30/00","054CP","09/09/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00775-4","0-16-050958-0","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War. Part of a series of five works dealing with various aspects of the Air Force's participation in Desert Shield and Storm. This volume focuses on the Air Force's role in the opposing Iraqi forces in the "Kuwaiti theater of operations," a relatively small region in southern Iraq and Kuwait, where Iraqi Republican Guard were concentrated. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2001: 261 p.; ill.","NB1288","Air Force History, United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War, Persian Gulf War, Kuwaiti Theater of Operations, Kuwait, Iraq, Air Power, Military Aviation","D 301.82/7:K 96","Jamieson, Perry D.","1 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/16/02","061DJ","03/28/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00793-2","0-16-072288-8","$ 1.75","$ 2.45","United States Air Force in Korea. Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition. Chronicles the story of the United States Air Force Air Rescue Service in Korea from 1950 to 1953. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2004: 57 p.; ill.","NB1303","Air Force History, Korean War Fiftieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition, United States Air Force in Korea, United States Air Force Air Rescue In Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation","","Marion, Forrest L.","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/30/04","018 054CP","08/20/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","061-000-00963-9","9780160770951","$ 38.00","$ 53.20","DOE/MA-0003. Presents a history of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing from 1951-1963 at the Nevada Test Site. ","Energy Dept., Office of Management, Executive Secretariat, Office of History and Heritage Resources","2006: 252 p.; ill.","NB1318","Military Weapons, DOE MA 0003, Battlefield of the Cold War, the Nevada Test Site, Nevada Test Site, Nuclear Weapons Tests, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Atomic Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb","","Fehner, Terrence R.; Gosling, F.G.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/08/07","","09/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00802-5","9780160753671","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","Edited by Jacob Nuefeld and George M., Watson Jr. Contains papers from a symposium in commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Korean War. Focuses on contributions made by the armed forces of the United States and its allies to the air warfare during the Korean War. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program","2005: 373 p.; ill.","ISBN: 0-16-075367-8.","Proceedings of the Air Force Historical Foundation Symposium, United States Air Force in Korea, Korean Conflict, Korean War, Air Power, Military Aviation, Military History","","Nuefeld, Jacob; Watson, George M., Jr.","1 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/23/07","054","10/23/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00248-7","9781884733550","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","International Law Studies V. 84. ,cMichael D. Carsten, editor. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval War College","2008: 343 p.","","International Law Studies, Military Operations","","Carsten, Michael D.","1 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/19/08","","11/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00442-9","0-16-076722-9","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","Robert Ramsey's historical study examines three cases where the US Army has advised foreign military leaders in the last half of the 20th century. In Korea during the 1950s, in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s, and in El Salvador in the 1980s the Army was tasked to build and advise host nation armies during a time of war. The author makes several key arguments about the lessons the Army thought it learned at the time. Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 18. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 186 p.","NB1316","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 18, American Advisors in Korea, Vietnam, and El Salvador, Korea, Vietnam, El Salvador, Military Strategy, Military History","","Ramsey, Robert D.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/15/06","059 259","11/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00445-3","0-16-076875-6","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","Robert D. Ramsey, editor. This anthology presents 14 insightful, personal accounts from those who have advised foreign armies in various times and places over the last 100 years. The articles are from past and present advisors and are presented without editing or commentary. Each one presents valuable lessons, insights, and suggestions from the authors firsthand experiences. Readers will thus make their own judgments and analysis in support of their unique requirements. The title refers to Thomas Edward Lawrence, who was known as "Lawrence of Arabia." ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 193 p.","NB1316","Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 19, Suggestions and Observations From Lawrence to the Present, Lawrence, Thomas Edward, Military Strategy, Military History, Military Science","","Ramsey, Robert D.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/03/06","059","08/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00056-5","0-16-002030-1","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","Edited by James L. Mooney. Volume 6 of an eight volume set. This volume covers ship whose names start with the letters "R" and "S", and in the case of submarines, the "R Boats" and the "S Boats." Appendices provide data on submarine chasers and Eagle boats, two types initially designed for antisubmarine operations in World War 1. L.C. card 60-60198. Item 399-A.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval History Division","1976: 777 p.; ill. 1987-repr.","1977 SL 81Q QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Ships, Naval Fighting Ships, American Naval Fighting Ships, Naval History, Military History","D 207.10:6","Mooney, James L.","4 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","059QH 192GI 236DI","04/11/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-000-00990-2","9780160783289","$ 31.00","$ 43.40","Defense Studies Series. By Alfred Goldberg, et al. Contains the most comprehensive account to date of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and the aftermath, including unprecedented details on the impact on the Pentagon building and personnel and the scope of the rescue, recovery, and caregiving effort. Evocative narrative is based on firsthand accounts of survival, tragedy, and heroism drawn from hundreds of interviews, with 32 pages of photographs and more than a dozen diagrams and illustrations not previously available. ","Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office","2007: 290 p.; ill.","NB1322. ISBN 0-16-078328-3.","Defense Studies Series, September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001, Terrorist Attacks on the United States, September 11, 2001, Military History","","Goldberg, Alfred","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/05/07","059 153 259","04/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01011-1","9780160810329","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","Edited by Roger R. Trask and John P. Glennon. Supplement to "The Department of Defense: Documents on Establishment and Organization, 1944-1978." This volume covers organizational changes in the Office of the Secretary of Defense between 1978 and the end of 2003. Includes documents detailing the functions of the Armed Forces and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ","Defense Dept., Secretary of Defense, Historical Office","2008: 262 p.","NB1328","Department of Defense, Documents on Organization and Mission, Defense Department, Military History, Political Science","","Trask, Roger R.; Glennon, John P.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/06/08","","10/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-029-00439-9","0-16-076223-5","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","Examines the use of tanks in urban warfare. Seeks to provide insight and a historical precedence on the wisdom of employing tanks in an inherently dangerous dimension of the modern battlefield, intensifying the shortcomings in technological design and the lack of crew training for city fighting. LC card 2006016027.","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 144 p.; ill.","NB1315","Tanks in Cities, Urban Warfare, Iraq, Fallujah, Battle, 2004, Military History, Vietnam, Hue, Battle, 1968, Germany, Aachen, Battle, 1944, Lebanon, Beirut, 1984","","Gott, Kendall D.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/12/06","059","01/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00710-5","0-912627-53-0","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","By Wilma Dykeman. Illustrated by Louis S. Glanzman. Publication measures 9 x 6 in. Describes and illustrates the land and the people for which the Battle of Kings Mountain was fought in South Carolina on Oct. 17, 1780. Contains unnumbered pages. L.C. card 76-608326.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1978: 80 p.; ill. 1991-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $513.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061643-3. NB1226","Battlefields, Historic Sites, American Revolution, Military History, South Carolina","I 29.2:K 61/2005","Dykeman, Wilma; Glanzman, Louis S.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/01/91","016BB 144CF","10/07/05","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-00900-1","0-912627-20-4","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","National Park Service Handbook 118. Describes and illustrates the history of Fort Laramie between 1834 and 1890 and its importance as a trade center and military post. Also contains a concise bibliographic essay. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1984: 160 p.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $321.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003484-4. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 118, National Parks, Historic Sites, Wyoming, Battlefields","I 29.9/5:118","Lavender, David","0 lbs. 10 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016CI","09/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","041-015-00242-2","0-16-074937-9","$ 89.50","$ 125.30","NIC 2005-03. Compiled by CIA analysts John K. Allen, Jr.; John Carver; and Tom Elmore. Introductory Essay written by Lloyd Gardner. Contains intelligence documents (38 in this book and 174 in the accompanying CD) related to the Vietnam War. Shows how the United States intelligence Community viewed critical developments over a 27-year period, ranging from analysis of the implications of the post-World War 2 breakup of colonial empires to the Communist takeover of Saigon in 1975. ","Executive Office of the President, National Intelligence Council","2005: 640 p.; CD-ROM in pocket.","NB1308","Intelligence Activities, NIC 2005 03, Vietnam War, Vietnamese Conflict, Military History, Intelligence Services, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Officers","PREX 3.21:V 67","Allen, John K., Jr.","4 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/20/05","062","05/20/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00112-0","0-16-059132-5","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","Textbook of Military Medicine, Pt. 1, Warfare, Weaponry, and the Casualty. Specialty editors: Franklin D. Jones, et al. Addresses the multiple mental health service provided by the military during peacetime. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","1994: 331 p.; ill.","Series is also cited as: Textbook of Military Medicine. NB1277","Warfare, Weaponry, and the Casualty, Military Psychiatry, Preparing in Peace for War, Military Psychology, Military Medicine, Military Hospitals, Mental Health, TMM","","Jones, Franklin D.","3 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/04/00","119TN 167HO","03/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-038-00000-8","0-16-010250-2","$ 20.00","$ 28.00","DA Pam 27-100-nos. Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $18.00; foreign single copy, $25.20. Designed as a medium for the military lawyer, active and reserve, to share the product of his experience and research with fellow lawyers in the Department of the Army. File Code 2Q. Item 327-G.","Defense Dept., Army, Headquarters","","Estimated single issue weight: 17 oz. O/N 02-170.","Army Department Pamphlet 27 100 (no.), Subscriptions, MILR, Military Law","D 101.22:27-100-(no.)","","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","","131EB","08/24/76","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00636-9","0-16-061107-5","$ 200.50","$ 280.70","By Brigadier General Robert H. Scales, Jr., Director, Desert Storm Study Project, et al. Title is from the dust jacket and the spine. On title page: United States Army in the Gulf War, Certain Victory. Based exclusively on combat interviews and reports from combat units returning from the Persian Gulf. Covers Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and the aftermath of the war. Includes many color maps and photographs. Also provides a chronology, a glossary, an index, and a selected bibliography. Contains copyright material.","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Chief of Staff","1993: 451 p.; ill.","NB1238","United States Army in the Gulf War, Certain Victory, American Army in the Gulf, Persian Gulf War, Army History, Military History","D 101.2:G 95","Scales, Robert H., Jr.","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/14/93","061DC","08/14/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-000-00989-9","9780160781971","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom. On Point II is a comprehensive study of the U.S. Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from May 2003 to January 2005. Based on primary sources including hundreds of interviews with participants, the study examines the period during which American soldiers made the transition to a new type of campaign that featured information operations, intelligence, reconstruction, and governance rather than conventional combat. Documents the U.S. Army's execution of full spectrum operations in the early stages of this conflict. ","Defense Dept., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, Combat Studies Institute","2008: 714 p.; ill.","","United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq War, 2003 -, Global War on Terrorism, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Army History, Military History","","Wright, Donald P.; Reese, Timothy R.","3 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/17/08","","09/22/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-020-01554-7","9781932946048","$ 66.00","$ 92.40","Provides a pioneering study of the impact of aerial photography on America's fledgling air force during its baptism of fire above the trenches of the Western Front. This comprehensive history from the Defense Intelligence Agency highlights aerial photography's ability to command the high ground and provide a concise view of a battle area, both tactically and strategically. It is an authoritative account of aerial reconnaissance and the interpretation of photographs as they evolved into the most important sources of intelligence along the entire Western Front during the Great War, World War 1. Contains copyright material.","Defense Dept., Defense Intelligence Agency, National Defense Intelligence College, Center for Strategic Intelligence Research","2006: 523 p.; ill.","1-932946-04-7. NB1318","Allied Aerial Reconnaissance and Photographic Interpretation on the Western Front, World War 1, Aerial Photography, World War 1, Photography, Military History","","Finnegan, Terrence J.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/29/07","065","01/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00100-6","0-16-002038-7","$ 30.00","$ 42.00","James L. Mooney, editor. Cover title reads: American Naval Fighting Ships. This volume gives historical sketches of ships whose names begin with T through V. Includes an appendix on tank landing ships. L.C. card 60-60198. Item 399-A.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","1981: 755 p.; ill. 1991-repr.","Nov./Dec. 1981 SL 107Z1 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7","Ships, Naval Fighting Ships, American Naval Fighting Ships, Naval History, Military History","D 207.10:7","Mooney, James L.","4 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","059QH 192GI 236DI","04/11/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00198-7","0-16-050986-6","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","United States Navy in the Modern World Series, No. 5. By Robert F. Wallace. Edited by Jeffrey G. Barlow. Offers a unique perspective on the effectiveness of the training program developed to enhance the fleet's antiaircraft defense. LC ISBN 0-945274-44-0.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2001: 64 p.; ill.","NB1288","United States Navy in the Modern World, No. 5, Memoir of Antiaircraft Training in World War 2, World War 2, Military History, Naval History, Japan","D 221.16:5","Wallace, Robert F.; Barlow, Jeffrey G.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/01/02","070JP 236HS","07/22/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00238-0","9780160777127","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","NSWCDD/MP-06/46 (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division). Tells the story of the evolution of the Dahlgren Laboratory from a proof and test facility into a modern research and development center crucial to the technological evolution of the United States Navy. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division","2006: 425 p.; ill.","ISBN 0-16-077712-7","NSWCDD MP 06 46, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division 06 46, Naval Weapons Technology at Dahlgren, Virginia, 1918-2006, Naval History, Weapons, Military History, Sound of Freedom","","Rife, James P.; Carlisle, Rodney P.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/26/07","059","12/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00754-1","0-16-050106-7","$ 19.50","$ 27.30","Contains the diary of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, the Far East Air Forces commander during the Korean War. Edited by William T. Y'Blood primarily to make the text more readable. Covers the period from June 25, 1950 to May 20, 1951. ","Defense Dept., Air Force","1999: 587 p.; ill.","NB1274","Diary of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, Air Force History, Stratemeyer, George E., Korean Conflict, Military History","D 301.82/7:K 84/2","Stratemeyer, George E.; Y'Blood, William T.","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/15/99","054CP","02/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00177-6","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-357. H.R. 3229. An Act to Require the Secretary of the Treasury to Mint Coins in Commemoration of the Legacy of the United States Army Infantry and the Establishment of the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center. Approved October 8, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 4 p.","","Public Law 110 357, National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center, Columbus, Georgia, Coins and Coinage, Military History, Army History, Georgia","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/18/08","","12/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00987-2","9780160776298","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","Long War Occasional Paper 21. Explains why the modern state of Israel, which had won numerous wars, was unable to defeat militarily inferior foes during its involvement in Lebanon from 1978 to 2000. Illustrates vital insight into the broader question of outcomes in wars, providing strategic accounts of Israel's military involvement. ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 119 p.","GPO notified of subtitle change 2/08/07. Before that the preliminary subtitle was: Israel's Defeat in Lebanon. NB1319 0-16-077629-5","The Long War Series Occasional Paper 21, Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 21, Israels Lebanese Incursion Between 1982-2000, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Military History","","Helmer, Daniel Isaac","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/05/07","059 075 286","04/05/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-023-00126-0","0-16-072923-8","$ 83.00","$ 116.20","Textbooks of Military Medicine. Patrick Kelley, specialty editor. Continues where volume 1 left off. Explores the various natural and manmade challenges faced by today's soldier upon mobilization and deployment. Offers comprehensive research on a range of topics related to preventive medicine, including a historic perspective on the principles of military preventive medicine, national mobilization and training, preparation for deployment, and occupational and environmental issues during sustainment. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2005: 822 p.; ill.","NB1312","Textbooks of Military Medicine, TMM, Mobilization, Deployment, Military Medicine, Disability Evaluation, Military Hospitals","","Kelley, Patrick W.","6 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/13/06","059 119 131","08/25/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-069-00000-1","0-16-010358-4","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","Semi-annual periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. The latest issue is retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $7.50; foreign single copy, $10.50. Publication will be issued in June and December. Contains information about military police functions in combat. Objectives are to inform, motivate, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. Formerly Military Police Journal. MPJ. File Code 2R.","Defense Dept., Army, Military Police School","","O/N 02-168. NB051X7","Subscriptions, MPJ, Military Personnel, Police, Military Police Journal","D 101.84/2:","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/21/86","036IC 131EB","08/13/86","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced, Reprinting)","027-001-00094-7","9780160809545","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","This coffee-table history of the FBI celebrates the agency's 100th anniversary. The book traces the FBI's journey from fledgling startup to one of the most respected and recognized names in national security. It takes you on a walk through the seven key chapters in FBI history: the early formative period; the gangster-driven crime wave of the 1920s and 30s; the anxious age of World War II and the Cold War; the turbulent 60s and its burgeoning civil rights movement; the systemic corruption of the Watergate years; the rise of global terror and crime; and the post 9/11 era. The book includes extensive photographs, including never-before-seen pictures from FBI files. ","Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation","2008: 132 p.; ill.","Known as the FBI 100th Anniversary History Book. NB1327","Federal Bureau of Investigation, Law Enforcement","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/08/08","","08/27/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","027-001-00095-5","9780160809552","$ 30.00","$ 42.00","This coffee-table history of the FBI celebrates the agency's 100th anniversary. The book traces the FBI's journey from fledgling startup to one of the most respected and recognized names in national security. It takes you on a walk through the seven key chapters in FBI history: the early formative period; the gangster-driven crime wave of the 1920s and 30s; the anxious age of World War II and the Cold War; the turbulent 60s and its burgeoning civil rights movement; the systemic corruption of the Watergate years; the rise of global terror and crime; and the post 9/11 era. The book includes extensive photographs, including never-before-seen pictures from FBI files. ","Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation","2008: 132 p.; ill.","Known as the: FBI 100th Anniversary History Book.","Federal Bureau of Investigation, Law Enforcement","","","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/08/08","","10/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-001-00622-2","0-16-072947-5","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","A CBO Study. Looks at the technical, operational, and cost issues associated with alternative transportation systems that DoD might develop and procure to reduce the time needed to deploy forces. Compares the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of six transportation alternatives. ","Congress, Congressional Budget Office","2005: 163 p.; ill.","NB1310","CBO Study, Cost of War, Military Transportation, Transports, Defense Policy, Defense Budgets, Congressional Publications","","Arthur, David","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/18/05","","12/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","001-000-04725-6","1-59351-429-8","$ 26.00","$ 36.40","R5-FR-003. Presents a history of fire control in the National forests of California from 1896 to 1956. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9781593514297.","Agriculture Dept., Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region","2005: 452 p.; ill.","NB1309","Forestry Research, R5 FR 003, History of Forest Fire Control on the National Forests in California, 1898-1956, National Forests in California, Forests, Forest Fires, Forest Management, Forest Policy","","Cermak, Robert W.","2 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/06/05","086","08/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","001-000-04726-4","1-59351-428-X","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","R5-FR-003. Presents a history of the management of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region from the late nineteenth century to 1987. Thirteen digit ISBN: 9781593514280.","Agriculture Dept., Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region","2005: 673 p.; ill.","NB1309","R5 FR 004, History of the National Forests in California, 1891-1987, National Forests in California, Forests, Forest Management, Forest Policy, Forestry","","Godfrey, Anthony","3 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/06/05","086","08/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-00823-3","0-16-006391-4","$ 58.00","$ 81.20","Senate Bicentennial Publication. Senate Document 100-20. Edited by Mary Sharon Hall. Consists of 42 addresses to the Senate delivered between 1981 and 1987. These speeches have been compiled, revised, and edited to present the United States Senate's history and traditions of the past 200 years. S. Con. Res. 18. 100th Congress, 1s Session. ","Senate","1988: 820 p.; ill.","BIP. DSL 89-0141-P 03/06/89. NB1211 GB1106 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Senate Document 100 20, History, Senate","","Byrd, Robert C.; Hall, Mary Sharon","7 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/22/89","201TE","11/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-00856-0","0-16-006405-8","$ 56.00","$ 78.40","Senate Bicentennial Publication. S. Con. Res. 18. Senate Document 100-20. By Robert C. Byrd. Edited by Wendy Wolff. Consists of addresses to the Senate on its history delivered in the late 1980s. The lectures discuss leadership, power, organization, setting, and the 1989 Senate. 100th Congress, 1st Session. L.C. card 88-24545. Item 996-A.","Senate","1991: 694 p.; ill., portrait and errata.","NB1225","Senate Document 100 20, History, Senate","Y 1.1/3:100-20/V.2","Byrd, Robert C.; Wolff, Wendy","6 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/11/91","201TE","06/12/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01072-6","0-16-058996-7","$ 18.00","$ 25.20","S.DOC. 103-23. Provides a series of fourteen addresses delivered in 1993 before the Senate by Senator Robert C. Byrd. Discusses the constitutional history of separated and shared powers as shaped in the republic and empire of ancient Rome. These lectures are also in opposition to the proposed line-item veto concept. The introduction states that Senator Byrd delivered these speeches entirely from memory and without notes. L.C. card 94-38166. Item 1008-E.","Senate, Historical Office","1994: 207 p.; ill.","NB1247","Senate Document 103 23, Rome, History, Line Item Veto","Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14209","Byrd, Robert C.","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/17/95","201TE","10/09/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01352-1","0-16-050830-4","$ 30.00","$ 42.00","Senate Document 106-29. Publication measures 12 x 10 in. Describes the architecture and history of the United States Capitol. Printed pursuant to H. Con. Res. 221. Also known as Serial Set 14620. 106th Congress, 2d Session.","Congress, Architect of the Capitol","2001: 516 p.; ill.","NB1288","Senate Document 106 29, Capitol Building, Washington, DC., Washington, DC, District of Columbia, Political History","Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14620","Allen, William C.","7 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/15/02","140PD 201KE","12/27/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00720-9","0-16-061127-X","$ 2.75","$ 3.85","Describes the strategy, "Shape, Respond, Prepare Now: A Military Strategy for a New Era." Explains the strategic direction of the Armed Forces in implementing the guidance in the President's "A National Security Strategy for a new Century" and the Defense Secretary's "Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review." ","Defense Dept.","1997: 32 p.; ill.","NB1263","Defense Policy, Military Strategy, National Defense, Military Readiness, National Security, Strategic Importance","D 5.2:98000/66","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/30/97","043AD 153RH","04/05/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-038-00091-1","","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","","Defense Dept., Army, Headquarters","","Department of Army Pamphlet 27-100-196.","","","","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/07/08","","10/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-090-00049-2","","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","","Defense Dept.","","","","","","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/11/08","","04/11/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00091-5","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","","","Texas, Humble","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/10/08","","09/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-01204-4","0-16-050446-5","$ 39.00","$ 54.60","Describes 6 national park visitor centers built from 1956-1966 during the National Park Service's Mission 66 park development program. Includes a brief history of the Mission 66 program. L.C. card 00-058217.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2000: 304 p.; ill.","NB1280","National Parks, Architecture","I 29.2:M 69/5","Allaback, Sarah","2 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/06/00","140PD","06/13/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01087-4","9780160753688","$ 94.50","$ 132.30","House Document 108-240. Introduction and annotations by William B. Bushong. Annotated edition in Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the United States Capitol. Prepared by the Architect of the Capitol for the United States Capitol Preservation Commission. Glenn Brown originally wrote this book in 1901-1903 when it was published in two volumes. This new annotated edition includes many illustrations of architectural drawings and art works. ","United States Capitol Preservation Commission","1998: 668 p.; ill.","","House Document 108 240, Capitol (Washington, DC), Political History, District of Columbia, Architecture, Washington, DC","","Brown, Glenn; Bushong, William B.","7 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/20/08","900","02/20/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00116-4","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","EST. DELIVERY DATE 09/08/08. S. 3218 / Public Law 110-296 Criminal History Background Checks Pilot Extension Act of 2008 (July 30, 2008; 122 Stat. 2974; 1 page)","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 1 p.","","","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/01/08","","10/01/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00128-6","0-16-076718-0","$ 77.50","$ 108.50","Textbooks of Military Medicine. Bernard L. DeKoning, senior editor. Covers important aspects of recruit medicine, such as the medical qualifications process; health promotion and environmental risk management; chronic diseases such as asthma; injury prevention and management; communicable illnesses; behavior, dental, and women's health; and recruit mortality. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2006: 637 p.: ill.","NB1316","Textbook of Military Medicine, Recruit Medicine, TMM, Military Medicine, Medicine","","DeKoning, Bernard L.","5 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/03/06","119 131","10/03/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","041-015-00227-9","0-9724322-0-5","$ 77.50","$ 108.50","Editors: R. Cargill Hall and Clayton D. Laurie. Addresses the flights by the United States and Great Britain over "denied territories" in the Soviet Union and China between 1950 and 1956. L.C. control Number 2002109519. 2 volumes, sold as a set. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-067675-4.","Defense Dept., National Reconnaissance Office, Office of the Historian","2003: 2 bks. (682 p.); ill.","Although this publication has an 041-015 stock number, a Department of Defense office is named on the title page. NB1296","Over Flights, Military History, Cold War, Air Force History, Soviet Union, Russia, China, Proceedings of Symposium on Early Cold War Overflights","","Hall, R. Cargill; Laurie, Clayton D.","4 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/07/03","018EI 054CK","09/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-003-00193-7","0-16-072823-1","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","By David P. Billington, et al. Explores the story of Federal contributions to dam planning, design, and construction. ","Interior Dept., Bureau of Reclamation and National Park Service, and Defense Dept., Army Corps of Engineers","2005: 625 p.; ill.","NB1311","Dams, Water Supply","","Billington, David P.","2 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/25/05","050","06/04/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01201-0","0-912627-69-7","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","Official National Park Handbook 150. Describes the value and significance of Yellowstone National Park. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","2001: 127 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $410.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price.","National Park Service Handbook 150, Montana, National Parks, Wyoming, Idaho","","Wallace, David Rains","0 lbs. 10 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/30/01","016RV 140BT","01/02/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","552-108-00101-5","9780160804885","$ 90.00","$ 126.00","108th Congress, 2nd Session, 2004.","House","2004: 672 p.","","","","","7 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/15/08","","04/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","002-000-00105-5","0-16-049178-9","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","25th edition. Provides statistical information on military expenditures, arms transfers, armed forces, and related economic data for 172 countries, 1985-1995. Contains tables ranking countries by each variable in 1995. L.C. card 78-645925. Item 125-A-08.","Arms Control and Disarmament Agency","1997: 198 p.; ill.","NB1262","Defense Budgets, Annual Reports, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Arms Sales, Military Assistance","AC 1.16:996","","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/16/97","118VS 127WB","04/21/99","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","002-000-00106-3","0-16-050384-1","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","27th edition. Provides statistical information on military expenditures, arms transfers, armed forces, and related economic data for 172 countries, 1987-1997. Contains tables ranking countries by each variable in 1997. Includes essay "Small Arms and Light Weapons: Can They be Controlled?" L.C. card 78-645925. Item 125-A-08.","State Dept., Bureau of Verification and Compliance","2000: 214 p.; ill.","Also known by its initials, WMEAT. NB1280","Annual Reports, State Department, WMEAT, Arms Sales, Defense Budgets, Military Assistance","","","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/17/00","118VS 127WB","08/21/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","002-000-00107-1","0-16-051190-9","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","State Department Publication 10986. 28th edition. Provides statistical information on military expenditures, arms transfers, armed forces, and related economic data for 172 countries, 1989-1999. Contains tables ranking countries by each variable in 1999. Also known by its initials, WMEAT. L.C. card 78-645925. Item 125-A-08.","State Dept., Bureau of Verification and Compliance","2002: 206 p.; ill.","NB1293","State Department Publication 10986, WMEAT, Annual Reports, State Department, Arms Sales, Defense Budgets, Military Assistance","","","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/09/02","118VS 127WB","07/17/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-001-00623-1","0-16-072953-X","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","A CBO Study. Matthew Goldberg coordinated the preparation of this Study. Evaluates alternative mixes of military personnel, federal civilians, and contractors that could support the Army's deployed combat forces. Analyzes four options that would vary the mix among the three labor categories, affecting the provision of logistics support as well as the maintenance of weapon systems in the wartime theater. ","Congress, Congressional Budget Office","2005: 110 p.; ill.","","CBO Study, Army Personnel, Military Personnel, Labor Policy, Congressional Publications, Governmental Publications","","Goldberg, Matthew","0 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/16/05","","09/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01176-8","0-16-048909-1","$ 50.00","$ 70.00","NASA SP 4206. NASA History Series. Study of the development of the Saturn launch vehicle for the Apollo Moon Missions. Recounts the exploits of the Saturn vehicle's operational life from orbital missions around Earth testing Apollo equipment to the Moon and back. Item 0830-I.","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Office","1980: 536 p.; ill. 1996-repr.","NB1258","Launch Vehicles, NASA SP 4206, NASA History Series, Technological History of the Apollo Saturn Launch Vehicles, Apollo Saturn Launch Vehicles, Rockets (Aeronautics), Manned Space Flight, Saturn Launch Vehicles","NAS 1.21:4206","Bilstein, Roger E.","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/16/97","222OK 297PC","01/23/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01213-3","0-912627-70-0","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","National Park Service Handbook 160. Tells the story of Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, which ended the Civil War, and the battles fought in the days before it. Also contains essays on events leading up to the Civil War and the implications of Appomattox for the post-Civil War generation, and a tourist's guide to the park. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-067901-X.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, Division of Publications","2002: 129 p.; ill.","Also sold at a special price of $278.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. No further discount allowed. Supersedes I 29.9/5:109, S/N 024-005-00778-4. DSL 2003-0165-P 04/17/03.","National Park Service Handbook 160, Civil War, Virginia, Appomattox, Military History, Historic Sites","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/02/03","016AG 140PD 192AK","11/21/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","069-000-00067-3","0-16-063685-X","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Reference Information Paper 90. Compiled by Charles E. Schamel. Cover title reads: Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994. Describes records that relate to the POW/MIA issue. Item 569.","National Archives and Records Administration","1996: 133 p.","NB1254","Reference Information Paper 90, Vietnamese Conflict, Prisoners of War, Missing in Action, Military History, American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994","AE 1.124:90","Schamel, Charles E.","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/20/96","062GB 131IN","05/20/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-090-00000-0","","$ 20.00","$ 28.00","Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. Published for national security professionals in and out of the U.S. government to promote understanding of the integrated employment of land, sea, air, space, and special operations forces. This journal focuses on joint doctrine, coalition warfare, contingency planning, operations conducted by the unified commands, and joint force development. Published under the auspices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. File Code 2R. JFQ.","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","","O/N 02-166.","JFQ, Subscriptions, Armed Forces, Military Personnel","D 5.20:","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/22/95","043AC 131EB 153PF","01/15/93","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-099-00000-7","","$ 42.00","$ 58.80","Bimonthly periodical with a 7th special issue. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the next issue after the order is processed. Single copy $14.00; foreign single copy, $19.60. Copies of latest 3 issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase. "Military Review" provides a forum for original thought and debate on the art and science of land warfare and other issues of current interest to the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense. MR. File Code 2N.","Defense Dept., Army, United States Army Command and General Staff College","","O/N 06-017.","","D 110.7:","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/01/97","131EB","04/01/97","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-058-00120-0","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 109-290. S. 418. An Act to Protect Members of the Armed Forces from Unscrupulous Practices Regarding Sales of Insurance, Financial, and Investment Products. Approved September 29, 2006.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2006: 10 p.","","Public Law 109 290, Military Personnel, Consumer Protection, Financial Services","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","11/21/06","","11/21/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","008-046-00241-0","9780945274551","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","This illustrated history covers the history of the U.S. Navy in the Middle East. From the establishment of the Middle East Force (MEF) in 1949 through the beginning of the 21st century, the U.S. Navy served as a force for stability and peace in the region. The Navy's presence helped prevent regional crises from escalating into wars, enforce international sanctions, and minimize damage done by regional conflicts to American and allied interests. The work concentrates on the Navy's command relationships, roles and missions, and operations in the period leading up to the First Gulf War, the war itself, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2007: 140 p.; ill.","NB1323","Global War on Terrorism, United States Naval Forces Central Command, Fifth Fleet, Naval History, History of United States Naval Forces Central Command, Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991, Middle East, Afghanistan","","Schneller, Robert J. Jr.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/10/07","059","02/22/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","030-000-00288-1","0-8444-1048-9","$ 26.00","$ 36.40","Designed to introduce researchers to the opportunities for discovering American women's history and culture at the library of Congress. Covers materials such as textual sources, films, sound recordings, prints and photographs, and other audio or visual material. Intended for academics, advanced graduate students, genealogists, documentary film makers, set and costume designers, artists, actors, novelists, photo researchers, and general readers. ","Library of Congress, Humanities and Social Sciences Division","2001: 459 p.; ill.","NB1288","Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Womens History and Culture in the United States, Womens History and Culture in the United States, Library of Congress, Bibliographies, Womens Studies, Womens History, Women","","Harvey, Sheridan","3 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/29/02","111BN 150AF","08/21/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00196-4","0-16-003415-9","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","Historical Handbook 9. Cover title reads: Gettysburg. Tells the story of the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. Describes the establishment of a cemetery at Gettysburg and the genesis of the Gettysburg Address. Also includes reproductions of 12 battle paintings by F. D. Briscoe. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1962: 64 p.; ill. revised ed. 1992-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $775.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. BIP. 1977 SL 15R July 1982 SL 12V2 QC023R4 QC024N4 Qc031Y5 QC032V5","Historical Handbook 9, National Parks, Historic Sites, Battlefields, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Civil War","I 29.58:9/3","Tilberg, Frederick","0 lbs. 5 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/31/82","016DQ 192OO","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-090-00050-6","","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","","","","","","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/07/08","","07/07/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-090-00051-4","","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","In this issue: 2008 Essay Contest Winners. Topic: Weapons of Mass Destruction.","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","2008: 164 P.; ILL.","","","","","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/07/08","","10/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-090-00052-2","","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","","","","","","1 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/07/09","","01/07/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-099-00074-1","","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","","Defense Dept., Army, Headquarters, United States Army Command and General Staff College","","","","","","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/16/08","","07/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-099-00075-9","","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","","Defense Dept., Army, Headquarters, Combined Arms Center","2008: 120 p.; ill.","","","","","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/03/08","","10/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-099-00077-5","","$ 14.00","$ 19.60","","Defense Dept., Army, Headquarters, Combined Arms Center","","","","","","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/26/09","","01/28/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","869-066-00202-1","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-382. S. 2840. An Act to Establish a Liaison With the Federal Bureau of Investigation in United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to Expedite Naturalization Applications Filed by Members of the Armed Forces and to Establish a Deadline for Processing Such Applications. Approved October 10, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 3 p.","","Public Law 110 382, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Citizenship, Armed Forces","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/24/08","","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01429-0","0-16-061203-9","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","McNair Paper 57. Argues that the demands placed by military officers on the provisions of the Dayton agreement reflect a steady increase in the influence of military officers in crafting defense policy, rather than the recognition of any lessons learned in Somalia or Haiti. ","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","1997: 119 p.","The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication. NB1261","McNair Paper 57, Civil Military Relations, Wielding the Terrible Swift Sword, Military Policy, National Security, Military Strategy, Bosnia","","Johnson, David E.","0 lbs. 8 oz.","No Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/06/97","153RH","02/10/99","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00122-7","0-16-051184-4","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","Textbooks of Military Medicine. Specialty editors: Kent B. Pandoff and Robert E. Burr. Volume two in the three-volume textbook, "Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments," which provides historical information, proper prevention and clinical treatment of the various environmental illnesses and injuries, and the performance consequences warfighters face when exposed to environmental extremes. This volume deals with the effects of altitute, especially as experienced in mountain terrain and by aviators, and the complex interactions between humans and the special environments created by the machines used in warfare. Index included. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2002: 644 p.; ill.","Series is also known as the Textbook of Military Medicine Series. NB1293","Mountain Environments, Textbooks of Military Medicine, Climate, Weather, Physical Geography, Military Psychology, TMM, Military Medicine","D 104.35:EN 8/V.2","Pandoff, Kent B.; Burr, Robert E.","5 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/20/02","119TN","09/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00123-5","0-16-051364-2","$ 28.50","$ 39.90","Textbooks of Military Medicine. Allen B. Thach, specialty editor. Offers a comprehensive reference for treatment of ocular injuries. Contains detailed information about a new trauma scale, ocular anesthesia, laser injuries, geographical ophthalmology, and ocular injuries caused by terrorist blasts. Includes color photos, more than 600 detailed illustrations, and a step-by-step guide for treatment of ocular injuries, including illustrations of the surgical repair of simple and complex eye injuries. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2003: 518 p.; ill.","Series is also cited as: Textbook of Military Medicine Series. NB1296","Medicine, Textbooks of Military Medicine, TMM, Military Medicine, Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty, Eye Diseases, Military Medicine, Disability Evaluation","D 104.35:OP 7","Thach, Allen B.","4 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/15/03","119TN","09/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-003-00202-0","9780160817281","$ 71.00","$ 99.40","Prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation's 2002 history symposium. Cover title: Reclamation, Managing Water in the West. 2 books, sold as a set.","Interior Dept., Bureau of Reclamation","2008: 2 bks. (962 p.)","Each volume has its own ISBN and barcode. The barcodes are on cover 3.Set ISBN: 978-0-16-081728-5. V. 1 ISBN: 978-0-16-81822-6 V. 2 ISBN: 978-0-16-081830-1.","Reclamation, Managing Water in the West, Bureau of Reclamation, History of Bureau of Reclamation, Reclamation: Managing Water in the West","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/12/09","","01/12/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01310-8","9780160813818","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","NASA SP-4407. Edited by John M. Logsdon with Roger D. Launius. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of External Relations, NASA History Division","2008: 893 p. ; ill.","ISBN on dust jacket and verso of title page 97816813818 was also assigned to another title.","NASA SP 4407, Space Exploration","","Logsdon, John M.; Launius, Roger D.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/04/08","","12/04/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","869-066-00228-4","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-408. S. 3605. An Act To Extend the Pilot Program for Volunteer Groups to Obtain Criminal History Background Checks. Approved October 13, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 1 p.","","Public Law 110 408, PROTECT Act of 2003, Amendment, Prosecutorial Remedies And Other Tools To End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003, Amendment, Child Abuse Prevention, Child Protection, Crime Prevention, Volunteer Group Criminal History Background Checks","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/24/08","","12/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00117-1","0-16-059137-6","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","Textbook of Military Medicine, Pt. 4, Surgical Combat Casualty Care. Specialty editors: Russ Zajtchuk and Christopher M. Grand. Describes combat casualty care for the military anesthesia provider. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","1995: 931 p.; ill.","Series is also cited as: Textbook of Military Medicine. NB1277","TMM, Surgical Combat Casualty Care, Anesthesia and Perioperative Care of the Combat Casualty, Anesthetics, Surgery, Medicine, Textbooks of Military Medicine, Sedatives","","Zajtchuk, Russ; Grande, Christopher M.","7 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/07/00","119TN","12/08/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00455-1","9780160773129","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","Edited by Jenifer Lindsey. Makes exclusive use of oral history. Interviews participants in the second battle for Fallujah in November 2004, from commanders and senior non-commissioned officers at all levels to the first-hand accounts of combat and combat service support personnel on the battlefield. Can be considered a companion to the recently published "CSI Occasional Paper No. 20: Operation AL FAJR: A Study in Army and Marine Corps Joint Operations". ","Defense Dept., Army, Combat Studies Institute","2006: 317 p. ; ill.","ISBN 10: 0-16-077312-1.","Operation Iraqi Freedom, US Army in Operation AL-FAJR, Operation AL FAJR, A Study In Army and Marine Corps Joint Operations, Global War on Terrorism, AL FAJR, Battle of Fallujah, Fallujah Battle, 2d, Joint Operations","","McCool, John; Matthews, Matt M.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/20/06","","08/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced, Reprinting)","024-003-00195-3","0-97-798330-7","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","Documents the history and significance of the trail system on Mount Desert Island. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Olmstead Center for Landscape Preservation","2006: 340 p.; ill.","NB1314","Outdoor Recreation, Maine, Trails, Mount Desert Island, Maine","I 29.86/4:P 27","Brown, Margaret Coffin","2 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/11/06","016","05/25/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01022-0","0-912627-34-4","$ 11.50","$ 16.10","Handbook 132. Official National Park Handbook. Tells the story of Custer's last stand against the Indians in the Sioux War of 1876. Includes maps and photos. Also recounts the history of how that battlefield became a national monument and its importance to Americans today and in the past. L.C. card 87-600325. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003544-9.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1988: 112 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $257.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. BIP. NB1207","National Park Service Handbook 132, Custer, George Armstrong, Indians, Sioux Indians, Montana, Battlefields","I 29.9/5:132/CORR.","Utley, Robert M.","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/19/88","016BO 140BE","07/18/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01126-9","0-912627-56-5","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","National Park Service Handbook 148. Spine title reads: Cape Cod National Seashore. On cover: Official National Park Handbook. Describes the cultural and natural history of Cape Cod. Examines the land, the sea, and recent transformations in the peninsula. Provides a concise travel guide and reference materials. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061663-8.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1994: 112 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $298.00 PER 50 COPIES WHEN MAILED TO ONE ADDRESS. THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER DISCOUNT ALLOWED ON THE PER 50 PRICE. DSL 94-0370-P 11/16/94. NB1245","National Park Service Handbook 148, Seashores, Massachusetts, National Seashores","I 29.9/5:148","Finch, Robert","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/01/94","016BB","09/11/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01196-0","0-16-061695-6","$ 19.00","$ 26.60","Publication measures 9 x 11 in. Describes the paintings done by William Henry Jackson. Tells the story of scenes of the old West depicted in them. Includes a bibliography and index. Item 648.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1998: 99 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0301-P 07/20/99. NB1273","History, Paintings, Art, Jackson, William Henry, West (U.S.)","I 29.2:P 16","Knudsen, Dean","1 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/19/99","016CF 107DO","07/21/99","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-01205-2","0-16-061375-2","$ 29.00","$ 40.60","By Maureen De Lay Joseph, et al. Documents the history and existing conditions of Dumbarton Oaks Park. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, National Capital Region, Cultural Landscape Program","2000: 322 p.; ill.","NB1282","National Parks, Washington, DC, District of Columbia, Dumbarton Oaks Park, Rock Creek Park","","Joseph, Maureen De Lay","2 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/11/01","140JD","06/13/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00116-2","0-16-059136-8","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","Textbook of Military Medicine, Pt. 3, Disease and the Environment. Specialty editors: David P. Deeter and Joel C. Gaydos. Dedicated to the practice of occupational medicine within the United States Army. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","1993: 643 p.; ill.","Series is also cited as: Textbook of Military Medicine. NB1277","TMM, Disease and the Environment, Textbooks of Military Medicine, Pt. 3, Occupational Safety and Health, Job Safety, Health of Workers, Safety Regulations, Accident Prevention","","Deeter, David P.; Gaydos, Joel C.","5 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/07/00","119TN 213VP","03/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00182-4","0-16-003410-8","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","Historical Handbook 33. Cover title reads: Richmond Battlefields. Richmond National Battlefield Park preserves the scenes of some of the great battles that took place in the vicinity of the Confederate capital. The park occupies nearly 800 acres in 10 parcels widely separated along a 57 mile drive. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1961: 46 p.; ill. 2002-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $300.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. 1977 SL 14R QC033R5 QC034N5","Historical Handbook 33, National Parks, Historic Sites, Battlefields, Virginia, Virginia, Richmond, Civil War","I 29.58:33","Cullen, Joseph P.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","","016IR 192SN","07/03/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00497-1","0-16-003420-5","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","National Park Service Handbook 143. Illustrations by Betty Frazer. Presents the story of the Everglades National Park and its plants and animals, some of them found nowhere else in the United States. Includes checklists of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and trees and tree-like plants. Also contains a chapter on Indians of the Everglades. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1988: 103 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $421.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. BIP. NB1207 GB1105 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","National Park Service Handbook 143, Florida, Everglades, Florida, Wildlife","I 29.9/5:143","George, Jean Craighead; Frazer, Betty","0 lbs. 8 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","07/11/88","016CF 017BN 116FH","04/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","027-002-00537-6","9780160785818","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","Discs include two films. "A Promise of Freedom" is a 12 minute film based on the National Constitution Center's "Freedom Rising." It focuses on the history and founding of our nation and the important rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. The discussion booklet outlines concepts from that film. "Becoming a U.S. Citizen" is a 10 minute Flash presentation designed for immigrants who are new to the United States. It provides an overview of the naturalization process, including where to find immigration information and the general requirements for U.S. citizenship. 2 discs and a booklet, sold as a set.","Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services","2007: 2 discs and paper booklet.","Longer advertisement and description is on the Internet at: http://www.citizenshiptoolkit.gov/toolkit.htm. One disc is a DVD, the other is a CD-ROM.9780160785818","Promise of Freedom: An Introduction to United States History and Civics for Immigrants, Becoming a United States Citizen: An Overview of the Naturalization Process, Naturalization, Civics, United States History, Digital Video Disc (DVD), Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM)","","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","06/19/08","","06/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-070-07519-8","9780160801945","$ 54.00","$ 75.60","House Document 108-224. 3d edition. Edited by Matthew Wasniewski. Provides a comprehensive history of the more than 120 African Americans who have served in the United States Congress. Written for a general audience, this book contains a profile of each African-American Member, including notables such as Hiram Revels, Joseph Rainey, Oscar De Priest, Adam Clayton Powell, Shirley Chisholm, Gus Hawkins, and Barbara Jordan. Individual profiles are introduced by contextual essays that explain major events in congressional and U.S. history. Illustrated with many portraits, photographs, and charts. ","House, Office of the Clerk, Office of History and Preservation","2008: 803 p.; ill.","","House Document 108 224, Congress, African American History, Black History, Biographies","","Wasniewski, Matthew","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/03/08","006 201","10/22/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-061-00093-0","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-93. H.R. 3625. An Act to Make Permanent the Waiver Authority of the Secretary of Education with Respect to Student Financial Assistance During a War or Other Military Operation or National Emergency. Approved September 30, 2007.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2007: 1 p.","","Public Law 110 93","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","11/07/07","","11/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00041-9","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-221. H.R. 4454. An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service Located at 3050 Hunsinger Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, as the "Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Military Heroes of Louisville Memorial Post Office Building", in Honor of the Servicemen and Women Who Died in Service During Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Approved May 7, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 1 p.","","Public Law 110 221, Kentucky, Louisville, Postal Facilities","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/24/08","","06/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00130-8","9780160797637","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","5th edition. Issued in looseleaf form with a metal ring. Prepared in cooperation the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Immunization Tool Kit (ITK) is a pocket-sized, readily available source of essential information about vaccines and immunization recommendations for all levels of health care workers. The information in the ITK is based on the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. ","Defense Dept., Army, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network","2007: 190 p.","97801607522788, the ISBN in the barcode on this book, was also used for the 4th edition, which also cost the same amount. 9780160797637 is the ISBN assigned to the 5th edition, this edition.","ITK, Public Health, Vaccination, Health Promotion, Public Health","","Engler, Renata J. M.","","Discount","Specialty Item","","12/12/07","119","12/12/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","024-005-01195-1","0-912627-67-0","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","National Park Service Handbook 155. On cover: Official National Park Handbook. Describes the Civil War battles fought in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area, and the condition of those battlefields today. L.C. card 99-33071.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","2000: 96 p.; ill.","Sold in packages of 50 copies for $316.00 when shipped to one address.Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061694-8.","NPS Handbook 155, Civil War, Historic Sites, Virginia, Fredericksburg","I 29.9/5:155","Greene, A. Wilson","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/03/00","016DK 140BE 192MP","02/11/09","Each","Each" "New Requisition (Priced)","052-071-01425-0","0-16-072524-0","$ 54.50","$ 76.30","Also on cover: House Report 109-69. Union Calendar 47.","House, Committee of the Whole House","2005: 576 p.","Sold only in the GPO Main Bookstore, 710 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC. 20401. E-mail: mainbks@gpo.gov, phone 202-512-0132, or 1-866-512-1800 (toll free), fax 202-512-1355.","Appropriations","","","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","","900","05/24/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-070-00767-3","0-16-050600-X","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","Tells the remarkable story of the men and women of the Clark community and their ordeal in planning for and carrying out their evacuation from Clark in face of the impending volcanic activity. It documents the actions of those who remained on the base during the series of Mount Pinatubo's eruptions, and the closing of the base during the subsequent months. This is the story of the Ash Warriors, those Air Force men and women who carried out their mission in the face of an incredible series of natural disasters, including volcanic eruption, flood, typhoons, and earthquakes, all of which plagued Clark and the surrounding areas in June and July 1991. ","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Force History and Museums Program and Office of PACAF History","2000: 156 p.; ill. 2005-repr.","NB1312","Mount Pinatubo, Volcanos, Air Force History, Clark Air Force Base, Philippines","D 301.82/7:W 25/2005","Anderegg, C. R.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/10/06","","05/09/08","Each","Each" "Exchange (Only) Due In (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","008-023-00133-2","9780981822808","$ 71.00","$ 99.40","Specialty Volume of Textbooks of Military Medicine. TMM. Edited by Shawn Christian Nessen, Dave Edmond Lounsbury, and Stephen P. Hetz. Foreword by Bob Woodruff. Prepared especially for medical personnel. Provides the fundamental principles and priorities critical in managing the trauma of modern warfare. Contains concise supplemental material for for military surgeons deploying or preparing to deploy to a combat theater. ","Defense Dept., Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2008: 464 p.; ill.","Specialty Volume Textbook of Military Medicine. NB1327","Mobilization, Textbooks of Military Medicine, TMM, Surgery, Afghanistan, Iraq War, 2003 -, Military Medicine, Military Hospitals","","Nessen, Shawn Christian","4 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/01/08","","02/10/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00129-4","9780160797316","$ 72.00","$ 100.80","Textbooks of Military Medicine. Zygmunt F. Dembek, senior editor. Addresses weaponization of biological agents. Categorizes potential agents as food, waterborne, or agricultural toxins and discusses the respective epidemiology. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2007: 675 p.; ill.","Series is also cited as: Textbook of Military Medicine. NB1325","Textbooks of Military Medicine, Biological Weapons, Military Weapons, TMM","","Dembek, Zygmunt F.","5 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/29/08","119","08/22/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01275-6","0-16-073155-0","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","NASA SP 2004-4533. Monographs in Aerospace History Series, No. 33. Presents a visual history of the Plum Brook reactor, including numerous images and captions, a narrative history, and selected primary documents. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA Headquarters, Office of External Relations, NASA History Division","2004: 197 p.; ill.","","Nuclear Facility Decommissioning, NASA SP 2004 4533, Monographs in Aerospace History Series, No. 33, NASA History Series, Space Science, Nuclear Facilities, Nuclear Installations, Nuclear Energy Research Facilities","NAS 1.21:2004-4533","Bowles, Mark D.; Arrighi, Robert S.","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/05/04","018 222 297","10/05/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","017-022-01594-3","0-16-075982-X","$ 31.50","$ 44.10","Contains the illustrated catalog of an exhibit that was held from October 9, 2002 to July 31, 2003 at the National Library of Medicine. It is about the history of anatomy and anatomical drawing. Drawings that are reproduced date from about 1390 to 2000. Contains copyright material.","Health and Human Services Dept., National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine","2006: 190 p. ; ill.","The ISBNs in the CIP in this book, 0-16-072473-2 and 978-0-16-072473-2, are incorrect and are cancelled ISBNs. The ISBNs on the back cover, 0-16-075982-X and 978 0-16-075982-6, are correct.","Anatomy, Medical History, History of Medicine","","Sappol, Michael","1 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/05/06","167","01/05/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-01007-2","9780160800696","$ 62.00","$ 86.80","2008 Edition. Complete revision of the 2005 MCM incorporating all Executive Orders through September 28, 2007. Copies of each Executive Order can be found in Appendix 25. ","Defense Dept., Joint Service Committee on Military Justice","2008: 890 p.","NB1325","Trials, Uniform Code of Military Justice, Manual for Courts Martial, Military Law, Courts Martial and Courts of Inquiry, Military and Naval Offenses, Defense Policy, Law","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/09/08","036HN 131EB","01/09/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01538-5","9780160730573","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","Edited by Hans Binnendijk and Stuart E. Johnson. Reports conclusions and recommendations on military requirements for the stabilization and reconstruction phase of military operations in Iraq. Based on numerous studies, internal discussions, external briefings, and scholarly research. ","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security Policy","2004: 154 p.; ill.","Electronic resource through the Internet: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS51536. ISBN 0-16-073057-0.","Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Defense Policy, Military Doctrine, Military Strategy, Military Science","D 5.402:2004023932","Binnendijk, Hans; Johnson, Stuart E.","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/01/07","131 153","08/01/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","033-000-01280-2","0-16-074946-8","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","NASA SP-2005-4538. Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 38. Chronicles the stages NASA went through in its efforts to study and provide information on the depletion of the ozone. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Division, Office of External Relations","2005: 72 p.; ill.","NB1308","Air Pollution, NASA SP 2005 4538, Monographs in Aerospace History, No. 38, Case of Ozone Depletion, Ozone Layer Depletion, Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gases, Ozone","NAS 1.21:4538","Lambright, W. Henry","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/01/05","222","06/01/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01300-1","0-16-076672-9","$ 55.50","$ 77.70","NASA History Series. NASA SP-2006-4110. By Borris Chertok. Edited by Asif A. Siddiqi. Volume 2 of the memoirs of Academician Borris Chertok, translated from the original Russian. Takes up Mr. Chertok's life story after his return from Germany to the Soviet Union in 1946 and ends with a description of the R-16 catastrophe in 1960. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Division, Office of External Relations","2006: 697 p.; ill.","NB1316","Aviation, NASA History Series, NASA SP 2006 4110, Creating a Rocket Industry, Chertok, Borris, Space Exploration, Aeronautics, Aeronautical Research","","Chertok, Boris E.; Siddiqi, Asif","2 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","09/21/06","222","08/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01313-2","9780160815362","$ 39.00","$ 54.60","NASA SP-4113. The NASA History Series. Provides a biography of Dr. William H. Pickering. The dust jacket states: "More than any other individual Bill Pickering was responsible for America's success in exploring the planets, an endeavor that demanded vision, courage, dedication, expertise, and the ability to inspire two generations of scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a quote from Thomas P. Everhart.","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Division, Office of External Relations","2008: 269 p.; ill.","","NASA SP 4113, NASA History Series, Pickering, William H., 1910-2004, Jet Propulsion Laboratory","","Mudgway, Douglas J.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/19/08","","12/19/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-046-00000-1","0-16-010270-7","$ 45.00","$ 63.00","Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for one year. No single copies sold. Periodical uses cartoons to illustrate maintenance of trucks, military vehicles, and military equipment. PSPMM. File Code 2G. Item 325-H.","Defense Dept., Army, Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity","","Estimated single issue weight: 4 oz. O/N 03-042.","Maintenance and Repair, Subscriptions, PSPMM, Motor Vehicle Repair, Automobile Repair, Trucks, Military Vehicles, Automobiles","D 101.87:","","","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","","131IN","09/01/78","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-047-00000-7","0-16-010277-4","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $4.75; foreign single copy, $6.65. Provides a forum for the exchange of information pertinent to the practice of law in the military as well as outside the military. TR. File Code 2G. Item 427-C.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force","","Estimated single issue weight 5 oz. O/N 02-19.","Subscriptions, TR, Military Law","D 302.11:","","","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","","036KS 131IN","06/30/80","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00464-0","9780160792885","$ 32.50","$ 45.50","10th edition, August 2007. Provides an explanation of the financial aspects of the U.S. foreign military sales (FMS) program, with emphasis on FMS billing and reporting. Describes how the FMS financial system works and delineates why this financial system is designed to function as it does. ","Defense Dept., Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management; and Defense Finance and Accounting Service","2007: 216 p.; ill.","NB1323","Foreign Military Sales Customer Financial Management Handbook, Arms Sales, Military Assistance, Military Weapons, Weapons Systems","","","1 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/02/07","042 153","11/02/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01267-5","0-16-072259-4","$ 58.00","$ 81.20","NASA SP 2004-4109. NASA History Series. Presents the memoirs of Dr. Kenneth W. Iliff, the retired Chief Scientist of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. He worked at NASA from 1962-2002. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Office","2004: 421 p.; ill.","NB1303","Aviation, NASA DP 2004 4109, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Biography, Engineering, Dryden Space Flight Research Center, Aeronautics, Aeronautical Research","","Iliff, Kenneth W.; Peebles, Curtis L.","2 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Paper","06/22/04","018 222 297","06/18/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01281-1","0-16-074954-9","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","NASA SP-2005-4537. Monographs in Aerospace History Series No. 37. Presents the history of the manned space program from September 1, 1960 to January 5, 1968. Outlines chronologically and in detail the steps taken from the early Mercury days through the operation tests conducted with Gemini, to the qualification of Apollo. Describes the key technical, operational, and management milestones and how key issues in each phase of the space program were resolved. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration","2005: 171p.; ill.","NB1311","Tough Decisions, NASA SP 2005 4537, Monographs in Aerospace History Series No. 37, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Space Exploration, Aeronautics, Aeronautical Research, Avionics","","Seamans, Robert C., Jr.","2 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/01/05","018 222 297","01/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-055-00240-1","","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2008: 47 p.; ill.","NB1330","Battle An Najaf, Marine Corps History, Naval History, Iraq War, 2003 -","","Kozlowski, Francis X.","","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/06/09","","02/06/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-003-00194-5","0-16-075226-4","$ 49.50","$ 69.30","On cover: Reclamation, Managing Water in the West. Tells the history of the Bureau of Reclamation from 1902-1945. ","Interior Dept., Bureau of Reclamation","2006: 542 p.; ill.","","Water Resources Development, History of Bureau of Reclamation, Irrigation","","Rowley, William D.","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/27/06","050","02/27/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01170-6","0-16-061680-8","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Provides a brief history of slavery in America from 1450-1865. Also describes how slaves were brought to freedom through the underground railroad. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1996: Folder; ill.","Sold in packages of 100 copies for $81.00 when mailed to one address. NB1257","Maps, Black History, Slavery","I 29.6/6:R 13","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","See Note","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","10/07/96","006RT 016KF","05/14/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01304-3","9780160794315","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","Prepared in cooperation with the: Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum; and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Discusses the history of commercial aviation in the United States, from 1914 to the jet age. ISBN on cover 4: 978-1-4028-9462-6. ISBN in CIP on first page: 978-0-16-079431-5. Contains copyright material. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration","2007: 40 p.; ill.","An exhibit with the same title is scheduled to open at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC on November 17, 2007. NB1321","NASA SP 2007 561, Aviation, History of Aviation, Commercial Aviation","","Van der Linden, F. Robert","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/13/07","018","11/13/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","066-000-00025-7","0-912308-81-8","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","16th edition. Presents a one page biography along with the Official White House portrait for the first 41 presidents. The last three are presented in photographs. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-067437-9.","White House Historical Association","2001: 93 p.; ill.","NB1292","Presidents, Politicians, Executive Power, Presidential Administrations, Presidential Powers, History, Political History","Y 3.H 62/4:2 P 92/2001","Freidel, Frank; Sidey, Hugh S.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/08/02","106LP","05/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","066-000-00027-3","0-912308-83-4","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","10th edition. Presents a one page biography along with a portrait for all but the last two first ladies. The last two are presented in photographs. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-067439-5.","White House Historical Association","2001: 96 p.; ill.","NB1292","Presidents Wives, First Ladies, Presidential Administrations, History, Political History, Biographies","Y 3.H 62/4:2 F 51/2001","Klapthor, Margaret Brown; Black, Allida M.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/08/02","106CN 111GE","11/12/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00215-0","0-16-049915-1","$ 31.00","$ 43.40","United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991. Tells the story of the Marines and sailors of the 1st Force Service Support Group, the 2d Force Service Support Group, Marine Wing Support Group 37, and the 3d Naval Construction Regiment whose combined efforts gave the I Marine Expeditionary Force the ability to eject Iraqi forces from Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. Item 383-B.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, History and Museums Division","1999: 256 p.; ill.","DSL 99-0191-P 04/06/99. NB1271","United States Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990 to 1991, Combat Service Support in Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Marine Corps History, Persian Gulf War, Naval History","D 214.13:P 43/6","Zimmick, Steven M.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/25/99","061DJ 237FS","11/12/03","Each","Each" "Being Reprinted (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","027-002-00536-8","9780160780271","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","M-76. Revised March 2007. Developed for new citizens. It includes information on U.S. civic history, rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, biographical details on prominent foreign-born Americans, landmark decisions of the Supreme Court, presidential speeches on citizenship, and several of our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. ","Homeland Security Dept., U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services","2007: 108 p.; ill.","Also available in packages of 25 each under S/N 027-002-00535-0. 027-002-00536-8, ISBN 978-016-078027-1 is for sales of single copies only. NB1320 ISBN 0-16-0780","M 36, Citizenship, Patriotic Song Lyrics, United States History, Statue of Liberty History, Supreme Court Decisions History","","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/24/07","","11/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01271-3","0-16-073085-6","$ 29.50","$ 41.30","NASA SP-2004-4230. NASA History Series. Chronicles the story of the Centaur, the world's first liquid-hydrogen rocket. Focuses on technical and political hurdles that Centaur faced over the three decades that it was managed by NASA Lewis Research Center. Explores NASA's effort to modify Centaur for launch from the Shuttle's cargo bay, a controversial project canceled in the wake of the Challenger accident. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Office, Office of External Relations","2004: 303 p.; ill.","NB1303","Launch Vehicles, NASA SP 2004 4230, NASA History Series, Centaur Upper Stage Rocket, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Liquid Hydrogen, Space Craft, Space Activities","","Dawson, Virginia P.; Bowles, Mark D.","1 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","07/02/04","141 222 297","07/02/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","033-000-01308-6","9780160801914","$ 59.00","$ 82.60","NASA SP 2007-4232. NASA History Series. Contains an historical account of NASA's Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (STDN), starting with its formation in the late 1950's to what it is today in the first decade of the 21th century. Traces the roots of the tracking network from its beginnings at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico to the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) space-based constellation of today. ","National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of External Relations, NASA History Division","2008: 523 p.; ill.","NB1326","Space Navigation, NASA SP 2007 4232, NASA History Series, NASAs Spaceflight Tracing and Data Network, Spaceflight Tracing and Data Network, STDN, Manned Space Flight, Astronautics","","Tsiao, Sunny","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/12/08","222 297","06/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01446-2","9780160765988","$ 4.50","$ 6.30","S. Doc. 109-18. Rev. ed. Briefly describes the history of the American flag, and sets forth the practices and observances appropriate to its display. 109th Congress, 2nd Session.","Congress, Joint Committee on Printing","2007: 52 p.","","Senate Document 109 18, Flags, National Emblems","","","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","11/20/07","069 141","11/20/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01454-3","","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","S. Document 109-15.","Senate","","","Byrd, Robert C., Senate, History of Senate","","","0 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/06/07","","03/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01563-6","0-16-076812-8","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","John L. Clarke, editor. This book looks at how a number of countries are meeting the challenge of employing existing military forces to carry out homeland security missions. The authors examine how Austria, Bulgaria, European Union, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States have approached the issue of the employment of military forces in domestic security. This collection of essays offers readers the opportunity to compare and contrast these experiences and the lessons they offer for future contingencies involving the employment of military force in support of civil authorities. (1-57906-074-9 is for the hardcover, not for sale.)","Defense Dept., Army, National Defense University","2006: 264 p.; ill.","ISBN 13 for this paperback: 978-0-16-076812-5.","Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, International Security, National Security","","Clarke, John L.","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/08/06","131 153 293","12/08/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-022-00339-8","9780160795572","$ 67.00","$ 93.80","EP-870-1-67. Reflects the role of the Army Corps of Engineers in the development of Washington D.C. Illustrated with pictures, maps, and sketches. ","Defense Dept., Army, Corps of Engineers, Office of History","2008: 320 p.; ill.","Book was actually published before the end of 2007. NB1321","EP 870 1 67, Washington, DC, District of Columbia, Corps of Engineers, Architecture","","Scott, Pamela","3 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/06/07","140","12/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00181-1","0-16-037941-5","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Marines in World War 2 Commemorative Series. Discusses the 1942 First Marine Division campaign against the Japanese on Guadalcanal Island, one of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. The commanding General was Alexander A. Vandegrift. Includes maps, black and white photographs, drawings, and information about sources. On back cover: 50th, 1941, WW 2, 1945. Item 383-C.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps, History and Museums Division, Editing and Design Section","1992: 52 p.; ill.","NB1231","Marines in World War 2 Commemorative Series, World War 2, Guadalcanal Island, Marine Campaign for Guadalcanal, Vandegrift, Alexander A., Solomon Islands","D 214.14/4:G 93","Shaw, Henry I., Jr.","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/30/92","070JP 237DW","07/18/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","020-000-00271-9","0-16-048728-5","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","Provides a detailed history of the General Accounting Office from 1921-1966. Also traces the development of accounting and auditing in the United States from the American Revolution to 1921. Describes the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act in 1921. L.C. card 96-43135. Item 545.","General Accounting Office","1996: 635 p.; ill.","DSL 96-0377-P 09/30/96. NB1256 The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication.","Accounting, General Accounting Office, History of General Accounting Office, Auditing, Public Interest","GA 1.2:D 36","Trask, Roger R.","4 lbs. 5 oz.","No Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/11/96","141DI 250LB","05/06/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00896-9","0-912627-38-7","$ 9.50","$ 13.30","National Park Service History Series. Tells the story of John Brown's raid on the armory at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia in 1859, including events leading up to the raid, and its aftermath. Also contains a brief biography of John Brown, and an eyewitness account of his capture. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003480-9. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Office of Publications","1973: 76 p.; ill. 1990-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $387.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. NB035U5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6","National Park Service History Series, John Browns Raid, Slavery, West Virginia, Civil War, Brown, John","I 29.58/2:B 81","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/18/85","016GH 192QC","08/23/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-070-07481-7","9780160767722","$ 69.00","$ 96.60","Chronicles the history of the United States Botanic Garden. Also documents the plants and exhibits housed there. ","Congress, Architect of the Capitol, United States Botanic Garden","2007: 180 p.; ill.","ISBN 0-16-076772-5 or 9780160767722.","Botanical Gardens, Botany, History, Washington, DC, District of Columbia","","Fallen, Anne-Catherine","3 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/18/07","201","05/18/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01381-4","0-16-051228-X","$ 8.00","$ 11.20","Senate Document No. 13. Contains a history of the committee and standing rules of the Senate relating to appropriations. Describes the budget cycle. Also includes biographies of committee chairmen. Lists committee rooms, committee membership, and staff directors of the committee. 107th Congress, 2d Session.","Senate, Committee on Appropriations","2002: 238 p.; ill.","NB1293","Senate Document No. 13, History of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Appropriations, Senate","","","0 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/18/02","201AT","05/09/08","Each","Each" "New Requisition (Priced)","021-000-00200-3","","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","EST. DELIVERY DATE 03/06/09. Color portrait measures 8 x 10 in.","General Services Administration","2009: Portrait, 8x10 in.","","Obama, Barack, Presidents, Portraits, Posters, Photographs, Black History","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","","","01/08/09","Each","Each" "New Requisition (Priced)","021-000-00204-6","","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","EST. DELIVERY DATE 03/06/09. Color portrait measures 11 x 14 in.","General Services Administration","2009: Portrait, 11x14 in.","","Presidents, Obama, Barack, Portraits, Photographs, Black History, Posters","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","","","01/08/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01106-4","0-16-061654-9","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","Provides a wallchart describing the life and times of Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa sailing in the service of Spain whose voyages to America opened a new age in world history. Item 646-S.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1992: Poster, 29x39 in.; folded.","NB1232","Columbus, Christopher, Posters","I 29.20:C 72","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/29/92","057VP","10/01/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","027-002-00535-0","9780160780035","$ 148.00","$ 207.20","M-76. Revised March 2007. Developed for new citizens. It includes information on U.S. civic history, rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, biographical details on prominent foreign-born Americans, landmark decisions of the Supreme Court, presidential speeches on citizenship, and several of our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 027-000-00535-0 and ISBN 978-078003-5 are for sales of packages of 25 copies only.","Homeland Security Dept., U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services","2007: 108 p.; ill.","Sold in packages of 25 under S/N 027-002-00535-0. Single copy available under S/N 027-002-00536-8.","M 76, Citizenship, United States History, Statue of Liberty History, Patriotic Song Lyrics","","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/24/07","","12/26/07","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-022-00328-2","","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","Provides students with an opportunity to learn how engineers use math, science, and technology to design real structures. Composed of five separate but closely integrated learning activities. Includes many of the mathematical and scientific concepts that engineers use to analyze and design real structures. ","Defense Dept., Army, United States Military Academy","2002: 210 p.; ill.","NB1292","File Folder Bridges, Bridges, Problem Based Introduction to Engineering, Engineering","","Ressler, Stephen J.","1 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Mechanical Binding","Paper","09/19/02","216","09/19/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00171-5","0-16-058994-0","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","By Patricia A. Deuster, et al. Prepared for the Navy's SEAL (Sea-Air-Land team) community. Designed to provide nutritional information for SEALs. Includes nutritional considerations for endurance activities, strength training, and exposure to heat and cold. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Department of Military Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine","1994: 232 p.; ill.","NB121266","Sea Air Land Team, Sports Medicine, Diet, Nutrition, Nutrition Policy, Exercise","D 201.6/12:N 95","Deuster, Patricia A.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/11/98","131EB 239CX 291MK","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","030-000-00297-1","9780844411873","$ 32.00","$ 44.80","Area Handbook Series. 5th edition. Edited by Glenn E. Curtis and Eric Hooglund. Offers a concise and objective examination of the dominant historical, geographic, social, economic, political, and military aspects of contemporary Iran. Has 5 chapters on: Historical Setting; The Society and its Environment (covers geography, population, social systems, education, health, and welfare); The Economy (focuses on overview and sectorial analyses); Government and Politics (covers political institutions, political dynamics, and foreign policy); and National Security (covers military institutions and regional and national security problems/issues). ","Library of Congress, Federal Research Division","2008: 402 p.; ill.","","Area Handbook Series, Iran","","Curtis, Glenn E.; Hooglund, Eric","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/18/08","","07/18/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-015-00232-5","0-16-067954-0","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","Presents papers from the conference: "CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991" at Princeton University on 9-10 March 2001. Focuses on the organizational evolution of the CIA's analysis of the Soviet economic, political, military, and scientific and technological developments during the Cold War. Assesses the extent to which Western analyses of the Soviet Union may have influenced the USSR's policy making process. ","Central Intelligence Agency, Center for the Study of Intelligence","2003: 311 p.; ill.","NB1300","Espionage, Central Intelligence Agencys Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947 to 1991, Conference on CIAs Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947 to 1991, Intelligence Services, Soviet Union, Russia, Counterintelligence, Military Intelligence","","Haines, Gerald K.; Leggett, Robert E.","2 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/30/04","279AJ","01/30/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-005-00000-2","0-16-010131-X","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","AFRP 110-1. Semiannual periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest issue are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $23.00; foreign single copy, $32.20. Published by the Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, this review provides a means for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and information. It contains a survey of important legislative, administrative, and judicial developments in the military and related law fields. Title formerly: JAG Law Review. JLR. File Code 2Q. Item 427-B.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Judge Advocate General School","","O/N 02-118.","AFRP 110-1, Subscriptions, JLR, JAG Law Review, Military Law","D 302.9:","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","","131AF","04/24/75","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-058-00043-2","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 109-213. H.R. 1259. An Act to Award a Congressional Gold Medal on Behalf of the Tuskegee Airmen, Collectively, in Recognition of Their Unique Military Record, Which Inspired Revolutionary Reform in the Armed Forces. Approved April 11, 2006.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2006: 4 p.","","Public Law 109 213, Tuskegee Airmen, Congressional Gold Medals, Black Military Personnel","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/10/06","","05/10/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00065-6","","$ 2.50","$ 3.50","Public Law 110-245. H.R. 6081. An Act to Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Provide Benefits for Military Personnel, and for Other Purposes. Approved June 17, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 27 p.","","Public Law 110 245, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Amendment, Taxation, Military Personnel","","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/24/08","","07/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00072-9","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","H.R. 2642. Public Law 110-252. An Act Making Appropriations for Military Construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for Other Purposes. Approved June 30, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 94 p.","","Public Law 110 252, Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (Section 6201), Close the Contractor Fraud Loophole Act (Section 6101), Military Construction, Veterans Affairs Department","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","09/10/08","","09/10/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00109-0","","$ 56.00","$ 78.40","","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","1999: 556 p.; ill.","","Textbooks of Military Medicine","","","4 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/07/07","","03/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-011-00278-1","","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","","Defense Dept., Army, Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School","","DA Pamphlet 27-50-420. In this issue: To Be Continued: A Look at Posthumous Reproduction as It Relates to Today's Military.","","","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/17/08","","07/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","708-011-00279-0","","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","","Defense Dept., Army, Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School","","DA Pamphlet 27-50-421. Contains: Military Justice Symposium 2007.","","","","0 lbs. 12 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","08/05/08","","10/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-023-00125-1","0-16-072396-5","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","3rd United States Edition. Listed on the Borden Institute's web-site under "Textbooks of Military Medicine." Represents an entirely new handbook. Revised to reflect lessons learned from ongoing American involvement in SouthwestAsia. Is an essential tool for the management of forward combat trauma. Takes a bulleted manual style in order to optimize its use as a rapid reference. Drafted by sub-specialty experts. Updated by surgeons returned from year-long deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. A collaborative effort with the Army Medical Department Center & School. Includes bibliographical references and index. ","Defense Dept., Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute","2004: CD-ROM in plastic case.","System requirements: Windows 95 or above or Macintosh OS 7.5 or above. NB1306","TMM, Emergency War Surgery, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Textbooks of Military Medicine, Military Medicine, Surgery, Wounds","","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","02/04/05","119 131","02/22/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-058-00064-5","","$ 6.00","$ 8.40","Public Law 109-234. H.R. 4939. An Act to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, to Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year, and for Other Purposes. Approved June 15, 2006.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2006: 73 p.","NB1314","Public Law 109 234, Appropriations, John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007","AE 2.110:109-234","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/28/06","900","07/28/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-058-00194-3","","$ 35.00","$ 49.00","Public Law 109-364. H.R. 5122. An Act To Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, to Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year, and for Other Purposes. Approved October 17, 2006.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2006: 439 p.","NB1318","Public Law 109 364, Appropriations","","","1 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/25/07","","03/21/07","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","869-066-00237-3","","$ 35.70","$ 49.98","Public Law 110-417. S. 3001. An Act to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2009 for Military Activities of the Department of Defense, for Military Construction, and for Defense Activities of the Department of Energy, to Prescribe Military Personnel Strengths for Such Fiscal Year, and for Other Purposes.Approved October 14, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 416 p.","","","","","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/22/09","","01/23/09","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-004-02467-4","","$ 22.00","$ 30.80","Compiled by Patricia A. Plunkett and Thomas S. Jones. Provides an extended price history for a wide range of metals. Covers the years 1959 through 1998. ","Interior Dept., Geological Survey","1999: 183 p.; ill.","DSL 2000-0036-P 11/04/00. NB1275","Metals, Metal Trade, Prices","I 19.2:M 56/7","Plunkert, Patricia A.; Jones, Thomas S.","1 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/21/99","151CX","08/29/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-00899-3","0-912627-08-5","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","National Park Service Handbook 111. Includes a history, travel guide, and references on the volcanic rock tower and projected prairie dog communities within the Devils Tower National Monument in the Black Hills of Wyoming. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1981: 81 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $281.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003483-3. BIP NB035U5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102","National Park Service Handbook 111, Monuments and Memorials, National Parks, Wyoming","I 29.9/5:111","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016CE 140BE","11/04/99","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01185-4","0-912627-64-6","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","National Park Service Handbook 156. By Larry Gara, et al. On cover: Official National Park Handbook. Describes the many ways that blacks took to escape slavery in the southern United States before the Civil War. L.C card 97-52753. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061685-9.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1997: 88 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $404.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. NB1265","National Park Service Handbook 156, Slavery, Black History","I 29.9/5:156","Gara, Larry","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/23/98","006RT 016KF 192","09/14/05","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-01240-1","9780160761812","$ 3.25","$ 4.55","Preservation Briefs 45. Provides guidance for the every day care of wood porches on older buildings. Includes a brief history of the American porch. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services","2007: 20 p.; ill.","","Preservation Briefs 45, Historic Sites, Maintenance and Repair","","Sullivan, Aleca; Leeke, John","0 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/07/07","","01/21/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","024-005-01254-1","9780160789472","$ 4.00","$ 5.60","Preservation Briefs 33. Gives a short history of stained and leaded glass in America. Also surveys basic preservation and documentation issues, addresses common causes of deterioration, and presents repair, restoration, and protection options. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2007: 16 p.; ill.","","Preservation Brief 33, Historic Sites","","Vogel, Neal A.; Achilles, Rolf","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/24/08","140","01/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01258-3","0-912627-79-4","$ 56.00","$ 78.40","Serves as a guide to attractions in the Washington, D.C. area. Contains a map with accompanying text. One side shows major sites in Washington, DC, and Arlington, Virginia. The other side provides a brief history of the nation's capital. Sold in packages of 100 copies only. Item 0651","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2008: Folder.","Also sold for $2.00 per single copy from the Citizen Information Center, P.O. Box 100, Pueblo, CO 81002. NB1325","District of Columbia, Washington, DC, Maps","","","5 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","03/17/08","","03/17/08","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-01267-2","9780160822223","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","Translated by Richard L. Bland. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2008: 323 p.","","Alaska, Stone Age, Prehistory, Art History, Siberia","","Kiriyak. M. A.; Bland, Richard L.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/03/09","","02/03/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","027-002-00558-9","9780160812019","$ 13.00","$ 18.20","","Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigratrion Services","2008: 1 box of flash cards.","Supersedes: Civics Flash Cards, 2005. 9780160812019","Citizenship, United States History, Teaching Materials, Flash Cards","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/24/08","","09/24/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01428-4","0-16-072699-9","$ 20.00","$ 28.00","Senate Document No. 5. Tells the history of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. ","Senate, Committee on Appropriations","2005: 244 p.; ill.","","Congress, Senate, Congressional Committees (Senate), Appropriations","Y 1.1/3:109/5","","0 lbs. 15 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","09/19/05","201","09/15/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","056-000-00056-9","0-9644472-6-6","$ 17.00","$ 23.80","Prepared in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Peace Corps. Contains a collection of autobiographical reminiscences by about 30 former Peace Corps volunteers. ","Peace Corps","2006: 181 p.; ill.","NB1311","Biography, Peace Corps History, Volunteer Work","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/07/05","075","01/10/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","736-002-00000-1","0-16-011602-3","$ 24.00","$ 33.60","Bimonthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 3 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $9.00; foreign single copy, $12.60. Provides information about getting NEH grants. File Code 2N. Item 831-B-1.","National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities","","This subscription service is available either for one or two years. Customers wishing to subscribe for two years should remit a sum that is double the one year subscription price. O/N 00-52A.","Federal Aid to Libraries, Subscriptions, NR, Nonpartisan Review, Literature, History, Research Grants, Federal Aid to Museums","NF 3.11:","","","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","","107DO 150HB 258DG","03/10/80","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","736-002-00141-4","","$ 9.00","$ 12.60","","National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities","","In this issue: Lost and found; Stuffitude; Richard Rabinowitz and the Art of Exhibitry; History Unfiltered, a Conversation With Lewis Lehrman (about Abraham Lincoln.)","","","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","07/23/08","","07/23/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-046-00245-2","9780945274599","$ 46.00","$ 64.40","Edited by Michael J. Crawford. Under orders from President Theodore Roosevelt, sixteen battleships of the United States Atlantic Battle Fleet and their consorts made a peace-time circumnaviggation of the globe, from December 07 to February 1909. Text, illustrations, and captions tell the story of this fourteen-month world cruise. Separate chapters provide an overview of the origins, course, and accomplishments of the cruise, describe the ships that circumnavigated the globe, depict the character and experiences of the sailors who participated, and narrate the cruise's principal events and itinerary. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2008: 150 p.; ill.","NB1326","Global Partnerships and Security, Honoring One Hundred years of Global Partnerships and Security, Naval History, Great White Fleet Cruise Centennial Publication, Ships and Shipping, Diplomatic History, Roosevelt, Theodore","","Crawford, Michael J.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","05/12/08","059","05/12/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00908-6","0-912627-15-8","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","National Park Service Handbook 119. Big Bend National Park is in West Texas. Major attractions in the park include the Rio Grande River, the Chihuahuan Desert, and the Chisos Mountains. Part 1 of the handbook provides a brief introduction and history of Big Bend: part 2 concentrates on the area's natural history; and part 3 presents a travel guide and reference materials. L.C. card 82-600156. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1983: 127 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $353.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. BIP. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 119, National Parks, Texas","","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/18/85","016BB 140BE","01/29/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01231-1","0-16-074980-8","$ 23.00","$ 32.20","Preface by Alfred F, Young. Describes the significant part played by blacks and Native Americans at the beginning of the American Revolution. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Cultural Resources, Boston National Historical Park","2005: 268 p.; ill.","","American Revolution, Black History, African American History","I 29.2:P 27","Quintal, George, Jr.","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/12/05","006 144","08/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","027-002-00541-4","9780160787355","$ 52.50","$ 73.50","Contains a comprehensive collection of official U.S. government publications designed to help new permanent residents prepare for the naturalization process. Includes: Welcome to the United States; Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos; Civics Flash Cards; Learn About the United States, Quick Civics Lessons; the Citizen's Almanac; the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution pocket edition; A Promise of Freedom, Introduction to U.S. History ... (2 disc set); and Library Services for Immigrants. Most of these titles are also available separately under other stock numbers. Sold as a set only under this stock number.","Homeland Security Dept., Citizenship and Immigration Services","2007: Kit.","A more complete description of the contents is on the Internet at: http://www.citizenshiptoolkit.gov/toolkit.htm. NB1321","Civics, Citizenship Education, Immigration, Naturalization, United States History","","","3 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/30/07","069","11/30/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01130-7","0-16-063265-X","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","S. Doc 103-35. Compiled by Karen Dawley Paul. Diane B. Doyle, Editorial assistant. Prepared under the direction of Kelly D. Johnston, Secretary of the Senate. Provides a listing of archival repositories housing the papers of former senators, related collections, and oral history interviews. L.C. card 95-41409.","Senate, Senate Historical Office","1995: 755 p.; revised ed.","The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. DSL 96-0084-P 12/13/95. Special value publication. DSL 96-0335-P 08/19/96. NB1255","Senate Document 103 35, Members of Congress, Archives, History, Senate","Y 1.1/3:103-35","Paul, Karen Dawley","4 lbs. 12 oz.","No Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/01/95","201KE","05/01/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01432-0","0-8444-0855-7","$ 37.00","$ 51.80","DA Pam 550-79. Area Handbook Series. 4th edition. Edited by Tim L. Merrill and Miro Ramon. Examines objectively and concisely the dominant historical, social, economic, political, and military aspects of contemporary Mexico. L.C. card 97-13481. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061205-5.","Defense Dept., Army","1996: 464 p.; ill.","NB1263","Army Department Pamphlet 550 79, Mexico, Area Handbook Series, Country Study","D 101.22:550-79/997","Merrill, Tim L.; Miro, Ramon","2 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/19/97","166ML 287DR","08/17/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01478-8","0-16-059188-0","$ 10.50","$ 14.70","4th edition. Prepared under contract GS-35F-4033G. Provides information that Program Managers should find useful in structuring, developing, and executing an acquisition strategy. Item 0306-A.","Defense Dept., Defense Systems Management College","1999: 104 p.; ill.","NB1276","Military Program Managers, Strategy Guide, Acquisition Strategy, Weapon Systems","D 1.6/2:AC 7/3/999","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/07/00","129AG","08/01/00","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-029-00463-1","9780160782878","$ 55.50","$ 77.70","26th edition, October 2006. Incorporations the latest official guidance concerning new security cooperation policies and prscedural requirements, and as been updated to include the most recently enacted legislation governing security cooperation activities. ","Defense Dept., Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management","2006: 628 p.; ill.","Known as a Defense Green Book or the Greenbook or the DISAM textbook. NB13","National Defense, National Security, Military Policy, Defense Policy","","","3 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/02/07","153","11/02/07","Each","Each" "New Requisition (Priced)","708-109-00000-2","","$ 27.00","$ 37.80","Quarterly periodical. Price covers issues for 1 year. GPO sales subscription service is to begin with the July-August 2009 issue. Single copies will not be cold separately. File Code 2N. Sub List ID ARMOR.","Defense Dept., Army, Chief of Armor, Armor Branch","","O/N 09-005.","ARMOR, Subscriptions, Tanks, Military Science","","","","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","","","02/03/09","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-029-00000-9","0-16-010215-4","$ 28.00","$ 39.20","MACRP 127-5. Issued 6 times per year. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 3 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $5.50; foreign single copy, $7.70. Contains articles designed to gain greater safety and efficiency in Air Mobility Command operations. Former titles: The MAC Flyer and MAC Forum. TMF. File Code 2B. Item 424-B.","Defense Dept., Air Force, Air Mobility Command, Director of Safety","","Effective with V. 1, No. 4, July-August 1992 issue, the title was changed from MAC Forum to Mobility Forum to reflect the Command name change from the Military Airlift Command (MAC) to the Air Mobility Command (AMC). DSL 249-M 06/11/82. O/N 02-148.","Journal of the Air Mobility Command, MACRP 127 5, Subscriptions, TMF, Military Air Command Flyer, Aviation Safety, Aviation, MAC Flyer and MAC Forum","D 301.56/7:","","","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","01/13/97","018KC","01/13/97","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00196-1","9780945274445","$ 15.00","$ 21.00","Contains a catalog of the Navy Department Library's early collection dating back to the 18th century. Item 0415-D-04.","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Historical Center","2000: 190 p.; ill.","NB1282","Early Imprints from the Navy Department Library, Bibliographies, Rare Books, Naval History, Navy Department Library, Early Imprints About Americas Naval Heritage","D 221.2:H 42","Moebs, Thomas Truxtun","2 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/26/01","150AF 236BA","11/24/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-055-00232-0","0-16-067969-9","$ 4.00","$ 5.60","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series. Discusses the contributions the British Marines and the Korean Marines made to the Allied Forces in the Korean War. Item 383-B.","Defense Dept., Navy, Marine Corps","2003: 65 p.; ill.","DSL 2004-0061-P 01/12/04. NB1299","Marines in the Korean War Commemorative Series, Allied Marines in the Korean War, Marine Corps History, Korean War","D 214.13:K 84/10","Daugherty, Leo J.","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/17/03","054","12/17/03","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-00903-5","0-912627-19-0","$ 10.00","$ 14.00","National Park Service Handbook 122. Handbook is divided into three parts. Part one is an introduction to the park by a local resident; part two outlines the natural history and geology of the park area; and part three presents reference material and a travel guide to the Grand Teton National Park area. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1983: 95 p.; ill.","NO DISCOUNT ALLOWED. OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $245.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003487-6. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 122, Wyoming, National Parks","I 29.9/5:122","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016DQ 017BN","04/16/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00974-4","0-912627-28-X","$ 5.00","$ 7.00","National Park Service Handbook 129. Presents a description and history of the monument and a brief biography of the man it commemorates. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003515-5. L.C. card 85-600059.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1986: 48 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $192.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. BIP. DSL 86-667-P 08/12/86. NB051X7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104","National Park Service Handbook 129, Monuments and Memorials, District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., Lincoln, Abraham","I 29.9/5:129/2005","","0 lbs. 4 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","08/21/86","016GH 106KF 192QC","10/19/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01046-7","0-912627-37-9","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","National Park Handbook 138. Cover title reads: Yosemite: Official National Park Handbook. Spine title reads: Yosemite National Park. Part 1 introduces the park and its early conservationist champion, John Muir. Part 2 explores the park's natural and cultural history. Part 3 presents concise guide and reference materials, including a full-color map of the park. L.C. card 88-17932 CIP. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003564-3.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1989: 143 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $278.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. BIP. DSL 90-0247-P 4/25/90. NB1217 GB1109","National Park Service Handbook 138, National Parks, California","I 29.9/5:138","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/02/90","016RV","07/06/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","024-005-01155-2","0-912627-60-3","$ 5.50","$ 7.70","Official National Park Handbook 152. Tells the story of evolving technology and naval policy and how they affected the fortunes of the Charlestown Navy Yard and its workers. The yard was in operation from 1800 to 1974. Item 648-A. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061672-7.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1995: 89 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $261.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. NB1258","National Park Service Handbook 152, Massachusetts, Naval History","I 29.9/2:C 38","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/09/97","016BO 236BA","08/06/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01211-7","","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","Describes the Jamestown Archeological Assessment project begun in 1992. Includes historical information discovered as a result of the project. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service","2001: 136 p.; ill.","NB1288","Historic Sites, Virginia, Jamestown, Colonial History, Archeology","I 29.9/2:J 23","","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","01/31/02","016GH 144JA","01/31/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01212-5","0-912627-71-9","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","National Park Service Handbook 159. Foreword by John Glenn. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, Division of Publications","2002: 116 p.; ill.","ORDERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $375.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Supersedes S/N 024-005-00183-2.","National Park Service Handbook 159, Wright, Wilbur, Wright, Orville, Aviation Centennial, Aviation History, Airplanes, Wright Brothers","I 29.9/5:159","Crouch, Tom D.; Glenn, John","0 lbs. 10 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/27/02","016CF 018FJ","12/27/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01232-0","0-16-072708-1","$ 35.50","$ 49.70","Prepared by CEHP, Incorporated, Chevy Chase, Maryland. Contract No. 144CX300096053, Modification No. 1. Tells the history of Civil War forts and other defenses in the Washington, DC area. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, National Capital Region","2005: 212 p.; ill.","","Historic Sites, Washington, DC, District of Columbia, Civil War","","","1 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/11/06","192","09/19/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01236-2","0-16-072995-5","$ 33.50","$ 46.90","Tells the history of the Naknek River region in Alaska from 8,000 B.C. to 1920 A.D. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Katmai National Park and Preserve","2005: 124 p.; ill.","NB1311","Indians, Alaska","I 29.2:N 14","Dumond, Don E.","1 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/09/05","016","12/09/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","024-011-00198-1","9780160809569","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","Prepared in cooperation with the Alaska Anthropological Association. On the front of the poster is a photograph of the "1913 Mail Team on the Iditarod Trail, Seward to Susitna Station." Image is courtesy of the Robert E. King Collection. At head of title: April 2008 Alaska Archaeology Month. Caption on the back of the poster: Traveling Through Time on the Iditarod National Historic Trail. Includes a timeline, photographs, a map of the trail, and mention of the Internet address www.blm.gov/ak/st/en/prog/sa/iditarod.html. Poster was produced in commemoration of the centennial of the opening of the overland trail. ","Agriculture Dept., Forest Service, Chugach National Forest","2008: Poster, 28 in. x 18 in., flat.","Although this poster has an 024 stock number, it was produced by the Chugach National Forest.","Railroads, Iditarod Sled Dog Race, Archeology, Posters, Alaska, History, Traveling through Time on the Iditarod National Historic Trail, Dog Sled Trails","","","0 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","05/29/08","017 057","05/29/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","027-002-00559-7","9780160812026","$ 91.00","$ 127.40","Sold in packages of 10 decks of flash cards under this stock number.","Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigration Services","2008: 10 boxes of cards.","","Naturalization, Flash Cards, United States History, Citizenship, Teaching Materials","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/24/08","","09/24/08","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-015-00260-1","9780160818356","$ 27.00","$ 37.80","Daily desk calendar with a spiral binding. Includes information about terrorist groups, methods, and tactics. Provides information on known terrorist groups, individual terrorists, and technical information on topics such as biological and chemical threats. Includes portraits, brief biographies, some information from most wanted posters, and an index. ","Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National Counterterrorism Center","2008: 160 p.; ill.","Previous editions: Counterterrorism, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 calendars (none of which were GPO sales items.)","Global War on Terrorrism History and Chronology, Antiterrorism Calendar 2009, Calendars, Biographies, Crime and Criminals, Terrorists, Anti Terrorism, violence in Society","","","","Discount","Mechanical Binding","Paper","01/23/09","","01/23/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00361-0","0-16-004577-0","$ 62.50","$ 87.50","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; Alfonso Ortiz, volume editor. Volume covers the prehistory, general history, and languages of the entire Southwest, and the cultures and histories of the Pueblo peoples. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1979: 701 p.; ill.","BIP. 1980 SL 169W0 Oct. 1981 SL 33Y1 July 1982 SL 15V2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GP1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","North American Indians, Indians, Southwestern United States","SI 1.20/2:9","Sturtevant, William C.; Ortiz, Alfonzo","5 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","006HA","10/05/92","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00398-9","0-16-004580-0","$ 66.00","$ 92.40","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; David Damas, volume editor. Describes the prehistory, history, and cultures of Eskimo people of North America who lived in the Arctic area. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1984: 845 p.; ill.","BIP. NB034Q5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","North American Indians, Eskimos, Indians, Arctic","SI 1.20/2:5","Sturtevant, William C.; Damas, David","5 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/21/85","006HA","01/28/85","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00401-2","0-16-004581-9","$ 66.00","$ 92.40","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; Warren L. D'Azevedo, volume editor. Volume covers the history and culture of the original inhabitants of the area which is now Nevada, Utah, western Colorado, portions of southern Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, eastern California, Arizona and New Mexico. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162.","Smithsonian Institution","1986: 868 p.; ill.","DSL 86-699-P 08/21/86. BIP. NB051X7 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Indians, Great Basin States, North American Indians","SI 1.20/2:11","Sturtevant, William C.; D'Azevedo, Warren L.","5 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/21/86","006HA","09/02/86","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00408-0","0-16-020390-2","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; Wayne Suttles, volume editor. Provides background information on the native peoples of the Northwest Coastal environment, their languages, and early history. Also contains sections on: mythology, art, and the Indian Shaker Church. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1990: 793 p.; ill.","INCORRECTLY ADVERTISED AS S/N 047-000-00408-8. DSL 90-0538-P 08/24/90. BIP. NB1220 GB1111","Canada, North American Indians, Indians, Alaska, Northwest Coast, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia","SI 1.20/2:7","Sturtevant, William C.; Suttles, Wayne","6 lbs. 4 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/20/90","006HA","08/28/90","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00411-0","0-16-048774-9","$ 94.00","$ 131.60","10th volume to be published in a planned 20 volume set. William C. Sturtevant, general editor. Ives Goddard is the editor of this volume. Provides a basic reference work on the Native languages of North America, their characteristics and uses, their historical relationships, and the history of research on these languages. Item 0909-D-01.","Smithsonian Institution","1996: 971 p.; ill., 2 maps in pocket.","(For more information on the Handbook and its future volumes, contact the Handbook office at the Smithsonian, phone 202-633-1958). NB1258","North American Indians, Indians, Languages, Indian Languages, Native Americans","SI 1.20/2:17","Goddard, Ives","7 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/19/97","006HA","02/19/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00415-2","9780160723001","$ 75.50","$ 105.70","William C. Sturtevant, General Editor; Raymond D. Fogelson, Volume 14 editor. Describes the prehistory, history, and culture of the aboriginal peoples who lived in the region north of the urban civilizations of central Mexico. Note: Preface indicates mistakenly that this is the Thirteenth volume in a 20 volume set. ","Smithsonian Institution","2004: 1042 p.; ill.","NB1304","Gulf Coastal Plan, Southeastern American Indians, Indians, North American Indians, Native Americans, Aboriginal Peoples, Interior Southeast, Florida","SI 1.20/2:14","Fogelson, Raymond D.","8 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Cloth","09/20/04","006HA","10/20/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-070-07543-1","9780160808173","$ 21.00","$ 29.40","Answers these and other important questions by presenting a comprehensive history of the U.S. program, chiefly derived from SIGIR's body of extensive oversight work in Iraq, hundreds of interviews with key figures involved with the reconstruction program, and thousands of documents. The report examines the pre-war planning for reconstruction, the shift from a large infrastructure program to a more community-based one, and the success of the Surge in 2007 and beyond. The report provides thirteen lessons applicable to contingency relief and reconstruction operations, which should create a basis for reviewing and reforming the U.S. approach to these activities. ","Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction","2009: 500 p.","","State Department, SIGIR, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Iraq War, 2003 -, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA), Defense Department, Negroponte, John D., Khalilzad, Zalmay","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","02/02/09","","02/04/09","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-00995-7","0-16-063256-0","$ 47.00","$ 65.80","Senate Bicentennial Publication. Senate Con. Res. 18. Senate Document 100-20. By Robert Byrd, United States Senator. Edited by Wendy Wolff. Includes lists, tables, and statistics on: Senators; Senatorial elections; Sessions; Party leadership and organization; Committees; Senate organization; and Senate powers. Item 996-A.","Senate, Senate Historical Office","1993: 760 p.","NB1239","Senate Document 100 20, Statistics, History, Senate","Y 1.1/3:100-20/V.4","Byrd, Robert C.; Wolff, Wendy","5 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/21/93","201TE","06/12/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01227-3","0-16-063279-X","$ 61.00","$ 85.40","Senate Document 104-26. S. Con. Res. 34. By Mark O. Hatfield, et al. Edited by Wendy Wolff. Provides a brief biography of each vice president, the circumstances surrounding his selection, a summary of the major issues confronting the nation during his service, the nature of his relations with the president, his broader and international role, and his contributions to the nation and the office. Includes bibliography and index. L.C. card 96-51492. Item 993-A-01.","Senate, Senate Historical Office","1997: 620 p.; ill.","DSL 97-0043-S 04/25/97. NB1259","Senate Document 104 26, Vice Presidents, Biographies, History","Y 1.1/3:104-26","Hatfield, Mark O.; Wolff, Wendy","4 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","04/16/97","201TE","06/21/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01405-5","0-16-068069-7","$ 1.50","$ 2.10","Senate Publication 108-21. Contains the text of Washington's farewell address. George Washington wrote this address in September 1796 after he decided not to seek a third term as president of the United States. 108th Congress, 2d Session. Item 997.","Senate, Senate Historical Office","2004: 34 p.","Supersedes S/N 052-071-01340-7. NB1301","Senate Publication 108 21, Washington, George, Political History, Presidents, Farewell Address of George Washington","","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","03/26/04","106 201","03/26/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01418-7","0-16-073176-3","$ 99.00","$ 138.60","House Document No. 108-222. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-2005: The Continental Congress, September 5, 1774 to October 21, 1788 and the Congress of the United States, From the First to the One Hundred Eighth Congresses, March 4, 1789 to January 3, 2005, Inclusive. Closing date of compilation, January 3, 2005. Includes biographies of every one serving in the Continental Congress or the U.S. Congress from 1774-2004. ","Congress, Joint Committee on Printing","2005: 2236 p.","","House Document No. 105 222, Congress, Biography, History, Directories","Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14902","","9 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/11/06","114 201","01/11/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01444-6","0-16-076331-2","$ 48.50","$ 67.90","Comprised of 200 readable and informative historic vignettes reflecting all areas of Senate activities, from the well known and notorious to the unusual and whimsical. Prepared by Richard A. Baker, the Senates Historian, these brief sketches, each with an accompanying illustration and reeferences for further reading, provide striking insights into the colorful and momentous history of The World's Greatest Deliberative Body. ","Senate, Senate Historical Office","2006: 231 p.; ill.","","Senate","","Baker, Richard A.","3 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","10/03/06","201","10/03/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","844-002-00000-9","0-16-014969-X","$ 63.00","$ 88.20","Monthly periodical. Each issue includes 5-8 Notes. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. No monthly issues are sold separately. Single issues (for one country) are not sold separately. Each Note covers a different country or territory (or an international organization) and gives information on its land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations. BGN. File Code 2B. Item 862-B.","State Dept., Bureau of Public Affairs","","O/N 06-011A. DSL 17,449 11/12/82. QC012V3 QC013R3 QC033R5. Single copies can be downloaded from the Internet at http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/.","Subscriptions, BGN, Background Notes Subscription Service, Background Notes on the Countries of the World, Countries, Foreign Countries, International Agencies","S 1.123:","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","","302BA 286BE","02/27/85","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-061-00120-1","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-120. S. 2206. An Act to Provide Technical Corrections to Public Law 109-116 (2 U.S.C. 2131a Note) to Extend the Time Period for the Joint Committee on the Library to Enter into an Agreement to Obtain a Statue of Rosa Parks, and for Other Purposes. Approved Nov. 19, 2007.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2007: 1 p.","","District of Columbia, Public Law 110 120, Joint Committee on the Library, Parks, Rosa, Monuments and Memorials, Capitol (Washington, DC), Black History, National Statuary Hall, United States Capitol","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/12/07","","12/12/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-000-00965-1","0-16-073266-2","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","Provides answers to some of the fundamental questions regarding network-centric warfare (NCW) as an emerging theory of war in the Information Age. Describes how the tenets and principles of NCW are providing the foundation for developing new warfighting concepts, organizations, and processes that will allow our forces to maintain a competitive advantage over potential adversaries, now and in the future. Provides an overview of the ongoing implementation of NCW in the Department of Defense (DoD). ","Defense Dept., Office of Force Transformation","2005: 79 p.; ill.","NB1306","Network Centric Warfare, Strategic Planning, Strategic Forces, Military Strategy, Deterrence, Armed Forces, Weapons Systems","D 1.2:N 38","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","02/14/05","043AB 131 153","12/21/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01381-1","0-16-051683-8","$ 3.50","$ 4.90","Examines two issues of national security policy: stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; and verifying international nonproliferation agreements. Describes the forces that shape the ways in which negotiators address the question of establishing and maintaining confidence among signatories to treaties limiting nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and reducing the size of conventional forces. Explains how the chance events of the day intertwine with substantive developments in treaty negotiations and implementation. Item 0378-H-01.","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Institute for National Strategic Studies","1995: 167 p.","NB1251","Arms Control, Nonproliferation Treaties, Treaties, Military Agreements, Biological Weapons, Negotiations, International Affairs, Nuclear Weapons","D 5.402:N 73","Kessler, J. Christian","0 lbs. 11 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/24/95","075XW 127UN","03/11/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-020-01562-8","1-57906-072-2","$ 16.00","$ 22.40","The unstoppable spread of information networking and know-how gives rise to the need for a new edge, one that utilizess but transcends networks by developing people, teams, and decisionmaking methods that convert information into better choices and outcomes. The authors call this new edge battle-wisdom. NDU ISBN 1-57906-072-2.","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security Policy","2006: 192 p.; ill.","NB1315","Seeking Time Information Superiority in Networked Warfare, Military Science, Time Information Superiority","","Gompert, David C.","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","08/15/06","153","08/15/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-020-01567-9","9780160778698","$ 47.50","$ 66.50","Publication measures 9 x 11 in. Provides an overview of both the innovative new weapons systems which will equip the Army of the future and those systems already in the force which provide for the nation's security today. Appendices include listings of weapon systems by: contractors; contractors by system; and contractors by State. Includes an index, a glossary, Army combat organizations, and points-of-contact. ","Defense Dept., Army","2007: 308 p.; ill.","","Army, United States Army Weapon Systems, Weapons, Defense Procurement, Weapons Systems, Military Weapons, Strategic Forces, Advanced Weapons","","","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","03/07/07","","03/07/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-020-01569-5","9781893723047","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","By David S. Alberts, et al. Armed with a general understanding of the concepts of Information Superiority and Network Centric Warfare, enterprising individuals and organizations are developing new ways of accomplishing their missions by leveraging the power of information and applying network centric concepts. Visions are being created and significant progress is being made. But to date we have been only scratching the surface of what is possible. (from the Introduction). ","Defense Dept., National Defense University, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP)","2001: 326 p. 2007-repr.","10 digit ISBN: 1-893723-04-6 (pbk.) 13-digit ISBN: 9781893723047.","CCRP Publication Series, Military Science","","Alberts, David S.","1 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/26/07","051 153","11/26/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","008-046-00239-8","9780160779879","$ 33.50","$ 46.90","International Law Studies, V. 82. Edited by Anthony M. Helm. Contains a compilation of scholarly papers derived from the proceedings of a June 2005 colloquium hosted by the Naval War College. Examines international legal standards applicable to the use of force, and the development and employment of weapons systems in the 21st century. ","Defense Dept., Navy, Naval War College","2006: 362 p.","NB1319 ISBN 0-16-077987-1","International Law Studies, V. 82, Weaponry and the Use of Force, Proceedings of The Law Of War In The 21st Century, Weaponry and the Use of Force, National Military Strategy, Strategic Planning, National Defense, Defense Policy","","Helm, Anthony M.","1 lbs. 14 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","04/12/07","059","04/12/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01093-9","0-16-061651-4","$ 50.50","$ 70.70","Publication measures 8 x 4 in. folded; 23 x 17 in. unfolded. This folder, organized yearly through maps and chronologies, shows the course of the war from Fort Sumter in 1861 to Appomattox Court House and beyond in 1865. Also describes the two principal theaters in which the major military operations took place: Eastern and Western theaters. At head of folder: Resource Topics for Parklands. Sold in packages of 100 copies only.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1991: Folder; ill.","No Further Discount Allowed. Sold for $2.00 each, in Pueblo only. CIC 152Y NB1227","Historic Sites, Civil War, Maps","I 29.2:C 49/5","","5 lbs. 9 oz.","No Discount","Specialty Item","","12/07/91","102AL 192EM","09/06/07","Package","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01247-8","9780160770944","$ 53.50","$ 74.90","In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II. ","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Pacific West Region","2006: 340 p.; ill.","","Cultural Landscape Report, California, Japanese Americans, World War 2","","","3 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/22/06","043","03/06/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-015-00243-1","1-929667-13-2","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","Identifies and describes conditions and variables that negatively affect intelligence analysis. Investigates analytic culture, methodology, error, and failure within the Intelligence Community. Uses an applied anthropological methodology that includes interviews, direct and participant observation, and focus groups. Includes a bibliography. ","Central Intelligence Agency, Center for the Study of Intelligence","2005: 181 p.; ill.","NB1308","Espionage, Ethnographic Study, Terrorism, Intelligence Activities, Intelligence Analysis, Intelligence Services, Counterintelligence, Military Intelligence","","Johnston, Rob","0 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/14/05","153 259","04/19/07","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00006-1","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-186. H.R. 4253. An Act to Improve and Expand Small Business Assistance Programs for Veterans of the Armed Forces and Military Reservists, and for Other Purposes. Approved February 14, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 10 p.","","Public Law 110 186","","","0 lbs. 3 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","04/02/08","","04/02/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00027-3","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-207. H.R. 1119. An Act to Revise the Congressional Charter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Approved April 30, 2008. Est. Delivery Date 06/02/08.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 1 p.","","Public Law 110 207, Purple Heart, Spouses, Siblings, Medals","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/05/08","","06/05/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00661-3","0-912627-49-2","$ 4.75","$ 6.65","Relates the history of the Apache Indians and of the Apache Wars of the 1800's. The Apache Wars ended with the surrender of their leader Geronimo. The parts played by Apaches Geronimo and Cochise, United States Army officers, Oliver Otis Howard, George Crook, and Nelson A. Miles, and many others are given in the narrative. Today the ruins of Fort Bowie, Arizona, stand as a monument commemorating the struggle of the Indians to maintain their way of life in the face of the white man's determination to conquer the wilderness. L.C. card 75-619280.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1977: 88 p.; ill. 1984-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $195.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003432-9. NB1212","Indians, Apache Indians, Arizona, Arizona, Fort Bowie, Historic Sites","","Utley, Robert M.","0 lbs. 6 oz.","See Note","Perfect Binding","Paper","","016BO","12/02/03","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-00785-7","0-912627-04-2","$ 11.00","$ 15.40","National Park Service Handbook 107. Recounts the history of Agate Fossil Beds. Tells why this land became part of the National Park System, what fossils are found there, and where this monument is located. Includes tips to visitors, a reading list, and information on other sites in the National Park System. L.C. card 80-607119.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1980: 96 p.; ill. 1988-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $405.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003442-6. BIP NB1210","National Park Service Handbook 107, Nebraska, Geology","I 29.9/5:107","","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","02/15/89","016AG","04/08/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","024-005-00815-2","0-912627-09-3","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","National Park Service Handbook 112. Part 1 gives a brief introduction to the park; Part 2 outlines the natural history of the mountains and their valleys; and Part 3 presents concise travel guide and reference materials. L.C. card 81-11320.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1981: 127 p.; ill.","Supersedes I 29.62:5, S/N 024-005-00201-4. OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $248.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003445-0. BIP. DSL 17,141 06/02/82. QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104","National Park Service Handbook 112, North Carolina, Tennessee, National Parks","I 29.9/5:112","","0 lbs. 9 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","","016DQ 017BN 140BE","12/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00816-1","0-912627-10-7","$ 12.50","$ 17.50","National Park Service Handbook 113. Describes Fort Vancouver, which served as a trading post on the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest. Includes a history of the area, focusing on the major personalities of the time. L.C. card 81-607951.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications, Harpers Ferry Center","2001: 112 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $336.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-072462-7. NB1282","National Park Service Handbook 113, Historic Sites, Washington, Oregon, Pacific Northwest, Fur Trade, Trapping","I 29.9/5:113","Satterfield, Archie; Lavender, David","0 lbs. 10 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","05/18/01","016DK","05/18/01","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-00904-3","0-912627-18-2","$ 13.50","$ 18.90","National Park Service Handbook 124. This publication describes an ironmaking community in 18th and 19th century America; an overview of the young iron making industry is presented in part one. Pt. 2 recounts the history of the workers and ironmaking operation. Pt. 3 is a guide to the main points of interest at the Hopewell furnace. On cover: Hopewell Furnace, Official National Park Handbook. On spine: Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site. L.C. card 83-600130. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1983: 95 p.; ill. 1988-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $400.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003488-4. NB035U5","National Park Service Handbook 124, Iron and Steel Industry, Historic Sites, Pennsylvania","I 29.9/5:124","Lewis, Walter David; Hugins, Walter Edward","0 lbs. 7 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","04/18/85","016GH 140BT","05/30/02","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","024-005-00957-4","0-16-003506-6","$ 4.25","$ 5.95","Historical narrative on the activities of the U.S.S. Cairo which was sunk in the Yazoo River by a Confederate torpedo in Dec. 1862. Also discusses the thousands of priceless artifacts found within her. Item 648.","Interior Dept., National Park Service","1971: 56 p.; ill. 1985-repr.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $172.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 100 price. NB042Z6","Naval History, Civil War, Salvage, Warships","","Jones, Virgil Carrington; Peterson, Harold L.","0 lbs. 4 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Sew","Paper","10/17/85","192SN 236XC","11/17/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01023-8","0-912627-35-2","$ 7.50","$ 10.50","Handbook 141. Official National Park Handbook. Designed as a guide to the many facets of the islands. Recounts the history of the area, looks at the inland sea, and describes the geographical features and wildlife of the islands. Discusses what to see and do at the park. L.C. card 87-600289.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1988: 64 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $380.00 per 100 copies. No further discount is allowed on the per 100 price. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-003545-7. NB1206 BIP 1105 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","National Park Service Handbook 141, National Parks, Wisconsin","I 29.9/5:Ap 4","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","05/11/88","016AG 017BN","12/10/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01125-1","0-912627-59-X","$ 7.00","$ 9.80","NPS Handbook 149. Provides a history of the Castillo de San Marcos, including the events that led up to the decision to build the fort. Also describes historic sites in St. Augustine and other areas related to Spanish Florida. L.C. card 92-40413. Item 649. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-061662-X.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1994: 66 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE OF $295.00 per 100 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed in the per 100 price. NB1243","National Park Service Handbook 149, Historic Sites, Florida","I 29.9/5:149","","0 lbs. 5 oz.","See Note","Paper Cover, Stitch","Paper","06/23/94","016BO 140BE","06/14/02","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","024-005-01172-2","0-912627-61-1","$ 14.50","$ 20.30","National Park Service Handbook 154. Spine title reads: Redwood National and State Parks. On cover: Official National and State Parks Handbook. Provides an introduction to the parks and the movement to preserve redwoods, the world's tallest trees. Explores redwood natural history, the work of restoring logged lands, and North Coast Indian culture. Includes a travel guide and reference materials for touring the parks. Item 649.","Interior Dept., National Park Service, Division of Publications","1996: 112 p.; ill.","OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE of $429.00 per 50 copies when mailed to one address. There will be no further discount allowed on the per 50 price. DSL 98-0292-P 07/06/98.","National Park Service Handbook 154, Parks, California, Trees","","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/25/98","016IR 086EM 140BT","03/01/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","027-000-01352-0","0-16-042977-3","$ 62.50","$ 87.50","Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas; Recommendations of Experts for Improvements in Federal Law Enforcement After Waco; Evaluation of the Handling of the Branch Davidian Stand-Off in Waco, Texas; and Lessons of Waco: Proposed Changes in Federal Law Enforcement. Describes events during the stand-off between David Koresh and the Branch Davidians and law enforcement agents at Waco, Texas from February 28 to April 19, 1993. Includes: brief history of the Branch Davidian sect; day-by-day chronology of the stand-off; documents and evidence developed during the investigation; and recommendations of 9 experts. 4 books, sold as a set. Item 717.","Justice Dept.","1993: 4 bks. (752 p.); 16 plates.","On title page of first book: United States Department of Justice Report on the Events at Waco, Texas, February 28 to April 19, 1993. Report, ISBN 0-16-042973-0; Recommendations, ISBN 0-16-042974-9; Evaluation, ISBN 0-16-042975-7; Lessons, ISBN 0-16-042976-5. NB1239","Texas, Waco, Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas, Recommendations of Experts for Improvements in Federal Law Enforcement After Waco, Evaluation of the Handling of the Branch Davidian Stand Off in Waco, Texas, Lessons of Waco, Proposed Changes in Federal Law Enforcement, United States Department of Justice Report on the Events at Waco, Texas, February 28 to April 19, 1993, Waco Report to DAG, Branch Davidians","J 1.2:W 11/LESSONS","","5 lbs. 5 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","11/30/93","036KS","11/10/03","Set","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00347-4","0-16-004574-6","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; Robert F. Heizer, volume editor. Summarizes what is known of the aboriginal culture forms and practices of about 60 California tribes. Describes the environment, prehistoric archeology, historical archeology, language classification, culture, population numbers since the time of European discovery, and the history of exploration and settlement by Whites. Contains copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1978: 816 p.; ill.","BIP. 1978 SL 157W8 1979 SL 6Z9 Oct. 1981 SL 32Y1 July 1982 SL 14V2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","Indians, California, North American Indians","SI 1.20/2:8","Sturtevant, William C.; Heizer, Robert F.","5 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","006HA","05/14/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00374-1","0-16-004578-9","$ 65.00","$ 91.00","William C. Sturtevant, general editor; June Helm, volume editor. Describes the prehistory, history, and cultures of the aboriginal people of North America who lived in the Subarctic culture area, defined as extending from the coast of Labrador on the Atlantic Ocean to Cook Inlet and beyond on the Pacific. Includes copyright material. L.C. card 77-17162. Item 909-D-1.","Smithsonian Institution","1981: 853 p.; ill.","BIP. July 1982 SL 13V2 QC011Y2 QC012V3 QC013R3 QC014N3 QC021Y4 QC022V4 QC023R4 QC024N4 QC031Y5 QC032V5 QC033R5 QC034N5 QC041Y6 QC042V6 QC043R6 QC044N6 QC051Y7 QC052V7 GB1101 GB1102 GB1103 GB1104 GB1105 GB1106 GB1107 GB1108 GB1109 GB1110 GB1111","North American Indians, Eskimos, Indians, Subarctic","SI 1.20/2:6","Sturtevant, William C.; Helm, June","6 lbs. 1 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","","006HA","05/14/97","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00412-8","0-16-049514-8","$ 70.50","$ 98.70","William C. Sturtevant, General Editor; Deward E. Walker, Jr., Volume 12 Editor. Provides a summary of what is known about the prehistory, history, and culture of the American Indians of the Plateau Culture area. This area is defined by the region in northwestern United States and southwestern Canada drained by the Columbia and Fraser rivers excepting certain portions of the northern Great Basin drained by the Snake River. The Plateau culture area includes the Interior Salishan peoples, the Sahaptian peoples, and several cultural isolates, Athapaskan outliers, and the Kootenai and Cayuse. ","Smithsonian Institution","1998: 807 p.; ill.","NB1266","Native Americans, Indians, North American Indians, Salishan Peoples, Sahaptian Peoples, Athapaskan Outliers, Kootenai Peoples, Cayuse Peoples","SI 1.20/2:12","Sturtevant, William C.; Walker, Deward E., Jr.","5 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","06/15/98","006HA","06/18/98","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00414-4","0-16-050400-7","$ 111.50","$ 156.10","William C. Sturtevant, General Editor; Raymond J. DeMallie, Volume 13 editor. Describes the prehistory, history, and culture of the aboriginal peoples who lived in the region of tall-grass prairies and short-grass high plains of North America. Note: Preface indicates mistakenly that this is the twelfth volume in a 20 volume set. 2 parts in two books, sold as a set.","Smithsonian Institution","2001: 2 bks. (1392 p.) ill.","NB1287","Indians, North American Indians, Plains Indians, Plains Culture, Native Americans, Aboriginal Peoples","","Sturtevant, William C.; DeMallie, Raymond J.","10 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","11/09/01","006HA","02/12/02","Set","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","047-000-00417-9","9780160803888","$ 64.00","$ 89.60"," Garrick A. Bailey, Volume Editor, William C. Sturtevant, General Editor. This Vol. 2 is the 15th of a 20 volume set planned to give an encyclopedic summary of what is know about the prehistory, history, and cultures of the aboriginal peoples of North America north of the urban civilizations of central Mexico. This volume provides a basic reference work on Indians and Arctic peoples as a continuing element in a changing and sometimes difficult environment responding to the social forces around them, making such accommodations as circumstances require, but remaining identifiably Indian in a contemporary society. ","Smithsonian Institution","2008: 591 p.; ill.","NB1327","Indians in Contemporary Society, Indians, North American Indians, Indigenous Peoples, Indian Lands","","Bailey, Garrick A.; Sturtevant, William C.","","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","07/15/08","","07/15/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-000-01076-4","0-16-066475-6","$ 70.00","$ 98.00","United States of America Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 104th Congress, Second Session, Index, V. 142, Pt. 20, January 3, 1996 to October 21, 1996, A-Z and History of Bills. ","Congress, Joint Committee on Printing","1996: 2035 p. and 3 index dividers.","NB1285","","","","11 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","08/15/01","201GU","05/09/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-000-01078-1","","$ 64.00","$ 89.60","United States of America Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 104th Congress, First Session, Index, V. 141, Pt. 27, January 4, 1995 to January 3, 1996. Includes history of bills. 2 books, sold as a set.","Congress","1995: 2 bks. (2640 p. and 4 index dividers).","NB1277","","","","12 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","03/07/00","201GU","03/07/00","Set","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-000-01098-5","0-16-076295-2","$ 121.00","$ 169.40","United States of America Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 105th Congress, First Session, Indx, V. 143, Pt. 19, January 7, 1997 to December 15, 1997. Includes history of bills. ","Congress","1997: 2 bks. (2928 p.)","NB1315","Congress","","","13 lbs. 9 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","12/08/06","201","12/08/06","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","052-071-01048-3","0-16-063257-9","$ 69.00","$ 96.60","Senate Bicentennial Publication. Senate Document 100-20. (Compiled by) Robert C. Byrd. Edited by Wendy Wolff. Contains the texts of 46 speeches by: Robert Y, Hayne, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Thomas Corwin, Thomas Hart Benton, William H. Seward, Jeremiah Clemens, William P. Fessenden, Stephen A. Douglas, Jefferson Davis, Andrew Johnson, Henry Cabot Lodge, William E. Borah, Rebecca L. Fenton, Huey P. Long, Joseph R. McCarthy, Hubert H. Humphrey, Richard M. Nixon, Frank Church, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Michael J. Mansfield, Everett M. Dirksen, Gale W. McGee, Robert C. Byrd, and other Senators. L.C. card 88-24545.","Senate, Senate Historical Office","1994: 812 p.; ill.","S. Con.Res.18. 100th Congress, 1st Session. Contains copyright material. NB1246","Senate Document 100 20, History, Speechwriting, Senate, Public Speaking","","Byrd, Robert C.; Wolff, Wendy","5 lbs. 0 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","01/17/95","201TE","02/26/99","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01131-5","9780160632662","$ 40.00","$ 56.00","S. Doc. 103-34. Compiled by Jo Anne McCormick Quatannens, Diane B. Boyle, editorial assistant, prepared under the direction of Kelly D. Johnston, Secretary of the Senate. Lists scholarly works that profile the lives and legislative service of senators and their autobiographies and other published works. L.C. card 94-41039. Item 0996-A.","Senate","1995: 368 p.","NB1251","Senate Document 103 34, Congress, Bibliographies, Members of Congress, History","Y 1.1/3:103-34","Quatannens, Jo Anne McCormick; Boyle, Diane B.","2 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","12/12/95","201TE","04/08/96","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","052-071-01417-9","0-16-073169-0","$ 43.00","$ 60.20","House Document 108-204. Edited by Walter J. Oleszek. Contains papers on the nature of the House Speaker under Speakers O'Neill, Wright, Foley, Gingrich and others. 108th Congress, 2nd Session.","Congress, Joint Committee on Printing","2004: 254 p.; ill.","NB1306","House Document 108 204, House of Representatives, History of House of Representatives, House Leadership","Y 1.1/7:108-204","Oleszek, Walter J.","2 lbs. 7 oz.","Discount","Casebound","Cloth","02/02/05","201","02/02/05","Each","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00179-2","","$ 2.25","$ 3.15","Public Law 110-359. H.R. 5001. An Act to Authorize the Administrator of General Services to Provide for the Redevelopment of the Old Post Office Building located in the District of Columbia. Approved October 8, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 3 p.","","Public Law 110 359, Washington, D.C., Old Post Office Building, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, Postal Service History, General Services Administration","","","0 lbs. 2 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/18/08","","12/18/08","Each","Each" "Pending Reprint Decision (Priced, No Stock Available in Warehouse or Retail)","001-001-00680-7","0-16-072925-4","$ 30.50","$ 42.70","FOG Version 4.0. 3rd revision. Contains information on general responsibilities for disaster responders, formats and reference material for assessing and reporting on populations at risk, Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) position descriptions and duty checklists, descriptions of Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) stockpile commodities, general information related to disaster activities, information on working with the military in the field, and a glossary of acronyms and terms used by OFDA and other organizations with whicy OFDA works. Ten digit ISBN: 9780160729256.","State Dept., US Agency for International Development, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance and Agriculture Dept., Forest Service","2006: 394 p.","NB1313","Emergency Medical Services, FOG Version 4.0, Disaster Assessment and Response Field Operations Guide, Emergency Management, Disasters, Disaster Relief, Food Relief, International Relief","ID 1.8:F 45","","1 lbs. 6 oz.","Discount","Specialty Item","","03/02/06","043CA 229","08/13/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Controlled Item (Priced)","008-001-00177-1","","$ 6.50","$ 9.10","The RCIED Card is a two-sided, laminated 4x6 card with a pictorial representation of RCIED threats and a series of actions to take if they are encountered. The purpose of the card is to make this information readily available to military forces and emergency responders who may encounter a terrorist threat incident. Sold in packages of 10 copies only.","Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group (TSWG)","2006: Card.","GPO Contact Center cannot accept orders without the TSWG approval.","Controlled Items","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","09/20/06","","09/20/06","Package","Each" "In Stock - Controlled Item (Priced)","008-001-00185-1","9780160795329","$ 85.00","$ 119.00","Designed as a quick reference guide for military, first responders, Federal, State, and local government personnel. The goal of this guidebook is to provide awareness level information that will allow on-scene personnel to rapidly assess that a situation involves the presence of homemade explosives. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. ","Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group","2008: 69 p.; ill.","GPO Contact Center Cannot accept Order(s) Without the TSWG Approval Number. For more information, see Description Field.","Home Made Explosives or Homemade Explosives, Controlled Items, Law Enforcement","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","","900","02/11/09","Package","Each" "In Stock - Controlled Item (Priced)","008-001-00191-6","9780160802713","$ 185.00","$ 259.00","For use by all emergency responders and military personnel confronting the need to decontaminate large groups of people affected by chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) events. Includes pre-incident response procedures for CBR Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) incidents. The MPDTSP is a 288 page publication within a 3 ring binder containing an Instructor Guide, Instructor CD containing PowerPoint instructional slides, video files, and Student Guide. Also included are a Train-the-Trainer video and Classroom Support DVDs.","Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group","2008: 288 p.; ill. with 2 DVDs in binder.","GPO Customer Contact Center Cannot Accept Order(s) Without the Technical Support Working Group Approval Number. For more information, see Description Field.","Controlled Items, Emergency Preparedness, Chemical, Biological, Radiological Mass Decontamination","","","","Discount","Specialty Item","","","","03/26/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","008-070-00810-6","9780160808968","$ 59.00","$ 82.60","2d edition. A comprehensive reference designed for Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics. Developed as a primary medical information resource and field guide for the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) this book defines the standard of health care delivery under adverSe and general field conditions. It is organized according to symptoms, organ syStems, specialty areas, operational environments and procedures. It emphasizes acute care in all its forms (including gynecology, general medicine, dentistry, poisonings, infestations, parasitic infections, acute infections, hyper and hypothermia, high altitude, aerospace, dive medicine, and sanitation.) ","Defense Dept., United States Special Operations Command","2008: 750 p.; ill.","Printed on tear-resistant, water-resistant synthetic paper. A 5.25 inch by 8.5 inch quick-reference guide with a three hole punched ring binding. It includes 193 figures (37 in color) and 38 quick reference tables. Updates and supersedes the 2001 edition.","Nurses and Nursing, Combat Casualty Care, Emergency Medicine, Hospitals, Military Medicine, Air Evacuation, Mens' Health and Diseases, Gynecology","","","","Discount","Two-Piece Cover","Plastic","11/03/08","","11/03/08","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse or Retail (Priced, Not Reprinting)","041-015-00239-2","0-16-073173-9","$ 20.50","$ 28.70","NIC 2004-05, October 2004. Compiled and edited by John K. Allen, et al. Contains thirty-seven National Intelligence Estimates on China. The included CD-ROM contains these and an additional thirty-four other such documents. Represents the most authoritative intelligence assessments of the United States government of the era of Mao, 1948-1976. Spans the period from the Chinese civil war through the upheavals of the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Chronicles the struggles within the top leadership, the buildup of the Chinese military, and the evolution of the Sino-Soviet split. ","Executive Office of the President, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director, National Intelligence Council","2004: 722 p.; ill., CD-ROM in pocket.","System requirements: CD-ROM reader.","Cultural Revolution, NIC 2004 05, Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), Electronic Products, Chinese Studies, Sino-Soviet Relations, National Intelligence Estimates on China, Era of Mao, 1948 to 1976","","Allen, John K.","4 lbs. 13 oz.","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","10/15/04","288","10/15/04","Each","Each" "In Stock - Warehouse and Retail (Priced)","708-103-00000-4","","$ 30.00","$ 42.00","Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription begins with the issue current when the order is processed. New GPO subscription to begin with Winter 2003 edition, V. 3. Single copy, $12.00; foreign single copy, $16.80. Copies of 2 back issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase. JSOM. File Code 2Q.","Defense Dept., Special Operations Command","","O/N 03-003.","JSOM, Medicine, Military Medicine, Subscriptions, Unconventional Warfare, Unconventional Medicine, Special Operations Forces (SOF) Medics","","","","Discount","Perfect Binding","Paper","06/12/03","119HA","01/13/03","Subscription","Each" "In Stock - Retail Only (Priced)","869-066-00149-1","","$ 12.00","$ 16.80","Public Law 110-329. H.R. 2638. An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for other Purposes. Approved September 30, 2008.","National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register","2008: 143 p.","","Public Law 110 329, Appropriations, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2009, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2009, Homeland Security","","","0 lbs. 8 oz.","Discount","Self Cover, Stitch","Paper","12/05/08","","12/05/08","Each","Each"