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Sandians Receive the United Defense "Cadre of Distinction Award"

Sandia was contacted by Army personnel at Picatinny Arsenal Armament Research Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) to help identify the root cause of failure of their laser ignition system. The laser ignition system ignites the charge in the rapid-fire Future Combat System Howitzer. An investigation team consisting of members from Sandia, ARDEC, United Defense, and Benet Labs was assembled to address this problem. The team was able to determine the root cause of failure as a resonant response of the laser system due to muzzle braking forces during artillery shell exiting. Sandia, working closely with ARDEC personnel, suggested methods of providing shock isolation to the laser system, enabling the laser system to survive the maximum charge firing conditions. In recognition of their contributions, the team was given the United Defense "Cadre of Distinction Award." This award recognizes United Defense employees and contractors for outstanding achievements. Sandia continues to work on this project to develop a final engineering solution to this complex problem. Sandia team members include Nipun Bhutani, Robin Gilbert-O'Neil, Yih-Renn Kan, Jim Lauffer, Randy Settgast, and Tim Shelton.