How the Filter Package works: ----------------------------- This event filter package is controlled by the rcp file Jetefake.rcp So to understand the parameters that control the output of this package it will be better to start with the rcp file. In the following I show the meaning of the rcp parameters as comments in the rcp file. In the following 'emjet' means jets that have em fraction more than a certain value (discussed later). One event should have at least one emjet to pass the selection criteria. -------- // Author: Nirmalya Parua // // rcp for Jetefake package // string PackageName = "Jetefake" // parameters for MC jet algorithm float conesize = 0.5 // cone size for the jets float ETseed = 1.0 // Minimum E_T for the seed float ETmin = 5.0 // Minimum E_T of a jet // float minemfr = 0.65 // Minimum emfraction of the jet. // Emfraction is defined as // empt/jetpt. while calculating empt, pt of all // photons and electrons and any charged particle // with pt less than chargept (see second to last // parameter) are added. float minempt = 10.0 // Minimum pt of emjet that are counted. float maxemptclptfr = 10.0 // Ratio of the pt of the emjet to the // pt of the closest charged track to the center // of the jet ( in the code this ratio is called // ebyp) should be less than maxemptclptfr float maxebyp = 1.0 // ebyp of any jet ( not only em tagged jet) should // be less than 'maxebyp'. putting a cut at // maxebyp=1 means not using this variable here. float maxcldist = 0.1 // maximum distance allowed for the closest // charged track from the center of the jet in the // (eta, phi) space float chargept =1.0 // If pt of a charged track in a jet is less than // 'chargept' (in GeV) then the pt of the charged // track should contribute to the empt of the // jet. int needed = 6000 // This is the number of events that you would like // to be filtered out. So if the rejection factor // is 30, you should generated about 180,000 events // This package writes events till it reaches // the 'needed' number of good events (6000 here) // Then although it keeps generating events but // don't write it any more. So one should put the // number of events to be generated at a // sufficiently high value so that 'needed' number // of events can selected. ----- So in summary for an event to get selected it should have at least one emjet. This emjet should satisfy 'maxcldist', 'maxemptclptfr', 'minempt' criteria. A step by step guide to generate and simulate events for fake background study ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- and then transfer those to SAM. ------------------------------ Introduction: In the following I give a step by step guide about how to produce monte carlo events at Lyon and then transfer those to sam at d0mino. Please don't feel hurt to see some elementary unix commands in this guide. I found it easier to write it that way. 1. Login to ccali 2. Go to the working directory. In this example $ cd /afs/ 3. If you want to make new executable for filter (fake) then do the Following i>$ setup D0RunII pmc02.01 ii>$ setup d0cvs iii>$ newrel -t pmc02.01 generator (or some other name) iv>$ cd generator v>$ cp /afs/ . vi>$ cd include vii>$ gmake all 4. Make a directory from where to run the simulation job $ mkdir simulate 5. $ cd simulate 6. $ tar xvf $THRONG_DIR/info_data/pmc02/mc_runjob-new.tar This may change. If you have doubt please ask Michel and/or Evelyne about what tar file is the most updated one. 7. $ cd bin/Linux2-KCC_3_3/ 8. Here you will see links to several executables. Put a link to your executable. For this example do ln -s /afs/ Jetefake_x Jetefake.x 9. Go to the template directory $cd ../../ mc_runjob/templates. 10. Edit the file generator_jobs.list to put your process (or if you don't need to change anything just copy it from /afs/ In this case I put the following line at the end of the file jetefake_cc isajet Jetefake.x runJetefake Jetefake Here the first field jetefake_cc is the process, you can put any name but this name will appear in the generated and simulated file names, so please give a meaningful name. The second field is the generator name, I put isajet as I am using this, if later you want to put other generators like pythia etc. please put that accordingly. The third name is the name of the executable. Please remember that this is the link that you put in the bin directory (described at point 6). Third field is the framework rcp file (without the filename extension). You can copy this from my area. The fourth field is any additional rcp files that you need. In this case I put Jetefake. You have to copy this also from my area. I put enough comments there so that you will understand meaning of all parameters. 11. Also copy from /afs/ into your mc_runjob/templates , following files jetefake_cc.isa Jetefake.rcp runJetefake.rcp The .py files are needed to have correct file name. If you have original files then if you generate 200000 events and select only 6000 events then your filename will show 200000 events, but you would like 6000 there. jetefake_cc.isa is the isajet command file. Please remember to put the name same as the process. In this case the process name is jetefake_cc (see the discussion in point 10). 12. Also copy the file /afs/ into mc_runjob/mc_runjob/ directory. 13. The example above assumes that you want to filter out 6000 events, if you want to change this number to something else you need to edit following files Jetefake.rcp : there is a rcp parameter called needed, change this number to the required number. : change the number of events in the lines number_filter_event = '6000evts.' Please remember that this line appears several times. How to Transfer files from ccali to sam (d0mino) ------------------------------------------------ There are good documentations at and at In the following I give a step by step guide ( all these I got from Evelyne Lebreton through e-mails) 1> Get write access to disks /sam/cache2/import /sam/cache1/import of d0mino from Lee Lueking ( 2> In your home directory at d0mino create a directory bbft-lyon. $mkdir bbftp-lyon (this is hyphen -, not underscore _). 3> Go to your production directory, mc_runjob and do ./ ( this will create full-database) ./ (this will create full-import) to create required data base files. It is better to run only one generator job from one production directory. 4> Either go to your public area or create an area in $GROUP_DIR for file transfer. I have created an area /afs/ (name is not important) $cd /afs/ $tar xvf ~evelyne/public/d0/d0_bbftp.tar 5> Edit the file /afs/ to put the name of your production directory. The relevant line is set pwd_prod=$GROUP_DIR'/'$prod'/simulatepmc02.01ccreal/mc_runjob' 6> Then run the script run_ftp_bbftp.csh by doing $./run_ftp_bbftp.csh prod-fake jetefake /sam/cache2/import here prod-fake is the mother directory from where my production directory is hanging. Third field, that is jetefake is the process. Fourth field is the destination directory in d0mino here /sam/cache2/import, but you might use /sam/cache1/import depending on which one is free. Answer all questions on the affirmative. 7> If it is not already there with proper contents create a file .netrc in your home directory at Lyon and put the following lines machine login 'your user name' password 'your pass on' Not to mention, as this file contains your password please put the protection correctly so that no one but you has any access to this file. You may do chmod 700 .netrc 8> Login to d0mino and copy in your bbftp-lyon the file ~lebreton/test-bbftpc.v-1.8.8 This file should be executable, if not for some reason change it by using chmod. 9> Do the following to check that your python script for import is fine. $setup n32 $setup sam $setup python $cd /sam/cache2/import $python my-import-file If you don't get any message, it means everything is fine. 9> Do $bbftp -i in_prod-fake.time-stamp -u parua -p 5 -o out_prod-fake.time-stamp -b This will ask you for a password, give the password for ccali. 10> It will take a while to transfer all files. 11> You must change protection to all files that you transfered to sam, so that people can delete your files. do chmod 777 *.params | | gen.* | sim.* Cleaning up the disk after production: -------------------------------------- 1> Go to the mc_runjob directory 2> Run the script to remove unnecessary details from the log file. ./ 3> $tar cvf myprod_jetefake.tar mc_run_job 4> $gzip myprod_jetefake.tar 5> $elliotc archive -G y -c "comment describing the production" myprod_jetefake.tar.gz