[NIFL-ESL:8342] basic vocabulary 2

From: Paul Rogers (englishtoday2002@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 16:35:11 EST

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inglés:				español:
WHO (ju)			quíen
WHAT (uat)			qué
WHEN (uen)			cuando
WHERE (uer)			donde
WHY (uai)			porqué
WHERE TO 			a donde
HOW (jau)			como
HOW MUCH (jau mach)	cuánto
HOW MANY (jau meni)	cuántos
WHOSE 			de quién
WHAT FOR (uat for)		porqué, para qué
WHOM				a quién
HOW COME (jau cam)		porqué

Is there...? (es ther)				¿Hay? (singular)
Are there...? (ar ther)				¿Hay? (plural)

What do you want? 				¿Que quiere?
(uat du iu uant)

What would you like? 				¿Que quería?
(uat wud iu laik)

I want (ai uant)					Yo quiero
I would like (ai wud laik)				Yo quería
I like (ai laik)						Me gusta
I would like						Me gustaría

Directions (dirakshans) 			Direcciones
left (left)					izquierda
right (rait)					derecha
straight (streit)					derecho
turn (tern)					dar la vuelta
to the left (tu the laft)				a la iquierda
to the right (tu the rait)				a la derecha

across from(akross  from)			en frente
ahead (ajad)			  		adelante
around (araund)				alrededor
backward (bakuard)				atrasado
behind (bijind)					detras
beside (bisaid) 				al lado de
between (bitwin)				entre
block (bloek)					cuadra
by (bai)					por
forward (foruard)				adelante
here (jir)					aquí
in front of (en frant av)			en frente de
lost (loest0					perdido
next to (nakst tu)				junto a
on top of (on tap av)				encima de
there (their)					allá
corner (kornir)					esquina
block (blak)					cuadra
stop light (stap lait)				semáforo
the border					la frontera
The United States				los estados unidos
go						ir, va
stop (stap)					parar
turn (turn)					dar la vuelta

I'm lost. Where is the border?

At the corner, turn to the right, then go straight for
three blocks. Then at the stop light turn left.

Is there a bathroom near here?

Yes across from the gas station at the cultural
apple (aepl)				manzana
avocado (avvokado)			aguacate
bacon (beikan)			tocino
beans (bins)				frijoles
beer (bir)				cervesa
bread (bred)				pan
cake (keik)				pastel
cheese (chis)				queso
chile (chili)				chile
chicken (chikan)			pollo y gallina
cookie (kuki)				galleta
corn (corn)				elote
cucumber (kiucumbr)			pepino
eggs (egs)				huevos
fruit (frut)				fruta
hamburger (jamberger)		hamburgesa
hot dog (jat dag)			wini
ice cream (ais crim)			nieve, helado
juice (yus)				jugo
ketchup(kechap)			catsup
lemon (leman)				limon
lettuce (letas)				lechuga
lobster (labster)			langosta
mayonnaise (meyoneiz)		mayonesa
meat (mit)				carne
milk (melk)	 			leche
mustard (masterd)			mostasa
orange (oranch)			naranja
pork chops (_chaps)			chuletas
potato (poteito)			papa
rice (rais)				arroz
salad (salad)				ensalada
sauce (sas)				salsa
soup (sup)				sopa y caldo
steak (steik)				bifstek
stew (stu)				caldo
toast (tost)				pan tostada
tomato (tomeito)			tomate
water (uatr)				agua
delicious				delicioso/a
hot (jat)				caliente y picosa
spicy					picosa
cold (cold)				frio
warm (uarm)				tibia
bake (beik)				hornear
boil (boyl)				hervir
broil (broyl)				asar
cook (cuk)				cocinar
fry (frei)				freir
shop (shoep)				ir de compras

Questions:						Preguntas:
Is there any______? (es their eni)    			¿Hay?
Are there any...?	(aer their eni)      		¿Hay?
Where is the (uer es)?				¿Donde está el/la...?

meat department 				carniceria
(mit departmant)
cold cuts (cold cats)				carnes frias
dairy products (deiri pradakts)		productos lacteos
canned goods (cand guds)			enlatadas
pound (paund)					libra
ounce (auns)					onza
gallon (galan)					galón
kilo (kilo)					kilo
cup (cap)					taza 
quart (kwart)					quarto (casi 1 litro)
liter (liter)					litro
half (jaf)					medio
quarter (cuartr)				quarto
aisle (ail)					sección
hardware (jarduer)				feretería
pharmacy (farmaci)				farmacia 
cashier (kashir)				cajera
bag check (bag chek)				paquetería
shopping cart (shaping kart)           		carreta

Where is the hamburger?
There in the meat department.
I want two pounds of hamburger.
Regular or lean?
I need cooking oil, where can I find it?
In aisle four.
Are there any strawberries?
I'm sorry there aren't any.
Is there a pharmacy in this store?
Yes there is. Follow me I'll show you where it is.
Do I need a prescription to buy penicilin?
No it is not necessary. 
The total is 25 dollars.
Do you need help to your car?
Yes, please.
 At the restaurant

Welcome to Casa Azul. How many in your party?

There are 5 of us.

Please come with me. Is this table alright?

Yes, this is fine. 

Would you like something to drink first?

Yes, we will have 2 beers and three sodas.

Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?

Yes, we want two lobster dinners and three orders of
fried shrimp.

Do you want soup or salad?

Soup please.

Here is your order. Would you like anything else?

No thank you, please bring the check.

Was everything alright?

Yes,  thank you for everything.

You're welcome, come again soon.

The House			La casa
roof (ruf)			techo exterior
ceiling (siling)			techo interior
wall (iuol)			pared
floor (flor)			piso
door (dor)			puerta
window (iuindo)		ventana
kitchen (kietchan)		cocina
stove (stov)			estufa
refrigerator			refrigerador
sink (sienk)			fegadero
oven (oevan)			horno
bathroom Bathrum)		baño
shower (shauer)		regadera
bathtub (baethtab)		tina
toilet 				escusado
mirror				espejo
bedroom			recamara
bed				cama
chest of drawers 		comoda
(chest  av dra ers)
living room			sala
sofa				sofa
chair (cheir)			silla
table (teibl)			mesa
TV-television			TV
rug (rueg)			alfombra 

Bedroom (badrum)				Recamara
bed (bed)					cama
chest of drawers 				cómoda
(chest av drors)	
closet (clasat)					ropero
pillow (pielo)					almohada		
pillow case (_keis)				funda
blanket (blankat)				cubierta
sheet (sheet)					sóbana
clothes (clos)					ropa
socks (saks)					calcetines
dress (dres)					vestido
pants (pants)					pantalones
underwear					ropa interior 
shirt (shirt)					camisa
skirt (skert)					falda
laundry (londri)				ropa sucia
shoes (shuz)					zapatos
coat (cot)					abrigo
raincoat (reincot)				impermeable
hanger (jangar)				colgadero

Living Room					Sala
(lieving rum)
sofa (sofa)					sofa
chair (cheir)					silla
table (tebl)					mesa
television or TV				televisión
rug (rug)					alfombra
light (lait)					lampera
vacuum cleaner				aspiradora
(vakum cliner)
telephone (talafon)				teléfono
phone (fon)					teléfono
radio (radio)					radio
VCR (vi si ar)					VCR

Kitchen (kietchan)				Cocina
stove (stov)					estufa
oven (avan)					horno
refrigerator               				refrigerador 
freezer (frizer)				congelador
pantry (pantri)					despensa
sink (sink)					fregadero
broom (brum)					escoba
mop (map)					estropajo
sponge (sponj)				esponja
garbage (garbadch)				basura
utensils (utensiels)				utensilios
dish (diesh)					plato
dishes (dieshas)				platos y - varjillas
dish cloth (_ clath)				tela
spoon (spun)					cucharra
knife (naif)					cuchillo
fork (fork)					tenedor
plate (pleit)					plato
glass (glas)					vaso y vidrio
cup (cap)					taza
saucer (sasr)					platillo
napkin (naepkien)				servilleta
ladle (leidl)					cucharón
pot (pat)					cazuela, olla
coffee pot (cafi _)				cafetera
pan (paen)					cacerola
cover (cavr)					cubierta
lid (lied)					tapa
boil (boyl)			hervir
broil (broyl)			asar
cook (kuk)			cocinar
cut (kuet)			cortar
fry (frei)			freír
mix (mieks)			mezclar
pour (por)			echar
roast (rost)			asar 

Meals (mil)	  		comidas
Breakfast (brakfast)  		desayuno
lunch (lanch)			lonche
dinner (diener)			cena 
supper (sapr)			cena, más tarde, 
                           a las 6 hasta 8, usualmente
brunch (branch)		combinación de desayuno y lonche
snack (snaek)			refresco

Bathroom 			Baño
bathtub (bath tab)		tina
brush (brash)			cepillar
comb (kom)			peinar
flush (flash)			apretar el botón del inodoro
mirror (miror)			espejo
razor (reizer)			navaja de afeitar
shave (sheiv)			rasurarse
shower (shauer)		regadera
shower curtain		cortina 
soap (sop)			jabón
shampoo (shampu)		shampu
toilet (toilat)			escusado
toilet paper (_peipr)		papél
sink (sink)			lavabo
toothbrush 			cepillo
toothpaste (_peist)		pasta
answer (ansir)				respuesta, y contestar
backpack (bakpak)				mochila
book (buk)					libro
blackboard (blakbord)				pizarón
chair (cher)					silla
chalk (chak)					gis
chalkboard (chakbord)			pizarón
classroom (clasrum)				salón de clase
crayons (kreianz)				colores
desk (dask)					escritorio
erasor (ireisor)				borrador
felt tip pen (falt tiep pen)			plumón
homework (homuirk)				tarea
letter (latr)					letra y carta
noun (naun)					sustantivo
notebook (notbuk)				cuaderno
number (nambr)				numero
out loud (aut laud)				en voz alta
page (peig)					pagina
paper (peipr)					papel
pen (paen)					pluma
pencil (pensal)					lápiz
question (kueschan)				pregunta
report card (riport kard) 			carta de reporte 
student (studant)				estudiante
teacher (ticher)				maestro/a
test (tast)					prueba
understand (andrstaend)			entender
verb (virb)					verbo
write (rait)					escribir
word (werd)					palabra
PARTS OF THE BODY (parts av tha bodi) - PARTES DEL

hair (jeir)				pelo
head (jer)				cabeza
ear (ir)					oreja
eye (ai)				ojo
eyebrow (aibrau)			eja
nose (noz)				naríz
cheek (chik)				cachete
mouth (mauth)				boca
lips (lieps)				labias
chin (chien)				barba
moustache (mastash)			bigote		
beard (bird)				pelo en la barba
tooth (tuth)				diente			
teeth (tith)				dientes
face (feis)				cara
neck (nak)				cuello
shoulder (shaldr)			hombro
back (bak)				espalda
elbow (elbo)				codo
arm (arm)				brazo
hand (jand)				mano
finger (fingr)				dedo 
thumb (tham)				dedo gordo
chest (chest)				pecho
stomach (stamak)			estómago
belly (bali)				estómago
hip (jiep)				cadera	
waist (ueist)				cintura
thigh (thai)				muslo			
knee (ni)				rodilla
foot (fut)				pie
feet (fit)				pies
toe (tou)				dedo del pie
leg (leg					pierna
CLOTHES (cloz) 			ROPA
hat (jat)				sombrero
shoe (shu)				zapato
shoe laces (shu leisis)		córdones
socks (saks)				calcetines
pants (pants)				pantalones
shirt (shirt)				camisa
skirt (skirt)				falda
dress (dras)				vestido
jacket (yaeket)				chaqueta
coat (cot)				chaqueta
underwear (andrwer)			ropa interior
T-shirt (Ti-shirt)			playera
raincoat (rein cot)			impermeable
boot (but)				bote
belt (balt)				cinto
glove (glav)				guante
tie (tai)					corbata
suit (sut)				traje
vest (vast)				corpino

brush (brash)				acepillar
comb (com)				peinar
dress (dras)		             	vestirse
get up (get ap) 			levantarse 
put on (pat an)				ponerse
shave (sheiv)				rasurarse
take off (teik aff)			quitarse
tie (tai)					enlazar
undress (andres)			desnudarse
wake up (weik ap)			despertarse
wear (uer)				usar

wife (uaif)				esposa
woman (iuomaen)			mujer
women (iuomen)			mujeres
husband (jasband)			esposo
man (maen)				hombre
men (men)				hombres
parents (paerants)			padres
mother (mathr)				madre
father (fathr)				padre
baby (beibi)				bebé
daughter (datr)			hija
girl (gerl)				niña
son (san)				hijo
boy (boi)				niño, muchacho
child (chaild)				niño
kid (kied)				niño
children (cheldran)			niños
sister (sestr)				hermana
brother (brathr)			hermano
mother in law (__ien law) 		suegra
father in law				suegro
sister in law				cuñada
brother in law				cuñado
grandparents				abuelos
grandmother				abuela
grandfather				abuelo
granddaughter				nieta
grandson				nieto
aunt (ant o ent)			tia	
uncle (ankl)				tio
cousin (cazien)			prima/o
niece (nis)				sobrina
nephew (nafiu)			sobrino
godmother				comadre, madrina
godfather				compadre, padrino
goddaughter				ahijada
godson				ahijado
wedding (ueading)			boda
married (maerid)			casado/a
single (singl)				soltero/a, solo/a
divorced (divorsd)			divorciado/a
girlfriend (gerlfrend)			novia
boyfriend (boifrend)			novio	
engaged (angeidchd)			prometido/a
pregnant (pragnant)			embarasada
Are you married...?	      		¿Esta casado/a?

Traduzca al español:
1.   	Who are you?
2.   	What do you do?
3.   	Where do you live?
4.   	What is your name?
5.   	When can I go?
6.   	How much does it cost?
7.   	Why do you go?
8.   	Where is the book?
9.   	Why do you study English?
10.  	Where is the pharmacy?
11.  	What do you do for work?
12.  	How are you?
13.  	What is your father's name?
14.  	Where does your brother work?
15.  	Who knows?
16. 	What do you want?
17. 	What would you like?
18. 	How's it going?
19. 	How do you do?
20. 	Would you like?
21.	What is this?
22. 	What is that?
23. 	Who is this?
24. 	Who is that?
25. 	What are these?
26.	What are those?
27. 	Whose is this?
28. 	Where is that?
29. 	When was that?
30. 	When were you born?

	this = este y esta
	that = aquel y aquella
	these = estos/as
	those = aquellos/as

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