FLOUT Transformation 1971

Author: D. M. Sawyer
NASA/GSFC, Code 633
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

Parameter: Converts omnidirectional fluxes to unidirectional fluxes or vice versa

Brief Description:
The Flux Omni Uni Transformations (FLOUT) program integrates over a set of unidirectional flux data to obtain omnidirectional flux, or, alternatively, differentiates omnidirectional flux data to obtain unidirectional flux. The input data is an array of flux values (either omni- or unidirectional) as a function of either magnetic field strength or the cosine of the equatorial pitch angle. A complete set of points is required spanning the region along the field line from the point of interest to the atmospheric cutoff.

Availability: On one microfiche (NSSDC ID #PT-11C)

C. S. Roberts, On the Relationship Between the Unidirectional and Omnidirectional Flux of Trapped Particles on a Magnetic Line of Force, J. Geophys, Res. 70, 2517, 1965.

J. I. Vette, Models of the Trapped Radiation Environment, Volume I: Inner Zone Protons and Electrons, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-3024, Washington, D.C., 1966. (B01302)

D. M. Sawyer, Program (FLOUT), KMS Technology Center, Special Report, 1971.

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NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility