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What is A-E? Examples.

A contract for the complete architectural and engineering design of a building, structure or utility system is A-E services. However, a contract principally for drafting services or the development or revision of record drawings is not A-E services.

A contract for building renovation design (such as relocation of load bearing partitions to accommodate a new occupancy, alteration of hallways and corridors to comply with life safety codes, and various improvements to allow handicapped access), which may also include interior design services (such as space planning and modular furniture systems design), is A-E services. However, a contract principally for interior design services, where load bearing structural elements and mechanical and electrical systems are not altered, is not A-E services.

A contract for high-rise building foundations design is A-E services, even if the necessary soils borings and tests are the majority effort measured in hours or dollars. However, a contract principally for borings and laboratory tests, where engineering analysis and judgment are not required, is not A-E services.

A contract for landscape architecture, which is concerned with the functional as well as aesthetic aspects of site development and a license required by most states, is A-E services. However, a contract that principally requires application of the natural sciences (such as botany, marine science, or forestry) is not A-E services.

A contract for hydraulic engineering to study the effects on shoreline erosion and marine structures due to increased flow in a river is A-E services. However, a contract principally to study the effects on marine plants and fish due to increased flow in a river is not A-E services, even if a minor effort is required by a hydraulic engineer.

A contract for an environmental study or assessment with significant engineering considerations (such as alternative highway alignments, air pollution control, sanitary sewage waste collection and treatment, storm drainage management, domestic water supply, and energy consumption) is A-E services. However, a contract for environmental studies or assessment where the engineering considerations are not significant or dominant is not A-E services.

A contract for construction phase services, such as shop drawing review, evaluation of construction methods, and interpretation of plans and specifications, is A-E services. However, a contract for construction phase services that is principally for materials testing, quantity verification or materials scheduling is not A-E services.

A contract for the architectural renovation of the exterior of a historic building (including cleaning and repair of masonry, repair and/or replacement of doors and windows, and handicapped accessibility improvements), that may require research by an architectural historian, is A-E services. However, a contract principally for historic research, archaeology, or cultural resources studies is not A-E services even though a minor effort may be required by an architect.

A contract to study whether to renovate an existing building or construct a new building to accommodate a new mission is an A-E service. However, a contract to do a cost/benefit study of which installation should receive this new mission is not A-E services, even though facilities analysis would be a part of such a study.

A contract to design a building, including an artist's rendering and a three dimensional model, is A-E services. However, a contract only for a rendering and/or model of a building is not A-E services.

An engineering geology study to determine the foundation requirements for a new dam is A-E services. However, a geology investigation that is not directly related to a construction project, such as mapping of seismic faults, is not A-E services, notwithstanding the fact that many states license geologists.

Comprehensive planning that is related to future construction requirements on a military installation is A-E services. However, comprehensive planning that is not related to construction, such as information systems improvements or natural resources management, is not A-E services.