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Democracy, Diversity, and Development: The Kenyan and American Experiences

Speech By United States Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger

September 10, 2007

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  Asalaam Aleikum.

Asante sana kwa kunikaribisha hapa Mombasa.  Thank you for welcoming me to Mombasa.

I would especially like to thank the Rotary Club of Mombasa for inviting me to the prestigious and historic Mombasa Club on the eve of the Muslim holy season to discuss the crucial importance of diversity to enhance democracy and development.  I believe that this is at the heart of our religious traditions and societies, and animates the strong and expanding partnership between the United States and Kenya.  Diversity, democracy, and development are inter-related in the Kenyan and American experiences to build free and prosperous nations.

Democracy is always a work in progress to achieve great ideals.  Let us remember that intellectual leaders have been struggling with this for many centuries.  Aristotle in the 4th century B.C. in his famous book Politics said:  “If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost.”  There the ideal goal is stated clearly, but there are no easy answers regarding how this can be achieved.  We can, however, profit from sharing our respective experiences in dealing with the inter-related issues of diversity, democracy, and development.  Demokrasia ni majadiliano.  Democracy is a dialogue.  As Professor Peter Wanyande of the University of Nairobi told the Electoral Commission of Kenya in March:  “Democracy is a way of life.  It is also a skill to be able to give and take, to understand and compromise.  Dialogue is the foundation of democracy.”

As the elections approach in Kenya and in the spirit of dialogue, I thought it might be timely and useful to offer my modest observations and to draw some possible lessons for consideration.

  • The United States and Kenya are blessed by very diverse populations.
  • Both our nations strive to live up to high democratic ideals within the context of that diversity.
  • Our two nations have suffered setbacks when political leaders have sought to set one group of citizens against another – exploiting racial, religious, ethnic, and tribal sentiments -- in selfish efforts to acquire and hold power.
  • History has demonstrated that our nations progress economically and politically when diversity is acknowledged and celebrated rather than exploited.
  • Although much progress has been made, the citizens of our two nations have yet to fully appreciate that our diversity is our strength; that from it comes much of the dynamism and creativity that characterizes both the United States and Kenya.

The greatness – and the greatest crises – of American history is largely a reflection of how we have struggled to build democracy on the basis of great diversity, and how this effort has in turn affected our economic and political development. Women were barred from voting in most states until 1920. The indigenous population of the United States did not acquire citizenship and voting rights until 1924. We could cite many instances of immigrants being disenfranchised or impeded from participating fully in the democratic process.  However, the fight against slavery and the struggle for the attainment of full civil rights by African-Americans posed the greatest challenge to match democratic practice with democratic ideals in the United States.

The terribly bloody civil war in the United States waged over the issues of slavery and secession was a watershed in our history because it was fought precisely over the principle that democracy must be a united effort involving all the people.  As President Abraham Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address, the war was fought to affirm a government of, by, and for the people – all the people.  When the slaves were freed following the civil war, however, much of the white population of the southern United States, including in my native state of Maryland, harbored for generations deep resentment against the United States Government. Many white politicians in the region encouraged and exploited racist sentiments for selfish political purposes.  Southerners pursued policies to segregate blacks from whites, and to prevent them from voting. Racism was justified in the name of safeguarding so-called “distinct traditions and culture.”  Black Americans in the South were subjected to unspeakable violence and injustice. The notorious “Ku Klux Klan” effectively operated as a clandestine militia to maintain white supremacy. It was only after years of struggle during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s that African-Americans began to be able to fully enter the political and economic life of their country.

Against the backdrop of this American experience, it must be acknowledged that Kenyans have done a better job in many instances at accommodating diversity than the United States had done at a comparable stage in its history.  Yet, American experience of politicians focusing on ethnic and racial groups highlights some of the concerns that many Kenyans share and the questions they are asking.  Some of those questions include:

  • In order to enhance their own power and influence, are Kenyan politicians tempted to – or do they in fact -- encourage tribal, regional, and religious communities to feel resentment and alienation from their fellow Kenyans? 
  • Does this dangerously mislead some groups to think that they are economically, intellectually, or socially superior to others?
  • Does this lead to a “zero sum” approach to democracy and development in which one community benefits economically and politically to the detriment of the interest of the nation as a whole?
  • Has this in turn led to the creation of informal militias – like the “Mungiki” and others -- to advance the ends of one ethnic group against another?
  • Is it at the feet of these politicians that some of the responsibility for insecurity must be laid?
  • Is there a direct correlation between the exploitation of tribal divisions and the seemingly endemic corruption that plagues Kenyan society on so many levels?
  • And would that corruption end if all people felt that they had an equal share in the government, society, education, income, commerce, and institutions of the country?

As you consider the answers to these questions, I want to call attention to some American experiences which may shed light on the challenges Kenyans face. 

First, the racism that plagued the southern part of the United States for so many decades severely retarded the economic development of that region.  The northern and western regions of the country, which embraced diversity to a much greater extent and did a better job of bringing all groups into the economy, surged ahead and became hugely prosperous.   However, it has only been in the last 40 years that the southern states have begun to honor their varied cultural heritage and allowed the participation of the entire population in the political and economic process.  As a direct result, the southern states are now prospering, with centers of excellence in education, business, medicine, and politics.  Our last two presidents, as well as our present Secretary of State, came from that region. Kenyans are also discovering that exploitation of tribal divisions and failure to take a national approach to development priorities have impeded economic progress.  A program that improves the road infrastructure throughout the nation will, for example, benefit all regions economically and increase revenue for national programs in education, health, and other areas.

The rich Kenyan heritage of over 42 cultural communities represents diversity that is one of Kenya’s greatest strengths.  We Americans can benefit from studying Kenya’s experience, and all Kenyans would benefit from more deeply appreciating the traditions of their own community and of the communities of their fellow citizens.  Reading about the history of Kenya, I have learned about the origin of “negative tribalism” in Kenya’s politics. Although the communities that make up Kenya have lived together under one political administration since the establishment of the British East Africa Protectorate in 1895, the policies of the colonial government were based on ethnic favoritism to the detriment of the African population. This bred resentment between groups of Kenyans. Kenyan leaders seeking to reconcile rival ethnic communities were considered dangerous subversives by the colonial government. In order to sustain their power, it was essential for the colonial administration to keep the various indigenous communities divided, mutually suspicious, and resentful of one another.

Some politicians still see themselves as “owning” their ethnic community. Too few politicians offer voters policy programs for the nation. Many do not bother to discuss how they will use their office to build a better Kenya, but instead promise increased resources only for their favored community. Many politicians still practice the politics of “divide and rule,” encouraging hostility, fear, resentment and alienation among communities. It is up to the Kenyan people to determine which leaders are enlightened and are seeking to develop Kenya in all its diversity, and who are those mired in tribal politics to the detriment of the national interest.

Second, the American federal system helps balance national and local interests in a way that protects diversity and encourages development.  Although Americans often say that “all politics are local,” meaning that voters tend to vote on the basis of economic and political issues that affect their region and ethnic groups as well, most citizens in my country think of themselves first and foremost as Americans, not as residents of a particular state.  Democracy, whether in the U.S. or in Kenya, must be about advancing the national interest by empowering people at the grass-roots level.  Americans know that national policies will have a huge impact on their regional economies.   One means of overcoming tribally-based politics in Kenya is through devolution of power and revenue to local communities with appropriate safeguards to protect local minorities.  This would help negate the effects of zero-sum politics, where one tribal group is seen to be dominating resources and would help give all communities a greater stake in the outcome of national elections.  It is worth asking whether Kenyan voters will insist that presidential candidates declare their positions with respect to making constitutional reform a priority if they are elected.

Third, while many white southerners did not support racist policies and the Ku Klux Klan, they feared to stand up against it and they refused to cooperate with the government to combat it. Southern politicians did not need to deliver good governance and economic development to get re-elected.  All they needed to do was to keep their voters uneducated and alienated, and then present themselves as defenders of southern culture and tradition against a hostile central government.

It took the leadership of a brave and inspiring religious leader, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to overthrow this system of oppression and bad governance. He did so through a non-violent movement that emphasized the dignity of the oppressed black minority, appealed to the conscience of the white majority, and forced the central government to uphold its responsibility to enforce the rights enshrined in our constitution. The movement also profoundly reformed southern politics, making improved governance possible. The civil rights movement heralded a political and economic renaissance for the southern part of the United States.

While much remains to be done, the substantial progress that has been made reflects what can be achieved when diversity is constructively accommodated in a democratic society and becomes an engine of its development. Kenyans face the same challenge in standing up against tribally-based politics and in ensuring greater accountability by politicians.

Fourth, the American experience demonstrates that widespread education is key to promoting appreciation of the importance of diversity for democracy and development.  Education helps instill understanding of human rights, of the principles of democracy, of the nature of economic development, and of the reality of diversity in our societies.  Schools, especially universities, bring together students from across the country and allow them to see, hear, and appreciate that their ethnic and regional differences melt away in the classroom and in their lives. The fact that education is expanding so rapidly in Kenya and the already high functional literacy rate of over 70 percent bode well for the future of this country.   Overcoming tribally-based politics begins with the educated individual voter.  That is why the United States and other countries are providing substantial assistance for voter education and awareness.  Kenya will more quickly achieve its national development goals when more voters insist on leadership sincerely committed to a national, rather than narrowly-based tribal, approach to government and economic management.

Fifth, the U.S. and Kenyan experiences highlight the generally positive impact of generational change on the evolution of democratic societies.  Thomas Jefferson, one of the most influential American founding fathers, believed that each generation would have to, in effect, reinvent the American democratic system.  When one considers the over thirty amendments to the U.S. constitution and the many crises we have endured, he has been proven right.   In coming years – note that I am not referring to this election -- the generational change underway in Kenya will provide opportunities to enhance the Kenyan democratic system by dealing more boldly and effectively with three of the great challenges confronting it:  the need to overcome tribally-based politics, corruption, and gender inequity.   New voices being heard in civil society, religion, the media, the business sector, academia, and the professions will, in the coming years, play a crucial role in shaping the nation.  It is important to note that here, as in the U.S., the voices of women are being heard with greater force.

A sixth but very important insight from the American and Kenyan experiences is that encouraging “unity in diversity” strengthens the moderate mainstream of democratic societies and isolates extremists of all stripes.  The demise of the Ku Klux Klan is one example of this.  At the same time, however, the very freedom that democratic societies like the U.S. and Kenya cherish will provide the opportunity for other extremist groups to arise.  The worst act of terrorism in the United States prior to 9/11 was committed by one such group, led by Timothy McVeigh, an American. This was the bombing of the Federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995.  According to McVeigh’s beliefs, his act of terrorism, which took the lives of 168 people, including many children at a day care center, was committed in the defense of “white Christian America.” Yet white Christian Americans, just like all other Americans, were outraged by this atrocity.  Instead of promoting rebellion, his heinous act stimulated Americans to pull together to repudiate extremist views.

America’s experience with extremist groups highlights the fact that no one should take seriously the deranged justifications of terrorists, and that the moderate mainstream must unite to repudiate these.  There can be no compromise with those who threaten the civilized world. This is worth remembering by those who misguidedly accuse the United States Government of engaging in a war against the religion of Islam, a faith whose members have contributed so very much to world civilization.  In fact, Muslims are an increasingly important part of the diversity of the United States, just as they are a very important part of the diversity of Kenya.   Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States and Muslim leaders are starting to make their voices heard, but they are doing so as part of a unified nation that cherishes its diversity.   Respect for diversity in Kenya will require the full participation of the Muslim community – and all other marginalized groups -- in the political and economic life of the country.  This means addressing the legitimate questions Muslims and other groups in Kenya have raised regarding marginalization.  At the same time, Muslim leaders share responsibility for incorporating Muslims more fully into political and economic processes.  Their role in standing up for the rights of Muslims must be respected, but so too must they speak out unequivocally against those radicals and extremists who reject Islamic teachings on peaceful and just conduct.

Accommodating diversity, whether in the United States or in Kenya, is one of the determining factors to strengthen democracy and foster economic growth.  The recent fierce debate regarding immigration legislation reflects the challenges we still face as Americans in that regard.  I believe that Kenya has made enormous progress during the past five years.  The very fact that there is so much discussion about the dangers of tribally-based politics is a healthy sign of the maturing of Kenyan democracy.   The democratic openness of the society and the expansion of education are laying the groundwork for accelerated change.  The fact that the economic growth rate has increased so substantially during the past five years is related to the fact that all Kenyans are participating more fully in the economy, although wealth is still far too concentrated in the hands of too few individuals, and not distributed sufficiently to the benefit of all tribal groups and regions.

Kenya’s agenda for diversity, democracy, and development – the 3 Ds – over the next five years will be determined largely by the outcome of this year’s elections.  These elections are pivotal to Kenya’s future economic prosperity and democratic well-being.  Regardless of the outcome, the U.S.-Kenyan partnership will continue to expand because it is based on shared values.  I have great confidence in the commitment of the Kenyan people to a shared democratic future.  Kenyans will, I believe, work out the best way to accommodate the rich diversity of their country and to harness that diversity to drive the process of economic development and democratic consolidation.

Much as the United States takes pride in its single government derived from many peoples, there is your own Swahili saying:  Umoja ni nguvu! In unity there is strength!  Your society, mine, and other democracies will continue to struggle to accommodate diversity. 

In closing, I want to take this opportunity to wish our Muslim brothers and sisters an inspiring and fulfilling Ramadhan season. Ramahdan Kareem. Thank you and Mungu Awabariki.  God bless you. 
Asanteni sana.