Page 4. The following stories relate to ~ rtbniarks ~ß previously mentioned 1~.ffldred Heard has two smell daughters an3 the story of birt1~.niarks begins with her own experience concerning them, “My oldest Chile Tina j s rna.rkec~ by crying. I don‘ t care how ~uch you whip or beg her to stop crying she will not stop until she gets ready. ~uring the time I wa$ pregnant my emit died and I went to the funeral ~nd before I knew it I found myself crying an‘~ unable to stop. My younge st child Georgi a I s marked by a monkey. Thi s mark i s the resuit of a visit to 3rants Park thiring the time I was pregnant. ~s I stood with the white baby I was nursing at the time a monkey fell and when he got up he started scratching hic back. It all looked so funny I begen to laugh. ~~7hen cfloria was born her bead resembled a monkeys in shape and on the lower p&rt of her back she had red marks anö was very hairy. I was afraid she would never change but as she grew older the marks and the hair disappeared. „ note I glanced ~it the child and it is q~uite true that the shape of her head slightly r~sernbles that of a monkey.?? Th~ next stories were related by ~rs. Hearô. Mildred‘s grandmother. “I know a T.lhite ‘aman that lives in Thoniasville now that marked her child b:r a horse. This ‘~an got tickled at a horse with his tongue hanging out. ~.Then her baby was born he had feet and hands jest lak a horse and she nebber would let any one see this child‘s feet. ~ ~nother oman, ~.lberta Turner, got seared of a turtle while Ehe wuz fishing anr5 right now her child got feet that spreads out lust like a turtles &nd he w.;d~ks with his ?eet straight out that way. \~‘ ;~unt Eattie Coffee who lives in Macedonia, G€i.,had a baby born with 4 teeth that looked jest like pearls. The do~t.or told her that the baby would shed those teeth and if she lost ‘em the baby would die. ~‚ 11e told her to be sure and watch the baby an~ to give him the teeth