2005N-0354 Consumer-Directed Promotion of Regulated Medical Products; Part 15 Public Hearing
FDA Comment Number : EC427
Submitter : Mrs. Patricia Devlin Date & Time: 02/01/2006 11:02:38
Organization : Mrs. Patricia Devlin
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I am pleased to see that the issue of pharmaceutical advertising is finally being addressed. I am a rather fervent capitalist in many ways, but the effect that is being created by the enormous quantity of advertising of drugs is something that must be controlled.

We are clearly becoming a society of drug users. This is made more and more prevalent daily by the media brainwashing we undergo on the "need" for these chemical products to solve all of our problems. It would take a most obtuse individual to not see the connection between the rise in legal drug use and the popularity and acceptability of the illegal varieties.

We can never win the "war on drugs" if we are so duplicitous that we promote their use so promiscuously for the benefit of the pharmaceutical stockholders.