#PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS -N rpxx85- #PBS -l cput=29:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=1 # run edscan in the batch mode on the PBS clusters (linux systems) # submit the job using qsub *.job # Primary PBS commands are in the path of /usr/pbs/bin # To run the batch job you should include PBS commands in your default PATH ## set path= (/usr/pbs/bin $path) if (! -d /usr/tmp/shuyun/rpxx85-) mkdir /usr/tmp/shuyun/rpxx85- cd /usr/tmp/shuyun/rpxx85- #/usr/bsd/hostname #unlimit stack # put all files in the correct path # In this example the path is /usr/tmp/shuyun/rpxx85- /bin/rm -f trna* stab* bptab* seq *out # set PAT = '/home/lmb/shuyun/Pat' cp $PAT/Ntrna85- . cp $PAT/stab . cp $PAT/bptab-4c . cp /home/lmb/shuyun/seq/Bact/rpxx.seq ./seq echo "now running" (time $PAT/patscan stab bptab-4c Ntrna85- seq Ntrna85-.scr 1.2 0.5 ) >& Ntrna85-.out cp Ntrna85-.scr $PAT/rpxx cp Ntrna85-.out $PAT/rpxx echo "patscan job was successfully completed" /bin/rm -f * cd .. /bin/rmdir /usr/tmp/shuyun/rpxx85- exit