Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:50 AM Subject: OPPOSED TO YOUR PROPOSAL TO DEMAND "INDEPENDENT" CHAIRPERSONS OF MUTUAL FUNDS Dear SEC Commisioners, I have worked in the investment management industry for almost 40 years and have observed a variety of styles and practices. Fidelity Management is one of the shining lights of goal congruence with their investors. They have superior ethics, superior people and have had superior results over time. I have personal capital with them and had the pleasure of working there some 37 years ago while attending graduate school. I recently read Ned Johnson's letter that was published in the 2/17/04 Wall Street Journal and attached it for your convenience. I agree with him totally. Your ill conceived and uninformed proposal goes against all logical observation of responsible governance and stewardship. It will, in my opinion, most likely result in exactly the opposite result than that which you intend. I suggest that you drop it immediately. Sincerely, Phil Lamoreaux ---------------------------------------------- | Webmaster note: Material copyright The Wall | | Street Journal has been omitted from this | | website posting. | ---------------------------------------------- Mr. Johnson's article appeared as an editorial in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, February 17, 2004.