STANTON MEDICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. . 8Auua II. aARa&N0. u. D. RODNP* M. UV8RuOE. M.D. RAUN M. PoRT8R. M.D. 8OWARO C. SCUINR. JR., M.D. 1)OSIccn R. STANTON. M.D. RlcNamo N. ZTANTON. M.D. MCMW ARTS BUlLDIN *ST C*MmnIoas stncrr BRIONTON. MASS. oa 1 OS -ON= 7@8-6700 Aprfl 28,198-l Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill,Jr. The United States Congress Washington, D.C. Dear Speaker O'Neill: I find it profoundly disturbing, today, that being In historic uiswtream in opposing abortion, I and others are subject to invidious dlrcrln&atfon. When four years ago, I was prtivileged to deliver the Zate John NcCormack's speech to the Democratic platform committee hearings in Hewport,R.I., in 1976, I and the Speaker's message were the subject of interme hostility on the part of that group of worthies. Today, as I read of various Democratic spokesmen hand-wringing about what went "wrong", they almost invariably overlook the fact that the official party has abandoned the unborn,those who speak for them or ue concerned about them. Those of us who speak for the unborn did not desert the party- the party deserted us. For specific recent reference, one need look no further than the Democratic Issues Convention of a week or two ago in Springfield, Massachusetts. I write tA you, today, to appeal to you to exert your just power to move forward the approval of the appointment of C. Everett Koop 8* Surgeon-General . H.E.W. has been in the fnrmediate past the home of notorious members of the elitist cabal that insinuated abortion Into the bloodstream of America. No questions were ever raised as to their com- petence or qualifications. I mention specifically Dr. Louis Helman,,who wes deputy-secretary for Population Affairs and Dr. Irvin Cushner, who served under President Carter. Both of these pro-abortion leaders were rigr&e.ra of-the Pro-abortion Professors Brief in Roe ts Wade, that was a $ait*af-the subversion of the medical profession of this land. . Dr. C. Everett Koop is, to my personal knowledge, a man of integrfty and acknowledged 'pre-eminence, who would bring to the offfce of Surgeon-General, immense talent, competence and distinction. If you can judge a man by his enemies , and at titses I am assured you can, the recent bitter attacks on Dr.Koop on the editorial columns of the New York Times and Tom Wiuship's Boston Globe are an immense tribute?:::If.:being opposed to casual creation and callous destruction of 1,500,OOO lives per year can disqualify of Dr. Koop's competence from serving this nation, or If the fact that he Is a mouth or two over 64.5 years of age is to be o determining factor, then God help the United States of America. STANION MEDICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. SbMU8LII.OIIIO*NO. M. 0. wwur. ARTS BUlLDlNO RODNRV M. UVSRME. M.D. o ?? ????*?o??? ?????? ? ?? ??????? ???? -ON. MASS. OPI a8 tDwAR0 C. SPLAINI. JR.. M.D. -Cm R. IIAIWON. M.D. -ON= 7SP.8700 ReNARo w. STANTON. M.D. Uhen'I read in press accounts that you invoked a house provision wt used $n thirty years in order to allow others to sidetrack Dr. Koop's approval, I was dismayed. How Ironic that the opposition to Dr. Koop...: really comes not to his competence but because he says about Human Life what John Paul II says, that it Is sacred- that man has not dominion over Ufe but stewardship. ,You and I arc both sons of Boston College. A prefessorship there ~211 bear your name to succeeding generations. My parents were honored by that Institution. As one son of B.C. to another, I appeal to you, if you have never met Dr. Koop, please meet him. Please review his immense qualIficationa. I am sure that then for. frhe,.b&nefit of the nation we both serve, you as magistrate, In the historic sense of the word,1 as simple citften, you will move the approval of Dr. Koop forward. The nation deserves no less.