SBIR and STTR Success Story for
Audiology Incorporated

(Information Posted/Updated on 10/05/2006)

Audiology Incorporated
4410 Dellwood St
Arden Hills, MN  55112

Contact:    Robert H. Margolis, Ph.D.
Phone:      651 639-1985
Fax:          651 639-1985
Web Site:

Project Title:  Automated Hearing Tests
Related Award(s):  R41 DC005110, R42 DC005110, R41 DC006509, R42 DC006509, R41 DC007773
Technology Developed:
An automated pure-tone hearing test was developed with embedded quality indicators that assess the accuracy of the test. An automated test of speech understanding and an improved earphone for hearing testing are in development.

Key Words:  hearing test, pure-tone audiometry, speech recognition, speech audiometry, earphone, audiology.
Uses of Technology/Products/Service:
Clinical and industrial hearing testing.

Benefit to Company:
SBIR/STTR funding was essential in developing these products.

The funding provided the capability to partner with research institutions and other companies to assemble a team with expertise in many areas.

Two license agreements have been executed which will provide the mechanism for marketing, distributing, and supporting the products.

STTR grant funding with its peer-review process provides a level of credibility that is attractive to industry and helpful in establishing licensing agreements.

STTR funding eliminated the need to obtain venture capital, positioning the company for competitive pricing.

How Product Was Commercialized:
The products will be commercialized through license agreements with established manufacturers of hearing test equipment.