function ssw_contrib_info, jobfile, pcnt, pros=pros ;+ ; Name: ssw_contrib_info ; ; Purpose: return info from ssw_contrib 'jobfile' in structure ; ; Input Parameters: ; jobfile - ascii ssw_contrib 'job' file (contrib summary) ; ; Output Parameters: ; pcnt - number of *.pro files included (may be zero...) ; ; Keyword Parameters: ; pros - (OUTPUT) list of *.pro files [ strarr(pcnt) ] ; ; History: ; ~1-Jan-1998 - S.L.Freeland - original ; 21-Sep-1999 - S.L.Freeland - match updated 'job' format ; ; Calling Seqeunce: ; jobinfo=ssw_contrib_info(jobfile [pcnt, pros=pros ]) ; ; Method: ; call rd_tfile/strpair2struct/str2arr/gt_tagval ; ; Calling Example ; |INPUT |OUT |OUT ; IDL> help,ssw_contrib_info(jobfile, pcnt, pros=pros),/str ; << CALL ; ** Structure MS_307224832001, 9 tags, length=72: ; FROM STRING '' ; MASTERIP STRING '' ; MASTER STRING ' trace' ; MASTERPATH STRING ' /tsw' ; JOBPATH STRING ' /pub/incoming/ssw/freeland' ; JOBNAME STRING ' ssw_contrib.freeland.990921.110359' ; TARFILE STRING ' ssw_contrib.freeland.990921.110359.tar' ; SSWPATH STRING ' idl/util' ; FILESTRANSFERED STRING '' ; ; IDL> more,pros ; *.pros returned in keyword ; ; ; ; ;- if not data_chk(jobfile,/string) then begin box_message,'Need ssw_contrib jobfiles as input' return,'' endif if n_elements(jobfile) gt 1 then begin box_message,'Sorry, only one job at a time..., returning' return, '' endif nexist=where(1-file_exist(jobfile),necnt) if necnt gt 0 then begin box_message,['Jobfile ' + jobfile(0) + ' does not exist, returing..'] return,'' endif ; ------- read ascii job and convert-> structure ------------- jobdata=strcompress(rd_tfile(jobfile(0),nocom='-',/compre)) retval=strpair2struct(jobdata,':') ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------ include optional count/names of *.pro files --------- pros=str2arr(strlowcase(gt_tagval(retval,'filestransfered',missing='')),' ') prosss=where(strpos(pros,'.pro') ne -1,pcnt) if pcnt gt 0 then pros=pros(prosss) else pros='' ; -------------------------------------------------------- return,retval end