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Ferret at NERSC

Availability  Up-to-date information on which versions of Ferret are running on which NERSC platforms is available at:
  NERSC Visualization Software Applications.


From the Ferret Web site:
"Ferret is an interactive computer visualization and analysis environment designed to meet the needs of oceanographers and meteorologists analyzing large and complex gridded data sets.

Ferret was developed by the Thermal Modeling and Analysis Project (TMAP) at PMEL in Seattle to analyze the outputs of its numerical ocean models and compare them with gridded, observational data. The model data sets are generally multi- gigabyte in size with mixed 3 and 4-dimensional variables defined on staggered grids. Ferret offers a Mathematica-like approach to analysis; new variables may be defined interactively as mathematical expressions involving data set variables. Calculations may be applied over arbitrarily shaped regions. Fully documented graphics are produced with a single command."

Accessing Ferret

Use the modules facility as follows to load the default version of Ferret, and then launch the application as follows:

    % module load ferret
    % ferret
To start Ferret in "non-journal" mode:

    % ferret -nojnl
To use a version of Ferret other than the default, include the version number on the module load line, e.g., to use version 6.01:

    % module load ferret/6.01
    % ferret 
To check which versions of Ferret are available:

    % module avail ferret


There are several tutorials available. After starting Ferret, type

    go tutorial
after the yes? prompt to run through the Ferret "mini-tutorial". Other on-line tutorials are available:


Additional Resources

Sample Screen Shot